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Siemens Saturn Iie Epabx General Description Manual

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    							SATURN IIE EPABX 
    Installation Procedures 
    Issue 1, May 1986 
    Table 4.10 -48Vdc Power Supply (-48PS) Module, 110 Vat Q 60Hz) (S30050-K5668-X- * -8900) (Continued) 
    PROCEDURES: Mount the two U-type fasteners contained in the Mounting Hardware Kit on the mounting 
    flange hole openings where the -48PS module is to be installed. 
    2. Lift and position the -48PS module over the mounting flange containing the U-type fasteners. 
    Once in position, insert the remaining four screws with washers from the Mounting Hard- 
    ware Kit through the front and rear hole openings and secure into position. 
    3. For connections of power cable assemblies, refer to Section 5.00 in this practice for details 
    on power/ground cabling. Before connecting the power cables, check that the associated cir- 
    cuit breaker on the PSU panel is in the OFF position. 
    4. After performing the above procedures, refer to the SATURN IIE EPABX Installation Test Proce- 
    dures practice for further instructions to test the -48PS modules when powering up. 
    Note: When the expansion cabinet is equipped, -48PSl module and a second AC power cord 
    are required; remove J2 jumper plug from PSU. 
    Figure 4.21 -48PS (110 Vat @ 60Hz) Module (Front View) 
    Installation Procedures A30606-X5130-BllO-1-8928 
    Issue 1. May 1986 
    Figure 4.22 
    -48PS (110 Vat @ 60HZ) Module (Rear View) 
    							SATURN IIE EPABX 
    Installation Procedures A30808-X5130-BllO-l-8928 
    issue 1, May 1988 
    Table 4.11 
    LTU Power Supply (LTUPS) Module, 110 Vat Q 60Hz (L30808-X5130639-*-6901) 
    1 LTUPS Module Assembly V301141-ZOll-A158900 
    DESCRIPTION The LTUPS module, shown in Figure 4.23, is used to power the LTU shelf. The LTUPS module is 
    a switching power supply which provides +SVdc, -SVdc, +12Vdc and -12Vdc output power to the 
    LTU shelf. 
    1. Indicators. None. 
    2. Switches. None. 
    3. Strapping Options. Verify that the LTUPS is internally strapped for 11OVac input voltage, be- 
    fore installing. 
    OBSERVATIONS: When the LTU shelf is equipped, an LTU Power Supply module is required for powering purposes. 
    INSTALLATION 1. Insert the LTUPS from the front of the cabinet. Slide into place and fasten with 2 screws sup- 
    PROCEDURES: plied with the mounting kit. 
    2. For connections of power cable assemblies, refer to Section 5.00 for details on power/ground 
    cabling. Before connecting power cables, check that the associated circuit breaker on the 
    PSU panel is in the OFF position. 
    3. After installing the LTUPS module, refer to SATURN IIE EPABX Installation Test Procedures 
    practice for further instructions to test the power supply when powering up. 
    Installation Procedures I 
    A30808-X5130-8110-1-8928 Issue 1, May 1986 
    Figure 4.23 
    LTU Power Supply (LTUPS) Module, 110 Vat @ 60HZ 
    							SATURN IIE EPABX A30808-X5130-BllO-l-6928 
    Installation Procedures issue 1. May 1986 
    4.06 Miscellaneous Equipment. The Floppy Disk Drives 
    (FDDs) are data storage modules which use a 5- l/4 inch flop- 
    py disk as the data storage medium. The double-sided, quad 
    density, removable disk is not shipped with the FDD module and requires compliance with certain licensing agreements 
    prior to its delivery. Refer to Table 4.12 for further details on 
    the FDD modules. 
    Table 4.12 Floppy Disk Drive (FDD) Module (L30808-X5130-A50- * -8900) 
    PART NO. 
