Amanda Work Group Administrations 7 Xx Instructions Manual
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Appendix B: Glossary 231 inband signalingThe telephone switching system’s ability to send DTMF tones to a telephone port as soon as it answers (goes off- hook), informing Amanda of the nature of the call as well as the extension or CO line which is calling. This helps Amanda make the correct decision in processing the call (i.e., play a Busy message, play the current greet- ing, enter the log on mode, or play the company greeting by processing mailbox 990). This is useful in conjunc- tion with a blind transfer when the call volume is very heavy and you wish to make telephone ports available for handling the next call as quickly as possible. informational mailboxA mailbox which usually does not accept messages from callers; instead, its greeting is played to callers to pro- vide them with various pieces of information. To accom- plish this in Amanda, the Do Not Disturb field must be ON. integerA whole number with no decimal point or fractions. For example, 24,-32768,1,8,-30,32767,-1 are integers. Integration HelperA program accessed by selecting option 3 within the Set- up utility and pressing the F1 key. This program can as- sist an installer in determining the DTMF coming from a telephone switching system using inband signaling. An alternative is using an Amanda trace file (either C:\AMANDA\TRACE.OUT or C:\AMAN- DA\SCREEN.OUT). integration timeoutThe pause after Amanda goes off-hook to allow for the arrival of DTMF sent by the telephone switching system using inband signaling. It also serves as an inter-digit timer after the arrival of the first digit. You can set this timer by modifying the first line of the screen accessed by selecting option 3 of Setup. The default is 0 which means inband signaling is disabled. Use 10 to specify 1.0 second, 15 for 1.5 seconds and so on.

232 Administering [email protected]/DOS Interactive Voice Response (IVR)A way in which callers can obtain information from a computer database through the use of DTMF. This is common in the banking industry. For example, if you want to know your account balance, you enter your ac- count number and your personal identification number when prompted. The system you are communicating with confirms your account number and security code and accesses a database to retrieve your account balance. jumper pinsPins found on the voice board used to set the correct ad- dress for boards. LANLocal Area Network. A short distance data communica- tions network used to link computers and peripheral de- vices under some form of standard control. LANALocal Area Network Adapter. A PC-compatible circuit card that provides the PC-to-LAN hardware connection. LANA NumberA number that is assigned to the logical network with which Amanda for Workgroups communicates. List CommentA comment describing a mailing list that is recorded by the user who creates the list. The comment should help you distinguish one list from another and remember whose extensions are on the list. LoginsThe total number of times the mailbox was accessed by a user by pressing the * key. long pauseUsing , within a token string causes Amanda to pause for 2 seconds. mailboxThe user options, messages, mailing lists, and other data identified by a mailbox. menu barLists a program’s choices. It is found at the top of the screen of any Amanda screen or Windows application. MFMulti-frequency. An inband address signaling method which uses ten decimal digits and five auxiliary signals are each represented by selecting two frequencies and combining them into one sound.

Appendix B: Glossary 233 monitored transferSame as supervised transfer. NDISNetwork Driver Interface Specification. A device driver which provides hardware and protocol independence for network drivers. NetBEUINetBIOS Extended User Interface. The network proto- col required by Amanda for Workgroups. NetBIOSNetwork Basic Input/Output System. A layer of soft- ware which links a network operating system with spe- cific hardware. It allows application programs to communicate with the network. networkSee LAN non-empty stringA string containing 1 or more characters. notification templateA general notification action which can be used for any number of notification records belonging to any number of mailboxes. For example, message waiting light ON and message waiting light OFF notification actions should be saved as templates. nullEmpty string or empty value. on-hookWhen a port or extension is ready to take a call. When off-hook, a port or extension is not available to accept calls. PCPMProgrammed Call Progress Monitoring. See supervised call transfer. port (channel)A hardware device in the computer or telephone switch- ing system where data can be accessed. When not pref- aced by COM, serial, or parallel, this guide refers to a port created by connecting a telephone port to a voice board. Amanda supports from 2 to 24 ports. See also COM port, RS-232 port, serial port, and parallel port.

