Siemens Saturn Iie Epabx General Description Manual
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I SATURN IIE EPABX lnstallatlon Test Proccdurcs A30808-X5130-8120-1-8928 Issue I, May 1986 J46/P46 J47/P47 Figure 4.00 Location of Input Voltage Connectors 011 Basic Bockplnnc

SATURN IIE EPABX A30808-X5130-8120-1-8928 nstallation Test Procedures Issue 1, May 1986 i ---I I :42/?42 J43/P43 J44lP44 Figure 4.0.1 Location cf Input Voltage Connectors on LTU Dackp!ane

SATURN IIE EPABX A30808-X5130-B120-l-8928 Installation Test Procedures Issue 1, May 1986 5.01 General. The SATURN IIE EPABX is a Stored-Program- Controlled (SPC) system. The system is shipped with two iden- tical floppy disks that contain the basic operating and the installation-dependent data. The operating program uses the installation-dependent data, commonly referred to as the sys- tem data base, to complete and process calls as required by the customer. This information includes such items as the number of station lines and trunks in the system, as well as their operating characteristics. The exact equipment configuration of the SATURN IIE Sys- tem must be defined in the data base in order for the system to operate properly. Depending on how the system is ordered, the data base is supplied in a standard format or, on request, can be supplied completely defined and prepared by Siemens. When the standard data base format is supplied, via the SATURN EPABX Data Base Preparation practice, the equip- ment configuration of the particular installation-site must be evaluated to determine if additional information must be ad- ded to the floppy disks. The floppy disks are updated via a service terminal. The procedures for defining the data base and inputting the data to memory are described in the SATURN EPABX Data Base Preparation practice and SATURN EPABX Customer Memory Update (CMU) Proce- dures practice. 5.02 boadjng Operating D&a. After satisfactoriiy complet- ing the Power-Up/Output Voltage Tests in Section 4.00, the system’s operating program, contained on the floppy Uisks, is loaded into the FDD modules for the initial processor in- itialization. Both floppy disks are loaded, with either disk placed in either drive (FDDO or FDDI). Before proceeding with the loading procedures indicated in Table 5.00, the following precautions must be observed when handling the floppy disks. Figure 5.00 illustrates the floppy disk and storage envelope. a. Prior to using a floppy disk, leave disk in the same en- vironment as the FDD module for at least 5 minutes. b. Do not place heavy objects on floppy disk. c. Do not write on floppy disk. d. Do not touch floppy disk suriace while hand!ing. Damage to FDD head may occur due to skin oil pick- ing up dirt. e. Always return floppy dislc to storage envelope when it is not in use. 5.03 Inputting CMU Data to F!oppy Disk. After satisfac- torily loading the operating disks as indicated in Table 5.00, refer to the SATURN EPABX Data Base Preparation practice which defines the particular system’s data base, and SATURN EPABX Customer Memory Update (CMU) Prccsdures prac- tice to input the installation-dependent da?a to memory Centering 1 Hole Read/W Window Index Hole Protective Envelope I I Storage Envelope Figure 5.00 Floppy Disk and Storage Envelope

SATURN IIE EPABX A3080&X5130-B120-l-8928 Installation Test Procedures Issue 1, May 1986 WARNING Hazardous voltages exist within the equipment cabinet. Be e&e&y careful when performing testir;g/~roobleshooting procedur- LJ with the equ&ment panel(s) removed. Table 5.00 Loading Procedures for Operaling Disk ;TEP PROCEDURE VERIFICATION !F VERIFICATION IS NOT OBTA!NED 1 On the PSU, shown in Figure 5.01, place the FAtLURE TRANSFER switch in the AUTO position, 2 Insert a floppy disk into slot opening of each FDD until it stops (Figure 5.02). NOTE: Either system disk may be placed in either FDD. 3 Close FDD latch to secure floppy disk in place. 4 Perform the following operations on the CIOP PCB (Figure 5.03). a) Connect service terminal to Set CIOP DlP switches (Figure 5.03) TTY connector on CIOP PCB for service terminal in use per Table (Figure 5.03). 5.01. b) Depress the reset switch locat- The following ihree messages should If a failure occurs during initia!ization, ed under the CIOP llY con- appear on the service terminal: the LEDs flash a binary value to indi- nectar. Use pencil or other cate loading error as described in Ta- nonmetallic object to depress 1) THE SIB SIDE IS READY FOR ble 5.02. the switch. USE Should any of the failures described 2) READY TO START BOOT in Table 5.02 occur during processor LOADER initialization, remove the floppy disks 3)“* BOOT LOADER COMPLETE”’ from FDDs and insert the spare flop- py disks into the FDDs. If no failures After the last message, the red cccur, the floppy disks previously re- STO-ST3 LEDs perform a cycling se- moved are defective. If the same quence and the green ACTV LED re- failure occurs, refer to ACTION mains lit. cOlumn in Table 5,02 When the loading process is com- plete, the red LEDs stop cycling and one LED remains lit for a few se- conds, then cycling starts again. The green LED (ACTV) remains lit. If no failures occur during processor initialization, the four red LEDs display a code indicating that processor in- itialization has been completed and the processor is on-line. Concurrent- ly, the service terminal displays soft- ware version, date base version, patch level of disk software, site information and the prompt ENTER PASSWORD. If it is desired to perform CMU proce- dures or clear the alarm stack, enter the appropriate password. If the proper password is entered, a date- and-time prompt is displayed. If an in- correct password is entered, INVALID PASSWORD ENTERED is displayed. 5-2

