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Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual

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Page 261

8-4 Voice M ail Prog ra mming
Au to Attenda nts  can handle incom ing calls and route calle rs  to station  
users without intervention from  the systems Attendant.  Direct incoming 
ring to V oice  Mail/Auto  Attend ant groups  can b e d one  directly throug h 
CO Line Ringing Assignments. By default, all Voice Mail stations are 
ass ign ed  to  Pi ck-U p Gr oup 1 .  The  but t ons  on t he  digi t al  te l ephon e a re  
def ine d a s s hown wh en e ntering  the V oice  Mail  prog ram ming  area :

Page 262

Voice Mail Program ming 8-5
Des crip ti on
An Alternate  Voice Mail Group may be programmed  so that if all voice 
mai l  por ts  ar e  in  use,  t he  c all  c a n be  r oute d t o a n al t er nat e  group . T his  i s 
useful  when more  than eight ports are required  for voice  mail traffic.
Leave Mail Index Entry
Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
1. Press the LEAVE flexible button (FLASH 65, Button  #10).
2 . Ent er  a  val id  Lea ve  Ma il  I nde x numb er  on t he  di al  pa d:
†Fir st  D igi t = St anda...

Page 263

8-6 Voice M ail Prog ra mming
Retrieve  Mail Index Entry
Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
1. Press the RETRIEVE  flexible button ( FLASH 65, Butto n #1 1).
2. Enter a valid outpulsing table  number  (0-7)  on the  dial  pad.
3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
display updates.
Deleting a R etrieve Mail Index Entry
1. Pres s the  pound  ke y once  [# ].
2. Then press the HOLD  button.
Des crip ti on
The Retrieve Mail  Index specifies the  outpulsing  table where the In-Band...

Page 264

Voice Mail Outpulsing  Table 8-7
Des crip ti on
Up to twe nty -four (24) e xte nsion num bers  may  be  prog ram med  in to  a 
voi ce m ail  gr oup.  A fl exi bl e  but ton  may  be  pr ogra mmed  wi th  a v oice  
mai l gr oup p il ot nu mber  (4 40 -4 4 7).  Thi s but t on th en act s a s a D SS f or t hat  
voi ce m ail  gr oup  when  pr es sed  and  al so s er ve s a s t he  me ssa ge  wait i ng 
indication for that VM  group.
Voice Mail Outpulsing Table
Voice Mail In-Band Signaling
Pro g ram mi ng...

Page 265

8- 8 Voi ce  Mai l  O utpul s in g Tabl e
Des crip ti on
Entries in one of  the eight  Voice Mail  Outpulsing Tables determine the 
In- Band  si gnal ing  re qui re d f or:
†Retrieving messages (allows stations to pick  up mail).
†Leav ing  mes sag es  (al lows  st at i ons t o l eav e m ess age s i n v oice  mai l) .
Sugges te d Us es:
†Buil d a  t abl e  (0  for  exa mpl e)  for  any  addi ti onal  d igi ts  ot her  t han  th e 
st at ion  ext en sion  numbe r  (e. g., Voi c e M a il  Box nu mber ) n...

Page 266

Voice Mail Outpulsing  Table 8-9
Voi c e M a il  D isc on ne c t  Ta b le
Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
1. Press the DISCONNECT TABLE 8 flexible  button (FLASH 66, 
Bu tton #9).  Thi s  ta ble  num ber  i s  used  for  t he  voic e  ma il  di sc onne c t 
si gnal .
2 . Ent er  up t o 1 2 di gi ts  use d for  the  di sconne ct s ign al,  incl udi ng [
6] an d 
[ #], TRANS but ton = paus e.
3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
display updates.
Des crip ti on
A  dis connect...

Page 267

8-10 Vo ice Ma il   In-Ban d Fea tures
Voice Mail In-Band Features
Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
Pre ss FLASH a nd di al  [ 67].  The following message displays:
Des crip ti on
Entries into the Voice Mail  In-Band  Features determines  the in-band 
si gnal ing  r equ i re d f o r  IC ID  In c o ming  ID  Di gi ts  (fo r war ds  in co m ing  CO  
callers directly to a Station’s  Voice  Mai l  Box),  and F orw ard  t o VM Gr oups  
(lets voice mail calls, upon reaching a forwarded to VM station,  forward 

Page 268

Voice Mail In-Ba nd Fe atures 8 -11
Des crip ti on
The Voice  Mail In-Band Digits feature enables and disables station 
in-band signaling. Incoming CO callers can be Station Call Forwarded 
int o v oic e  ma il  onl y whe n t he  ri ngi ng C O  li ne  is  pr ogr amme d t o r in g at  
one  station.  CO line s  pro gra mmed  to ring  at an  Attenda nt  station,  call 
forward into  the voice mail system (if  programmed to ring  only  at one 
Attendant station). Callers are  presented  to  the main...

Page 269

8-12 Vo ice Ma il   In-Ban d Fea tures
Voi ce Mail  Br ok er
Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
1. Press the VM BROKER CALLS  flexible button ( FLASH 67, Butto n #3). 
The following  message displays:
2 . Ent er  a  0 o r 1 to  Enab le / Dis abl e thi s fea tu r e.
[0] =  Disab le d
[1] =  Ena ble d
3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
display updates.
Des crip ti on
The  Voi c e  Ma il  Br oker  C al ls  fe at ure  modi fi es  t he o per at ion  of v oic e  mai l  
ports when...

Page 270

Voice Mail Index Table 8 -13
Des crip ti on
The  Voi c e  Ma il  I D D ig it  Le ngt h fe at ure  mod ifi es  t he  st at ion  and  CO  voi c e 
mail  identification fields  such that the maximum  length of  these fields is 
four  di git s.
Voice Mail Index Table
Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
To add Ma ilbox buttons , or chan ge VM groups and ID numbers :
Pre ss FLASH a nd di al  [ 68].  The following message displays:
The top left  button  in  the flexible button field ( FLASH 68, Butto n #1 ) is 
lit for...
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