Toshiba Perception E Ex Digital Pbx Installation And Maintenance Manual
Toshiba Perception E Ex Digital Pbx Installation And Maintenance Manual
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES SECTION 200-255-307 FEBRUARY1992 TABLE7-8 Procedure - DSS Console Data Block Authorization Procedure must be completed. If an OK response is received, proceed as follows: m #NN 7 m Feature 8 AUT L M XX (XXX, XXXX) 9 DUP M 10 DUP MX Y 11 DUP MXX YY ZZ 12 (continued) NOTES: 1. A maximum of eight DSS consoles may be assigned to each system. Up to two consoles may be assigned to a single electronic/digital telephone. N = 0 - 7. 2. CNNx/LNNX represents the port assigned to the DSS console. PERCEPTlONe: COOXZOlX or LOOX - L 1 lx/L 15X - L26X. CNNX: X = 1 - 4; LNNX: X = 1, 3, 5, 7. PERCEPTIONex: LOOX - L31X. LNNX: X= 1, 3, 5, 7. 3. Identifies DSS console as: digital = Y or electronic = N. 4. LNNX represents the port of the station associated with the DSS console. PERCEPTION,: LOOX - L 1 lx/L 15X - L26X. PERCEPTIONex: LOOX - L31X. 5. When an electronic/digital telephone is assigned to two consoles, both may be switched/fixed or one maybe switched and one maybe fixed. However, there cannot be a mixture of switched/fixed functions on the same console. 6. Used to assign a fixed DN to a DSS console button (m = button number; N = station DN). 7. Used to assign a switched DN to a DSS console button (m = button number; NN = last two digits of station DN). 8. Used to assign a feature to a DSS console button. See Table 7-8a for a list of available features. 9. Used to assign a range of numbers to a single console. L (00 - 59) = Starting button of range. (L must be less than M.) M (00 - 59) = Ending button of range. XX, XXX = Starting DN to be programmed. 7-24

10. 11. 12. 13. PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 200-255-307 FEBRUARY 1992 TABLE 7-8 (continued) Used to duplicate an entire DSS console button arrangement, M = number of the DSS console to be copied (0 - 7). Used to duplicate a row of DSS console buttons to another console. M (0 - 7) = Number of the DSS console being copied. x (0 - 5) = Row of the DSS console being copied. Y (0 - 5) = Row of the DSS console to which the copy will be applied. Used to duplicate specific buttons from one console to another. M (0 - 7) = Number of the DSS console being copied. XX(0 - 5) = Starting button on the DSS console being programmed. YY (0 - 5) = Starting button of the range to be copied. ZZ (0 - 5) = Ending button of the range to be copied. = /snore line entered. = Backspace. = Stop printing and return to REQ. 7-25

PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 200-255-307 FEBRUARY 1992 TABLE 7-8a AVAILABLE FEATURES FOR DSS BUTTON ASSIGNMENT FEATURE ENTRY I NOTE Account Number (SMDR) I CRG I Alphanumeric Message Assistance (ACD) Automatic Callback MES AS.9 AC6 Automatic Dialing, Flexible I 1 Automatic Dialing, Fixed Call Forward - All Calls FAD XXX 1 CFD Call Forward - Busy I CFBY I Call Forward - Busy/No Answer CFBD Call Forward - No Answer Call Forward - Busy (System/DID) CFNA CFSN Call Pickup Directed Call Pickup Group Display Date and Time/Elapsed Time Do Not Disturb PUG DIS DND 2 External Zone Paging Flash Hundreds Group Internal Group Paging FLH HNG XX PINT 3 4 Log-in/out (ACD) Manual Signaling SIG LNNX 5 Message Waiting MSG Monitor (ACD Supervisor) MONT Off-hook Call Announce OCA Override OVR Call Park PARK Privacy Release PRS Release RLS Repeat Last Number Dialed RND Speaker Cut-off SCF Speed Dial - System SDS Speed Dial - Station (Controller) SDC XX 6 (con timed) 7-26

PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 200-255-307 JANUARY 1993 :--.+ TABLE 7-8a (continued) AVAILABLE FEATURES FOR DSS BUTTON ASSIGNMENT FEATURE ENTRY NOTE Speed Dial - Station (User) SDU XX 6 Station-to-Station Message SSM I Status (Available/Unavailable) (ACD) I STAT I Stroke Count (ACD) System Night Operation Tap (Agent Monitor) (ACD) STRK SYS ATAP 7 Universal Night Answer Voice Page Work Mode Cancel (ACD) UNA VCP CAN NOTES: 1. There is a maximum of 500 Autodial buttons per system. 2. This feature can only be assigned to 2000series electronic/l boo-series digital LCD telephones. 3. The Flash button causes a 500 ms or a i-second flash to a CO trunk. 4. XX = The higher two digits of the station DN (00 - 99). 5. LNNX = The port number of the electronic/digital telephone to be signaled. 6, SDC XX makes the station a controller of list #XX. SDU XX makes the station a user of list #XX. Maximum: 50, lo-number Speed Dial-Station lists (XX = 1 - 50). 7. Only ONE= button can be assignedper SYSTEM when an attendant console is not assigned. Them button can ONLY be assigned to an attendant-position electronic/digital telephone or to a DSS console assigned to an attendant-position electronic/digital telephone. -. 7-27

PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 200-255-307 JANUARY 1993 TABLE 7-8 (continued) Error Codes Program Name: DSS Console Data Block (DDSS) Error Code Meaning ERDSS 00 A PCB is not equipped in that location. ERDSS 01 The port has already been assigned (REQ = NEW). ERDSS 02 The wrong button number was entered. ERDSS 03 The input DSS console or feature button conflicts with the existing button. I I ERDSS 04 The PCB is not an NDSU/NDKU. ERDSS 05 The port is not assigned (REQ = CHG, OUT). ERDSS 06 The port is busy (REQ = CHG, OUT). 1 ERDSS 07 1 An electronic/digital telephone has already been assigned to the PCB. ERDSS08 1 Two DSS have already been assigned to the electronic/digital telephone. I ERDSS 09 The start button number is larger than the end button number (DUP). ERDSS 10’ Them button or feature button conflicts with an existing button (DUP). ERDSS 11 The m button has already been assigned in this tenant. ERDSS 12 The input port cannot be disabled. ERDSS 13 The wrong button parameter was entered. ERDSS 14 The input port is not an electronic/digital telephone port (SIG LNNX). I I ERDSS 15 ERDSS 16 ERDSS 17 A station port (SPT) was entered, but the DSS console has already been assigned to the PCB. The start button number is larger than the end button number (AUT). The button data does not exist. I ERDSS 18 1 The type of button assignment (Fixed/Switched) is different from the master DSS console. 1 ERDSS 19 m button is set, but station is not set (DIS = 1). ERDSS 20 m button is set, but station is not set (DIS = 2). ERDSS 21 The port must be assianed to a COO or CO1 location. ERDSS 22 ERDSS 23 ERDSS 24 ERDSS 25 ERDSS 26 ERDSS 27 ERDSS 28 ERDSS 31 The input DN is a trunk DN (VCP NNN). This SDC has already been assigned. A m button has been entered, but a Call Pickup Group has not been assigned. The maximum number of m buttons (500) has already been assigned. Too many digits have been assigned to ADL (maximum = 16). Fixed dialing digits cannot be assigned to m buttons. Assign these digits to m buttons. The m button is set, but the station is not an attendant-position electronic/digital telephone. The port has already been assigned to OCA. 7-28

