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Lucent Technologies Ds1/Cept1/Isdn Pri Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Ds1/Cept1/Isdn Pri Reference Manual
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-37 Synchronization 4 Figure 4-6. Synchronization Hierarchy Switching nodes in digital networks are divided into synchronization layers called strata. There are four strata, 1 to 4, where stratum 1 has the highest ac c urac y and stratum 4 the lowest. Pub lic d igital networks use stratum 1, 2, and 3 sync hronization. Historic ally, p rivate d ig ital networks used stratum-4 c loc ks all sync hronized tog ether. However, to p rovid e hig her q uality sync hronization p erformanc e, stratum-3 c loc ks are now b eing used with c ustomer-premises eq uip ment in some c ases. Bec ause of rec ent c hang es within the sync hronization hierarc hy, stratum-4 c loc ks are now d efined as stratum-4 or stratum-4E. The specifications for stratum-4E d efine limits that minimize and c ontrol timing d isrup tions that oc c ur while switc hing from one sync hronization sourc e to another. Stratum-4 c loc k sp ec ific ations, however, are not as string ent in avoid ing timing d isrup tions when switching synchronization sources. All other stratum-4 sp ecifications remain the same for both c loc ks. It is rec ommend ed that a stratum-4E c loc k b e used as a sync hronization sourc e for p ub lic network c onnec tions. Eac h stratum, from 1 to 4, rep resents a p rog ressively less stab le and less exp ensive c loc k. Within AT&T, there is a system of stratum-1 c loc ks. These c loc ks use the AT&T stand ard referenc e freq uenc y, formerly the Bell System referenc e freq uenc y. The stratum-1 outp ut is transmitted to various pub lic d igital network nod es via either b roadb and analog fac ilities or the DATAPHONE ® cydfsych RPY 060497Digital trunk Primary reference Note: The dashed lines indicate which nodes supply reference frequencies and those facilities used to transmit the reference . Mast er reference frequency Slave nodes Not e

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-38 Synchronization 4 Dig ital Servic e (DDS). Outsid e the United States, AT&T p rovid es a stratum-1 c loc k through the Private Network Customer Expert System, Synchronization and Timing , Servic e (PRINCE — S, T). The p ub lic d ig ital network nod es and servic es that the AT&T p rivate d ig ital switc hes and d igital terminal p rod uc ts c an c onnec t to are as follows: nDDS nDigital serving office (DSO), also called a digital toll office, such as a 4ESS nDig ital c entral offic e (DCO) suc h as a 5ESS nDig ital-ac c ess and c ross-c onnec t system (DACS) The AT&T p rivate d ig ital network nodes are the following : nSystem 75 nSystem 85 nDEFINITY Communic ations System Generic 1 nDEFINITY Communic ations System Generic 2 nDEFINITY Communic ations System Generic 3 The AT&T d ig ital terminal p rod uc ts that interfac e with T1 c arriers inc lud e the following: nD4- and D5-c hannel b anks nChannel-d ivision multiplexer (CDM) nBit-c omp ression multip lexer (BCM-32000) nDig ital d ata multip lexer (DDM-1000) The d ig ital terminal p roduc ts that interfac e with E1 c arriers inc lud e the FL EXI M U X, OPTI M U X, SL C 1 2 0 , a n d o t h e r s . All p ub lic and p rivate d ig ital network nod es have internal c loc ks. Fi g u re 4 -7 shows the synchronization hierarchy and the nod e’s internal clock stratum level. Note that the System 75 has an internal stratum-4 c loc k; the Generic 3V2 c ommunic ations systems have an internal stratum-4E c loc k; while the internal c loc k on the System 85 and Generic 2 c ommunic ations system is a stratum-4. An external c loc k c an provid e stratum-3 sync hronization to the System 85, Generic 1, Generic 2, or Generic 3 c ommunic ations systems. Eac h nod e is c ompelled to take its timing from the following: 1. A hig her stratum level 2. A nod e eq ual to its own stratum level 3. A free-running timing c loc k (g enerated internally) that meets or exc eed s the req uirements for its level

