Canon Laserbase Mf6530 User Guide
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1 2 3 4 5678 TOP Back Previous Next 3-20 T a b le of Contents Inde x Ad vanced F ax Feat ures Ad vanced Cop y Feat ures Netw ork Remot e UI System Monitor Repor ts and Lists T roub leshooting Appendix – Set up the w eb bro wser to accept co okies. – If yo u are star ting mo re tha n o ne Remote UI at the same ti me, onl y the la st setting speci fied will b e v alid . It is recommend ed that yo u star t only one Remote UI.1. Star t the web br ow ser → enter the IP ad dress of the mac hine in [Add ress] or [Location] → press [Enter] on the ke yboard.Input e xa m ple: http://172 .20.88.125 / 2. Select [Administrator Mode] → clic k [OK].If a pa ssword has be en set fo r the machi ne, en ter the pa ssword, a nd th en clic k [OK]. 3. Under [Device], c lic k [Netw ork].

1 2 3 4 5678 TOP Back Previous Next 3-21 T a b le of Contents Inde x Ad vanced F ax Feat ures Ad vanced Cop y Feat ures Netw ork Remot e UI System Monitor Repor ts and Lists T roub leshooting Appendix 4. Clic k [Chang e]. 5. Specify the [IP Ad dress], [Subnet Mask], and [Gate way Ad dress] settings. 6. In [Use LPD], specify w hether to display the current print sett ing by using an LPD application. 7. In [Ra w Settings], specify whether to display the current print se tting by using a Ra w application. 8. In [Use IP Ad dress Range Settings], specify whether to restrict access from computer s whose IP ad dress are specified in this section. 9. In [RX MA C Address Settings], specify whether to restrict access from computer s whose MA C address are spe cified in this section. 10. Clic k [OK].

1 2 3 4 5678 TOP Back Previous Next 3-22 T a b le of Contents Inde x Ad vanced F ax Feat ures Ad vanced Cop y Feat ures Netw ork Remot e UI System Monitor Repor ts and Lists T roub leshooting Appendix Setting Up a Computer for Printing/Sending a Fax ● Conne cting t o a TCP/IP Ne twork All comp uter s t hat use t he ma chine m ust ha ve TCP/I P clie nt sof tw ar e in stalled and must be ena ble d fo r TCP/ IP netw ork u se . F or de ta ils , se e th e man uals pr ovid ed with the ope ra ting sys tem. ● Inst alling t he Pri nter Dri ver and Spec ifyi ng t he Mac hin e Dest in at ion Se ttin g T o pr int from a com puter, y ou m ust insta ll a pr inter dr iver and spe cify a se tting fo r t he ma chine d estin ation . Th e machin e d e stin ation set ting d iff er s de pend ing o n th e pr int ap plicat ion us ed fo r p rin tin g. U se the fo llo wing info rm atio n as a guid e to de term ine th e pr int ap plication y o u ar e us ing, a nd the n p erfo rm th e ne cessa ry o pe rat ion s. LPD : This is the pr int ap plic ation ge nerally use d with T C P/ IP . Ra w: This is a p rint app licatio n used wit h Wind ow s 200 0/XP/ Se rv er 200 3. It ca n pr int at high er spe eds t han LPD . ■Mac hin e Connecti on Method (LPD/Ra w) 1. Open the printer pr operties dialog bo x.–For Wind ows 2000 , click [Star t] on the W indo ws task bar → [Settings] → [Pr inters]. – For Wind ows XP Prof essional /Serv e r 200 3, click [sta rt] on th e Win dow s ta sk ba r → [Printers and F axe s]. – For Wind ow s XP Home Edi tio n, click [sta rt] o n th e Wind ow s ta sk ba r → [Control Panel] → [Pr inte rs an d Other Hardw are] → [Pr inters and F axe s]. 2. Right-c lick the icon of the printer y ou installed → sel ect [P ro per ties] .

1 2 3 4 5678 TOP Back Previous Next 3-23 T a b le of Contents Inde x Ad vanced F ax Feat ures Ad vanced Cop y Feat ures Netw ork Remot e UI System Monitor Repor ts and Lists T roub leshooting Appendix 3. Displa y the [P orts] sheet b y c lic king the [P or ts] tab. 4. Open the [Printer P orts] dialog bo x by c lic king [Ad d P ort]. 5. Fr om [A vailab le por ts types], select [Standar d TCP/IP P ort] → clic k [N ew P or t].The Add Stand ard TCP/IP Printe r P ort Wi zard sta rts . 6. Clic k [Ne xt]. 7. In [Printer Name or IP Address], enter the mac hine IP ad dress or machine host name → c lic k [Ne xt].After the computer has confir med that the re i s a machi ne in whi ch the e ntered IP ad dress is assi gne d, the [Comple ting th e Add Stand ard TCP/IP Pr inte r P ort Wi zard] windo w ap pears.

