NEC Medical Center System Operations Manual
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NDA-30026 Revision 6Page 79 Medical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA Edition JAVA OPERATOR FUNCTIONS When the call is answered, the Attendant Status window displays a message showing that it is a recall (Figure 5-9). Figure 5-9 Answer a Park Recall Status If another parked call for the same attendant times out during this process, another beep is sounded and the number in the brackets of the message increases by one. The calls are returned to the attendant and are answered in a first-come, first-serve order. The message remains displayed until all timed-out parked calls are answered or been abandoned. Any other messages displayed in the Call Status window will temporarily replace the time-out message. However, the time-out message returns (blinking) when any other messages clear. If the original attendant is no longer on- line, the next on-line attendant is notified of the timed-out parked call(s).

Page 80NDA-30026 Revision 6 JAVA OPERATOR FUNCTIONS Medical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA Edition Retrieve Parked Call 1. To retrieve a previously parked call, select the F-4 Join screen command but- ton. The Call Destination area will now show a window of all calls currently parked in the system (Figure 5-10). Note:This Call Park Retrieve function can be canceled at anytime by pressing the Esc key, or selecting the F7-Clear screen command button. The source call must still be processed. Note:If the operator exits the Call Park Retrieval window using the Esc key, the paged caller is not released. The release must be done from the attendant console. Figure 5-10 Parked Call Retrieval Window This window displays all Parked Caller information including the Paged name, the name of the Parked caller and the current Status of the parked call. The Orbit number is the Meet-Me Page station number assigned for the parked call. The Release Time shows the time that the source caller abandoned the call, the Duration indicates how long the call has been parked, and the Parked By field shows which attendant originally parked the call.

NDA-30026 Revision 6Page 81 Medical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA Edition JAVA OPERATOR FUNCTIONS 2. From the window, select the specific parked call to retrieve (or enter a name in the Paged Name query field at the bottom of the Parked Call window to select the call) and press Enter. The parked call will be transferred to the attendant. The parked call status will now show talking to the attendant. The attendant can now process the call as needed. Retrieve from Idle ScreenThe procedure for retrieving a parked call from an idle screen (no incoming call) is the same as from a screen displaying source caller information on an incoming call. However, after the operator presses Enter, the caller is routed to either the attendant requesting the parked caller retrieve or to the priority key, depending upon how MCS was configured during installation. The attendant then answers the call. Park Call AbandonIf a call is abandoned while it is parked, it still appears in the list of parked calls for a preset amount of time. The display window of parked calls will show a time notation in the Release Time field that shows when the party abandoned the call, and the Status field will display Abandoned. MCS automatically removes the call listing from the display after a preset time-out. As long as the window is displayed, the deleted call remains on the list. The abandoned call will be cleared when the display is cleared back to the directory. With the Meet_Me Page park method, the paged party will be connected with the operator if the parked party abandons before being connected with the paged party.

Page 82NDA-30026 Revision 6 JAVA OPERATOR FUNCTIONS Medical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA Edition Call a Beeper Use the Beeper command to place a call to a specified beeper (pager) number. This function allows alpha-numeric message input for a pager. Follow the steps below to call a beeper. 1. Use the Directory Assistance feature to select a specific destination entry to beep. Select the directory type and then select the specific entry for the person to beep. 2. With a destination selected, select the F6-Beeper screen command button. If the selected destination has a Beeper #, a Make Call operation will place a call to the Beeper # (phone #) if the attendant console is idle. If the attendant has received a caller, a Tr a n s f e r operation will be initiated to transfer the caller to the Beeper #. (If the attendant console is off-line, the call must be dialed manu- ally. This manual dial status will be displayed in the Call Status area at the bot- tom of the screen.) If the selected destination does not have a Beeper # , but only has a Beeper ID, the Pager Message window (Figure 5-11) will be displayed. Note:This Beeper function can be canceled at anytime by pressing the Esc key, or se- lecting the Cancel button on the Pager Message window. Figure 5-11 Beeper Function Window 3. From the Pager Message window, a text message can be entered in the Te x t M e s - sage field. This message will display on a text messaging pager. 4. Select the OK button to make the call to the selected beeper/pager.

NDA-30026 Revision 6Page 83 Medical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA Edition JAVA OPERATOR FUNCTIONS Redial Use the Redial command to place a call to the last caller received by the attendant. JAVA MCS maintains a record of the last incoming call for this purpose. An attendant can activate the Redial function anytime the attendant station is idle (not connected with a caller). Follow the steps below: 1. Select the F6-Redial screen command button. A call will be placed from the at- tendant to the last call received by this attendant. If the called extension is busy or the attendant console is connected with another party when this function is selected, the call operation fails, and an error mes- sage will be displayed in the Call Status area. 2. Communicate with the last caller as needed.

JAVA OPERATOR FUNCTIONS Medical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA Edition Page 84NDA-30026 Revision 6 This Page Left Blank.

