Samsung Exynos 5 User Manual
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Page 461
Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 5 Clock Controller 5-95 CPLL_LOCK Base Address: 0x1002_0000 Address = Base Address + 0x0020, Reset Value = 0x0000_0FFF Name Bit Type Description Reset Value RSVD [31:20] –=Reserved=0x0= PLL_LOCKTIME=[19:0]=RW= Required period=(in cycles)=to generate a stable= clock output.= The maximum lock time can be up to 250= PDIV cycles of PLLs FIN (XXTI). 0xF_FFFF EPLL_LOCK Base Address: 0x1002_0000 Address = Base Address + 0x0030,...
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Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 5 Clock Controller 5-96 GPLL_LOCK Base Address: 0x1002_0000 Address = Base Address + 0x0050, Reset Value = 0x0000_0FFF Name Bit Type Description Reset Value RSVD [31:20] –=Reserved=0x0= PLL_LOCKTIME=[19:0]=RW= Required period=(in cycles)=to generate a stable= clock output.= The maximum lock time can be up to 3000 PDIV cycles of PLLs FIN (XXTI). 0xF_FFF
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Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 5 Clock Controller 5-97 CPLL_CON0 Base Address: 0x1002_0000 Address = Base Address + 0x0120, Reset Value = 0x00C8_0601 Name Bit Type Description Reset Value ENABLE [31] RW PLL Enable control 0 = Disables 1 = Enables 0x0 RSVD [30] –=Reserved=0x0= LOCKED=[29]=o= PLL Locking indication= 0 = Unlocks= 1 = Locks= 0x0= RSVD=x28]=–=Reserved=0x0= FSEL=[27]=RW= Monitoring=Frequency Select pin= 0 = FVCO_OUT = FREc= 1 = FVCO_OUT = FVCl= 0x0=...
Page 464
Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 5 Clock Controller 5-98 CPLL_CON1 Base Address: 0x1002_0000 Address = Base Address + 0x0124, Reset Value = 0x0020_3800 Name Bit Type Description Reset Value RSVD [31:22] –=Reserved=0x0= DCC_ENB=[21]=RW= Enables Duty Cycle Corrector= (only for monitoring)= 0 ==Enables DCC= 1 = Disables DCC= 0x1= AFC_ENB=x20]=RW= Decides=whether AFC is enabled or not (Active- low)= 0 ==Enables AFC= 1 = Disables AFC= 0x0= RSVD=x19:17]=–=Reserved=0x0=...
Page 465
Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 5 Clock Controller 5-99 EPLL_CON0 Base Address: 0x1002_0000 Address = Base Address + 0x0130, Reset Value = 0x0030_0301 Name Bit Type Description Reset Value ENABLE [31] RW PLL Enable control 0 = Disables 1 = Enables 0x0 RSVD [30] –=Reserved=0x0= LOCKED=[29]=o= PLL locking indication= 0 = Unlocks= 1 = Locks= 0x0= RSVD=[28:25]=–=Reserved=0x0= MDIV=[24:16]=RW=PLL M Divide Value=0x30= RSVD=[15:14]=–=Reserved=0x0= PDIV=[13:8]=RW=PLL P Divide...
Page 466
Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 5 Clock Controller 5-100 EPLL_CON1 Base Address: 0x1002_0000 Address = Base Address + 0x0134, Reset Value = 0x0000_0000 Name Bit Type Description Reset Value RSVD [31:16] –=Reserved=0x0= h=[15:0]=RW=Value of=16-bit DSM (Delta-Sigma Modulator)=0x0= = Refer to=5.3.2 Recommended PLL PMS Value for EPLL for more information on recommended K value. EPLL_CON2 Base Address: 0x1002_0000 Address = Base Address + 0x0138, Reset Value =...
Page 467
Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 5 Clock Controller 5-101 VPLL_CON0 Base Address: 0x1002_0000 Address = Base Address + 0x0140, Reset Value = 0x0024_0201 Name Bit Type Description Reset Value ENABLE [31] RW PLL Enable control 0 = Disables 1 = Enables 0x0 RSVD [30] –=Reserved=0x0= LOCKED=[29]=o= PLL locking indication= 0 = Unlocked= 1 = Locked= 0x0= RSVD=[28:25]=–=Reserved=0x0= MDIV=[24:16]=RW=PLL M Divide Value=0x24= RSVD=[15:14]=–=Reserved=0x0= PDIV=[13:8]=RW=PLL m=Divide...
Page 468
Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 5 Clock Controller 5-102 VPLL_CON1 Base Address: 0x1002_0000 Address = Base Address + 0x0144, Reset Value = 0x0000_0000 Name Bit Type Description Reset Value RSVD [31:16] –=Reserved=0x0= SEL_PF=x30:29]=RW= Value of 2-bit modulation method control= 00 ==Down=spread= 01 ==Up=spread= 1x ==Center=spread= 0x0= MRo=[28:24]=RW=Value of 5-bit Modulation oate Control=0x0= MFo=[23:16]=RW=Value of 8-bit Modulation crequency=Control=0x0= h=[15:0]=RW=Value...
Page 469
Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 5 Clock Controller 5-103 VPLL_CON2 Base Address: 0x1002_0000 Address = Base Address + 0x0148, Reset Value = 0x0000_0080 Name Bit Type Description Reset Value RSVD [31:13] –=Reserved=0x0= EXTAFC=x12:8]=RW=Enable pin for FVCO_OUT (Active-high)=0x0= DCC_ENB=[7]=RW= Enables Duty Cycle Corrector== (only for monitoring)= 0 ==Enables DCC= 1 = Disables DCC= 0x1= AFC_ENB=xS]=RW= Decides=whether AFC is enabled or not=(Active= low)= 0 = Enables AFC= 1 =...
Page 470
Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 5 Clock Controller 5-104 GPLL_CON0 Base Address: 0x1002_0000 Address = Base Address + 0x0150, Reset Value = 0x00C8_0601 Name Bit Type Description Reset Value ENABLE [31] RW PLL Enable control 0 = Disables 1 = Enables 0x0 RSVD [30] –=Reserved=0x0= LOCKED=[29]=o= PLL Locking indication= 0 = Unlocks= 1 = Locks= 0x0= RSVD=x28]=–=Reserved=0x0= FSEL=[27]=RW= Monitoring Frequency=Select pin= 0 = FVCO_OUT = FREc= 1 = FVCO_OUT = FVCl= 0x0=...
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