Amanda Work Group Administrations 7 Xx Instructions Manual
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Index241 changing busy hold music 191 field settings 99 mailboxes 84, 95, 106, 115 notification execution days 128 notification execution in- tervals 129 notification execution times 129 notification Method fields 128 notification record tem- plates 127, 138 notification record types 128 notification records 127, 138 notification template titles 128 pager telephone number for notification 131, 142 report column order 177, 183 report column widths 178, 183, 184 scheduling records 161, 168 system date 194 system time 194 times 34, 41 Variable field for notifica- tion 131 channel defined 225, 233 character defined 225 class of service defined 223 client defined 225 Client Connection defined 225 Client Connection Bank defined 225 client_activation_key 4 c-like escape sequence defined 226 CO defined 226 columns changing order in reports 177 changing widths in reports 178, 183, 184 order in reports 183 command-line options 19 Comment 89, 109 comments notification records 140 Company Greeting 44 Company Greeting mailbox 213 company greetings 213 component defined 226 compose defined 226 Conn Secs 95, 115 connection time total 95, 115 Continue Every notification record field 140 conventions iv Copy Messages To 92, 111 copying files 28, 34 mailboxes 77, 78, 83, 105 copyright ii CPU idle time percentage 27 CPU usage 38 Created 95, 115 creating informational mailboxes 82, 104 mailboxes 76, 78, 95, 115 mailboxes automatically 76, 81, 103 mailboxes based on anoth- er mailbox 83, 105 mailboxes from template 101 menu options 95, 114 notification record tem- plates 121, 132, 134 notification records 121, 126, 132, 134, 137 range of mailboxes 84, 106 report templates 175, 180, 182, 184 reports 77, 175, 180, 182 reports from templates 178, 184 scheduling records 156, 165

242 [email protected] system announcements 190 system-wide mailing lists 193 trace files 28, 29, 32 trace in window 29 Current Greeting 92, 112 locking 92, 112 custom busy message 93, 113 Custom Busy 93 locking 93, 113 customer support 14 customizing reports 173 D D/T? 93, 113 data corruption defined 226 dates Amanda last started 26 current 26 messages 93, 113 next shutdown 26 resetting 29, 34, 41 resetting system 194 scheduling 168 days notification 128 scheduling records 158 days of week notification 140 scheduling 169 dB level defined 226 DBF file defined 226 deactivating notification records 140 scheduling records 168 dead call defined 226 dealer sales 14 dedicated notification 118 defined 227 default box defined 227 default values defined 227 defining mailboxes 89, 109 delaying between greeting and next action 94, 114 deleting mailboxes 76, 78, 86, 108, 200 mailing lists 200 personal mailing lists 200 system announcements 191 DelUsers utility 200 DELUSERS.EXE 200 designing reports 77 diagrams Call Processing 9 Mailbox Processing 11 mailbox processing 10 DIAL 39 dial codes defined 227 Dir Name 1 90, 110 Dir Name 2 90, 110 direct call defined 227 direct message defined 228 direct message mailbox defined 228 directories employee 64, 90, 110 Directory Name 1 90, 110 Directory Name 2 90 disabling notification records 130, 140, 141 scheduling records 163, 168, 169 disconnect supervision defined 228 disconnecting users 34 disk notification 124, 136 space free 27 disk notification defined 228 disk space notification 124, 136, 195 displaying Auto screen 164 current users 29, 33 files 207, 208 mailbox 999 196 mailboxes 76, 78, 86, 107 mailboxes and directory names 85 message statistics 201 Notify screen 132 Reports screen 181 status bars 28

Index243 toolbars 28 Users screen 98 displaying trace information 41 distribution sales 14 Do Not Disturb 91, 110 locking 91, 110 scheduling 160 scheduling field 169 Done Chain 59, 94, 114 defined 228 DTMF 7 defined 229 E edit block defined 229 editing files 203 notification templates 202 VMB.DAT 202 emergency lists notification 152 employee directory 58, 64, 80, 90, 101, 110 employee directory mailbox defined 229 empty strings defined 229 Enabled notification record field 140 scheduling field 168 Enabled field notification records 120 enabling notification records 140 scheduling records 168 end user support 14 ending search 77 ending times notification 140 environment variables TZ 22 ERROR 39 errorlevel defined 229 examples reports 174 EXECUTE 39 execution error defined 229 exitcode defined 229 exiting Amanda Administrator 76 Amanda Monitor 28 Extension scheduling field 169 Extension field 90, 110 Extension fields scheduling 160, 169 F F1 help 100 FATAL 39 fax modems status 26 Faxes 39, 96, 115 faxing files 34 fields Auto screen 168 changing settings 99 numbering for reports 183 file names reports 180, 184, 186 files backing up Amanda 199 copying 28, 34 creating trace 28, 29 displaying 207, 208 editing 203 faxing 34 restoring Amanda 199 searching for strings 202 traces 32 tracing 202 viewing 207, 208 FIND 39 finding mailboxes 77, 87 flash time defined 229 flash-hook defined 229 floppy disk drive defined 230 free disk space 27 freeze frame 31 From and To notification record field 140 G general mailbox 92, 111 general protection fault defined 230 glare defined 230 GREETING 39 Greeting scheduling field 169

