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Amanda Work Group Administrations 7 Xx Instructions Manual

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    							Appendix A: Setup Sheets 221
        Setup Sheets
    Notification Records
    System actions to notify users of calls or messages in addition to ringing their extensions.
    OTE:What do you dial to get an outside line? ____________
    box)Notify Method
    How will the user be notified?
    Voice, Message Lights, Pager, 
    Relay, etc.
    Notification Number 
    Number or instructions 
    for notification
    (Pager, Extension, etc.)
    Mary W.130Pager: 9, %V W(3,P)-% U#18005551212
    —Master Copy—
          Make copies of this sheet prior to filling it out. 
    							Appendix B:
    Telephony terms, such as station side, CO, single-line, hunt group, pilot number, pickup 
    group, coverage path, hookflash, call forward ring-no-answer, call forward busy, DTMF, 
    and tone patterns.
    RJ-XXRegistered Jacks. Telephone and data plugs that are reg-
    istered with the Federal Communications Commission 
    RJ-11Telephone jack (or plug) commonly used to connect 
    telephones, modems, and fax machines. The red and 
    green pair carry the conversation for one line. The black 
    and white pair might light buttons, send signals, or go 
    RJ-14Telephone jack (or plug) commonly used to connect 
    telephones, modems, and fax machines. The red and 
    green pair carry the conversation for one line. The black 
    and yellow pair carry the conversation for the second 
    class of serviceA grouping of privileges and features assigned to a tele-
    phone in a system. Each mailbox in an Amanda system 
    can be given all or any subset of the available privileges 
    and features. There are no classes of service.
    activation keyAn integer supplied by the Amanda Company sales staff 
    to activate Brooktrout boards purchased from a source 
    other than The Amanda Company. A per-port activation 
    fee is charged when this key is supplied. 
    							224 Administering [email protected]/DOS
    alphanumeric characterA letter from the alphabet (A–Z, a–z), a space, or a digit 
    analog telephoneSingle line telephone or 2500 set (as opposed to digital), 
    the type of telephone most often seen in residential units. 
    In a commercial setting, analog phones must be connect-
    ed to analog (single line) ports (jacks) which can be lim-
    ited or unavailable. All telephone ports must be 
    connected to analog (single line) ports off the telephone 
    switching system.
    ANIAutomatic Number Identification T1 line
    ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange—
    a standard used by the computer industry to encode all 
    characters (alphabetic, numeric, etc.) as integers. This 
    code represents 256 characters as integers 0 through 
    255. For example, A is encoded as 65 and a is encoded 
    as 97.
    audiotextThe ability to play information (instructions) to the call-
    er such as directions to the office or the instructions re-
    corded in mailbox 991. In Amanda, this is done by 
    having the Do Not Disturb field set to ON.
    automated attendantA computer loaded with software (such as Amanda) ca-
    pable of answering incoming lines and transferring calls 
    to extensions based on DTMF entered by the caller.
    back-door attendantAn automated attendant answering specific incoming 
    CO lines dedicated to calls from those callers who do not 
    wish to go through the live attendant (receptionist or op-
    blind transfer (unsupervised 
    transfer)The execution of an H token (to accomplish a hangup) 
    after dialing an extension. This, in effect, releases the 
    call to the extension and is usually done to make the tele-
    phone port available for the next call more quickly. (Al-
    so, see supervised call transfer.)
    Do not use Call Screening with an unsupervised transfer. 
    If you do, the caller is screened, but the user never hears 
    that recording. 
    							Appendix B: Glossary 225
    cadenceA repeating cycle of ON and OFF tones such as ring, 
    busy, fast busy.
    call accountingAlso called SMDR. A system used to record information 
    about telephone calls, organize that information, and 
    create reports. The information gathered usually in-
    cludes what extension the call is coming from, what cir-
    cuit is used for the call, when the call started, how long 
    it lasted, and the purpose of the call (usually what client 
    or project should be billed). Requires a computer, a disk 
    for storing data, and some software set up to monitor the 
    telephone calls made. A serial port must be dedicated to 
    Caller IDAutomatically identifies the caller Trunk line.
    case-sensitiveThe act of differentiating between lowercase (a–z) and 
    uppercase (A–Z) characters. Amanda uses case-sensi-
    tive passwords. AMANDA, Amanda, AMandA, or 
    amanda are all different passwords. On the other hand, if 
    you type these words at the DOS prompt, DOS treats 
    them as the same command. 
