Canon Laserbase Mf6530 User Guide
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1 2 3 4 5678 TOP Back Previous Next 2-10 T a b le of Contents Inde x Ad vanced F ax Feat ures Ad vanced Cop y Feat ures Netw ork Remot e UI System Monitor Repor ts and Lists T roub leshooting Appendix Canceling Copy Jobs Can cel an ong oing job as follows.1. Press [Stop]. 2. When the messag e appear s, press [OK]. When the message appear s, press [ ] to select .STOP KEY PRESSED PRESS OK KEYEx.Ex.CANCEL COPYING?

1 2 3 4 5678 TOP Back Previous Next 3-1 T a b le of Contents Inde x Ad vanced F ax Feat ures Ad vanced Cop y Feat ures Netw ork Remot e UI System Monitor Repor ts and Lists T roub leshooting Appendix 3N etw ork (MF6580 Onl y) System Requirements ............................................ .................................3-3 Using a TCP/IP Netw ork......................................... .................................3-4 Interface Settings .............................................................. ......................3-5 Comm unication En vironmen t Setup ...................................................... 3-7 Preparation f or Protocol Settings ............... ......................................... 3-10 Settings from the Oper ation Panel of the Machine ....................... ......................................... 3-10 Settings Using ARP/PING Commands .................3-12 Settings Using NetSpot De vice Installer...............3-13

1 2 3 4 5678 TOP Back Previous Next 3-2 T a b le of Contents Inde x Ad vanced F ax Feat ures Ad vanced Cop y Feat ures Netw ork Remot e UI System Monitor Repor ts and Lists T roub leshooting Appendix Pr otocol Settings ............................................................... ....................3-16 Settings from the Oper ation Panel of the Machine ....................... ......................................... 3-16 Settings Using a W eb Bro wser (Remote UI) ........3-19 Setting Up a Computer f or Printing/Sending a F ax............................ 3-22 Machine Connection Method (LPD/Ra w)............. 3-22 Pr int Ser ver Setti ngs............................................. 3-25 Mac hine Mana gement ....................................................... ....................3-26 Machine Management Using W eb Browser (Remote UI) .......................................................... 3-26 Machine Management Using NetSpot De vice Installer ................................................................. 3-26 Machine Management Using NetSpot Console ....3-26

1 2 3 4 5678 TOP Back Previous Next 3-3 T a b le of Contents Inde x Ad vanced F ax Feat ures Ad vanced Cop y Feat ures Netw ork Remot e UI System Monitor Repor ts and Lists T roub leshooting Appendix System Requir ements A TCP/IP n etw ork and t he f ollo w in g sys tem en vir onme nt a re req uired f or print ing or se nding a fa x from a comp uter: ● OS – Micro soft Windo ws 98/98 SE – Micros oft Windo ws Me – Micr oso ft Win dows 2000 Se rv er – Micro soft Windo ws 20 00 Prof ession al – Micros oft Windo ws XP Home Edition – Micro soft Windo ws XP Pro fe ssio nal – Micro soft Windo ws Serv e r 20 03 ● Comput ers – Windows; IBM PC/compa tibles ● Web Br ow se rs (f or Remot e UI) – Micr oso ft In tern e t E xplo rer 5.01 SP 1 or la ter – Net sca pe Comm un icat or/Na vigat or 6. 0 or la te r, e xcep t Net sca pe Comm un icat or 6 NO TE –If y ou are u sing Wi ndows 98, Me , you ne ed to insta ll Ser vic e P ack 3 or later . – The machin e does not support NetBEUI. – For more inf orm atio n on th e equipment nee ded, consul t your loca l au thor ized Ca non de aler.