244 [email protected] greetings caller instructions 58 changing automatically 47, 50 company 44, 213 employee directory 65 locking 92, 93, 112, 113 maximum length 92, 112 naming 88 recording 44 samples for mailbox 990 46 samples for mailbox 991 59 scheduling 160, 169 Grep utility 202 GREP.EXE 202 Groups 94, 114 Users screen 99 groups naming 88 notification 152 Guests 92, 112 H Hang up mailbox 45 HANGUP 40 hangup supervision defined 228 hard disk defined 230 hard drive defined 230 hearing system status 193 help Amanda Administrator 77 Amanda Monitor 29 F1 100 history installation 209 used with less 209 HISTORY.BAT 209 HOLD 40 holidays scheduling greetings 57 home calling 148 hookflash defined 230 I I command-line options 19 ID Call?, Identify Called Party 93, 113 identifying called party 93, 113 IDLE 40 inband signaling defined 231 information mailboxes 6 information system 2 informational mailboxes 73 informational mailbox defined 231 informational mailboxes 82, 104 installation support 15 installing history 209 instructions 214 setup sheets 215 integer defined 231 Integration Helper defined 231 integration timeout defined 231 Interactive Voice Response See IVR international sales 14 international support 14 intervals notification 129 scheduling 159 IVR defined 232 J JOVE utility 203 JOVE.EXE 203 jumper pins defined 232 K KSU extension table 81, 103 L LAN defined 232 LANA defined 232 LANA Number defined 232 Last 40 length busy message 93, 113 greetings 92, 93, 112, 113 messages 91, 111 less used with history 209 used with MSGLIST 201 Less utility 207 LESS.EXE 207

Index245 lights message 117 List Comment defined 232 List Del utility 200 LIST_DEL.EXE 200 listening system status 193 loading report templates 178, 184 locking busy message 93, 113 Call Screening 91, 111 Do Not Disturb 91, 110 greeting 92, 112 mailbox fields 91, 110, 111 mailboxes 191 logging on Amanda Administrator 78 Amanda Monitor 24, 26 Amanda Voice Server 28, 76 Amanda Voice Server (from Amanda Administrator) 73 LOGIN 40 login time totals 95, 115 Logins 96, 115 defined 232 logins totals 115 Logons defined 232 long pause defined 232 M MAIL 40 Mailbox field 89, 109 mailbox 39 991 59 defined 232 general 92, 111 mailbox 999 45 computer use of 195 displaying 196 telephone use of 189 mailbox checklist 217 Mailbox Processing diagram 11 Mailbox Table 107, 108 mailbox templates 997 68, 78 mailboxes 411 64, 80, 90, 101, 110 990 6, 44, 46, 213 991 6, 58, 214 997 68, 78 997 and Norstar 69 999 24, 74 Calls 96, 115 copying 77, 78, 83, 105 creating 76, 78 creating a range 84, 106 creating automatically 81, 103 creating from another mailbox 105 creating from another mailboxes 83 creating from template 101 creation date and time 95, 115 currently in use 29, 33 date and time of last save 95, 115 defined 236 deleting 76, 78, 86, 108, 200 description 4 displaying 76, 78, 86, 107 displaying with directory names 85 extensions 7 field definitions 89, 109 finding 77, 87 information 6 informational 73, 82, 104 kinds of 4 locking 191 modifying 84, 106 moving from one to anoth- er 85, 107 next 76, 78 numbering fields for re- ports 183 personal 72 ports 27 previous 76, 78 process control 5 processing 10, 59 read-only 192 resetting 192 saving 76, 78 setup sheets 220 statistics 77, 96, 115 template for 68 total logins 115