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-39 Synchronization 4 Figure 4-7. Stratum Levels for the Synchronization Hierarchy The minimum c loc k ac c urac y for eac h stratum level is as follows: nStratum 1 (\(+ - 0.00001 pp m, most ac c urate) nStratum 2 (\(+ - 0.016 p p m, more ac c urate than stratum 3) nStratum 3 (\(+ - 4.6 p p m, more ac c urate than stratum 4) nStratum 4 (\(+ - 32 ppm, least acc urate) NOTE: When a hierarc hic al p ub lic dig ital network is imp lemented (and when full network sync hronization is ob tained ), eac h nod e c loc k, reg ard less of its stratum level, will have an averag e freq uenc y id entic al to its master and to the AT&T stand ard referenc e freq uenc y. cydfsync RPY 060597 Lucent standard reference frequency DSO DEFINITY G1, G2, G3System 85 System 85 System 75 System 85 DEFI NI TY G1, G2, G3DSO DACS DSO DCO D4 CEMDCO Digital transmission facility Primary frequency reference Secondary frequency reference Note Note: For the System 75, System 85, Generic 1, Generic 2, and Generic 3, the internal clock provides stratum-4 or stratum-4E synchronization. However, a statum-3 exter nal clock may be used instead of the inter nal clock. Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Stratum 3 Stratum 4

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-40 Synchronization 4 Synchronization Architecture and Operations The timing ac c urac y availab le to a c ommunic ations system d epend s on c ommunic ations system version and the typ e of sync hronization c irc uit b oard it uses. Tab le 4-11 lists the sync hronization b oard s that are availab le, the versions of the switc h in which they are delivered, and the level of timing ac curac y that the b oard s p rovid e. Note that all b oard s are b ac kward c omp atib le, so that even thoug h a board is d elivered with a p artic ular switc h version, it c an b e installed on earlier versions of the same switc h. Generic 2.2 Generic 2.2 c ommunic ations systems use either the TN463 or the TN2131 as their internal sync hronization b oard . The TN463 p rovid es stratum-4 sync hronization to the system in the ab senc e of an external p ub lic -network sync hronization sourc e. The TN2131 p rovid es sync hronization from an on-p remises stratum-3 c loc k in the ab senc e of external pub lic -network sync hronization. The pub lic -network sync hronization sourc e arrives at the c ommunic ations system over the same DS1 links that c arry voic e and d ata to and from the system. The DS1 links func tion as p rimary and sec ondary sync hronization sourc es. When servic e from the b oth of the DS1 links is d isrup ted , the external p ub lic -network sync hronization sourc e is also d isc ontinued . When p ub lic -network sync hronization is d isc ontinued , switc hes with TN463 c irc uit board s use an on-board , stratum-4, hig h-ac c urac y c loc k for sync hronization; those with a TN2131 use on-p remises external stratum-3 c loc k. This sec tion d esc rib es sync hronization through the TN463. See ‘‘The External (ST3) Sync hronization Cloc k’’ later in this sec tion for TN2131 op eration. 1. External only Table 4-11. Available Synchronization Circuit Boards SwitchSynchronization Board Accuracy Generic 1.1 TN768 stratum-4E Generic 2 TN463 stratum-4 TN2131 stratum-3* Generic 3i TN768 stratum-4E TN780 stratum-4E and stratum-3 1 Generic 3r TN768 stratum-4E TN780 stratum-4E and stratum-3 1

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-41 Synchronization 4 TN463 Synchronization Architecture When the TN463 c irc uit b oard is installed , Generic 2.2 c ommunic ations systems c an func tion as either timing slaves or timing masters. As a slave, the switc h rec eives d ig ital d ata from one or two DS1s. One interfac e sup p lies the p rimary sync hronization referenc e and the other interfac e sup p lies the sec ond ary referenc e. The timing sourc e selec ted is d etermined b y the system c loc k sync hronizer (SCS) TN463 c irc uit p ac k and sync hronization software. The SCS sync hronizes (p hase loc ks) to either the p rimary referenc e, sec ond ary referenc e, or the internal hig h-ac c urac y c loc k. Fi g u re 4 - 8 shows the SCS c irc uit p ac k. Figure 4-8. SCS (Generic 2.2 Internal Stratum-4 Clock) Typ ic ally, the switc h will b e eq uip p ed with several DS1 c irc uit p