1 2 3 4 5678 TOP Back Previous Next 3-24 T a b le of Contents Inde x Ad vanced F ax Feat ures Ad vanced Cop y Feat ures Netw ork Remot e UI System Monitor Repor ts and Lists T roub leshooting Appendix 8. Clic k [Finish].If the dialog box di sp lays [Addi tional Port Inf orm ation Required], f o llo w the in structio ns on th e scr een to sea rch a gai n, or clic k [Standa rd] → click [Cano n Network Pr in ting De vice with P910 0] from the p ull-d ow n list → clic k [Ne xt]. 9. Clic k [Close] to c lose the [Printer P orts] dialog bo x.If yo u w ant to use Ra w, skip to step 11 . 10. In the printer pr operties dialog bo x, clic k [Configure P ort] → Clic k [LPR] under [Pr otocol] → enter a print queue in [Queue Name] under [LPR Settings]. NO TE You can spe cify a pr in t qu eue in [Queu e Name]. The fo llo wing three prin t q ueue s are avail able : LP: The machi ne prin ts accord ing to its spo ol settin gs. Nor mall y sele ct this option . SPOOL: The mach ine prints only after spooli ng a pr int job on the ha rd d isk, rega rdless of it s spoo l settings. DIRECT : The ma chine p rints with out sp ooling a pr int job on the ha rd d isk, rega rdless of it s spoo l settings. 11. Clic k [OK]. 12. Clic k [Close].

1 2 3 4 5678 TOP Back Previous Next 3-25 T a b le of Contents Inde x Ad vanced F ax Feat ures Ad vanced Cop y Feat ures Netw ork Remot e UI System Monitor Repor ts and Lists T roub leshooting Appendix ■ Print Ser ver SettingsIf Wind ow s 20 00/XP/ Serv e r 20 03 is on y our ne twork, th e f o llo wing proced ure enables y ou to set up a pr int se rv er fo r mor e ef ficie nt ma nag em ent of networ k pr inte rs. O nce a pr int se rv er is set up , pr int job s can b e man aged by t he p rint ser ver . Also , b y set ting u p an al tern ate d riv er fo r th e pr int ser ve r, pr inter d riv ers ca n be insta lled in each co mp ute r v ia the ne twor k.1. Open the printer pr operties dialog bo x.–For Wi ndows 200 0, click [Sta rt] o n th e Wind ows task bar → [Settings] → [Pr inters]. – For Wi ndows XP Professiona l/Serve r 2 003, clic k [start] on the Wi ndo ws task bar → [Pr int er s a nd F axe s]. – For Wi ndows XP Home Ed ition, clic k [start] on the Wi ndows task bar → [ C ontro l P anel ] → [Pr inters and Othe r Ha rdw are] → [Pr inters and F axe s]. 2. Right-c lick the icon of the printer y ou installed → select [Sharing]. 3. Select [Share this prin ter] (Windows 2000: [Shared as]) and enter a share name . 4. If this machine is shared with user s running diff erent ver sions of Windo ws, c lic k [Ad ditional driver s].When the alter nate driv er is in sta lled, ad dition al win dows will op en f or enter ing th e locatio n of the file con tai nin g the p rinter dr iv er . F ollo w the in str ucti ons in these win dows . NO TE To in stall the pr inte r driv er on an other computer , use the [Pr inter Wi zard] windo w for sele cting th e printe r de stination → select [Netw ork pr inter] → sel ect the sha re d pr inte r f or the computer selected in the print ser ver . 5. Clic k [OK].The shared p rinter settin gs are complete .