234 Administering [email protected]/DOS prompt fileThe Amanda file containing all system prompts (prere- corded words, sentences, or questions) that are included within the Amanda software. The default prompt file is C:\AMANDA\ENGLISH.IDX or ENGLISH.BDX (de- pending on whether your computer is a Brooktrout voice board or a Amanda Company voice board for Norstar KSUs). A Spanish version of the system prompts are also available from The Amanda Company. reorder toneA fast busy or busy tone heard when you dial an invalid extension or when no intercom path is available. ring voltageA ring signal provided by the Central Office. It is gener- ally 70 to 90 volts at 17 Hz to 20 Hz. sampling rateAn indication of the method used for digitizing sound which is required before you can save prompts, greet- ings, and messages onto the hard disk. serverA shared computer on the LAN which provides services to the other nodes on the LAN. For example, the Aman- da Voice Server interacts with all the nodes running the Amanda for Workgroups clients. SMDISimplified Message Desk Interface, a Bellcore standard, is a data line from the central office that sends informa- tion and instructions (about the caller and called party) to your on-site voice mail box. For example, if you call yourself, Amanda assumes you want to listen to your messages. SMDRStation Message Desk Reporting. See call accounting. status barArea at the bottom of the screen or window that de- scribes actions currently being performed within the program. stringA sequence of 0 or more characters. The length of a string is the number of characters in the sequence. A space counts as one character when it appears anywhere within the sequence. A string of length 0 is null or emp- ty.

Appendix B: Glossary 235 substringA portion of a string. For example, “EN” is a substring of “MEN” as well as “WOMEN”, or “TENTH”. supervised transferA type of call transfer in which Amanda stays on the line and listens to telephone switching system tone patterns after putting the caller on transfer hold. If what is heard does not match a Ring, Busy, or Reorder tone, the voice board driver reports an answer to Amanda. To complete the transfer, Amanda hangs up. (See also blind trans- fer.) system integration patternsThe patterns expected from the telephone switching sys- tem when Amanda is integrated with the telephone switching system. These patterns can be defined using Setup option 3 or editing the same ASCII file that contains the dial codes (C:\AMANDA\PBX.DB 1001.PBX). The Integration Helper can assist in defin- ing the correct patterns, or you can use the trace facility within Amanda. taskbarA tool used in Windows 95 that helps you track the pro- grams you are currently running and gives you easy ac- cess to those you are not. This is typically located at the bottom of the screen and includes the Start button. timed break recallUsing ~ token to make Amanda pulse dial the digit 1 to effect a timed break recall. tokenA command in the Token Programming Language that cause Amanda to perform some action. For example, the P() token causes Amanda to play messages and so forth. Tokens usually appear in the Extension fields of mail- boxes and in the Method fields of notification records. tone patternsThe Ring, Busy, Reorder, and Hangup tones that Aman- da uses to supervise transferred calls. toolbarA bar of buttons which represent common tasks of the program you are using.

236 Administering [email protected]/DOS traceA facility within the Amanda software which logs all ac- tivity on telephone ports into a file named C:\AMANDA\TRACE.OUT. This file can be viewed using any ASCII editor such as MS-DOS EDIT or JOVE (supplied by The Amanda Company). The TRACE.EXE utility allows you to review Aman- da’s activities. When testing token programming, use the following command to start Amanda with trace turned on: C:\AMANDA /t /s 1300 This command also limits the size of the trace file to 1.3 MB so it can fit on a 3.5-inch floppy disk. The trace can be left on indefinitely and will retain only the last 1.3 MB of data. The /t turns on trace mode and the /s limits the size to the specified number of bytes. transfer dial toneThe solid (continuous) tone which must be heard by Amanda after a hookflash is performed and before DTMF digits representing the extension to connect to are dialed. If one second of continuous dial tone is not detected by Amanda, a second hookflash is performed in order to get back to the caller. The absence of transfer dial tone is usually due to the fact that the telephone switching system does not have an available intercom path or DTMF receiver at the time. A non blocking tele- phone switching system is one that can guarantee trans- fer dial tone for all telephone ports by allocating one DTMF receiver per port. turnkey systemA system that comes ready to use. mailboxA unique number chosen to identify an Amanda voice mailbox. Any number from 0 to 99,999,999 is accept- able as a mailbox. unsupervised transferSame as blind transfer. voice boardThe audioboard which communicates with Amanda software and enables it to process incoming calls and/or make outbound calls.