1 2 3 4 5678 TOP Back Previous Next 3-4 T a b le of Contents Inde x Ad vanced F ax Feat ures Ad vanced Cop y Feat ures Netw ork Remot e UI System Monitor Repor ts and Lists T roub leshooting Appendix Using a TCP/IP Network Th is c h apt er de scribes t he se ttin gs and p roc edu res ne cessa ry t o con nect and u se t he mac hine w it h a TCP/I P ne twork.1. Netw ork Cab le Connection (See “Installing/ Uninstalling Software ,” in the Star ter Guide.)Co nne ct th e ma chine to y our ne twork usin g the n etw ork cab les . 2. Interface Settings (See p. 3-5)Specify the in terface settin gs for co mmuni cation betw een the mach ine an d co mp uters on y o ur netw ork. T o spe cif y th e se ttings, use : – Machine ’s op eration pan el – Web bro wser (Remote UI) 3. Comm unication En vironment Setup (See p. 3-7)Se t up a config uratio n f or comm unication be tween the mach ine a nd computers on y our network. To speci fy th e settin gs, use: – Machine ’s op eration pan el – Web bro wser (Remote UI) 4. Preparation f or Pr otocol Settings (See p. 3-10)Speci fy th e ma chine ’s IP address to mak e the machi ne and the ne twork computer can comm unicate bef ore ma king protoco l setti ngs. An y of the f ollo wing can be use d to spe cif y th e settin gs. – Mach ine’s ope ration p anel (Add itiona l Functi ons me nu) – ARP/PIN G commands – Ne tSp ot De vice Instal ler (Ca non utili ty so ftware inclu ded in the Use r Softw are CD) 5. Protocol Settings (See p. 3-16)Specify th e ma chine ’s protoco l se ttin gs. An y of th e follo wing can be use d to spe cify the setti ngs. – Mach ine’s ope ration p anel (Add itiona l Functi ons me nu) – Web b ro wser (Remote U I) – Ne tSp ot De vice Instal ler (Ca non utili ty so ftware inclu ded in the Use r Softw are CD) 6. Setting Up a Computer fo r Printing/Sending a F ax (See p. 3-22)Specify th e settin gs fo r each computer y ou use for pr in ting/ send ing a fa x.

1 2 3 4 5678 TOP Back Previous Next 3-5 T a b le of Contents Inde x Ad vanced F ax Feat ures Ad vanced Cop y Feat ures Netw ork Remot e UI System Monitor Repor ts and Lists T roub leshooting Appendix Inter face Settings Ethernet DriverY o u can spe cify th e co mm unica tio n met hod an d Eth ern et con nect ion type .1. Press [Ad ditional Functions]. 2. Use [ ] or [ ] to select , then press [OK]. 3. Use [ ] or [ ] to select , then press [OK]. 4. Use [ ] or [ ] to select , t hen press [OK]. 5. Confirm that is displa yed, then press [OK]. 6. Use [ ] or [ ] to select the desired detection method, then press [OK]. : Automa tically deter mines the comm unication mod e (Hal f dup lex/Full d uple x) and Ether net type (1 0Base-T/1 00Base- TX). Ski p to step 11. : Yo u ha ve to man ually spe cify the comm unication mode and Eth ern et type . NOTE If y ou recon nect the n etw ork cab le (for e xa m ple , reco nnect th e cab le to a di ffe rent Ethe rn et hu b) with the p ow er on , the A uto Detect fu nction wil l not w ork e ve n if yo u set to . (Conn ect the cab le with th e power off. ) 7. Confirm that is displayed, then press [OK]. 8. Use [ ] or [ ] to select the desired comm unication method, then press [OK]. : Sends and receiv es alter nately . : Se nds and rece ives sim ulta neo usly .

1 2 3 4 5678 TOP Back Previous Next 3-6 T a b le of Contents Inde x Ad vanced F ax Feat ures Ad vanced Cop y Feat ures Netw ork Remot e UI System Monitor Repor ts and Lists T roub leshooting Appendix 9. Confirm that is displa yed, then press [OK]. 10. Use [ ] or [ ] to select the desired Ethernet connection type , then press [OK].: Establish a 10Ba se-T netw ork connection. : Establi s h a 100Base -TX netw ork co nnectio n. 11. Press [Stop] to return to standb y mode. 12. Restart the mac hine . Device USBYo u can set whether or n ot to r est rict jobs t hrough th e USB interf ace.1. Press [Ad ditional Functions]. 2. Use [ ] or [ ] to select , then press [OK]. 3. U se [] or [] to select , then press [OK]. 4. Use [ ] or [ ] to sel ect , then press [OK]. 5. Press [Stop] to return to standb y mode. 6. Restart the machine .