1 2 3 4 5678 TOP Back Previous Next 3-26 T a b le of Contents Inde x Ad vanced F ax Feat ures Ad vanced Cop y Feat ures Netw ork Remot e UI System Monitor Repor ts and Lists T roub leshooting Appendix Machine Management Th e mac hin e e n ab les y ou t o u se an y of the f o llo wi ng s o ft wa re to c h ec k th e status and t o spe cify t h e s ettings on y our c omput er. – Web br ow ser ( R emot e UI) – Net Sp ot De vice Ins taller ( Canon ut ility s o ft ware inc lu d ed in t he Us er Sof tw are CD ) – Net Sp ot Cons ole (via a web br ow se r) ( Canon ut ility so ftwar e) NOTE The u tility so ftware of the NetSpot Co nsole is not incl uded in the Use r Softw are C D. T o use the N etSp ot C onsol e, pl ease do wnloa d it from th e Cano n website .■Mac hine Mana gement Using W eb Br ow ser (Remote UI)Yo u ca n use Remo te UI insta lled in the ma chine to ma nag e it on a w eb br ow ser . F or sta rtin g Remo te UI , see “Set tings Usin g a Web Bro wser ( R emo te UI ),” on p . 3- 19 . F or using Rem ote UI , se e “Displa yin g De vice Statu s an d In fo rm atio n,” on p.4- 6. ■ Mac hin e Mana gement Using Ne tSpot De vice InstallerNetSpot Device Installer is utility softw are for spec ifying the init ial set tin gs of Can on d evice s con nected to a ne tw or k. A vailab le on the CD-ROM, NetSpo t De vice I nst aller can be acce ssed dir ect ly wit hout insta llation , enablin g ne twork user s to quic kly and easily specify the init ial settings of network de vices. F or in st ru ct ion s on h ow t o use Net Spot De vice I nstaller , se e th e online help f or NetSpot De vice Ins taller .■Mac hin e Mana gement Using Ne tSpot ConsoleNe tSp ot Co nsole is utility sof tw are capa ble of ma nag ing d evices co nne cted to a network. This sof tw ar e e nable s n etwork user s to se t or vie w v ariou s typ e s of in fo rm ation ab out network de vices using a w eb br ow se r, such as list or m ap disp lay of de vice s, det ailed pr otocol set tings , displa y and no tificat ion of d evice st at us , an d job m anip ulations. F or inst ru ctio ns on how to us e Ne tSp ot Co nsole , se e th e on line help fo r Net Spo t Co nsole .

1 2 3 4 5678 TOP Back Previous Next 4-1 T a b le of Contents Inde x Ad vanced F ax Feat ures Ad vanced Cop y Feat ures Netw ork Remot e UI System Monitor Repor ts and Lists T roub leshooting Appendix 4 Remote UI (MF6580 Onl y) System Requirements ............................................ .................................4-3 Using the Remote UI .............................................. .................................4-4 Star ting the Remote UI ........................................... 4-4 Displa ying De vice Status a nd Information ............................................ 4-6 Job Mana gement ..................... .......................................... ......................4-7 Managing Pr int Jobs............................................... 4-7 Vie wing the Pr int Log .............................................. 4-8 Vie wing the Activi ty Log.......................................... 4-9 Mana ging the Ad dress Book................................. ...............................4-10 Vie wing and Editing O ne-Touch or Coded Speed Dialing .......................... ......................................... 4-10 Customizing System Se ttings.............................................................. 4-14 Customizing System Inf ormation .......................... 4-14

1 2 3 4 5678 TOP Back Previous Next 4-2 T a b le of Contents Inde x Ad vanced F ax Feat ures Ad vanced Cop y Feat ures Netw ork Remot e UI System Monitor Repor ts and Lists T roub leshooting Appendix Impor t/Expor t Functi on.......................................... ...............................4-17 Sa ving the Addres s Book..................................... 4-17 Loading an Address Book.................................... 4-18 Saving Additional Functions Settings in Files (Export) ....4-20 Loading Additional Functions Settings Files (Ov erwr ite/Impor t)................................................ 4-21 De vice Custom Setting s......................................... ...............................4-23

1 2 3 4 5678 TOP Back Previous Next 4-3 T a b le of Contents Inde x Ad vanced F ax Feat ures Ad vanced Cop y Feat ures Netw ork Remot e UI System Monitor Repor ts and Lists T roub leshooting Appendix System Requir ements The Re mote UI has be en conf irmed to w ork in th e follo wing s yst em en vir onme nts.Windo ws●OS – Micr oso ft Win dows 98/98SE – Micros oft Windo ws Me – Micro soft Windo ws NT W orksta tio n 4. 0 + Serv ice P ack 3 o r later – Micro soft Windo ws 20 00 Prof ession al – Micros oft Windo ws XP ● We b B ro w se r – Micr oso ft In tern e t E xplo rer 5.01 SP 1 or la ter – Net sca pe Comm un icat or/Na vigat or 6. 0 or la te r, e xcep t Net sca pe Comm un icat or 6 Macintosh● OS – Mac OS 8.6 or later , until Mac OS X Classic ● Web Br ow ser – Micr osof t I nte rn et Explor er 5.01 SP1 or la te r