9. Print DSS Console Data Block (Table 7-9) PORCNNX (or PORLNNX)-All CNNX (or LNNX) data will be output. 9.01 To use the Print DSS Console Data Block (PDSS Program): l Perform the Authorization Procedure (Level 1,2, or 3). PORVAC-A list of all unassigned ports will be output. Enter: PDSS (in response to the OK prompt). STACNNX (or STALNNX)-All data regarding the l After the program has loaded and the REQ station that is associated with the DSS console prompt is received: (installed at either CNNX or LNNX) will be output. Enter one of the following commands: PORALL-All DSS console Data Blocks will be output in numerical order of ports (lowest.first). DSSNN-All DSS console switched DN assign- ments (#NN = the last two digits of station num- bers) will be output. PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES SECTION 200-255-307 FEBRUARY1992 TABLE7-9 Procedure - Print DSS Console Data Block Authorization Procedure must be completed. If an OK response is received, proceed as follows: ITEM PROMPT OK PDSS - DISK LOADING - =Q - EXECUTE - USER ENTRY NOTE 1 I REP 1 I NOTES: 1. The folio wing responses are possible: PORALL = Outputs all DSS console Data Blocks in numerical order of ports (lowest first). PORCNNX (or PORLNNX) = Outputs all CNNX (or LNNX) data. PORVAC = Outputs a list of all unassigned ports (COO/CO1 slots only). STACNNX (or STALNNX) = Outputs allstation data that is associated with CNNX DSS consoles (or LNNX DSS consoles). DSSNN = Outputs all DSS console switched DN assignments (#NN = lower two digits of station numbers). = Ignore line entered. = Backspace. = Stop printing and return to REQ. = Exit program. 7-29

PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 200-255-308 JANUARY 1993 CHAPTER 8 MESSAGE CENTER DATA will allow internal DTMF signaling to these ports.) 1. Message Center Data Block (Table 8-1) NOTE: If using a Toshiba INTOUCH Digital Voice 1.01 The Message Center Data Block (DMCD Messaging System, do not make any entries Program) identifies the type of Message Center for the MDNO and MDNI prompts. Press the and its location. q key, REQ (Request)-Indicates that the program has loaded. Two responses are possible: NEW-To create a new Data Block. CHG-To alter an existing Data Block. MWCO (Message Center #0)-Identifies the type of Message Center. Enter: MC (Message Center) or VM (Voice Mail). DSCO (Disconnect Code)-Defines the discon- nect code of the voice mail equipment for Mes- Enter: XXXX or NONE. sage Center #O. (This prompt will only appear when MWCO =VM.) This disconnect code is sent to voice mail equipment for disconnect before the voice mail timeout occurs, and it must match the code that is programmed in the voice mail svstem. MWCI (Message Center #I )-Identifies the type of Message Center. (This prompt will only ap- pear if TEN = Y in the DSYS Data Block.) Enter: MC (Message Center) or VM (Voice Mail). MDNO (Message Center #0 DN)-Identifies direc- tory numbers of Message Center #O. An “A” will follow the MDNO prompt and any entries made will be added. To delete a port, press the carriage return (m key. The system will then prompt “D” and any entries made will be deleted. Enter: 1 - 4 digits for each DN, or ATTO. (ATT0 or electronic/digital telephone DN is valid only if MWCO = MC. If MWCO = VM, then up to 32 standard telephone [NSTUJ port DNs can be entered. This will allow internal DTMF signaling to these ports.) MDNl (Message Center #l DN)-Identifies direc- tory numbers of Message Center #l . This prompt will appear only in tenant systems. An “A” will follow the MDNl prompt and any entries made will be added. To delete a port, press the carriage return (m key. The system will then prompt “D” and any entries made will be deleted. Enter: 1 - 4 digits for each DN, or ATT1 . (ATT1 or electronic/digital telephone DN is valid only if MWCl = MC. If MWCI = VM, then up to 32 standard telephone [NSTU] port DNs can be entered. This DSCI (Disconnect Code)--Defines the discon- nect code of the voice mail equipment for Mes- sage Center #1. (This prompt will only appear when MWCl = VM.) This disconnect code is sent to voice mail equipment before the voice mail timeout occurs, and it must match the code that is programmed in the voice mail system. Enter: XXXX or NONE. NM0 (Toshiba Voice Messaging #O)-If using a Toshiba INTOUCH or VP Digital Voice Messag- 1 ing System, enter up to 32 directory numbers (NSTU ports) that will be connected to the IN- TOUCH or VP system. This provides enhanced 1 integration of the PERCEPTIONehex and IN- TOUCH or VP systems. Following the NM0 1 prompt, the PERCEPTlONe or PERCEPTION,, system will prompt an “A.” Any entries made will be added. To delete a port, press the carriage return m) key. The system will then prompt a “D” and any entries made will be deleted. Enter: XXXX XXXX... (in response to the A prompt). XXXX XXXX... (in response to the D prompt). TVMl (Toshiba Voice Messaging #1)-This prompt will only appear in tenant systems. If using a Toshiba INTOUCH or VP Digital Voice 1 Messaging System, enter up to 32 directory numbers (NSTU ports) that will be connected to 8-1

PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES SECTION 200-255-308 JANUARY1993 I the INTOUCH or VP system. This provides en- will then prompt a 9” and any entries made will hanced integration of the PERCEPTIONeke, be deleted. I and INTOUCH or VP systems. Following the Enter: XXXX XXXX... (in response to the A TVMO prompt, the PERCEPTlONe or prompt). PERCEPTION,, system will prompt an “A.“Any XXXX XXXX... (in response to the D entries made will be added. To delete a port, press the carriage return m key. The system prompt). TABLE 8-1 Procedure - Message Center Data Block Authorization Procedure must be completed. If an OK response is received, proceed as follows: Toshiba Voice Messaging #O 1 - 4 digits (maximum: 32 DNs) Default values are noted in parentheses (). (con timed) NOTES: 1. This entry will appear when TEN = Y. 2. If MWCO or M WC1 = VM, then the user will be able to enter a maximum of 32 directory numbers in MDNO. If MWCO or MWCl= MC, then the user can only enter one directory in MDNI (electronic/digital telephone DN or attendant console). XXXX = Station directory number. 3. An “A” will appear after the MDNO (MDNl) prompt and any entries made will be added. After pressing the return key, a “D” will appear and any entries made will be deleted. 4. If MWCO= MC, enter Al70 or electronic/digital telephone DN. If MWCI = MC, enter ATT1 or electronic/digital telephone DN. (This prompt will only appear in tenant systems.) 8-2

PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 200-255-308 JANUARY 1993 5. If M WC0 = VM, enter up to 32 directory numbers (NSTU ports) that will be connected to the voice mail system. If MWCI = VM, enter up to 32 directory numbers (NSTUporfs) that will be connected to the voice mail system for Tenant 1 (TEN = Y). NOTE: Do not make any entries for these two rompts if using the Toshiba INTOUCH or VP Digital Voice Messaging System. Press the lb - key. 6. This entry will appear when MWCO or MWCl = VM. 7. If MWCO = VM and a Toshiba INTOUCH or VP Digital Voice Messaging System is being used, enter up to 32 directory numbers (NSTlJpons) that will be connected to the iNTOUCH or VP system. If MWC1 = VM and a Toshiba INTOUCH or VP Digital Voice Messaging System is being used, I enter up to 32 directory numbers (NSTU ports) that will be connected to the INTOUCH or VP system for Tenant #1 (TEN = Y). Ignore line entered. Backspace. Stop printing and return to REQ. Exit program. TABLE 8-1, (continued) Error Codes Program Name: Message Center Data Block (DMCD) Error Code I Meaning ERMCD 00 All MDNs are assigned. ERMCD 01 The DN you are trying to delete does not exist. ERMCD 02 The MDN has already been assigned. ERMCD 03 ERMCD 04 The DN does not exist in the system. Data has already been assigned (REQ = NEW). ERMCD 05 ERMCD 06 Data is not assigned (REQ = CHG). MWCO or MWCl = VM, therefore AlTO or ATT1 cannot be entered. You cannot enter Al70 at the MDN1 prompt, or ATT1 at the MDNO prompt. ,.. -.. I. “‘Y /- :- 8-3

PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 200-255-308 JANUARY 1993 2. Print Message Center Data Block (Table 8-2) 2.01 To use the Print Message Center Data Block (PMCD Program): l Perform the Authorization Procedure (Level 1 or 2). Enter: PMCD (in response to the OK prompt). l When the REQ prompt is received after the program is loaded: Enter: PRT. l The Message Center Data Block will output data in the same format as it was input in the DMCD Program. !r- .,: I Le. TABLE 8-2 Procedure - Print Message Center Data Block Authorization Procedure must be completed. If an OK response is received, proceed as follows: ITEM PROMPT OK PMCD - DISK LOADING - USER ENTRY NOTE =x2 PRT 1 I NOTES: response possible is: PRT = Outputs Message Center Data Block. = Ignore line entered. = Backspace. = Stop printing and return to REQ. = Exit program. 8-4