Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual
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8-14 Vo ice Mail I ndex Tabl e Changi ng to a Di fferent VM Index N umber 1. Press the SELECT flexible button ( FLASH 68, Butto n #20 ). 2 . Ent er a Mai lbox Ta bl e nu mber ( 00 1–255). 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates and shows the new Mailbox Table number. Des crip ti on The Voice Mail Index feature provides an Attendant or station user a way to transfer a caller directly into a voice mail box. Station identification digits...
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9 Exception Tables This chapter provides the functional steps nec essary to use the Exc eption Tables with the STARPLUS Triad-S System. To implement the toll restriction options desired, you must first enter the Programming Mode.
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Exce ption Tables Prog ra mming 9-3 Exception Tables Programm in g The STA RPLUS Tr iad-S System offer a flexible means of applying toll re st ri c t ion to st at ions or in div idua ls . D ial i ng pr i vil eg es (or tol l r est r ic t ion) is de te rmi ne d t hrough ass ignm ent of s ta ti on an d CO l ine Cl ass Of Se rv ice (CO S). Se ver al t ype s of r es tr ict i on can be de ri ve d si mpl y by pro gra mmin g CO S a ssi gnme nt s a nd CO l in e a ccess t o st at...
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9-4 Excep tion Tables Prog ra mming The Allow and Deny tables enable entries of either general or specific al low and deny code s s uch as al lowi ng all [1 - 80 0] ty pe cal ls, and /or den ying all [1]+ or [0]+ ca lls. T he Allow a nd De ny tables a llow a ma xim um of 8 di gi ts t o be e nte re d as all ow or d eny dig it s. Thi s enab le s e nt ry of certa in area codes or office codes that can specif ically be allowed or den ie d. F or exa mpl e, the c ode...
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Related Items To Toll Re striction 9-5 Special Reference Tables The Tr iad-S Syste m al so offe rs four sp eci al t abl es (found in t he Product Description Manual) that can be referenced from within the two Allo w Ta ble s. †Thr ee of t he spe cia l t abl es can b e a ssi gne d t o spe cif ic ar ea code s t hat require further toll restriction definition. †The fourth Special Table is reserved for use as a home area code table (numbe r s wi t hin the s ame ar ea c ode as the s it e...
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9-6 R elated Item s To Toll Res triction SLT D T MF Re cei ver s Whe n Si ngl e Lin e T el ep hones ar e c onnec t e d t o t he Tri ad- S System and toll restriction is enabled, the DTMF receivers located in the system monitors the call for a programmed time period. While the DTMF receiver is monitoring the digits being dialed by a single line telephone, it is considere d bus y an d not a vaila ble for m onitoring another S LT at te mpt in g t o di al . W hen all D TMF re cei ve rs...
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To ll R e s t r ic t i o n 9 - 7 Toll Restriction Ente ri ng Toll Tabl e Pro g ram mi ng S te ps If the system is in the programming mode, continue using the program codes. If starting to program here, enter the programming mode. 1. Press FLASH and di al [70]. The following message displays: 2 . To pr ogra m All ow/De ny t abl es, pr es s t he ap prop ri at e Tab le but t on and enter information as outlined in the following procedures. 3. To program Special Tables 1-3, it is necessary...
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9-8 Toll Restriction Des crip ti on All toll tables have been conveniently placed under one program code to allow entry of all toll restriction data. The buttons on the digital terminal are defined as shown below when entering the Toll Restriction programming area: When the system searches the Allow and Deny tables, the entries are checked starting with Bin 01 and proceeding sequentially through the ta bl e t o th e l ast bi n. I n ad dit i on the A ll ow T abl e i s a lway s se ar c...
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To ll R e s t r ic t i o n 9 - 9 All ow Ta b le Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Pr es s t he ALLOW TABLE A or ALLOW TABLE B f le xib le but ton (F L ASH 70, Button #1 or #3). The following mess age is shown on the disp lay te le pho ne : The fi rs t two bi n l o c ati o ns di spl ay. 2. Enter a valid bin numb er (01–2 0) of t he bi n t o be pr ogr amme d. It is re comme nded th at: †B in 17 b e r es er ve d f o r an e ntr y th at re fe re nc es SP EC IA L TA B LE 1 †B in 18 b e r...