    FDD Module Assemblies V30141-ZO121-A6- * -N900 
    DESCRIPTION The FDD module, shown in Figure 4.24, is a data storage device which uses a floppy disk (not in- 
    : cluded) as the data storage medium. The double-sided, quad density, removable disk is capable 
    of storing a minimum of 1.0 megabyte of formatted data. Two FDD modules are equipped in the 
    system (FDDO and FDDl). The FDDs provide the backup memory for system initialization, system 
    reload, administration, and maintenance testing. 
    1. Indicators. One red LED located on the front panel which momentarily lights when a read/write 
    function is being executed. 
    2. Switches. One release switch lever on the front panel used for locking or releasing the floppy 
    3. Strapping Options. None. 
    PROCEDURES: None. 
    1. When handling the FDD module, avoid finger contact with the contact heads. 
    2. When handling the Common Control Feature Disk, avoid finger contact with its surface. 
    3. Never attempt to close switch lever on the front panel unless a disk is inserted. 
    The equipment cabinet comes equipped with two Floppy Disk Drive Modules when shipped from 
    the factory. If replacement of a defective FDD is required, perform the following steps: 
    1. Remove the seven screws securing the PSU front paneLand then remove four screws on 
    the FDD retaining plate, disconnecting two connector plugs. Slide out the FDD from the mount- 
    ing bracket and remove ground wire. 
    2. To install a new FDD, perform the inspection procedures in steps a through f; and then install 
    the FDD by following in reverse the procedures described in step 1. 
    a. Place FDD on clean bench surface with the PCB on its side and its front panel facing 
    b. Manually rotate motor. Observe that the motor rotates freely and smoothly. 
    c. Operate front panel release lever. Observe that carrier mechanism opens to insert flex- 
    ible disk cartridge and that centering cone is released from spindle hub. 
    d. Insert disk cartridge fully. Observe that spring-loaded latch is enaged and that disk 
    cartridge is seated properly over drive mechanism. 
    e. Rotate spindle drive mechanism. Observe smooth rotation of floppy disk. 
    f. Do not close lever without disk or blank cartridge being inserted. 
    3. For signal and power connections, refer to Section 5.00 in this practice for details on signal 
    and power/ground cabling. 
    4. Refer to the SATURN IIE EPABX Installation Test Procedures practice for further instructions 
    before powering up. 
    							SATURN IIE EPABX 
    Installation Procedures 
    Issue 1, May 1988 
    Table 4.12 Floppy Disk Drive (FDD) Module (L30808-X5130-A50-* -8900) (Continued) 
    a. Place FDD on clean bench surface with the PCB on its side and front panel facing 
    b. Manually rotate motor. Observe that the motor rotates freely and smoothly. 
    c. Operate front panel release lever. Observe that carrier mechanism opens to insert flex- 
    ible disk cartridge, and that centering cone is released from spindle hub. 
    d. Insert disk cartridge fully. Observe that spring-loaded latch is enaged and that disk 
    cartridge is seated properly over drive mechanism. 
    e. Rotate spindle drive mechanism. Observe smooth rotation of floppy disk. 
    f. Do not close lever without disk or blank cartridge being i;serted. 
    Figure 4.24 Floppy Disk Drive (FDD) Typical Module (Front View) 
    							I I 
    Installation Procedures A30808-X513043110-143928 
    Issue 1, May 1986 
    Figure 4.25 Floppy Disk Drive (FDD) Module (Connector Locations) 
    							SATURN IIE EPABX 
    Installation Procedures 
    4.07 Printed Circuit Boards. The plug-in PCBs are 230mm 
    (9.02 in.) high by 280mm (11.02 in.) deep. Each PC6 has two 
    edge-connector tab areas with 60 terminals each. The PCBs 
    plug into mating 60-pin connectors mounted on the backplanes 
    of the basic and LTU shelves. Two extractor levers, mounted on 
    the faceplate of each PCB, allow for easy insertion or removal 
    from the shelf connectors. Each PCB comes factory-shipped in- 
    side an anti-static bag to protect the MOS integrated circuits. 