ac ks. The DS1 that is selec ted as the p rimary or sec ond ary referenc e is d ep end ent on the internal c ab le c onfig uration and ad ministration d etails. Here, eac h Generic 2.2 that is c onfig ured with at least one DS1 req uires a SCS, inc lud ing the master nod e. Unless sync hronized to the p ub lic network the master nod e will not have the p rimary and sec ond ary sync hronization c ab les. A Generic 2.2 may b e c onfig ured as either a single-mod ule or multimod ule system. Typ ic ally, the switc h arc hitec ture is und up lic ated , b ut it may also b e d up lic ated for c ritic al reliab ility cydfscs4 RPY 060597 Stratum 4 high accuracy clock Main phase locked loop Pr i mar y reference Secondary reference Backplane cable to primary DS1 interface (note) Backplane cable to secondary DS1 interface (note) TN463 circuit pack Module control or TMS cloc k oscillator Optional cross-coupled cable from duplicated SCS Note: These cables should not be installed if the switch is the master timin gsource for the network.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-42 Synchronization 4 ap plic ations. The switc h arc hitec ture d etermines the equip ment c arriers that will c ontain the SCS c irc uit p ac ks. For sing le-mod ule ap p lic ations, the SCS is loc ated in the mod ule c ontrol c arrier. In ad d ition to the SCS, a mod ule c loc k is also req uired . The SCS c ontrols the mod ule c loc k. For multimodule ap p lic ations, the SCS is loc ated in the time-multip lexed switc h (TMS) c arrier and c ontrols the TMS c loc k osc illator. When the switc h arc hitec ture is d up lic ated , the sync hronization c omp onents and cables will also be duplicated. For duplicated systems, functioning modules are called online, while backup modules are called offline. The offline SCS p hase loc ks to the c ross-c oup led c loc k sig nal from the online SCS. In a d uplic ated sync hronization system, the same DS1 fac ility p rovid es the p rimary and sec ond ary referenc e for b oth d up lic ated halves. Fi g u re 4 -9 shows a System 85 or Generic 2.2 with a d up lic ated arc hitec ture and c ross-c oup led c ab les. Figure 4-9. System 85/G2.2 Duplicated Synchronization Architecture and Cross Coupling The TN767 is a DS1 c irc uit p ac k for a universal mod ule; the ANN11 is a DS1 c irc uit p ac k for a trad itional mod ule. The sync hronization software c onsists of a series of tasks that monitor several system status p arameters and thus maintain the b est sync hronization sourc e online. (The online sourc e is the sync hronization referenc e c urrently in c ontrol. This referenc e c an b e either the p rimary or sec ond ary referenc e, or an on-b oard , hig h-ac c urac y c loc k, sometimes c alled the loc al osc illator.) Several levels of c ontrol are maintained . One level is c ontrolled b y a 1-sec ond software task that cydf85g2 RPY 060497 DS1 interfacePr imar y Pr imar y Seconar ySeconar y DS1 interfaceSCS (0) SCS (1)Modul e clock or TMS clock (0) Modul e clock or TMS clock (1)Switching network (0) Po r t carriers Switching network (1)

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-43 Synchronization 4 uses the system status to keep the best inc oming DS1 referenc e c loc k online. The other is c ontrolled b oth b y hard ware and the 1-sec ond software task to maintain a healthy SCS on line. If a SCS c an rec eive a suitab le referenc e c loc k from a DS1, then the b est c omb ination is c hosen. Criteria for Switching Reference Sources With the TN463 c irc uit b oard , any of three sourc es c an b e used as c loc k referenc es for sync hronization — an external p rimary DS1 sourc e, an external sec ond ary DS1 sourc e, or the on-b oard , stratum-4, hig h-ac c urac y c loc k. The p rinc ipal error c ond itions used to d etermine if a switc h to a d ifferent c loc k referenc e is need ed are, in ord er of imp ortanc e: nLoss of sig nal (LOS) at the SCS c irc uit for more than 200 ms. A switc h is mad e to the hig h-ac c urac y c loc k (HAC) on the SCS b y the SCS. A further analysis is then mad e to d etermine if the LOS is network related or switc h related . A switc h to a healthy referenc e is d one if ap prop riate. nRec ep tion