Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual
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9-10 To l l Res trictio n Des crip ti on Each Allow T able con ta ins 20 b in numbe rs . E ach b in numbe r may be up to 8 digits, including Do Not Care digits and Search Special Table commands. Entries into the Allow Table represent exceptions to numbers or cod es tha t a re to be allowed only if they would otherwis e be res tricted by an entry in the Deny Table. Ex a m pl e If [1 555 1212] is allowed but [1+] numbers are denied, by an entry into the Deny Table, [1 555 1212] is entered...
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To ll R e s t r ic t i o n 9 - 1 1 Rule s f or E nt ri es t h at R efe rence Spe ci a l T a bl es For e ntr ie s re fer e nc ing the fi r st t hre e spe c ia l t ab le s a sp ec i fic are a c ode must b e i de nti fi ed (one for ea ch t abl e nee de d). T he n mak e no te as t o how t he numb er s ar e d ial e d when d ial i ng numbe rs to t hi s ar ea c ode (e .g. , with a l ead ing di git [1] or n o le adi ng digi t [1] ). The entry into the Allow Table would be entered...
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9-12 To l l Res trictio n 2. When the first two bin locations are displayed, enter the 2-digit bin nu mber ( 01–10) of the bin to be programmed. 3. Enter the deny code: [0–9] , [6], [#] = Corr esponding deny dig its numb ers MUTE = Do No t Care digi t 4. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard a nd t he di spl ay n ow upda te s. 5. When all entries for one table are complete, press the flexible button for the next table. Er a si n g a Bin Nu m be r 1. Enter...
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To ll R e s t r ic t i o n 9 - 1 3 Spe cial Table Pro g ram mi ng S te ps To prog ram a Spe cia l T abl e , i t is fi rs t nece ssa ry to ass ign an are a code to the table (except for the home area code). 1. Press the appropriate AREA CODE TABLE (#1 to #3) flexible button (FLASH 70, Bu tton s #9 to #11). The following message displays: 2. Enter a valid area code. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard a nd t he di spl ay u pdat es . Entering Office Codes in...
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9-14 To l l Res trictio n Des crip ti on The Special Tables provide greater flexibility in designing a toll plan for a par t icul ar si te . †Each Specia l Ta ble a llows entry of up to 800 of fice codes ( 200–999). †Three of these tables must be assigned an area code by which they are referenced. The fourth table is reserved for the home area code and re qui re s no are a co de ent r y. †The Sp ec i al Tabl es ar e re fer enc e d t hr ough e ntr i es in th e a ll ow t abl es ....
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To ll R e s t r ic t i o n 9 - 1 5 Disp lay Toll Tabl e Entri es Pro g ram mi ng S te ps Press the DISPLAY TABLES flexible button (FLA SH 70 , Bu tton #12) while entering information into a table. Viewing Entries in an Allow or Deny Table Two entries at a time are displayed o n the bottom line of the display. 1. Pres s the DISPLAY TABLE S b utton a gain, the next highe r bins displays. 2 . Whe n th e l ast e ntr i es are di spl aye d, pr es s t he D IS PLAY TA BLES but to n again to...
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10 Least Cost Routing (LCR) This c hapter provides the functional steps nec essary to use the LCR features with the ST A RPLU S Triad-S System. To implement the most economical routes for an outside call, you must first enter the Programming Mode.
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Introduction 10-3 Introduction Lea st Cos t Routi ng (LCR) was des ign ed to sel ect t he most e conomi cal progra mmed route for a n outgoing call. When a statio n user dials an outside number, the LCR feature analyzes the number and then automatica lly choos es an outs ide lin e f rom the group tha t has been progra mmed as mos t economical. The LCR feature puts the responsibility of choosing the least expensive route for each area code and exchange code on the system...