    Each bag is enclosed in foam material inside its carton as shown 
    in Figure 4.26. 
    Craft personnel handling PCBs with MOS integrated circuits 
    must first free themselves from electrostatic charge by 
    touching the frame of an already grounded system cabinet 
    or by wearing grounded wrist straps. Failure to observe this 
    practice may result in damage to the PCBs due to elec- 
    bvstafic discharge. 
    There are two types of PCBs: peripheral interfacing PCBs and 
    common equipment PCBs. The type of PCB may be readily 
    identified because the peripheral PCBs have a notch separat- 
    ing the two edge connectors and the common equipment PCBs 
    do not. Refer to the following tables for further information on 
    the peripheral interfacing PCBs and common equipment PCBs. 
    a. Peripheral Interfacing PCBs: 7. Table 4.29 - Memory 1.0 Megabyte (MEM4) 
    1. Table 4.13 - Dual-Tone Multifrequency 
    (DTMF) 8. Table 4.30 - Memory 256K Kilobyte (MEMS) 
    9. Table 4.31 -LineTTrunk Unit Control (LTUC) 
    Figure 4.26 PCB Packaging Method 
    Issue 1, May 1986 
    2. Table 4.14 - Premium Instrument Module Digttal 
    3. Table 4.15 - Subscriber Line Module Analog - Sta- 
    tion (SLMA-S) 
    3. Table 4.16 - Subscriber Line Module Analog - Off- 
    Premises (SLMA-0) 
    3. Table 4.17 - Subscriber Line Module Digital (SLMD) 
    3 Table 4.18 -Subscriber Line Module Analog - 16 Line 
    4. Table 4.19 - Central Office Trunk (TMBM) 
    5. Table 4.20 - Direct Inward Dialing Trunk (TMIE) 
    6. Table 4.21 - Two-Wire E&M Trunk (TMBA-2) 
    7. Table 4.22 - Four-Wire E&M Trunk (TMsA-4) 
    b. Common Equipment PCBs: 
    1. Table 4.23 - Parallel/Serial Converter (PSC) 
    2. Table 4.24 - Signal Multiplexer/Clock/Tone Genera- 
    tor (SMXTG) 
    3 Table 4.25 - Conference (CONF) 
    4. Table 4.26 - Memory Control & Attenuation 
    5. Table 4.27 - Remote Access Unit/Ports (RAUP) 
    6. Table 4.28 - Controlledlnput-Output Processor (CIOP) 
    							SATURN IIE EPABX A3O808-X5130-B110-1-8928 
    Installation Procedures Issue 1, May 1986 
    Table 4.13 Dual-Tone Multifrequency (DTMF) Receiver PCB (S30810-(2431-X2- * -B900) 
    DESCRIPTION The DTMF PCB, shown in Figure 4.27, contains four circuits (0, 2, 4, and 6) utilizing four ports. Under 
    no circumstances should more than three DTMF receiver cards be assigned on one shelf. This require- 
    ment is a limitation of the power supply. Each circuit provides the means for dial tone detection and 
    validation of DTMF tones. 
    1. Indicators. There are four red LEDs (TRCO, TRC2, TRC4 and TRCG) on the faceplate of the PCB. 
    Each LED indicates the following status conditions of one of the four assigned DTMF receiver 
    a. LED steadily lit - The associated DTMF receiver circuit is busy. 
    b. LED extinguished - The associated DTMF receiver circuit is idle and in-service. The LED 
    always remains extinguished for unassigned MMF receiver circuits. 
    PROCEDURES: c LED flashing - The associated MMF receiver circuit is idle and in an out-of-service state. 
    2. Switches. None. 
    3. Strapping Options. None. 
    Locate in any channel group in the basic or LTU shelf for optimum port usage. Refer to Section 2.00 
    of this practice for details.  
    Installation Procedures 
    Issue 1, May 1986 
    . Red LEDs- 
    Figure 4.27 DTMF PCB  
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