246 [email protected] total notifications 96, 115 total times processed 96, 115 total times transferred 115 total transfers 96 Transfers 115 unlocking 191 window 78 windows 76 mailing lists deleting 200 system-wide 193 Main screen accessing 18 Amanda 37 Calls 38, 40 CPU usage 38 Faxes 39 general information 38 Last 40 mailbox 39 Notify 38 Port 39 port status 39 Space 38 Started 38 Time 38 Users 38 version 38 making active notification records 140 scheduling records 168 making inactive notification records 140 scheduling records 168 managing reports 175 Max Times notification record field 140 maximum messages 95, 115 time busy message 93 time per greeting 92, 93, 112, 113 time per messages 91, 111 times notification per- formed 140 Maximum Rings 90, 110 MENU 1-8 40 TOP 40 menu bar Auto screen 165 defined 232 Notify screen 133 Reports screen 181 Users screen 98 menu options creating 95, 114 Menus 95, 114 Users screen 99 menus setup sheets 216 system administrator 189 using Amanda Monitor 28 Menus and Chains Reports screen 182 message lights 117, 143 notification 123, 136 Message Volume 112 messages dates and times 93, 113 displaying mailbox statis- tics 201 maximum at one time 95, 115 maximum length 91, 111 reporting mailbox statistics 201 storing 91, 111 total since creation 95, 115 volume 112 Messages Maximum 95, 115 Messages Total 95, 115 messaging center 2 Method fields 128 defined 141 MF defined 232 minutes before notification 140 between notifications 140 between scheduled chang- es 169 modified_call_screening 91, 111 modifying mailboxes 84, 95, 106, 115 notification record tem- plates 127, 138 notification records 127, 138 pager telephone number for notification 131 scheduling records 161, 168 Variable field for notifica- tion 131 monitored transfer defined 233

Index247 moving from mailbox to mailbox 85, 107 MSGLIST used with less 201 MsgList utility 201 MSGLIST.EXE 201 MTWTFSS notification record field 140 scheduling fields 169 N n_clients 4 Name and Extension recording 93, 113 Name/Ext? 93, 113 naming greetings 88 groups 88 report templates 184 NDIS defined 233 NetBEUI defined 233 NetBIOS defined 233 network defined 233 Next Change scheduling field 169 non-empty strings defined 233 normal notification 123, 135 Norstar mailbox template 69 Norstar KSUs notification method 119 notification active 140 changing execution days 128 changing execution inter- vals 129 changing execution times 129 changing Method fields 128 changing notification record templates 127, 138 changing notification records 127, 138 changing pager telephone number 131, 142 changing record types 128 changing template titles 128 changing Variable field 131, 142 comments 140 creating notification record templates 121, 132, 134 creating notification records 121, 132, 134 creating records from tem- plates 126, 137 days of week 140 dedicated 118 disabling 130, 141 disk 141 disk space 124, 136, 141, 195 emergency lists 152 Enabled field 120 examples of 143 execution days 128 execution intervals 129 execution times 129 groups 152 inactive 140 message lights 123, 136 Method fields 128 minutes before 140 minutes between 140 next 26 normal 123, 135, 141 Norstar KSUs 119 number of times 140 pager 145 pager relayed telephone number 146 pickup 123, 136, 141 record types 128 records needed 119 relay 141 relay page 146 restricted 118 roving 118 stopping 130, 141 system administrator 195 telephone numbers 124, 135, 141 template titles 128 templates 120 times 140 Token Programming Lan- guage 141 total successful 96, 115 types of 141 urgent 124, 136, 141 variable 141

248 [email protected] Variable field 120 voice 144 notification activity 38 notification records setup sheets 221 Notification Records List Notify screen 133 notification template defined 233 notification templates editing 202 Notifies 96, 115 notifies totals 96, 115 NOTIFY 40 Notify 38 Notify After notification record field 140 Notify screen Continue Every 140 description 133 displaying 132 Enabled 140 From and To 140 Max Times 140 menu bar 133 Method 141 MTWTFSS 140 Notification Records List 133 Notify After 140 Selected Record’s Fields 133 Title 140 Type 141 User Information 133 Variable 141 Notify window 76, 78 null defined 233 numbering fields reports 183 numbers Amanda versions 26 voice board driver versions 26 O off-duty attendant 2 on-hook defined 233 operations performed at shutdown 208 options, command-line 19 ordering columns in reports 177, 183 P P command-line options 19 page numbers reports 173 pager calling 145, 146 notification 145 notification with telephone number 146 pagers 117 notification 124, 135 passwords 24, 74, 97 Amanda 21 PCPM 40 defined 233 personal mailboxes 72 personal mailing lists deleting 200 phantom call defined 226 pickup notification 123, 136 Play Date & Time 93, 113 Port 39 port information Amanda Monitor 27 ports active number 27 calls 27 defined 225, 233 mailboxes 27 message lights 117 resetting 29, 30, 40 status 27, 39 times last used 27 tracing activity 30 types 27 preferences user 69 previewing reports 77 primary attendant 1 printing previewing reports 77 reports 77, 179, 186 setup 77 process control mailboxes 5 processing calls 8 mailboxes 10 prompt files defined 234 Q questionnaire user 70