SATURN IIE EPABX A30808-X5130-0120-1-8928 Installation Test Procedures lssuc 1, May 1936 Table 5.00 Loading Procedures for Operating Disk (Continued) STEP PROCEDURE VERlFlCATlON IF VERIFlCAT!ON IS NOT OBTAINED ’ 5 If the operating disks that were load- ed did not contain a Siemens-. prepared data base, refer to SATURN EPABX Data Base Preparation prac- tice to define the particular system data base, and the SATURN EPABX Customer Memory Update Proce- dures practice to input the installation- dependent data to the system memory. Table 5.01 CIOP DIP Switch Settings CAUTION: Before removing GOP PCB to set switches, place BASIC PS circuit brea!:er on lhe PSU to the off (c?own) position. After replacement of ClOP PCB, place circuit breaker back to the on (up) position. SWITCH NUMBER SWITCH ON (CLOSED) SWITCH OFF (OPZX) 1 Maintenance/ Test Normal 2 Not Used Not Used 3&4 Baud Rate (see note) Baud Rate (see no?e) 5 One Stop Bit Two Stop Bits 6 Odd Parity Even Parity 7 Parity Disabled Parity Enabled 8 Seven Bits Eight Bits NOTE: The following are the baud rate combinations for switches 3 and 4. SW3 SW4 BAUD RATE OFF OFF 300 ON OFF 1200 OFF ON 2400 ON ON 9600 5-3

I’ A30808-X5130-(3120-l-8928 Issue 1, May 1986 Table 5.02 LED Display Values for Loading Errors HEX CCDE ERRCR DETECTED 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 : D E F 8 9 A I3 Start of self test not halted Main processor error EPROM checksum error MEM slot 0 low 64k test error 8k by 8 static RAM test error IRAM memory test error ORAM memory test error SIB side error Global memory error Watchdog iimer error SIB serial loopback test error SIB counter timing test error Start boot process (self test done) Disk coniroller error Drive not ready error CRC retry errcrs exceed 8 ST0 LED OFF :z OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON Notes: I ST1 LED OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON % ON ON ON %F OFF OFF OFF ST2 LED OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF % OFF OFF ON %F OFF ON ON ST3 LED OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON ACTION _._________-________ Note 1 Note 1 Notes 1 and 3 Noie 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 NOieS 1 and 3 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 ______-___--___-____-- Note ‘1 Note 2 Note 2 1. Upon failure, retry loading procedure. If failure persists, replace CIOP PC3. 2. Upon failure, retry loading procedure using another set of floppy disks. If failure persists, chcc!i/replace disk drives and then CIOP PCB, if necessary. 3. If reload and CIOP PCB replacement (Noie 1) is not effective, replace memory PCBs starting from sloi 0 until failure is no longer present. Figure 5.01 Po*wr Sys?em Unit (Front View)

I -- SATURN IIE EPABX Installation Test Procedures A30808-X5130-6120-1-8928 Issue 1, May 1986 LATCH OPEN LATCH CLoSED / / ? 25 0 WRITE PROTECT NOTCH FLOPPY / DiSi’c Figure 5.02 Floppy Dish Loading Proceduics

I - SATURN IIE EPABX Installation Test Procedures A30800-X5130-6120-l-8928 Issue 1, May 1986 LED LED (Red) ST3 LED ACTW r LED Connector Service Terminal ‘witch Figure 5.03 CIOP Printed Circuit Coard 5-6 (6 pages)