NDA-30026 Revision 6Page 85 Medical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA Edition DATABASE ADMINISTRATION Chapter 6 DATABASE ADMINISTRATION Introduction Use the Database Administration option on the Main Menu to add, modify, delete, view, and/or print MCS database records. Note:Before extensions can be entered to the database records through this option, the extensions must be inserted into MCS through the Main Menu System Adminis- tration option. (Refer to Chapter 7 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION, RCS Descrip- tions for more details.) Figure 6-1 Database Administration Types of Database RecordsThe MCS Database Maintenance menu reflects the different kinds of records with which MCS provides the variety of data used by the operator during call processing. In response to operator activity, MCS pulls records from the database to display source caller data, results of Directory Assistance searches, and expanded versions of displayed items. To accommodate this data, the database contains different types of records. For instance, the data entered and stored for patients differs from the data entered and stored for physicians or for hospital services. MCS Status Attendant Status Medical Center System Call Status Trnfr S SupervisorTue Aug 17 09:02 am D *** Main Menu *** System Administration Configuration Management Login Name Maintenance Quit Arrow keys to move cursor, to select, to quit Supervisor Reports Operator Functions Database Administration (1) (2) *** MCS Database Maintenance *** Patients Physicians Employees Attendant Stations Other Internal Extensions Tests/Procedures External Numbers Trunk Numbers Beeper Codes Emergencies Quit Arrow keys to move cursor, to select, to quit Off-line

Page 86NDA-30026 Revision 6 DATABASE ADMINISTRATION Medical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA Edition ProceduresThe steps by which data is entered, deleted, changed, viewed, and/or printed are the same regardless of what kind of data is being handled. The fields and expected entries differ, but the procedures are the same. Note slight differences, such as patients are admitted (using the Admit command), whereas all other types of records are added (using the Add command). This chapter provides steps for handling the data in the database in this section and then describes the different types of records that the database can contain in Database Procedures on page 88. Extension AssignmentsInternal hospital extensions must first be assigned through the Extension Maintenance option before patient, physician, employee, and other assignments can be made to them. (See Chapter 7 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION, RCS Descriptions for more information on assigning internal hospital extensions.) Extension Maintenance records identify the internal extensions that have been assigned on the PBX Maintenance Administration Terminal (MAT) by the type of phone (e.g., patient room, nursing station, or attendant console), their location, and, for some, their default restriction class. Although MCS assignments to the extensions may change (i.e., patients, employees, etc.), changes to these basic Extension Maintenance records should be rare and probably required only by changes that are made at the MAT. View CommandA View command makes it possible to display a selection, or range, of records. A beginning pattern and an ending pattern specify the range. The pattern can be either a partial or full entry of a number or word, according to the type of record selected from the MCS Database Maintenance menu. When you select the View command, a pop-up window prompts for the key by which the records are to be retrieved and displayed. Menu AccessThe Supervisor is always authorized to enter this menu option. An Operator can enter it only if access is authorized through the Configuration Management option on the Main Menu.

NDA-30026 Revision 6Page 87 Medical Center System Operations Manual DATABASE ADMINISTRATION Screen SamplesFigure 4-2 shows several of the database records for which the procedures on the following pages apply: Figure 6-2 Record Field and Command Line Samples Database Entry and Exit Procedure *** Patients *** Name: Account Number: Room Number: Bed Number: DID Number: Age: Sex: Address: City: State: Visitors: Phone Service: Special: Comment: Admit Discharge Modify View Print Quit *** Physicians *** Name: Beeper Number: Office Phone Number: Note: Specialty: Associate Name: Associate Phone Number: Car Phone Number: Home Phone Number: Add Delete Modify View *** Tests/Procedures *** Name: Extension: Note: Comment: Comment: Add Delete Modify *** Emergencies *** Name: Extension: Alternate Extension: Advice: Add Delete Modify View Print Quit Action Result On the MCS Main Menu, type d to select the Database Administration option.The MCS Database Maintenance menu displays the types of database records. To select the desired type of database record, type the highlighted letter. Note:In most cases, the highlighted letter is the first letter of the word. When the word begins with a letter that has been used before, the second or even third letter may be highlighted. The fields of the selected record type and a new command line display. (Figure 6-2) Refer to the following pages for descriptions of each function provided by the new command line. To exit the MCS Database Maintenance menu, type q (quit).The MCS Main Menu displays.

Page 88NDA-30026 Revision 6 DATABASE ADMINISTRATION Medical Center System Operations Manual - JAVA Edition Database Procedures Add a Record / Admit a PatientUse this procedure to add a new record of the type selected or to admit a new patient to the database. Figure 6-3 Add a Record/Admit a Patient Effect of Data Entry Patient admissions occur immediately and are stamped with the current date. If a patient is admitted with a DID number, this number is turned on as soon as the data entered to these screens is saved. Pop-up Windows On several record types, after identification of the room/bed and/or extension number, a pop-up window displays data that has previously been assigned to the extension number through the Extension Maintenance option on the MCS System Administration menu. This data is for display only; it cannot be changed through any action in these database screens. Empty Fields Not all of the fields in a record require an entry. However, the record is considered complete only when you press Enter in every field, regardless of whether or not you have made an entry in that field. Pressing the Esc key before completing a full record erases any data entered up to that point. Name: MCS Status Attendant Status Medical Center System Call Status Trnfr S SupervisorTue Aug 17 09:02 am D *** Patients *** Account Number: Room Number: Bed Number: DID Number: Age: Sex: Address: City: State: Visitors: Phone Service: Special: Comment: Admit Discharge Modify View Print Extension: (1) (2) Enter (Esc) to return to command line5062 Nursing Unit:A1 Nurse Station: 5000 Name: Account Number: Room Number: Bed Number: DID Number: Age: Sex: Address: City: State: Visitors: Phone Service: Special: Comment: *** Patients ***