Index249 R range creating mailboxes 84, 106 Read-Only 90, 110 read-only mailboxes 192 real time tracing 31 Record Name and Extension 93, 113 RECORDING 40 recording caller instructions 58 company greeting 44 greeting for employee di- rectory 65 Name and Extension re- cording 93, 113 system announcements 190 records creating scheduling records 156, 165 notification setup sheets 221 reference Mailbox fields 89, 109 reinstalling history 209 relay notification 124, 135 reorder tone defined 234 report templates creating 175, 180, 182, 184 loading 178, 184 naming 184 reusing 178, 184 saving 184 Report window 78 reporting message statistics 201 Reports MSGLIST.EXE 201 user information 182 reports changing column order 177, 183 changing column widths 178, 183, 184 creating 175, 180, 182 creating from templates 178, 184 customized 173 designing 77 example 174 file names 180, 184, 186 managing 175 naming report templates 184 numbering fields 183 page numbers 173 print preview 77 printing 77, 179, 186 saving 77, 180, 186 viewing 186 Reports screen Basic Options 182 Chains and Menus 182 display 181 menu bar 181 Menus and Chains 182 statistical information 182 Statistics 182 status bar 182 User Information 181 Reports window 76 reset time totals 96, 115 resetting dates 29, 34, 41 mailboxes 192 ports 29, 30, 40 system date 194 system time 194 times 29, 34, 41 restarting Amanda 18 restoring Amanda files 199 Restrict To scheduling fields 169 restricted notification 118 reusing report templates 178, 184 reviewing reports 186 system status 193 RING 40 ring no answer scheduling 169 ring voltage defined 234 ringing Ring No Answer 90, 110 Rings scheduling field 169 rings scheduling 160 RJ-11 defined 223 RJ-14 defined 223 RJ-XX defined 223

250 [email protected] RNA 40, 92, 112 RNA Chain 94, 114 RNA greetings scheduling 160 roving notification 118 running Setup 21 S S command-line options 19 sales dealers 14 distribution 14 international 14 sample greetings mailbox 990 46 mailbox 991 59 sampling rate defined 234 Saved 95, 115 saving changes to mailboxes 76 mailboxes 78, 95, 115 report templates 184 reports 77, 180, 186 scheduling active 168 call screening 160 creating 155 creating records 156, 165 days of week 169 defining 155 description 153 disabling 163, 169 Do Not Disturb 160 execution days 158 execution intervals 159 Extension field 169 Extension fields 160 greeting changes 47, 50 greetings 169 holiday greetings 57 inactive 168 minutes before repeating changes 169 ring no answer 169 rings 160 RNA greetings 160 Screen Calls? 169 starting dates 168 stopping 163, 169 testing records 155 time between changes 169 times 168 scheduling records changing 161, 168 changing execution inter- val 162 changing start date 161 modifying 161, 168 Scheduling Records List Auto screen 165 Screen Calls? scheduling 169 searching files 202 mailboxes 77, 87 specify criteria 77 secondary attendant 2 Security Code 90, 109 security code default 58 security codes 24, 74, 97 Selected Record’s Fields Auto screen 165 Notify screen 133 SEND 40 server defined 234 service 14 setting up printer 77 settings changing 99 Setup 21 setup sheets 215, 220, 221 menus 216 shutdown next 26 shutdown operations 208 SHUTDOWN.BAT 208 shutting down Amanda 20 operations 208 SMDI defined 234 SMDR defined 234 Space 38 space free 27 notification 124, 136 standalone system 3, 4, 17 Started 38 started Amanda 26 starting Amanda 18 Amanda Administrator 73 Amanda Administrator from Amanda Monitor 28 Amanda Monitor from Amanda Admin- istrator 76