Lucent Technologies
Communications System
Lucent Technologies Octel 100 Implementation And Service Manual
Lucent Technologies Octel 100 Implementation And Service Manual
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21. Generating and Interpreting Reports Implementation and Service Manual Uninitialized Mailboxes Report21-11 Uninitialized Mailboxes Report The Uninitialized Mailboxes report prov ides information about mailboxes whose subscribers hav e not changed their passwords since the mailbox was created or reassigned. The report displays: · Mailbox number · Mailbox subscriber’s name · Mailbox’s initial password · Date the mailbox subscriber last logged into the mailbox Generating the Uninitialized...
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21. Generating and Interpreting Reports Implementation and Service Manual Port Assignments Report21-12 Total Displayed – Displays the total number of uninitialized mailboxes included in the report. Mailbox Number – Displays the uninitialized mailbox’s number. Mailbox Name – Displays the mailbox subscriber’s name. Password – Displays the mailbox’s initial password. Date Last Login – Displays the date the mailbox subscriber last logged into the mailbox. Port Assignments Report The Port...
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21. Generating and Interpreting Reports Implementation and Service Manual Clas s of Servic e Report21-13 During Hours – Displays the mailbox that answers calls for that port during business hours. After Hours – Displays the mailbox that answers calls for that port after business hours. Day – Displays the days of the week for each port. Open – Displays the beginning of business hours for each day of the week. Close – Displays the end of business hours for each day of the week....
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21. Generating and Interpreting Reports Implementation and Service Manual Clas s of Servic e Report21-14 &/$662)6(59,&(5(3257 $0 3DJH &261XPEHU &DOO6FUHHQLQJ
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21. Generating and Interpreting Reports Implementation and Service Manual Prompt Assignments Report21-15 Prompt Assignments Report The Prompt Assignments report prov ides a list of the system greetings and the prompt number currently assigned to each prompt. The report displays: · Standard office greetings · Call Queuing prompts · Language option prompts · Holiday prompts Generating the Prompt Assignments Report To generate the Prompt Assignments report, select Prompt Assignments from the Report...
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21. Generating and Interpreting Reports Implementation and Service Manual Network Statistics Report21-16 Prompt numbers with a D prefix are prompts stored in the [Language]3.O32 phrase file, where [Language] is the primary language on the system. This file generally contains prompts that are professionally recorded or prompts recorded using V-Edit. Other prompt numbers are phrases recorded using SOLVE or the superv isor keypad functions. For additional information, see Chapter 15, “Recording and...
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21. Generating and Interpreting Reports Implementation and Service Manual Network Statistics Report21-17 Sort by Access Phone Number – Displays the Node Information report sorted by the phone number the system dials to send messages to another messaging system. Sort by System Name – Displays the Node Information report sorted by system name in alphabetical order. Interpreting the Network Statistics Report W hen you generate the Network Statistics report, the report displays the following information:...
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21. Generating and Interpreting Reports Implementation and Service Manual Network Statistics Report21-18 ,1%281(552575$&.,1*$8,775$,/ 30 3DJH $&&(66180%(5 %2;, $7( 7,0( 85$7,21VHF 0(7+206*6 25,*,1$7,21 &211(&767$786 0(66$*(67$786 &+$11(/ /2&$/ 30 QD QD %DGFRQQHFWLRQ /2&$/ 30 QD QD 1RGHGHOHWHG /2&$/ 30 QD QD 5HMHFWHGFDOO /2&$/...
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21. Generating and Interpreting Reports Implementation and Service Manual Network Statistics Report21-19 Supervisor’s Box – Displays the mailbox number of the system manager on the other messaging system. Maximum Messages – Displays the maximum number of messages allowed in a queue before the system sends the messages. Maximum Delay – Displays the maximum amount of time the system allows messages to wait in a queue before sending them. Weekdays On – Displays the hour that begins the weekday economy...