1 2 3 4 5678 TOP Back Previous Next 3-7 T a b le of Contents Inde x Ad vanced F ax Feat ures Ad vanced Cop y Feat ures Netw ork Remot e UI System Monitor Repor ts and Lists T roub leshooting Appendix Communication Envir onment Setup Th is s e ction de scribes tw o ad dit io nal pr otoc ols sup ported f or t hi s mac hine : HTTP (Hype rT ext Tra nsf er Pr otoc ol) and SNMP (Simple Ne twork Mana geme nt Pr otocol).HTTPHTTP he lps communica te b e tw een y our comp uter and th e ma chine via a web int erfa ce ( e.g ., R em ote UI ).1. Press [Ad ditional Functions]. 2. Use [ ] or [ ] to select , then press [OK]. 3. Use [ ] or [ ] to select , then press [OK]. 4. Confirm that is displa yed, then press [OK]. 5. Use [ ] or [ ] to select , then press [OK]. 6. Use [ ] or [ ] to sel ect , then press [OK]. 7. Use the n umeric ke ys to enter the HTTP por t n u mber , then press [OK]. 8. Press [Stop] to return to standby mode. 9. Restart the machine . SNMPSNMP helps monito r t he sta te of th e machin e and collects inf orm ation on it. The fo llo wing tw o items c an be set: : Set s t he SNMP co mmunity nam e. Y ou ca n specify up to tw o co mm unity nam es. : Enab les th e comp uter s on th e net work to access th e m achin e and modif y its settin gs if th is it em is activ ate d. Y o u can specify t h is setting f or each comm unity separ atel y.

1 2 3 4 5678 TOP Back Previous Next 3-8 T a b le of Contents Inde x Ad vanced F ax Feat ures Ad vanced Cop y Feat ures Netw ork Remot e UI System Monitor Repor ts and Lists T roub leshooting Appendix 1. Press [Ad ditional Functions]. 2. Use [ ] or [ ] to select , then press [OK]. 3. Use [ ] or [ ] to select , then press [OK]. 4. Use [ ] or [ ] to select , then press [OK]. 5. Confirm that is displayed, th en press [OK]. 6. Use [ ] or [ ] to se lect or , then press [OK].< O N>: W hen you set or bro wse each item of the machi ne with a u tility that uses SNMP to obtain in fo rm ation . < O FF> : W hen y ou do n ot u se a n SNMP utili ty. Ski p to step 16. 7. Use the n umeric ke ys to enter the SNMP por t n u mber , then press [OK]. NOTE – If y ou w ant to use a Canon pr inter driv er or utility , sele ct f o r both and . – You can restr ict the IP addresse s of comp uters on which items can be set or bro wsed. If yo u restr ict the IP add resses, it is not possib le to use the Remote UI to se t or bro wse detai led inf orm atio n on computers other th an those who se IP add resses are allo wed , e ven if both and are < O N> . F or de tails , see “Protocol Settin gs,” on p .3 -16. 8. Con firm tha t is displa yed, then press [OK]. 9. Use the n umeric ke ys to enter the desired comm unity name other than “pub lic,” then press [OK]. 10. If y ou want to specify , press [OK].Othe rwise , p re ss [ ], th en skip t o step 1 2. 11. Use the n umeric ke ys to enter the desired comm unity name , then press [OK]. 12. Con firm tha t is displa yed, then press [OK]. 13. Use [ ] or [ ] to sel ect , then press [OK].

1 2 3 4 5678 TOP Back Previous Next 3-9 T a b le of Contents Inde x Ad vanced F ax Feat ures Ad vanced Cop y Feat ures Netw ork Remot e UI System Monitor Repor ts and Lists T roub leshooting Appendix 14. If y ou want to specify , press [OK].Otherwise , Ski p to step 16 . 15. Use [ ] or [ ] to sele ct , then pr ess [OK]. 16. Press [Stop] to retu rn to standby mode. 17. Restart the mac hine . Dedi cated P ortT o se t or brow se de tailed in fo rm atio n on th e m achin e wit h a Canon pr inter driver or utility, set to . NO TE –If yo u w ant to use a Can on prin te r driv er or utility , sel ect f or b oth and . – Yo u can restr ict the IP ad dresses of co mputers on which items ca n b e set or bro wsed. If y ou re str ict the IP addresse s, it is not possib le to u se th e Remote UI to se t or browse de tailed in fo rm ation on co mp uters other tha n those whose IP addresses are allowed, e ven if b oth and are . F or d etails , se e “Pro tocol Settings,” on p .3 -1 6. 1. Press [Ad ditional Functions]. 2. Use [ ] or [ ] to select , then press [OK]. 3. Use [ ] or [ ] to select , then press [OK]. 4. Use [ ] or [ ] to select , then press [OK]. 5. Use [ ] or [ ] to select or , then press [OK]. : If y ou are no t using a Canon printer driver o r util ity. : If you w ant to set or bro wse detai led info rm ation on the machin e with a Cano n printer dr iv er or utility . 6. Press [Stop] to return to standby mode. 7. Restart the machine .