    Channel (port)Amanda software supports systems as small as 2 chan-
    nels and as large as 24 channels.
    characterA single symbol including letters from the alphabet, dig-
    its 0–9, or special ones. For example:  ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( 
    ) - + < > [ ] { }  / ? :  | ~ ` _ ,
    clientA Windows based program developed for communicat-
    ing with the Amanda Voice Server. The Amanda Clients 
    have been written for Windows for Workgroups Version 
    3.11, but are also compatible with Windows 95.
    Client ConnectionAn active communication link from one of the clients to 
    the Amanda Voice Server.
    Client Connection Bank 
    (CCB)A device, which contains a number of Client Connec-
    tions, that is attached to the back of the Amanda Voice 
    Server for the purpose of upgrading the number of Client 
    Connections allowed by that server. 
    							226 Administering [email protected]/DOS
    c-like escape sequenceAny sequence of characters within a string which starts 
    with a \. This refers to the C programming language de-
    veloped at Bell Labs.
    CO Telephone Company Central Office
    componentEvery message contains one or more components. Com-
    ponents “define” a message. For example, if a message 
    is forwarded from another mailbox with a Message Pre-
    fix attached, that message contains two components. 
    Similarly, if that message is then forwarded to another 
    mailbox with another Message Prefix attached, that 
    message contains three components.
    composeTo build a message that consists of components.
    data corruptionWhen the contents of some memory location or portions 
    of a file residing on a disk or diskette is damaged and 
    lost. This can occur due to power fluctuations, faulty 
    hardware such as motherboard or memory chips, or soft-
    ware bugs.
    dB levelDecibel level. Used to measure the volume of sound or 
    DBF fileA file which is in dBase format. Amanda tokens can 
    work with dBase format as well as ASCII files. A dBase 
    format file must have a DBF extension if used with 
    Amanda tokens.
    dead/phantom callThe situation where the outside caller hangs up before 
    the extension is answered by the user. This might result 
    in the user hearing a fast busy (reorder tone) or just si-
    lence, depending on the telephone switching system and 
    the CO. 
    							Appendix B: Glossary 227
    dedicated notificationWhen the first port of Amanda is set aside for notifica-
    tion only. It is displayed as 1/N (as opposed to 1/A) on 
    the Main Screen of a standalone Amanda system. The 
    port description is displayed as Notify (as opposed to 
    Answer) on the Amanda Monitor.
    The extension connected to port 1 of Amanda must have 
    outside access so that pager notification can be success-
    ful. You must make sure that no incoming calls are rout-
    ed to port 1 and instead port 2 is designated as the first 
    answer port. This is useful in eliminating notify colli-
    sions (glare condition). To achieve a dedicated notify, 
    set the n_ochan parameter in the System Configuration 
    Options file to 1 instead of 0.
    default valuesThe values of parameters, variables, and user settings in 
    Amanda when the system is first installed. The installer, 
    the system administrator, or the user can change the de-
    fault values using the keyboard (or DTMF from the tele-
    defaults boxMailbox 997 is set up with reasonable default values for 
    each Mailbox field. When creating a new mailbox, 
    Amanda accesses the defaults box for basic mailbox set-
    tings. If you want to change the defaults, modify mail-
    box 997 and Save.
    dial codesA set of codes that enable Amanda and the telephone 
    switching system to communicate. These are set using 
    Setup option 1 or by editing the ASCII file C:\AMAN-
    direct callDialing Amanda internally by calling one of her ports 
    from an extension within the telephone switching sys-
    							228 Administering [email protected]/DOS
    direct message codeA mailbox (usually mailbox 998) which functions as a 
    code to skip the transfer to a user extension and go di-
    rectly to the current greeting for that user. For example, 
    entering 998#185# causes the caller to hear the current 
    greeting for mailbox 185. The caller can then press # 
    twice to skip the greeting and go directly to the recording 
    mode. Additionally, if you set the short_direct_send pa-
    rameter in the System Configuration Options to true (its 
    default is false) then using the direct message code mail-
    box causes the caller to hear the Name/Extension record-
    ing instead of the current greeting.
    direct message mailboxA mailbox that allows you to record a message for an-
    other mailbox without having to execute the Extension 
    field and/or hear the mailbox’s greeting. This is particu-
    larly useful for an operator transferring callers directly to 
    a user’s voice mail.
    disconnect (hangup) super-
    visionThe ability of the telephone switching system to inform 
    Amanda that a hangup has occurred on the line. This is 
    normally accomplished by the voice board driver, mon-
    itoring the loop current and informing Amanda of loop 
    current OFF or loop current DROP events. This is be-
    cause the default value for the hangup_supervision pa-
    rameter in the System Configuration Options is true. If 
    this parameter is set to false, Amanda ignores these 
    disk notificationA type of notification used to warn the system adminis-
    trator (mailbox 999) that the hard disk space has fallen 
    below a predefined threshold. This is set in Setup, Op-
    tion 4, set diskwarn xx. The default is 20, meaning the 
    Disk notify activates when free disk space is less than 20 
    percent of total disk space.
