Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual
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Page 361
12- 3 0 D ata base Pr i n ti ng 13 106 NONE 106A 14 107 NONE 107A 15 108 NONE 108A 16 109 NONE 109A 17 110 NONE 110A 18 ... NONE ... 19 130 NONE 130A 20 ... NONE ... 21 150 NONE 150A ... and so on through 99 ... ... 100 100A 170 170A 101 101A ... ... 102 102A 190 190A 103 103A ... ... 104 104A 210 210A 105 105A ... and so on through 252 Fi gure 12 -9: ICLID Transl at i o n Tabl es Pri nto ut
Page 362
Da taba se Print ing 12 -31 Pr in t D ire ct or y Di a l Ta b le Pa ra m et er s Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he DI R EC TOR Y D IA L TA BLE fl exi ble b utt on ( FLASH 85, Bu tton #10). T he f oll owin g me ssa ge dis pl ays: 2. To print the Directory Dialing Table parameters, press the HOLD button. The following message displays: When the system finishes sending the requested information to the printer, a conf irmation to ne is hea rd. Des crip ti on The Print Directory...
Page 363
12- 3 2 D ata base Pr i n ti ng LS T -- - 00 0 00 1 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 5 00 6 00 7 00 8 00 9 01 0 01 1 01 2 01 3 01 4 01 5 01 6 01 7 01 8 01 9 02 0 02 1 02 2 02 3 02 4 02 5 02 6 02 7 02 8 02 9 03 0 03 1 03 2 03 3 03 4 03 5 03 6 03 7 03 8 04 1 04 2 04 3 04 4 04 5 04 6 04 7 04 8BI N -- - 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 141 142 143 144 145 146...
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Da taba se Print ing 12 -33 Pr in t Hu n t Gr ou p Pa ra m et e rs Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the HUNT GROUPS flexible button ( FLASH 85, Butto n #11 ). The following message displays: 2. To print data for Hunt Group Parameters, press the HOLD button. The f oll owing me ssa ge dis pl ays: When the system finishes sending the requested information to the printer, a conf irmation to ne is hea rd. Des crip ti on The Pr int Hun t G roup comman d dump s the en ti re da ta bas e a s a...
Page 365
12- 3 4 D ata base Pr i n ti ng Print ACD / UCD Group Parameters Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the ACD* or UCD GROUPS flexible button ( FLASH 85, Bu tton #12). T he f oll owin g me ssa ge dis pl ays: 2. To print data for the ACD* or UCD Group Parameters, press the HOLD button. The following message displays: When the system finishes sending the requested information to the pr int er, a conf ir mat ion to ne i s hea rd. * The AC D f eat ur e i s avai la bl e with o ptional s...
Page 366
Da taba se Print ing 12 -35 Pr in t Voi ce Mail Gr ou p Parameter s Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he VO IC E M A I L GR O UP fl exi bl e but ton (F LA SH 85 , Bu tton #13). T he f oll owin g me ssa ge dis pl ays: 2 . To pr int da ta for Voice Mai l Grou p Para met er s, pr ess t he HOL D button. The following message displays: When the system finishes sending the requested information to the printer, a conf irmation to ne is hea rd. Des crip ti on The Print Voice Mail...
Page 367
12- 3 6 D ata base Pr i n ti ng †Vo i c e M a i l O p t i o n s Figure 12-13: Voice Mail Group Parameters Printout VM ALT LEV RET STN# --------------------------- 440 0## 1 441 ### # 442 ### # 443 ### # 444 ### # 445 ### # 446 ### # 447 ### # VOICE MAIL OUT TABLE -------------------- TABLE IDX PREFIX SUFFIX 0 P7E 1 P7E *E 2 3 4...
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Da taba se Print ing 12 -37 Print Verif ie d Account Cod es Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he VE RI FI ED A CCT CO DES fl exi bl e but ton (F LA SH 85 , Bu tton #15). T he f oll owin g me ssa ge dis pl ays: 2. To print the VERIFIED ACCT CODES, press the HOLD button. The f oll owing me ssa ge dis pl ays: When the system finishes sending the requested information to the printer, a conf irmation to ne is hea rd. Des crip ti on The Pr int Ve ri fi ed Accoun t Code s comm and...
Page 370
Nu meri cs 3-Digit Area/Office Code Table (LCR) 10-8 6-Digit O ff ic e Code Table ( LCR ) 10-9 911 Feature 2 -40 911 Trunk 3-17 A Access Codes 2 -66 Acc ount Codes - Forc ed 2-27 ACD/UCD Grp Parameters, initializ ing 11-19 Administration Access 4-16 Ag ent Rec all (ACD) 2 -39 Allow Table 9-9 Alternate Gro u p As s ig n ment (A CD) 6-5 As s ig n ment (U CD) 7- 4 Voice Mail 8-4 An no u nc e m e nt T a bl e s ACD 6-1 7 An no u nc e m e nt T a bl e s ( U C D ) 7-1 1 Attendant Display Timer 2-19...