Communications System
Mitel Sx-2000 Llightware 32, Release 1.0 Technicians Handbook
Mitel Sx-2000 Llightware 32, Release 1.0 Technicians Handbook
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Maintenance Commands 91 Maintenance Commands Main Control Commands Switching Activity (Redundant Systems Only) ACTivity FREeze ON/OFF (Introduced in P02.3.2) Freezes activity switching between planes. You cannot use this command to disable Activity Freeze if it was enabled from the control panel. You also cannot use the control panel to disable Activity Freeze if it was enabled by this command. ACTivity FREeze STATUS (Introduced in P02.3.2) Displays activity freeze status. ACTivity Switch Makes the redundant control card at the specified PLID active. ACTivity Switch Force Forces an activity switch on a partitioned system. Scheduling an Activity Switch (Redundant Systems Only) ACTivity Switch Schedule Schedules an activity switch on the specified day at the specified time.

Technician’s Handbook 92 ACTivity Switch Display Displays the activity switch schedule. ACTivity Switch ON/OFF Turns automatic activity switching on or off. Turning Background Diagnostics On/Off BACkground ON/OFF Turns background diagnostics on or off. BACkground ON/OFF Turns background diagnostics on or off for the specified category. BACkground Status Displays which diagnostics are off and which are on. Displaying the Card Configuration CONFiguration Long Displays the programmed and installed cards at the specified PLID. Identifying System Resource Shortages CONGestion Lists system resource shortages. Identifying and Downloading Firmware FIRmware ALL Lists the firmware in all installed cards.

Maintenance Commands 93 Maintenance Commands FIRmware ALLEprom Lists the firmware in all cards that are equipped with EPROM software. FIRmware PLID Lists the firmware for the card at the specified PLID. FIRmware Cardtype Lists the firmware for all cards of the specified type. FIRmware PAnel Lists the firmware in the control panel and mass storage devices. Using the FIRM KILL command: !Use with caution. This command updates the firmware on all devices that support firmware download. The device will be out of service until the firmware update is complete. !Issue the FIRM KILL command to fewer ports at a time to diminish process times and avoid the possibility of overlap. !Before using the FIRM KILL command: - Set ACTivity FREeze ON to disable Activity Switch/Programmed Reboot - Issue the BACkground OFF DNI command to disable self diagnostics for the DNI ports only. !Set ACTivity FREeze OFF and BACkground ON DNI after the firmware upgrade is complete. FIRmware KILL ALL Use with caution. This command updates the firmware on all devices that support firmware download. All devices will be out of service until the firmware update is complete.

Technician’s Handbook 94 FIRmware KILL PLID Updates the firmware on all devices at the specified PLID (that support firmware download). FIRmware KILL SET Updates the firmware on all devices of a specific type (that support firmware download). For example, FIRmware KILL SET 4025. Identifying Cards PROM Gives the card type, revision number, and time and place of manufacture for the card at the specified PLID. Checking for Mass Storage Subsystem Errors MSSstats Lists the hard and soft errors against the mass storage devices. Loading Software into a Card’s Processor LOAd Loads software into the processor in the specified card slot. LOAd Controllers (Introduced in P17.6.4) Loads software into all peripheral processors, digital service units, DNI cards, and attendant consoles.

Maintenance Commands 95 Maintenance Commands Testing PCM Links PCM STATUS Shows the status of a PCM circuit switch link. PCM TEst Both Tests all channels on a PCM circuit switch link. The system should report zero faults. PCM TOtals Reports on all circuit switch links in the system. The system should report zero faults. Scheduling a System Reboot (Non-redundant Systems) PROGrammed Reboot SCHedule Schedules a software controlled system reboot on the specified day at the specified time. PROGrammed Reboot Memory Daily A software controlled reboot takes place at the next occurrence of the specified time. This default setting will only reboot if there is memory fragmentation. To force a system reboot at a scheduled time, use the previous command. PROGrammed Reboot Display Displays the reboot schedule. PROGrammed Reboot ON/OFF Turns automatic system reboot on or off.