    Done ChainAfter Amanda is finished processing a mailbox, she con-
    tinues processing the call by going to the mailbox spec-
    ified in the Done Chain. If this field is blank, Amanda 
    uses the Done Chain of the Company Greeting, or start-
    ing greeting mailbox (generally 990). Usually, the Done 
    Chain of 990 is set to 991. Therefore, the default Done 
    Chain is usually mailbox 991 (The Caller Instructions). 
    							Appendix B: Glossary 229
    DTMFDual Tone Multi Frequency (Touch Tone) tones gener-
    ated by most phones when you dial a telephone number. 
    However, the fact that a telephone has a dial pad with 12 
    keys (0–9,*,#), does not guarantee that it can generate 
    edit blockA solid colored, or reversed video block seen on the 
    screen (selecting the field or the line you are editing) 
    within Amanda or the Setup utility.
    employee directory mailboxIf you designate a mailbox using the box_idx configura-
    tion option, Amanda builds an employee directory 
    which lists all the users based on the contents of the Di-
    rectory Name 1 and Directory Name 2 fields. This al-
    lows callers to use their telephones to spell the names of 
    the users they want to reach. Digits 7 and 9 should be 
    used for letters Q and Z respectively.
    empty stringA string containing no characters at all. To represent an 
    empty string you can use  when using tokens.
    execution errorA fault which can cause a program to crash and shut-
    down or produce an incorrect result. The error might be 
    due to a logical error in the software, faulty hardware, or 
    corruption of memory location caused by other pro-
    exit code or errorlevelBefore the completion of a program (e.g., RAMAN-
    DA.EXE), an integer code can be generated (default is 
    0) by that program. This code can be used by another 
    program or the batch file (e.g., AMANDA.BAT) which 
    started that program in order to determine what to do 
    next. This is used by the Auto Shutdown mechanism of 
    Amanda. When an Auto Shutdown occurs (by default 
    every Tuesday at 1:30 AM), RAMANDA.EXE exits 
    (completes execution) with errorlevel 3 which when 
    passed on to AMANDA.BAT, causes control to be 
    transferred to the section labeled:  AUTO
    flash timeThe amount of time Amanda must remain on-hook while 
    performing a hookflash usually set to 55 (0.55 seconds).
    flash-hookSee hookflash. 
    							230 Administering [email protected]/DOS
    floppy disk driveA storage device, typically referred to as the A or B 
    drive, capable of reading and writing information to dis-
    kettes (3.5-inch or 5.25-inch). Amanda and its associat-
    ed utilities are distributed on 3.5-inch 1.44 MB diskettes 
    only. Therefore, the PC designated for Amanda must 
    have at least one 3.5-inch 1.44 MB floppy disk drive (A 
    or B).
    general protection faultA fault that can cause a program to crash or produce an 
    incorrect result. The error might be due to a logical error 
    in the software, faulty hardware, or corruption of mem-
    ory location caused by other programs.
    glareThe collisions between incoming calls and notifications. 
    For example, a port might try to execute a notification 
    record and accept an incoming call simultaneously.
    hard drive/hard diskA long-term storage device, typically referred to as the 
    C drive, on which Amanda is installed. The Amanda 
    Company recommends using IDE hard drives with a 
    12ms access time or faster to insure optimal processing 
    of calls. Consider large capacity hard disks if a high vol-
    ume of outgoing and incoming messages is expected. A 
    540 MB hard disk is estimated to provide 33 hours of 
    hookflashA momentary on-hook condition which lasts anywhere 
    from 0.25 seconds to 0.85 seconds (usually set to 0.55 
    seconds.) which is normally required to put a caller on 
    hold before Amanda can transfer to an extension. This is 
    also used when Amanda determines a Ring No Answer 
    or Busy extension. A second hookflash (or hook-flash) 
    makes Amanda able to get the caller back and play the 
    current greeting or Busy message for that user. 
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