of a b lue alarm, whic h means that the fac ility c annot b e used as a referenc e nAn out-of-loc k (OOL) c ond ition, whic h means that the HAC is unab le to loc k onto the inc oming c loc k from the c urrent DS1 referenc e A switc h to a healthy referenc e is d one if one is availab le. Otherwise, a switc h to the HAC is p erformed . nRec ep tion of a red alarm, whic h means that two out of four (or worse) framing patterns were received nSlip rate of selec ted DS1 fac ilities (with resp ec t to the p rimary referenc e) exc eed s a g iven threshold nMisframes at the p rimary referenc e exc eed a g iven threshold nRec ep tion of a yellow alarm nPoor SCS c irc uit p ac k health nInsane c ond ition of the b oard p roc essor on a DS1 c irc uit Tab le 4-12 summarizes these c ond itions. In the tab le, the PRI is the DS1 sourc e that is used as a p rimary c loc k referenc e, while the SEC is the DS1 sourc e that is used as the sec ond ary referenc e. Eac h tab le entry g ives the timing sourc e that is used when the primary and secondary DS1 references are in the states shown in the intersec ting columns and rows. For example, when the primary reference indicates a Ye llow alarm c ond ition, and the sec ond ary referenc e is GOOD, then the sec ond ary referenc e is used ; d uring all other sec ond ary referenc e states, the p rimary DS1 referenc e is used althoug h it d isp lays a Ye llow alarm. The SCS c irc uit p ac k’s health is examined when the system c loc k’s health is evaluated . Error c onditions of varying severity c an exist on the SCS. If the fault is minor and the SCS c an still loc k on the c urrent DS1 referenc e, a low-p riority req uest for a soft switc h to the offline sid e is mad e after an unsuc c essful attemp t to c lear up the error c ond ition on the SCS. If the SCS c annot loc k onto the c urrent

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-44 Synchronization 4 DS1 referenc e c loc k, a hig h-p riority req uest for a soft switc h is mad e. The offline SCS is also monitored to make sure that a switc h is not attemp ted to an unhealthy SCS. If the SCS is not d up lic ated and the HAC is healthy, serious failures c ause a switc h to the HAC to ensure switc h reliab ility. When the SCS c an onc e more loc k onto a DS1 referenc e, a switc h to that referenc e is p erformed . Notes: PRI Primary c loc k referenc e SEC Sec ond ary c loc k referenc e BLUE Blue alarm RED Red alarm YEL Yellow alarm LOS Loss of signal HAC System 85/G2.2 internal hig h-ac c urac y c loc k BO Maintenanc e b usied out MISF Misframe GOOD No alarms Synchronization Software Operation Sync hronization oc c urs at several priority levels; rec ord s are kep t for p erusal at the d emand test level with proc ed ure 625. In ad d ition, several yellow LEDs on the SCS c an b e ob served to g et a c urrent p ic ture of how the system is c onfig ured from a referenc e c loc k p oint of view. nThe LED in p osition #4 refers to the primary DS1 referenc e. The LED is OFF if a sync hronization sig nal is p resent and the SCS is c ap able of loc king . The #4 LED is ON if an error c ond ition exists and the sync hronization c ab le is p resent. Table 4-12. SCS References Switches Primary Reference IndicatorsSecondary Reference Indicators RED BLUE YEL GOOD LOS MISF BO RED H A C H A C SEC SEC H A C SEC H AC B L U E H A C H A C SEC SEC H A C SEC H AC YEL PRI PRI PRI SEC PRI PRI PRI GOOD PRI PRI PRI PRI PRI PRI PRI L OS H A C H A C SEC SEC H A C SEC H AC M I SF PRI PRI SEC SEC PRI PRI PRI B O H A C H A C SEC SEC H A C SEC H AC

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-45 Synchronization 4 nThe LED in p osition #5 refers to the sec ond ary DS1 referenc e. The LED is OFF if a sync hronization sig nal is p resent and the SCS is c ap able of loc king . The #5 LED is ON if an error c ond ition exists and the sync hronization c ab le is p resent. nThe following four yellow LEDs ind ic ate the selec ted timing referenc e: #14 (HAC), #15 (p rimary referenc e), #16 (sec ond ary referenc e), and #17 (c ross-c oup ling ). When the system is first b roug ht up and no referenc es are ad ministered , the HAC LED should b e lit for the online SCS and the c ross-c oup ling LED