Technician’s Handbook 96 WARNING: A Non-redundant switch is never recommended for use where the need for constant telecommunications availability is required. Because of the time it takes to complete an SX-2000 Non-redundant system reboot, and the absence of 911 functionality during this time, Mitel does not recommend a non-redundant system for mission critical sites such as hospitals, prisons, and police and fire stations. Certain hospitality and university residence sites, where 24 hour operations are a requirement, should always be serviced by an SX-2000 redundant system. For sites that must be protected against system outages resulting from software, hardware or regularly scheduled maintenance activities, redundancy on the SX-2000 is recommended. Displaying the Status of Communication Paths MEssage MATE Displays the status of message links between redundant processors. MEssage SUB Displays the status of message links between the main control, and peripheral and DSU processors. All links should be open. MEssage R Displays the status of remote message links. Collecting Traffic Data Traffic data collection is set up using the Traffic Options Assignment form. TRAFfic STAtus Gives the current status of traffic data collection.

Maintenance Commands 97 Maintenance Commands TRAFfic Files Lists the traffic files stored in the system. TRAFfic Print Prints the specified file(s) for the specified month, day, hour, minutes and seconds. The date and time qualifiers are optional. TRAFfic Delete Deletes the traffic file(s) for the specified month, day, hour and minutes. The date and time qualifiers are optional. TRAFfic STOp Ends the current traffic data collection period and generates a report. Displaying Traffic Files CATalog INFO *.traffic Dispalys a list of the traffic files. Example display: *.TRAFFIC.2001JAN040631 *.TRAFFIC.2001JAN040701 To display the contents of a traffic file, enter the type command and the file name. Example entry: type *.TRAFFIC.2001JAN040631

Technician’s Handbook 98 Database Commands Checking the Database DBMs CHeck FULL Gives the number of database errors. There should always be zero view errors and zero table errors. If errors are indicated, see Fixing Database Errors on page 128. DBMs CHeck KILL Terminates a DBMS CHECK in progress. DBMs CHeck ON/OFF Turns automatic database checking on or off. The default is 5:00 a.m. daily. DBMs STATus Gives the status of the DBMS Flag (indicated by DBMS_INITIALIZED is on/off). See also DBMs FLag OFF on page 99. The normal status is “DBMS_INITIALIZED is ON”. DBMs Query Displays the dimension number, number of cabinets, and system features. DBMs Check Time Sets the automatic database checking to occur at the specified hour. Enter the hour in a 24-hour clock format.

Maintenance Commands 99 Maintenance Commands Saving and Restoring the Database DBMs SAve Saves the database to ∗.REDUNDB catalog on the hard disk. DBMs SAve ∗. Saves the database to RSD. First mount the RSD by entering VOlume Mount RSD. DBMs FLag OFF Use this command with caution. This command blanks the database on the next system reload. It must precede a DATA Restore. See also DBMs STATus on page 98. DBMs Download ∗. Copies the database from the RSD into RAM. Mount the RSD by entering VOlume Mount RSD. DATA SAve Copies the entire database from system memory to the catalog ∗.DR.CONFIG on the hard drive. DATA SAve ∗. Copies the entire database from system memory to a RSD. First mount the RSD by entering VOlume Mount RSD. DATA Restore Restores to memory the database that was saved to the catalog ∗.DR.CONFIG on the hard drive. DATA Restore ∗. Restores to memory a database that was saved to an RSD by using the DATA Save command. Mount the RSD by entering VOlume Mount RSD.

Technician’s Handbook 100 DATA Query Displays details about the database saved in the catalog ∗.DR.CONFIG on the hard drive. DATA Query ∗. Displays information on the database that is saved on an RSD. DATA CONVert ∗. Restores to memory a database that was saved to a catalog on an RSD by using the DATA SAVE command. This command is applicable if the system is running software earlier than P02.3.2. Mount the RSD by entering VOlume Mount RSD. RSD Copy from Mitel Support Web Site RSD COPY TO NET To copy an RSD to a network computer. RSD COPY FROM NET To copy the file from the network computer onto the RSD. RSD VERIFY NET To confirm that no data errors were written. RSD CANCEL To terminate an RSD command. Backing Up and Restoring Message Center Messages MSGCtr Backup ∗. Saves message center information to RSD. MSGCtr Restore ∗. Restores message center information from RSD to the hard disk.