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Nortel Compact Ics 6.1 Installer Guide

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Page 121

Programming / 121
P0603539  02Compact ICS 6.1 Installer Guide
Admin/Basic programming
User code: ²¥¥èêäå(**3425723)
Default Basic password: 
Set ####
Button prgrmingDisplay cntrst
User speed dialRing Type
Call log opt’ns
Dialing opt’ns 

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122 / Programming tools
Compact ICS 6.1 Installer GuideP0603539  02
Programming tools
Your documentation kit contains overlays for all the telephones that can be 
used to program your system . Use the overlay that is appropriate for the 
telephone you are using to program your system. 
You can use Business Series Terminal T7316 or T7316E telephones or 
Norstar M7310 or M7324 telephones for programming. These telephones 
have two-line displays. Use the appropriate template and refer to the...

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Programming tools / 123
P0603539  02Compact ICS 6.1 Installer Guide
Business Series Terminals with overlay
Se ries
Ter mi nal s
Programmi ng
Rec or d
Overlay placed over keys 
with indicators T7316E programming set
T7316 programming set 

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124 / Programming tools
Compact ICS 6.1 Installer GuideP0603539  02
Norstar M7310 and 7324 telephones with overlays
Using the telephone buttons for programming
On the overlay, each of the four programming buttons is assigned an action 
The indicators (
º) on the display beside the buttons show which buttons 
are active at that programming step. By pressing the appropriate button, 
you can move up or down through the Norstar programming menu.
The table below describes the action of each button....

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Programming tools / 125
P0603539  02Compact ICS 6.1 Installer Guide
Telephone overlay button definitions
The Norstar display buttons
Display buttons on the two-line telephones perform many functions. 
Depending on where you are in programming, one, two, or three display 
buttons may be available at any one time. Press the display button under the  
required function.
The most common display button labels are described in the following 
–moves to a higher level in the hierarchy of headings and...

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126 / Programming tools
Compact ICS 6.1 Installer GuideP0603539  02
Display button definitions:
Special characters on the display
When a heading ends with a triangle (ˆ), you can press ≠ to view 
the subheadings for that item. 
When a heading ends with an ellipsis (
…), you can press ≠ to see 
further information about that heading.
The indicators (
º ) on the programming telephone show which buttons 
can be used at that programming step. The functions on these buttons allow 
you to move through the...

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Programming tools / 127
P0603539  02Compact ICS 6.1 Installer Guide
The Norstar Programming Record
Use the Compact ICS 6.1 Programming Record to plan your programming 
strategy. If you enter all your settings on the tables provided, you create a 
quick reference guide to your system.
Pages from the record may be photocopied, as necessary, for programming 
many telephones or lines.
Exiting programming
Norstar stores your changes automatically as soon as you alter any settings. 
If you changed something in...

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128 / Programming tools
Compact ICS 6.1 Installer GuideP0603539  02
Entering numbers
A line number must always be entered as a three-digit number. Line 
numbers from 1 to 8 must be entered with leading zeroes 
(for example, line 003). 
Internal telephone numbers, also referred to as directory numbers (DNs), 
can be two to seven digits long. The default DN length is two digits. The 
DN length can be changed in programming.
Copying telephone programming
Copying is done by using COPY under Terminals&Sets....

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Programming tools / 129
P0603539  02Compact ICS 6.1 Installer Guide
4. Press ‘ and enter the internal number of the telephone that 
will be programmed or the internal numbers of the first and last 
telephone in a range. 
5. Press 
OK to proceed with the copy. This step is not necessary when you 
are copying to a single telephone.
You can also use 
COPY to duplicate the settings found in the individual 
subheadings. The button is available in 
Line access, Capabilities, 
User preferences, Restrictions and...

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130 / Programming tools
Compact ICS 6.1 Installer GuideP0603539  02
System Data that copies:System data that does NOT copy:
Line access
Line assignment
Answer DNs (unless Answer 
button DN is same as set being 
copied to)
Line pool access
Prime line designation
Number of intercom keys
Outgoing line identification number
Set restrictions
Set lock
Allow Last Number Redial
Allow Saved Number Redial
Allow Link
Line/set restrictions
Allow redirect
Call Forward No...
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