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Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual

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Page 251

7-8UCD Timers
Des crip ti on
The  UC D Ring T im er de te rm ine s ho w lo ng a  call rings into a  busy  UCD  
gro up be for e  bei ng p re se nte d t o t he  fi rs t  re cord ed  announce ment .  By 
def au l t,  th e UC D  Ri ng  Ti mer  i s s et  fo r  6 0  se c o nds,  and  i s v ari ab le  fr o m 
00 0–300 seconds.
UCD Message Interval Timer
Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
1. Press the MIT TIMER flexible button ( FLA SH 61, Bu tton  #2). The  
following message displays:
2. Enter a valid number on the...

Page 252

UCD Time rs7-9
UCD Ove rf low Time r
Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
1. Press the OVERFLOW TIMER flexible button ( FLA SH 61 , Bu tton #3). 
The following  message displays:
2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad which corresponds to 
000-600 seconds.
3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
display updates.
Des crip ti on
The UCD Overflow Timer determines  the total  length of  time  a caller 
remains  in queue for a particular UCD group. When the timer expires, the 
caller is...

Page 253

7-10 UCD  Timers
Des crip ti on
After  completion  of a UCD call (on-hook) the agent  is not  be  subjected to 
another UCD call for the duration  of the  Auto  Wrap-Up Timer  allowing 
the agent to finish  call related work or access  other facilities.  This lets 
agents  remov e  themselv es  from the  grou p (e.g.,  DN D, C all  Forward) or 
originate  another call. By  default,  the UCD Auto Wrap-Up  Timer is set for 
4  seco nds and is  variable from  000 to 999 seconds.
UCD No-Answer Recall  Timer...

Page 254

UCD Announcem ent Tables 7 -11
2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad which corresponds to 
000-999 seconds.
3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
display updates.
Des crip ti on
When the  No-Answer Recall Timer  expires, a  station  that  failed to answer 
the ringing UCD call  is placed into  an Out-Of-Service (OOS) state.
The  station that was taken out-of-service  is placed back in service if the 
age nt  hit s  the i r a vai la bl e f le x but t on or  di al s t...

Page 255

7-12 UCD Announcem ent Tables
To  program  a table for a CO line port:
1 . Pr es s t he  TABLE  X  fl exi bl e b utt on (1 -8 ).
2. Dial [1] for CO Port  Interface.
3. Dial [001-012] for CO Lines used.
4. Enter message duration  (000-300 seconds).
5. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
display updates.
To  program  a table for an  SLT port:
1 . Pr es s t he  TABLE  X  fl exi bl e b utt on (1 -8 ).
2. Dial [2] for SLT  Port Interface.
3. Dial [100-131]  for  SLT stations...

Page 256

UCD Announcem ent Tables 7 -13
5. Dial [0-9].
0  =  No DT MF D et ect i on, N o Mes sag es  Playe d. (D ef ault )
1  =  DTMF  De te ct ion,  No Me ss age.
2  =  No DTMF, Place  In Queue Message.
3  =  DTMF  De te ct ion,  Place  I n Q ueue  Me ssa ge.
4 = No DTMF, H old Time Message.
5  =  DTMF  De te ct ion,  Hol d T ime  Me ssa ge.
6 = No  DT M F, B o t h Me ss age s.
7  =  DTMF  De te ct ion,  Bot h Mes sage s.
8 = Not used at this time.
9 = Not used at this time.
6. Press HOLD to save the entry. A...

Page 257

7-14 UCD Announcem ent Tables
When using  the Digital  Voice Mail  as  a RAN Announcer, the  following 
options  are  ava ilable:
Table 7-1: Voice Mail RAN Announcer O ptions
O ption Action
0 Do NOT take a menu act ion on any DTMF dialed by t he caller; DO NOT 
pl ay  Pl a ce in  Qu eue o r H old  Ti me messa g e. (Defa u lt)
1 Take menu ac tio n o nl y  on DTMF dialed by the call er; DO NOT play 
Pla ce in Qu eu e or Ho ld Time m essag e.
2 DO NOT  take  menu act io n o n any DTFM dialed by user; pl ay...

Page 258

Voice Mail Groups (VM)
This c hapter  provides the  func tional  steps  nec essary to use the Voic e
Mail features with the STARPLUS Tr i ad -S System. To implement the
voice  mail  options desired, you  must  first enter the Programming
Mo d e . 

Page 259


Page 260

Voice Mail Program ming 8-3
Voice Mail Programming
Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
1. Pr es s F LASH and dia l [65]. The  fol lowi ng m es sage  di sp lays .
[G ]  = V o i c e  M ai l  G ro u p  N u mb e r  ( 0- 7)
[AA A]  = Alt er n at e Gr o u p ( 440 - 447 )
[LLL] = Le ave Mail I ndex
[R]  = Retrieve Mail Index from outpuls ing table for retrievi ng mess ages  ( 0-7)
[XXX]   = Voice Mail S tation Numbers  ( ports)  up to 24  s tations maxi mum
The top left button in the flexible  button  field is lit for...
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