Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual
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Page 311
11-4 I ntro ductio n In it i al iz e Sy st em Pa ra m et er s Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the SYSTEM PARAMETERS flexible button ( FLASH 80, Bu tton #1). The fo ll owing mes sag e d is pla ys: 2. Press the HOLD button. A confirmation tone is heard. Des crip ti on The System Parameters may be initialized setting all data fields to their original, default values. The following data fields are returned to their default values upon initializing the System Parameters. INITIA LIZE S...
Page 312
Introduction 11-5 Table 11-1: Syste m Paramete r Defa ults Program CodeFl ex ButtonFe aturesDef ault V alue (after initialization) FLASH 01 SYSTEM TIMERS 1 System Ho ld Rec all Ti mer 060 sec 2 Exc lusi ve H ol d Recal l Tim er 180 sec 3 Atten da n t R eca ll Timer 01 m in 4 Tran sfer Rec all T imer 045 sec 5 Preset For ward Tim er 10 sec 6 Call For ward No/Answer Timer 15 sec 7 Pause Tim er 2 sec 8 Cal l Park Rec all Ti mer 180 sec 9 Conference/DISA Timer 10 min 10 Pagin g Time-o ut Tim er 15...
Page 313
11-6 I ntro ductio n FLASH 05SY STEM FEATURES 1 1 Atten dan t Overr ide D isabl ed 2 Ho ld Preference Syst em 3 Ext ernal Ni ght R ing Disabl ed 4 Exec uti ve O ver rid e Warn in g Ton e Enab led 5 Page Warning Tone Enabled 6 Background Music Channel Enabled 7 Least Cost Rout ing Disabl ed 8 Acc ount Codes - Forced Disabl ed 9 Gro up L isten in g D isa bl ed 1 0 Id le S p e a ke r M od e D is a bl e d 11 Call Cost Display Feature Disabled 12 Musi c-On -Ho ld Enabled 13 Ca l l Qua l ifier Ton e Op...
Page 314
Introduction 11-7 FLASH 07FLASH RATES 1 In co min g CO Lin e Ri ng in g Red 480 i pm flut ter 2 In co min g I nt erco m R in gin g Red 120 i pm flut ter 3 Call For ward Button Red Steady On 4 Message Wait /VM Butto n Red Steady On 5 Message CallB ack – DSS/BLF Red 120 i pm flut ter 6Do Not Disturb – DSS/BLF Red 60 ipm Dbl Wink 7 Auto C a llB ac k – DSS/ BLF Red 120 i pm flash 8 UCD Available/Unavailable – DSS/BLF Red 60 ipm Dbl Wink 9 Tran sfer CO Rin gi ng Red 120 i pm flash 10 Rec al l CO Ri...
Page 315
11-8 I ntro ductio n FLASH 15BAUD RATE ASSIGN MEN TS 1 Por t #1 (1st RS-232C po rt on Opt ion al MI SU) 9 600 Bau d 2 Por t #2 (2n d R S-232C por t on Optio nal MI SU) 9 600 Bau d 3 Por t #3 (Optio nal Modem) 9 600 Bau d FLASH 16 1-3 Net wor king Tables N on e FLASH 20 1 DI SA Acc ess Co de 100 2 Database Admin Password 322 6 FLASH 21 1 SMDR Enable/Disable No 2 Long Distance/Local Assi gnment Long Distance 3 Charact er Pr int Assignm ent 80 4 Baud R at e Displ ay 960 0 5 SMDR Por t Assi gnments...
Page 316
Introduction 11-9 In iti al iz e CO Lin e A ttr ibu tes Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he CO LI NE ATT R IBU TES fl ex ibl e but ton (FLASH 80, Bu tton #2). The fo ll owing mes sag e d is pla ys: 2. Press the HOLD button. A confirmation tone is heard. Des crip ti on The CO Line Parameters may be initialized setting all data fields to their original, default values. The following data fields are returned to their default value upon initializing the CO Line Attributes. INITIA LIZE...
Page 317
11- 1 0 I ntr o ducti o n Initialize Station Attributes Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t h e STATI ON AT TR I B U TE S f le x ib le bu t to n (FLASH 80, Bu tton #3). The fo ll owing mes sag e d is pla ys: 2 . To ini t ia li ze t he St at ion At t ri but es, pr es s t he HOL D b utt on. A conf irmation ton e is hea rd. Des crip ti on The Station Parameters may be initialized setting all data fields to their original, default values. The following data fields are returned to their...
Page 318
Introduction 11-11 Tabl e 1 1- 3: St at io n At t ri but e Def ault s Progra m CodeFl ex ButtonFeat uresDef ault V alue ( after initialization) FLASH 50 1 Pag in g Ac cess En abled PAGE A2Do Not Disturb Enabled 3 Conference Enable/Disable (Per Station) Enabled 4 Ex ecu tive Overri de D isab led 5 Pr ivacy (Per Stat ion) Enabled 6 System Speed Di al Ac cess En abled 7 Line Queuing Enabled 8 P r e fe r r e d L i ne A ns w e r En a b l e d 9 Off-Hoo k Voic e Over (OHVO) Disabled 10 C a ll Fo rwa rd...
Page 319
11- 1 2 I ntr o ducti o n FLASH 50 PAGE B1 Stat ion Id en tific atio n 0 06 (24-Bt n K ey set ) 6 (SLT w/ o MW t) 2 Stat ion Day Class of Service 1 3 Stat ion N ig ht Cl ass o f Servi ce 1 4 Speaker phone/Headset Pro gram ming 0=Ful l Speaker phone 5 Pick-Up Group(s) Programming 1 6 Pa g in g Z on e(s) P rog ra mm ing 1 8 CO Li ne G ro up Acc ess 1 9 LCR Class of Ser vice (COS) 0 10 Off-Hoo k Preference Pro grammi ng 00 (Keyset) 11 Flex ib le B ut ton Pro gr am min g (b la nk ) 12 K eyset Mode...
Page 320
Introduction 11-13 Initialize CO / Station Port Parameters Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the PORT-STA/CO flexible button ( FLASH 80, Butto n #4 ). The following message displays: 2. To initialize the Station/CO Port Parameters, press the HOLD button. A conf irmation ton e is hea rd. Des crip ti on St at ion numbe rs c an be in it ia li ze d a nd r es et t o t he ir or igi nal de faul t val u es af te r the u s er has pe r fo rm ed the S tat i o n R e lo c at i o n Fe at u re (6...