should b e lit for the offline SCS. Shortly after the DS1 referenc es are ad ministered , the p rimary referenc e LED should turn on and the HAC LED should turn off for the online SCS. The c ross-c oup ling LED is the only one lit for the offline SCS. The sync hronization sub system d esc ribed ab ove also func tions as a p eriod ic maintenanc e monitor. Status d etec ted d uring the sync hronization p roc ess is p assed along to other levels of maintenanc e software for p roc essing. This p roc essing inc lud es error log g ing for p roc ed ure 600 and alarming . Generic 3V2 The sync hronization b oard s used on the Generic 3V2 c ommunic ations systems d iffer from those used on the Generic 2.2. The TN768 is available on the Generic 3V2 to p rovid e stratum-4E sync hronization in the ab senc e of a pub lic -network sync hronization sourc e. The TN780 p rovid es either stratum-4E or stratum-3 sync hronization to the Generic 3V2 and earlier c ommunic ations systems in the ab senc e of a p ub lic -network sync hronization sourc e. Stratum-3 sync hronization is p rovid ed throug h an on-p remises unit that interfac es with the TN780 (see ‘‘The External (ST3) Sync hronization Cloc k’’ later in this c hapter). Stratum-4E sync hronization is provid ed throug h an internal (on-b oard ) hig h-ac c urac y c loc k. Synchronization Architecture Generic 3V2 systems c an func tion as either timing slaves or timing masters. As a slave, the switc h rec eives dig ital d ata from one or two DS1s/CEPT1s, or timing p ulses from the one or two interfac es p rovid ed on the external on-p remises stratum-3 sync hronization unit. One interfac e sup p lies the p rimary sync hronization referenc e; the other sup p lies the sec ond ary referenc e. The timing sourc e selec ted is d etermined b y the tone-c loc k c irc uit p ac k and maintenanc e software. The tone c loc k sync hronizes (phase loc ks) to an external (off-b oard ) p rimary referenc e, an external sec ond ary referenc e, or the internal (on-b oard ) hig h-ac c urac y c loc k. Fig ure 4-1 0 shows the tone c loc k c irc uit. Whic h DS1 or stratum-3 interfac e should b e used as the p rimary or sec ond ary referenc e is totally d ep end ent on ad ministration d etails. The referenc es should b e loc ated in the first c ab inet (proc essor p ort network) to maximize reliability; and b oth referenc es must resid e in the same c ab inet for Generic 3V2 imp lementations. The tone c loc k g enerates the c all-p roc essing system tones and also p rovid es the switc h with the stratum-4 or stratum-4E c loc k in the ab senc e of a reliab le DS1/CEPT1 or stratum-3 referenc e.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-46 Synchronization 4 Figure 4-10. Internal Tone-Clock Synchronizer (G3V2) Software Operation G3V2 sync hronization software d iffers slig htly from Generic 2.2 b ec ause of arc hitec tural d ifferenc es; however, b oth switc hes p rovid e the same overall func tions. Primarily, these func tions inc lud e monitoring the sync hronization referenc es and keeping the p rimary or other referenc e that has the b est health online and thus p roviding hig h q uality d ig ital c ommunic ations via DS1/CEPT1 facilities. A sub p art of the maintenanc e software monitors the sync hronization c irc uit p ac k and sync hronization referenc es. Dep end ing on the state-of-health of the referenc es, the maintenanc e software p rovid es automatic switc hing b etween the referenc es. Switc hing from one referenc e to another c an b e done by any of the following c ond itions: nOn-line sync hronization referenc e failure nPrimary or sec ond ary referenc e restoration nAd ministration referenc e c hang es, either from Initialization and Ad ministration System (INADS) or the loc al terminal. nSystem Tec hnic ian c ommand from a system ad ministration terminal The TN768 and TN780 c irc uit p ac ks display ed g e-mounted LEDs. These LEDs ind ic ate the following status seq uenc es: cydfitcs RPY 060597 Stratum 4 or 4E accuracy clock Mai n phase-locked loop Tone generator Pr imar y reference Secondary reference Exter nal sync source Exter nal sync source Miscellaneous tones TN741, TN768, or TN780 circuit pack Main system bus