Appendix B: Glossary 237 voice formVoice response to a series of questions that constitute a form. For example, Amanda might ask a caller for his name, address, and other pertinent information for a mailing label. Using the Q() command in the Token Pro- gramming Language, all the caller’s answers can be stored as a message. voice notificationDialing an extension or an outside number and playing the mailbox’s Name and Extension recording and saying the total number of messages and how many of them are unheard. This is useful when message waiting lights cannot be lit by a single line port or when users wish to be notified at home after hours. voice serverThe Amanda Voice Server interacts with all the nodes running the Amanda for Workgroups clients.

Symbols %R token 124, 135 %V changing 131, 142 %V token 141 /I command-line options 19 /P command-line options 19 /S command-line options 19 /T command-line options 19 Numerics 411 64, 80, 90, 101, 110 990 6, 44, 213 sample greetings 46 991 6, 58, 214 sample greetings 59 997 mailbox template 68, 78 Norstar 69 999 administrator mailbox 24, 74 computer use of 195 displaying 196 recording system an- nouncements 190 telephone use of 189 A accessing Amanda 18 Main screen 18 Users screen 97 activating notification records 140 scheduling records 168 activation key defined 223 Adjust Maximum Rings 90, 110 alphanumeric defined 224 Amanda 3 calling 43 current users 29, 33 Main screen 37 passwords 21 shutting down 20 starting 18 Amanda Administrator 3 exiting 76 help 77 logging back on 78 logging on to Amanda Voice Server 73 starting 73 starting from Amanda Monitor 28 toolbar 78 Amanda Dialer 4 Amanda Fax 4 Amanda Messenger 4 Amanda Monitor description 23 exiting 28 help 29 logging back on 26 logging on 24 port information 27 starting from Amanda Ad- ministrator 76 system information 26 toolbar 29 Amanda password 97 Amanda Standalone System 3, 4, 17 Amanda version 38 Amanda Voice Server 3, 17 logging on 28, 76 analog telephone defined 224 And Every scheduling field 169 Index

240 [email protected] ANI defined 224 announcing called party 93, 113 ANSWER 39 ASCII defined 224 At scheduling fields 168 attendant automated 1 off-duty 2 primary 1 secondary 2 audiotext defined 224 Auto Scheduler calendar 158 Auto Scheduler window 76, 78 Auto screen And Every 169 At 168 Call Screening 169 Change On 168 displaying 164 Do Not Disturb 169 Enabled 168 Extension 169 Greeting 169 menu bar 165 MTWTFSS 169 Next Change 169 Restrict To 169 Rings 169 scheduling record fields 168 Scheduling Records List 165 Selected Record’s Fields 165 User Information 165 autocreating mailboxes 76, 81, 103 automated attendant 1 defined 224 available disk space 27 B back-door attendant defined 224 backing up Amanda files 199 BackRest utility 199 BACKREST.EXE 199 Basic Options Reports screen 182 Users screen 99 beepers see pagers 117 blind transfer defined 224 BUSY 39 Busy Chain 94, 114 busy count 27 busy hold music changing 191 busy message custom 93, 113 locking 93, 113 maximum length 93, 113 system 93, 113 Busy Message? 93 locking 93, 113 C cadence defined 225 call accounting defined 225 Call Processing diagram 9 Call Screening 91, 111 locking 91, 111 scheduling field 169 call screening scheduling 160 called party identifying 93, 113 Caller ID defined 225 Caller Instructions 58 caller instructions setup sheets 215 Caller Instructions mailbox 214 calling Amanda 43 home 148 pager 145, 146 Calls 38, 40, 96, 115 calls ports 27 processing 8 total taken 27 case-sensitive defined 225 CCB defined 225 center voice messaging 2 CHAIN 39 Chains Users screen 99 Chains and Menu Reports screen 182 Change On scheduling field 168