Steinberg Cubase LE Operation Manual
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CUBASE LEMenu reference 31 – 551 Functions Legato Extends each selected note so that it reaches the next note. You can specify the desired gap or overlap with the “Legato Overlap” setting in the Preferences dialog (MIDI – Function Parameters page). Fixed Lengths Resizes all selected notes to the length set with the Length Quantize pop-up menu on the MIDI Editor toolbar. This function is only available from within the MIDI Editors. Delete Doubles Removes double notes, i.e. notes of the same pitch on the exact same position. Double notes can occur when recording in Cycle mode, after Quantizing, etc. This function always affects whole MIDI parts. Delete Controllers Removes all non-note Events from the selected MIDI parts. This func- tion always affects whole MIDI parts. Delete Notes… Allows you to delete very short or weak notes. This is useful for auto- matically removing unwanted “ghost notes” after recording. Selecting “Delete Notes…” opens a dialog in which you set up the criteria for the function. Restrict Polyphony Selecting this item opens a dialog in which you can specify how many “voices” should be used (for the selected notes or parts). Restricting the polyphony this way is useful when you have an instrument with lim- ited polyphony and want to make sure all notes will be played. The ef- fect is achieved by shortening notes as required, so that they end before the next note starts.

CUBASE LE31 – 552 Menu reference Pedals to Note Length This function scans for sustain pedal on/off events, lengthens the af- fected notes to match the sustain pedal off position, and then removes the Sustain Controller on/off events. Delete Overlaps (mono) This function allows you to make sure that no two notes of the same pitch overlap (i.e. that one starts before the other ends). Overlapping notes of the same pitch can confuse some MIDI instruments (a new Note On is transmitted before the Note Off is transmitted). This com- mand can then be used to automatically rectify the problem. Delete Overlaps (poly) This function shortens notes when required, so that no note begins before another ends. This happens regardless of which pitch the notes have. Velocity… Opens a dialog that allows you to manipulate the velocity of notes in various ways. Fixed Velocity This function sets the velocity of all selected notes to the Insert Veloc- ity value on the toolbar in the MIDI Editors. Reverse This inverts the order of the selected events (or of all events in the se- lected parts), causing the MIDI music to play backwards. Note though, that the effect is different from reversing an audio recording. With MIDI, the individual notes will still play as usual in the MIDI instrument – it’s only the order of playback that is changed. Logical Presets This submenu contains various logical presets.

CUBASE LEMenu reference 31 – 553 Drum Map Setup… This is where you load, create, modify and save drum maps. The list to the left shows the currently loaded drum maps; selecting a drum map in the list displays its sounds and settings to the right. Reset This function sends out note-off messages and resets controllers on all MIDI channels. You can use this if you experience hanging notes or stuck controllers etc. Pool menu Import Medium… The Import Medium dialog is used for importing files directly into the Pool. It is only available from the Pool menu when the Pool is open. Import Audio CD… This opens a dialog that allows you to import audio from audio CDs. Find Missing Files… This opens the Resolve Missing Files dialog that can be used to find referenced files that may have been moved or renamed etc. In the dialog that appears, decide if you want the program to try the find the file for you (Search), if you want to do it yourself (Locate) or if you want to specify in which directory the program should search for the file (Folder). Remove Missing Files If the Pool contains audio files that cannot be found or reconstructed, you may want to remove these: Select this item to remove all missing files from the Pool (and remove their corresponding events from the Project window).

CUBASE LE31 – 554 Menu reference Reconstruct If a missing file cannot be found (e.g. if you have accidentally deleted it from the hard disk) it will normally be indicated with a question mark in the Status column in the Pool. However, if the missing file is an edit file (a file created when you process audio, stored in the Edits folder within the project folder), it may be possible for the program to reconstruct it by recreating the editing to the original audio file. See page 297. Convert Files… This opens the Convert Options dialog which operates on selected files. Use the pop-up menus to specify which audio file attributes you want to keep and which you want to convert. Conform Files… This will change all selected files that have different file attributes to what is specified for the project, to conform to this standard. Create Folder This allows you to create a new audio subfolder and designate this as your Pool Record folder. Empty Trash To delete a file permanently from the hard disk, it must first be moved to the Trash folder. When clips are in the Trash folder they can be re- moved permanently by using this command. Remove Unused Media This function finds all clips in the Pool that are not used in the project, and either moves them to the Pool Trash folder where they can be per- manently deleted, or removes them from the Pool.

