NEC Neax2000 Ivs Feature Programming Manual
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ND-45670 (E) CHAPTER 2 Page 55 Revision 2.0 ATTENDANT CONSOLE (SN610): CALL SPLITTING PROGRAMMING DESCRIPTION DATA Assign the SRC, DEST, TALK, and CANCEL keys on the SN610 ATTCON. If no data is set, the default setting is as follows: Note:TALK key is assigned as a Multi- Function key, during the answer state.• YY = 00 (1) ATTCON No. + + Key No. (2) F6200: SRC F6201: DEST F6202: CANCEL F6203: TALK START END CM90 Key No.DataDescription 06 F6203 Talk (TALK) Note 19 F6200 Source (SRC) 20 F6201...
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CHAPTER 2 ND-45670 (E) Pag e 5 6 Revision 2.0 ATTENDANT CONSOLE (SN610): CALL WAITING DISPLAY PROGRAMMING DESCRIPTION DATA Specify the number of waiting calls which cause the Call Waiting lamp to flash. (1) 00 (2) No. of Waiting Calls (01-48) If no data is set, the default setting is 6. END CM42 START
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ND-45670 (E) CHAPTER 2 Page 57 Revision 2.0 ATTENDANT CONSOLE (SN610): COMMON ROUTE INDIAL PROGRAMMING DESCRIPTION DATA Provide the system with Diversion Display. (1) 204 (2) 0: To be provided Assign the required number of LDN keys on the SN610 ATTCON. • YY = 00 (1) SN610 ATTCON No. + + Key No. (2) F6000: LDN0 F6007: LDN7 Assign the indialed number to each LDN key assigned by CM90. The indialed number should be different from any numbers assigned by CM10 and CM11. • YY = 01 (1) 1-8: LDN key...
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CHAPTER 2 ND-45670 (E) Pag e 5 8 Revision 2.0 ATTENDANT CONSOLE (SN610): COMMON ROUTE INDIAL To provide the LDN Diversion feature, the following programming is also required. DESCRIPTION DATA Provide the system with the LDN Diversion feature.(1) 205 (2) 0: To be provided Assign the data for LDN Diversion to each indialed No. assigned by CM50 YY = 01. • YY = 00 (Tenant No. of the LDN) (1) 01-08: LDN0-7 assigned by CM50 YY = 01. (2) Tenant No. (00-63) • YY = 01 (TAS Group No.) (1) Same as YY = 00...
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ND-45670 (E) CHAPTER 2 Page 59 Revision 2.0 ATTENDANT CONSOLE (SN610): COMMON ROUTE INDIAL HARDWARE REQUIRED PN-AUCA card (DID Trunk) DESCRIPTION DATA • YY = 05 (Night mode diversion for busy destination station) (1) Same as YY = 00 (2) Same as YY = 04 • YY =06 (Day mode diversion for non-an- swering destination station) (1) Same as YY = 00 (2) 00: To ATTCON (NANS key) 08: To TAS • YY = 07 (Night mode diversion for non- answering destination station) (1) Same as YY = 00 (2) Same as YY = 06...
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CHAPTER 2 ND-45670 (E) Pag e 6 0 Revision 2.0 ATTENDANT CONSOLE (SN610): DIALED NUMBER IDENTIFICATION SERVICE (DNIS) (1300 Series Enhancement) PROGRAMMING DESCRIPTION DATA Provide the system with Diversion Display. (1) 204 (2) 0:To be provided Specify the Incoming Call Identification (ICI) key to which each LDN call or Tie Line call from each trunk route will terminate.• YY=15 (1) Trunk Route No. (00-63) (2) 00: C.O. Incoming Call 0 07: C.O. Incoming Call 7 40: Tie Line Incoming Call 0 47: Tie Line...
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ND-45670 (E) CHAPTER 2 Page 61 Revision 2.0 ATTENDANT CONSOLE (SN610): DIALED NUMBER IDENTIFICATION SERVICE (DNIS) (1300 Series Enhancement) DESCRIPTION DATA Tenant Number of the LDN assigned by CM50-1.• YY=00 (1) 00: Effective data in CM35, YY=15 01-08: LDN Key No. assigned CM90. (2) 00-63:Tenant 00 Tenant 63 Assign desired company name to each LDN/ Tie Line key number assigned by CM90.• YY=10 (1) 00: Effective data in CM35, YY=15 01-08: LDN key No. (0-7) 10: Effective data in CM35, YY=15 11-18: Tie...
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CHAPTER 2 ND-45670 (E) Pag e 6 2 Revision 2.0 ATTENDANT CONSOLE (SN610): DIALED NUMBER IDENTIFICATION SERVICE (DNIS) (1300 Series Enhancement) To provide the LDN Diversion feature, the following programming is also required. DESCRIPTION DATA Provide the system with LDN Diversion feature.(1) 205 (2) 0: To be provided Assign the data for LDN Diversion to each indialed number assigned by CM50, YY=01. Note that a call is diverted to LDN 0-7 keys as specified by CM58, YY=02, YY=03, even if CM50, YY=01,...
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ND-45670 (E) CHAPTER 2 Page 63 Revision 2.0 ATTENDANT CONSOLE (SN610): DIALED NUMBER IDENTIFICATION SERVICE (DNIS) (1300 Series Enhancement) HARDARE REQUIRED PN -4DIT card (DID Trunk) PN-2ODT card (Tie Line Trunk) Character Code Table Character DATA Character DATA Character DATA Character DATA Character DATA Character DATA Character DATA (space)20 * 2A 4 34 > 3E H 48 R 52´5C ! 21 + 2B 5 35 ? 3F I 49 S 53 ] 5D “ 22 , 2C 6 36 @ 40 J 4A T 54 ^ 5E # 23 - 2D 7 37 A 41 K 4B U 55 - 5F $24 . 2E838B42L4C V56 % 25...