SATURN IIE EPABX A30808-X5130-BlZO-l-8920 Installation Test Procedures Issue 1. May 1986 6.01 General. After satisfactorily loading the cperating disk and inputting CMU data to system memory via a service ter- minal, the operational capability of the system must be veri- fied after the necessary MDF cross-connections are performed. The SATURN IIE System software contains a group of system and apparatus (ancillary equipment) diag- nostic test routines which are accessed via the maintenance phone. Resulting visual and/or audible responses from these on-line diagnostic tests make it possible to verify correct oper- ation or detect and isolate system and apparatus malfunc- tions. If in doubt about a SATURN PCB or apparatus maliunctioning, craft personnel should refer to the SATURN IIE EPABX Mainionance and Troubleshooting praciice for fur- ther details. If a SATURN PCB or apparatus is proven to be defective, craft personnel should proceed according to the instructions contained in the MRA kit. 6.02 Connecticn of Maintenance Phcne and Modem. Figures 6.00 and 6.01 provide the details for the maintenance phone and modem initial MDF cross-connections. Figure 6.00 also identifies the leads used when interfacing other main- tenance related equipment such as a power failure transfer subsystem and dry contact closures for remote minor and major alarm indications. Note that such equipment is customer-provided and craft personnel should follow the manufacturer’s instructions when installing them. To connect ihe maintenance phone and modem, the initial MDF cross- connections aie as follows: a. Maintenance Phone. At the MDF connecting block on which PSU cable J13 is terminated, cross-connect the T&R leads of pair number 1 (W/BL- BL/W) to the T&R leads of the subscriber line circuit assigned for main- tenance purposes (refer to Figure 6.00 for details). Note that this subscriber line circuit must be classmarked with the Maintenance Diagnostic Test (TESTDIAG) and Apparatus Test (TSTAPP) features. b. Modem. From the system T&R connecting block that allocates system MDF cable J44 from the basic shelf, cross-connect the T&R of pair number 24 (V/BR- BR/V) to the T&R leads of the subscriber line circuit to be used for modem application (refer to Figure 6.01 for details). The subscriber line circuit to be used for modem ap- plication must be assigned to a class of service in which the Data Line Security (DATASEC) classmark has been enabled. After the above initial MDF cross-connections have been performed, the DTMF telephone set to be used as the maintenance phone can be connected to the modular jack designated MTCE PHONE on the PSU if equipped with a standard modular plug, or connected at the MDF to the T&R leads of the associated subscriber line cir- cuit. Note that if a permanent maintenance phone is desrred in tho equipment, it may be installed neartho front of the cabinet, and cross-connected per Figure 6.02. 6.03 MDF Cross-Connecting Procedures. After the main- ’ tenance phone and modem connections have been complet- ed, perform the necessary MDF cross-connections according to the equipment configuration plan. The following illusira- tions are provided to assist craft personnel in the MDF cross connections of peripheral interfacing devices: a. b. C. d. e. f. 9. h. i. i k. I. m n. 0. Figures 6.02 and 6.03 - Cross-Connections for rotary or pushbutton Single Line Telephone Instruments in- terfacing with SLMA-S and SLA16 PCBs, respectively. Figure 6.04 - Cross-Connections for Siemens Digital Telephone Interfacing with SLMD PCB. Figure 6.05 - Cross-Connections for SATURN Atien- dant Console. Figure 6.06 - Cross-Connections for Central Office (CO) and Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Trunks. Figure 6.07 - Cross-Connections for Two-Wire (Type I) E&M Tie Trunks. Figure 6.03 - Cross-Connections for Four-l”dirc (T]pe I) E&M Tie Trunks. Figure 6.09 - Cross-Ccnnections for T;:jo-Wire (T]pe I!) E&M Tie Trunks. Figure 6.10 - Cross-Connections for Four Wire (Type II) E&M Tie Trunks. Figure 6.11 - Cross-Connections for Recorded An- nouncement Equipment (DID and Tie Trunk Vacant Number Intercept, and ACD Announcement Service). Figure 6.12 - Cross-Connections for Coda Calling Equipment with or without Answerbaclc Capability. Figure 6.13 -Cross-Connections for DTMF Dial Dicta- tion Equipment. Figures 6.14 and 6.15 - Cross-Connections for Music- on-Hold Feature via a Music Source, interfacing with a TMBA4 and an SLMA/SLAlG PCB, respectively. Figure 6.16 - Cross-Connections for Zoned Paging Equipment With Answerback Capability. Figure 6.17 - Cross-Connections for Zoned Paging Equipment Without Answerback Capability. Figure 6.18 - Cross-Connections for Zoned Universal Night Answer (ZUNA or UNA) Signaling Equipment, 6-l

I .- SATURN IIE EPABX A30808-X5130-B120-l-B928 lnstallatlon Test Procedures Issue 1, May 1986 ,-Syslein MDF Cable J13 Cross-connect .to SLMA circuit designated for the maintenance telephone. 1 PXFER (No&h Ooen1 J , I PXFER (Normally Closed) Cross-connect to failure transfer relay(s) subsystem (customer- provided). \$$! > :tG TIP (Major-NC) > RING (Major Common) 0 14 D > FUBL TIP (Major-NO) Dry contact closures for remoie miner and major alarm indica- tions (customer- provided). Syslem Maiafcnancc Connecting Blsck Figure 6.00 Mainienance Phone and Mainienance-Related Cross-Conneciions System MDF Cable 144 from Basic Shelf rSystem T&R Connecting Block Cross-connect to SLMA circuit i designated for Modem application. ! Note: The cross-connections shown are used for the RAUP PCB. Figure G.01 Modem Cross-Connections