CUBASE LEMenu reference 31 – 555 Prepare Archive… This command should be used when you want to archive a project. It checks that every clip referenced in the project is located in the same folder. Set Pool Record Folder This is used to designate a new Pool Record folder. Select the folder, and choose this command to change the Pool Record folder to the selected folder. Minimize File This allows you to change the size of audio files according to the au- dio clips referenced in a project. The files produced using this option will only contain the audio file portions actually used in the project, which can significantly reduce the size of the project (given that large portions of the audio files are unused). Update Origin The original start position where a clip was recorded in the project is shown in the Pool “Origin Time” column. As this value can be used as a basis for the “Insert into Project” Pool menu item (and other functions), you can change it if the Origin Time value is redundant. This can be done by selecting the corresponding clip in the Pool, moving the project cursor to the new desired position and selecting this menu item. New Version This allows you to create a new version of a selected clip. The new version appears in the same Pool folder, with the same name but with a “version number” after it, to indicate that the new clip is a duplicate. The first copy made of a clip will logically get the version number “2” and so on. • Copying a clip does not create a new file on disk, but just a new edit ver- sion of the clip (referring to the same original file).

CUBASE LE31 – 556 Menu reference Insert into Project This allows you to insert clips selected in the Pool to the project. Ei- ther the Origin Time value or the current cursor position can decide where the clips are inserted, and is selected on the submenu for this menu item. Select in Project If you want to find out which events in the project refer to a particular clip in the Pool you can use this function. Select the clip in the Pool, and use this menu item. The corresponding event(s) will then be se- lected in the Project window. Find in Pool… You can perform a search of the Pool to locate particular clips. You can specify various criteria to match in the dialog that appears. Transport menu Transport Panel This opens the Transport panel. Locators to Selection This will set the locators to encompass the currently selected range. Locate Selection This moves the project cursor to the start of the currently selected range. Locate Next Marker This moves the project cursor to the next marker position.

CUBASE LEMenu reference 31 – 557 Locate Previous Marker This moves the project cursor to the previous marker position. Locate Next Event This moves the project cursor to the next event start or end on the selected track. Locate Previous Event This moves the project cursor to the previous event start or end on the selected track. Play from Selection Start This will move the project cursor to the start of the current selection and activate playback. Play from Selection End This will move the project cursor to the end of the current selection and activate playback. Play until Selection Start This activates playback two seconds before the start of the currently selected range and stops at the selection start. Play until Selection End This activates playback two seconds before the end of the selected range and stops at the selection end. Play until Next Marker This will activate playback from the current project cursor position to the next marker and stop.

CUBASE LE31 – 558 Menu reference Play Selection Range This will play back the current selection range and stop at the end. Loop Selection This will loop playback of the current selection range. Use Pre/Post-Roll If this is ticked, Pre/Postroll is activated. This is described on page 44. Start Record at Left Locator If this is ticked, the project cursor will jump to the left locator position and begin recording when you hit the Record button. If this is off (un- ticked), recording will start directly from the current project cursor po- sition. Metronome Setup This opens the Metronome Setup dialog where you can make various metronome settings. Metronome On This activates the metronome. Sync Setup This opens a dialog where settings relating to synchronization can be made. Sync Online This activates synchronization.

CUBASE LEMenu reference 31 – 559 Devices menu MIDI Device Manager The MIDI Device manager allows you to install MIDI devices. You can either select pre-configured MIDI devices from a list, or define a device from scratch. For information about installing MIDI devices, please re- fer to the chapter “MIDI devices and patches”. Mixer This opens the Mixer. All audio, MIDI and group tracks in a project have a corresponding channel strip in the Mixer, as do any activated VST Instruments and ReWire channels. The Master bus fader can also be shown in the Mixer. Plug-in Information The Plug-in Information window lists all installed VST and DirectX plug-ins, and shows various information about them. VST Inputs This opens the VST Inputs window, which allows you to activate audio inputs connected to your audio hardware. VST Instruments This opens the VST Instruments window, where you can select up to 8 VST Instruments. When a VST Instrument has been selected for a slot in the window, the corresponding instrument is selectable as a desti- nation on the MIDI output pop-up for MIDI tracks. VST Master Effects Two Master effects can be added to the signal on the Master bus. The second effect slot is post Master gain.

CUBASE LE31 – 560 Menu reference VST Outputs The VST Outputs window shows the output buses connected to the physical outputs on your audio hardware (up to 4). VST Performance This window indicates the current CPU load and disk transfer rate. VST Send Effects This is used for selecting global send effects. Up to four send effects can be selected. Video This opens the default video player. The default video player is se- lected in the Device Setup dialog. Show Panel This opens a panel where you can directly select any of the current devices on the Device menu. Device Setup… This dialog allows you to add or remove remote control devices and to make various basic settings for audio and MIDI such as selecting ASIO drivers and MIDI ports etc.