Canon Laserbase Mf6530 User Guide
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1 2 3 4 5678 TOP Back Previous Next 8-12 T a b le of Contents Inde x Ad vanced F ax Feat ures Ad vanced Cop y Feat ures Netw ork Remot e UI System Monitor Repor ts and Lists T roub leshooting Appendix IndexAACTIVITY REPORT Prin ting au tomat ically 6- 5 Add .Func . b utto n 4- 5 Ad ditiona l fax mo des 1- 15 Address Book 1-3 Viewing and Ed iting On e-T ouch or Code d spee d dialing 4 -10 Ans Mod e 1- 8BBroad castin g 1-15CCanc eling Cur re n t jo b 1- 17 Dela yed se nding 5- 2 Cod ed spe ed dialing 1 -6 , 4- 10DDelay ed sending 1-15 DRPD 1- 10FFax/Te l Op tiona l s et ting s 1- 9 FaxO nly 1-8 HHelp button 4-5JJob St atus bu tton 4- 5MManu al 1- 8 Mem ory re cept ion 1-1 0OOne-touch sp eed dialin g 1-6, 4-1 0PPulse dia ling 1-5RRedia ling 1-4 A utomatically 1-4 Man ually 1- 4 Remo te recep tio n 1- 12 Remo te r e cep tio n I D 1- 12 Repo rts and list s 6- 1 Pr int ing aut omatica lly 6 -3 RX REPORT Pr int ing aut omatica lly 6 -4 TT one dialin g 1- 5 [Tone] key 1-5 Tr ou bles ho oting 7-1 Cop yin g 7- 14 Fa xin g 7- 5 G ene ral 7 -2 Net wor k 7- 18 Pa per fe eding 7 -4 Pr int ing 7 -15 Te lep hon e 7- 17UUpdate button 4 -5

1 2 3 4 5678 TOP Back Previous Next Ta b le of Contents Inde x Ad vanced F ax Feat ures Ad vanced Cop y Feat ures Netw ork Remot e UI System Monitor Repor ts and Lists T roub leshooting Appendix CANON INC.30-2 , Shimomaru ko 3 -ch ome, Oh ta-ku, Tokyo 146-850 1, Jap anCANON U.S.A., INC.On e Cano n Pl aza, Lake Success, NY 11042, U.S.A.CANON CAN ADA INC.6390 Dixie Roa d Mi ssissauga , Ontario L5T 1P7, Canad aCANON EUR OPA N.V.Bovenke rke rweg 59 -61 1185 XB Amstel veen, Th e Netherla ndsCANON FRANC E S.A.S.17, quai d u Pré siden t Paul D oumer 924 14 Courbevoie Ce dex, Fran ceCANON COMMUNICATION & IMA GE FRAN CE S.A.S.12, rue de I’In dustrie 92414 Courbevoi e Cede x, FranceCANON (U.K.) LTD.Woodhatch, Reig ate, Surrey, RH2 8BF, Uni te d Ki ngdo mCANON DEU TS CHLAND GmbHEuropa rk Fichtenh ain A10, 478 07 Krefeld, Ge rmanyCANON ITALIA S.p.A.Via Milan o, 8 20097 San D onato Milanese (MI) ItalyCANON ESPA ÑA, S.A.c/ Joaq uín Costa 4 1, 2 8002 Madrid, Sp ainCANON LATIN AMERICA, INC.703 W aterfo rd Way Suite 400 , Miami, Florida 33 126 U.S.A.CANON AUS TRALIA PTY. LTD1 Th omas H olt D riv e, No rth Ryde , Sydne y, N.S.W . 211 3, Au strali aCANON CHINA CO.,LTD15F, North Tower, Beijing Kerry Centre , 1 Gu ang Hu a Road , Cha o Ya ng District, 100 020, Beij ing, Chin aCANON SINGAPOR E PTE. LTD.1 HarbourFron t Avenu e #04-0 1 Keppe l Bay Towe r, Singa pore 098632 FA7-8 175 ( 010) © CANON INC. 200 6