Toshiba Perception E Ex Digital Pbx Installation And Maintenance Manual
Toshiba Perception E Ex Digital Pbx Installation And Maintenance Manual
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES SECTION 200-255-311 FEBRUARY1992 TABLEli-1 Procedure - Digital Data Interface Unit Data Block Authorization Procedure must be completed. If an OK response is received, proceed as follows: ITEM PROMPT OK DDIU - DISK LOADING - USER ENTRY NOTE Port Number REQ NEW, CHG, OUT POR LNNX DIU Style I PDIU I Y or N AT Commands ATC Y or N Type of DDIU/PDIlJ TYP DIUl or DIU2 Directotv Number DN 1 - 4 diaits Hunt Directory Number I HNT I 1 - 4 digits or NONE Class of Service Group cos o- 15 Groups of DDlUs GOD o- 15 Tenant Nbmber TEN 0 or 1 Button Assignment KEY 0 - 9 [space] FEATURE 1,2,&3 4 5 6 7&8 78x9 10 11 12 13 & 14 NOTES: (continued) 7. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. NN = PC5 location. X = Circuit number. Ports LNNl - 4 on a NMDU PC5 can be used if they are not assigned in the DMDM Program. Select the DIU style, DDIU or PDIU (0.04 software). Y = PDIU, N = DDIU. Ethos AT commands; Y = Echo on, N = Echo off (Modem = N). D/U7 = DDIU-MA/PD/U-DS. D/U2 = DDIU-MAT/PD/U-DI. This prompt will only appear when DIU2 (DDIU-MAT/PDIU-DI) is entered after the TYP prompt. This directory number will appear on an electronic/digital telephone. Enter the number to which this DN hunts. NONE = No hunt. There are 16 different COS groups (which are defined in the COS Data Block). Assign this DDIWPDIU to one of 76 possible groups. Dial access into a group can be denied by Class of Service. The TEN entry for a DDIU-MAT/PDIU-DI should be the same as the TEN entry for the etectronic/digital telephone to which it is assigned. Enter the button number, followed by a space and then the feature entry. Button 0 must be the station’s primary DN. See Table 1 I- la for possible entries. PDIU-DS requires a DN assignment to Key 0. = Ignore line entered. = Backspace. = Stop printing and return to REQ. = Exit program. 11-3

PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 200-255-311 FEBRUARY 1992 SPECIAL NOTE: When a DlU2 is assigned, two key entries must be made in the DEKT PROGRAM as follows: I PROMPT I USER ENTRY I NOTE I KEY DIU LNNX 1 KEY DRS 2 NOTES: 1. Port number of DIlJ attached to the electronic/digital telephone (Data ON). 2. Data release button. TABLE V-la DDIU BUTTON ASSIGNMENTS DIRECTORY NUMBER ENTRY NOTE Single Call Ring SCR NNNN XXXX 1 I Single Call No Ring SCN NN’NN XXXX 1 I FEATURE Automatic Callback ENTRY NOTE ACB I Automatic Dialing 1 zmL/FziD xxx I 2 Do Not Disturb Repeat Last Number Dialed DND RND Station Speed Dial Controller/User Svstem Soeed Dial SDC XX/SDTJ XX SDS NOTES: 1. 2. 3. NNNN = Directory Number: l-, 2-, 3-, or 4-digit DNs are allowed if there is no conflict (i.e., 30X is not allowed if 30 is used). For DDIU-MA and PDIU-DS units. XXXX = Hunt DN - enter NONE to remove present DN. Also see Station Hunt-Distributed. The maximum number of m buttons for the entire system is 500. . I c 6 = Ignore line entered. = Backspace. D - Stop printing and return to REQ. D m i Exit program. 11-4

PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES SECTION 200-255-311 FEBRUARY1992 TABLE114 (continued) Error Codes Proaram Name: DDIU Data Block (DDIU) Error Code I Meaning ERDIU 00 1 A PCB is not eauiooed in that location. ERDIU 01 The PCB is not an NDCU/NDKU or NMDU type. ERDIU 02 The oort is busv (REQ = CHG or OUT). ERDIU 03 ERDIU 04 The port has already been assigned to a station, DSS console, DDIU, or PDIU (REQ = NEW). #1 was entered, but tenant service was not enabled in the Svstem Data Block. ERDIU 05 1 #l was entered, but Attendant #I was not programmed (no Attendant Data Block). ERDIU 06 ERDIU 08 The button number is not allowed (exceeds maximum allowed for this DDIU/PDIU). The maximum number of m mbuttons has already been assigned (maximum = 500). ERDIU 10 ERDIU 11 The DN conflicts with the existing DN. 510 DNs have already been assigned in the system. ERDIU 12 The DN has already been assigned to its maximum number of appearances (maximum for a Primary DN = 1; Secondary DN = 95). ERDIU 14 ERDIU 16 ERDIU 17 The next hunt DN is not assigned. The input DN has already been assigned to the port. The input data was erased because the program was aborted during a NEW entry. ERDIU 18 ERDIU 19 The port is not assigned. Another type of data is assigned to the input port. ERDIU 20 ERDIU 23 SDC has already been assigned to the input list. The input DN is a trunk DN (VCP NNN HUNT DN). ERDIU 24 ERDIU 33 The first digit of an input DN cannot be “0” or “9.” Only one DN can be assigned to a DIU. ERDIU 34 I The port has already been assioned to a trunk. 11-5

PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 200-255-311 FEBRUARY 1992 2. Print Digital Data Interface Unit Data Block l When a REQ prompt is received after the pro- I (Table 1 l-2) gram is loaded: Enter: PORALL. 2.01 To use the Print Digital Data Interface Unit Data Block (PDIU Program): l Perform the Authorization Procedure (Level 1,2, or 3). l All DDIU Data Blocks will be output in numerical order of ports (lowest first). Enter: PDIU (in response to the OK prompt). TABLE 11-2 Procedure - Print Digital Data InterfaceUnit Data Block Authorization Procedure must be completed. If an OK response is received, proceed as follows: ITEM PROMPT USER ENTRY NOTE OK PDIU - DISK LOADING - I REQ 1 - EXECUTE - REQ 1 NOTES: 7. The only response possible is: PORALL = Outputs all DDIU Data Blocks in numerical order of ports (lowest first). 2. a = Ignore line entered. = Backspace. = Stop printing and return to REQ. m = Exit program. 11-6

PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES SECTION 200-255-311 FEBRUARY1992 3. Modem Pooling Data Block (Table 11-3) 3.01 The Modem Pooling Data Block (DMDM Program) identifies the Modem Pooling ports. The Modem Pooling Data Block is not used with the PDIU-DS. See the DDIU Data Block and the In- stallation Instructions section for Modem Pooling using the PDIU-DS. REQ (Request)-Indicates that the program has loaded. Two responses are possible: NEW-To assign a new Data Block. OUT-To delete an existing Data Block. POR (Port Number)--Identifies the hardware lo- cation of the NMDU circuits that are to be de- fined. The port number has two parts: 1) NMDU PCB location: PERCEPTION,-L00-L11/L15-L26(NN). PERCEPTION,,-LOO - L31. 2) Circuit number on that PCB: 1 - 4 (X). 3) When a circuit number is identified, two circuits are assigned, one for a modem and one for its associated DDIU (i.e., if circuit 1 is identified, circuits 1 and 5 are assigned; if circuit 2 is identified, circuits 2 and 6 are assigned, and so on). Enter: Port number (LNNX). NOTE: Port L314 cannot be assigned. 11-7

PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 200-255-311 FEBRUARY 1992 TABLE 11-3 Procedure - Modem Pooling Data Block Authorization Procedure must be completed. If an OK response is received, proceed as follows: ITEM PROMPT USER ENTRY NOTE OK DMDM - DISK LOADING - REQ NEW, OUT Port Number POR LNNX l&2 NOTES: 1. NN = PCB location. PERCEPTION, - LOO - Ll7/L75 - L26. PERCEPTION,, - LOO - L31. 2. X = Circuit number (1 - 4). ignore line entered. Backspace. Stop printing and return to REQ. Exit program. Error Codes Error Code Program Name: Modem Pooling Data Block (DMDM) Meaning ERMDP 00 A PCB is not equipped in that location. ERMDP 01 The PCB is not an NMDU tvoe. ERMDP 02 1 The port is busy (REQ = CHG or OUT). ERMDP 03 ERMDP 04 The port has already been assigned to a station, DSS console, or DIU (REQ = NEW). The port is not assigned (REQ) = OUT). ERMDP 05 ERMDP 06 The input port is wrong (LNNX, X is not 1 - 4). The port has already been assigned to an attendant console. ERMDP 07 ERMDP 08 The input port is not a modem pooling port (NMDM). The port has already been assigned to a trunk. 11-8

PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES SECTION 200-255-311 FEBRUARY1992 4. Print Modem Pooling Data Block (Table 11-4) program is loaded: Enter: PORALL. 4.01 To use the Print Modem Pooling Data Block (PMDM Program): l Perform the Authorization Procedure (Level 1,2, or 3). l All Modem Pooling Data Blocks will be output in numerical order of ports (lowest first). Enter: PMDM (in response to the OK prompt). l When the REQ prompt is received after the TABLEll-4 Procedure - Print Modem Pooling Data Block Authorization Procedure must be completed. If an OK response is received, proceed as follows: I 1 PROMPT 1 I I OK PMDM - DISK LOADING - USER ENTRY I NOTE REQ 1 - EXECUTE - I I I REQ NOTES: 1. The only response possible is: PORALL = Outputs all Modem Pooling Data Blocks in numerical order of ports (lowest first). = Ignore line entered. Backspace. Stop printing and return to REQ. Exit program. 11-9

CHAPTER 12 LEAST COST ROUTING DATA 1. Least Cost Routing Data Block (Table 12-1) 1.01 The Least Cost Routing Data Block (DLCR Program) defines the proper outgoing trunk based on the outside number that is dialed. LCR stores and examines the number dialed, checking the area and/or office codes. Based on this examina- tion and the time of day, LCR chooses the proper trunk from a programmed route table. The LCR Data Block has been divided between two utility programs (DLCI and DLC2). l DLCl defines the miscellaneous system para- meters, the 15 area code tables, and the 16 area/ office tables which further modify the area code tables. l DLC2 defines the 15 route tables, containing six routes each, and includes three schedules for time of day selection and 12 Modify Digits Tables. Each route table’s data (DLCl or DLCS) is en- tered as follows: REQ (Request)-indicates that the program has loaded. The only response possible is CHG. PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 200-255-312 FEBRUARY1992 TYPE (Sub-program Type)-There are three sub- programs within the DLCl Program and two within the DLC2 Program. The possible re- sponses are as follows: DLCI : PAR (Miscellaneous Parameters Table)- Identifies the system operating parameters. ACT (Area Code Table)-Defines each area code table. AOC (Area/Office Code Table)-Modifies an area code table. DLC2: RTB (Route Table)-Defines routes and the routing selection sequence. MDT (Modify Digits Table)-Defines the digit modification that is to be applied to a dialed number. Enter: DLCI or DLC2, followed by the de- sired sub-program: DLCl: PAR, ACT, or AOC. DLC2: RTB or MDT. 1.02 After enterin the desired sub-program, press the return key d ‘). The prompts associated with each sub-program will then be issued sequentially. TABLE12-1 Procedure - Least Cost Routing Data Block Authorization Procedure must be completed. If an OK response is received, proceed as follows: ITEM LCR Utility #I or #2 PROMPT USER ENTRY NOTE OK DLCl , DLC2 1 - DISK LOADING - Data Table Type REQ CHG TYPE PAR, ACT, AOC (DLCl), or RTB, MDT (DLC2) 2 NOTES: 1. LCR utilities are divided between two programs: Enter: DLC 1 for: PAR (Miscellaneous Parameters). ACT (Area Code Table). AOC (Area/Office Code Table). DLC2 for: RTB (Route Table). MDT (Modify Digits Table). 2. If DLCl was entered, the possible responses are PAR, ACT, or AOC. If DLC2 was entered, the possible responses are RTB or MDT. 12-1

PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES SECTION 200-255-312 FEBRUARY1992 2. Least Cost Routing Data Block 1 (Tables 12-2 - 12-4) When entering DLCI , PAR (Table 12-2), the next prompt will be: ICC (Interchangeable Codes)-A “Y” informs the system that interchangeable codes are used. These are office codes that have 0 or 1 as the second digit (NO/i X format). Area codes will be identified as the three digits following the DDD prefix. Office codes will be identified as the first three digits when a DDD prefix is not dialed (see DTOL Program, PAR table, DDP prompt). Enter: Y or N. OTO (Operator Call Timeout)-Defines the time, in seconds, that the system will wait for additional digits to be dialed after 1 is pressed. Enter: Time in seconds (for example: 10). RTDl (Return Dial Tone)-A “Y” response returns system dial tone after the LCR access code has been dialed. An “N” response will return silence. Enter: Y or N. WTA (Warning Tone Allowed?)-A “Y” response will cause the system to give a 3-second 440 Hz warning tone when the most expensive (last choice) route is being selected. Enter: Y or N. HAC (Home Area Code)-Defines the area code in which the system is operating. A home area code is also used to analyze dialed numbers which do not contain an area code. Data that is entered here will appear in the Toll Restriction Data Block (DTOL Program, PAR table, HAC prompt). Enter: NO/IX (Area Code). NOTE: N=2-9, O/l=Oorl, X=0-9. TFC (Toll-Free Calls)-A “Y” response will route toll-free calls (area code = 800) to the route table defined in the Local Call Route (LCR) prompt. An “N” response informs the system to treat area code 800 as a normal area code. Enter: Y or N. LCR (Local Call Route)--Defines the route to be selected for local calls (undefined numbers), area code 800 calls (TFC prompt), and Service Code calls (SVC prompt). Enter: Route Table (1 - 15). SVC (Service Code Table)--Defines the local service codes (411,611,911, etc.) that are to be routed via the Route Table defined by the LCR prompt (maximum: IO 3-digit codes). Enter: NXX NXX etc. (in response to the A prompt, to add service codes). and/or . . . NXX NXX etc. (in response to the D prompt, to delete service codes). DAC (Directory Assistance Calls Allowed)-A “Y” response will route long distance directory assistance calls (NPA + 555 + XXXX) to the route table defined in the long distance information route (LDI prompt). An “N” response will not allow long distance directory assistance calls using Least Cost Routing. Enter: Y or N. LDO (Long Distance International Call Route)- Defines the route table that is to be selected for international (011) calls. Enter: Route Table (1 - 15). NOTES: 7. A route table number is entered here, however, it is not necessary to create an RTB table. 2. This is for 0 11 calls only. 0 1 calls folio w the local call route. LDI (Long Distance Information Route)-De- fines the route table that is to be selected for long distance directory assistance calls (NPA + 555 + XXXX) if permitted by the DAC prompt. Enter: Route Table (1 - 15). DDP (Direct Distance Dialing Prefix)-Defines the Direct Distance Dialing (DDD) prefix in the Nurn- bering Plan Area (NPA). If ICC is “Y,” then NO/l X and NXX become interchangeable, enabling area codes and office codes to have 0 or 1 as their 12-2

PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES SECTION 200-255-312 FEBRUARY1992 TABLE12-2 Miscellaneous Parameters Table Load the DLCI Utility Program. When TYPE is prompted, proceed as follows: ITEM 1 PROMPT 1 USER ENTRY I NOTE I TYPE 1 -PAR I Interchangeable Codes “0” Call Timeout ICC OTO Y or N Time in seconds: 0 - 99 1 Return Dial Tone after LCR Access Code Warning Tone to caller when the most expensive route is selected RTD WTA Y or N Y or N Home Area Code ! .lxAc NO/l X (Home Area Code) 2 Toll Free (800) calls permitted via the Local Call Route I TFC I Y or N Local Call Route I I I LCR 1 XX (Local Call Route Table 1 - 15) 1 Long Distance International (011) Call Route Directory Assistance (555) Call Route DDD Prefix LDO LDI DDP 1 - 15 l-15 1 - 3 digits or NONE 6 NOTES: 7. Informs the system if interchangeable codes are used (Office Codes with NO/IX format). 2, Defines the area code in which the system is located. Home area codes are used to route dialed numbers which do not contain an area code. This entry is coupled with the HAC entry in the PAR table Toll Restriction (DTOL Program). Data that is entered here will also appear in that table. 3. These calls will be routed via the Local Call Route. 4. Folio wing the S esystem willpromptan “A. “Anyentriesmade willbeadded. Todelete a code, press key. The system will then prompt “D,” and any entries made will be deleted. Codes cannot be added and deleted in the same pass through the table. A separate pass is required for each step, 5. Route Table to be used for 555 calls. 6. Route Table to be used for 017 calls. A route tab/e number is entered here, however, it is not necessary to create an RTB table for that route. This is for 011 calls only, 01 calls will follow the local call route. = Ignore line entered. = Backspace. - Stop printing and return to REQ. 1 Exit program. 12-3