Samsung Exynos 5 User Manual
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Page 411
Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 5 Clock Controller 5-45 Base Address: 0x1003_0000 Register Offset Description Reset Value RSVD 0x0000 to 0x000C Reserved Undefined BPLL_LOCK 0x0010 Control PLL Locking period of BPLL 0x0000_0FFF RSVD 0x0014 to 0x010C Reserved Undefined BPLL_CON0 0x0110 Control PLL output frequency for BPLL 0x00C8_0601 BPLL_CON1 0x0114 Control PLL AFC 0x0020_3800 RSVD 0x0118 to 0x01FC Reserved Undefined CLK_SRC_CDREX 0x0200 Select Clock Source for CMU_CDREX...
Page 412
Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 5 Clock Controller 5-46 Register Offset Description Reset Value LPDDR3PHY_CTRL 0x0A10 Reset for LPDDR3HPHY. This reset is used for DDR3 memory 0x0000_0001 RSVD 0x0A14 to 0x0A1C Reserved Undefined LPDDR3PHY_CON3 0x0A20 DREX ADDR pin Change 0x0000_0000 PLL_DIV2_SEL 0x0A24 Selection for PLL_FOUT 0x0000_0000 RSVD 0x0A28 to 0xFFFC Reserved Undefined
Page 413
Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 5 Clock Controller 5-47 SFRs consist of nine parts. The SFRs with address 0x1001_0000 to 0x1001_3FFF control clock-related logics for CPU block. They control APLL, Clock Source Selection, and Clock Divider Ratio for CPU-related logics. The SFRs with address 0x1001_4000 to 0x1001_7FFF control clock-related logics for DMC block (part 1). They control MPLL, Clock Source Selection, Clock Divider Ratio, and Clock Gating for DMC peripheral sub- block. The...
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Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 5 Clock Controller 5-48 APLL_LOCK Base Address: 0x1001_0000 Address = Base Address + 0x0000, Reset Value = 0x0000_0FFF Name Bit Type Description Reset Value RSVD [31:20] –=Reserved=0x0= PLL_LOCKTIME=[19:0]=RW= Required=period(in=cycles)=to generate a stable= clock output= The maximum lock time can be up to 250= PDIV cycles of PLLs FIN (XXTI). 0xF_FFFF
Page 415
Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 5 Clock Controller 5-49 APLL_CON0 Base Address: 0x1001_0000 Address = Base Address + 0x0100, Reset Value = 0x00C8_0601 Name Bit Type Description Reset Value ENABLE [31] RW PLL Enable control 0 = Disables PLL 1 = Enables PLL 0x0 RSVD [30] –=Reserved=0x0= LOCKED=[29]=o= PLL Locking indication= 0 = Unlocks PLi= 1 = Locks PLi= 0x0= RSVD=x28]=–=Reserved=0x0= FSEL=[27]=RW= Monitoring=Frequency Select pin= 0 = FVCO_OUT== FREF= 1 = FVCO_OUT = FVCl=...
Page 416
Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 5 Clock Controller 5-50 Do not set the value of PDIV[5:0] or MDIV[9:0] to all zeros. Refer to 5.3.1 Recommended PLL PMS Value for APLL, MPLL, BPLL, CPLL and GPLL for more information on recommended PMS values. SDIV[2:0] controls division ratio of Scaler as described in Table 5-15. Table 5-15 lists the Division Ratio of Scaler. Table 5-15 Division Ratio of Scaler S[2:0] Division Ratio 000 2^0 = 1 001 2^1 = 2 010 2^2 = 4 011 2^3 = 8 100 2^4 = 16 101...
Page 417
Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 5 Clock Controller 5-51 APLL_CON1 Base Address: 0x1001_0000 Address = Base Address + 0x0104, Reset Value = 0x0020_3800 Name Bit Type Description Reset Value RSVD [31:22] –=Reserved=0x0= DCC_ENB=[21]=RW= Enables Duty Cycle Corrector (DCC)= (only for monitoring)= 0 = Enables DCC= 1 = Disables DCC= 0x1= AFC_ENB=x20]=RW= Decides=whether AFC is enabled or not (Active-= low)= 0 = Enables AFC= 1 = Disables AFC= 0x0= RSVD=x19:17]=–=Reserved=0x0=...
Page 418
Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 5 Clock Controller 5-52 CLK_SRC_CPU Base Address: 0x1001_0000 Address = Base Address + 0x0200, Reset Value = 0x0000_0000; Name Bit Type Description Reset Value RSVD [31:21] –=Reserved=0x0= MUX_HPM_SEi=[20]=RW= Control MUu_HPM= 0 = MOUT_APLi= 1 = SCLK_MPLi= 0x0= RSVD=[19:17]=–=Reserved=0x0= MUX_CPr_SEL=[16]=RW= Control MUu_CPU= 0 = MOUT_APLi= 1 = SCLK_MPLi= 0x0= RSVD=[15:1]=–=Reserved=0x0= MUX_APLL_SEL=[0]=RW= Control MUu_APLL= 0 = XXTI= 1 =...
Page 419
Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 5 Clock Controller 5-53 CLK_DIV_CPU0 Base Address: 0x1001_0000 Address = Base Address + 0x0500, Reset Value = 0x0000_0000 Name Bit Type Description Reset Value RSVD [31] –=Reserved=0x0= ARM2_RATIO=[30:28]=RW=DIV_ARM2=clock divider Ratio= ARMCLK== DOUT_ARM/(ARM2_RATIO + 1)=0x0= RSVD=[27]=–=Reserved=0x0= APLL_RATIO=[26:24]=RW=DIV_APLL clock divider Ratio= SCLK_APLi== MOUT_APLL/(APLL_RATIO + 1)=0x0= RSVD=[23]=–=Reserved=0x0= PCLK_DBG=...
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Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 5 Clock Controller 5-54 CLK_DIV_CPU1 Base Address: 0x1001_0000 Address = Base Address + 0x0504, Reset Value = 0x0000_0000 Name Bit Type Description Reset Value RSVD [31:7] –=Reserved=0x0= HPM_RATIl=[6:4]=RW=DIV_HPM clock divider Ratio= SCLK_HPM = DOUT_COPY/(HPM_RATIO + 1)=0x0= RSVD=[3]=–=Reserved=0x0= COPY_RATIO=[2:0]=RWu=DIV_COPY clock divider Ratio= DOUT_COPY = MOUT_HPM/(COPY_RATIO + 1)=0x0= = =
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