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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Ds1/Cept1/Isdn Pri Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Ds1/Cept1/Isdn Pri Reference Manual
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-47 G2.2 Administration 6 Field 7 If field 14 is d efined as non-ISDN (0 , 1 , or 2 ) this field is eq uivalent to the Per-Channel Sig naling and c ommon c hannel sig naling op tions used with System 85 R2V4. However, the terms have b een c hang ed to fac ility assoc iated sig naling (FAS) and NFAS. If field 14 is d efined as ISDN (5 ), this field is used to sp ec ify the method used to c onstruc t sig naling b its for eac h DS0 B-c hannel. The 23B + 1D op tion is also c alled FAS. If this interfac e c ontains a D-c hannel (23B + 1D), if it is a DS1/DMI link, or if it is an ISDN-PRI link that transmits B-c hannel sig naling information with that p artic ular DS1 link, assig n a 0 here. If this fac ility c ontains all ISDN B-c hannels (24B), assig n a 1 here. The 24B op tion is also c alled NFAS. It is req uired for those ISDN-PRI links that have their B-c hannel sig naling information transmitted over a d ifferent ISDN-PRI link. For eac h ISDN-PRI fac ility using NFAS, that fac ility must b e translated as p art of a D-c hannel g roup in p roc ed ure 116, word 1. Eac h D-c hannel group numb er must b e assoc iated with a p artic ular ISDN-PRI fac ility that transmits the sig naling for all links within the group. The (23B + 1D) ISDN-PRI equipment location that provides this capability is called the p rimary D-c hannel. Reliab ility may b e inc reased b y ad ministering an alternate (23B + 1D) ISDN-PRI eq uip ment loc ation as the b ac kup D-c hannel (as ad ministered with p roc ed ure 262, word 2). Field 8 Offers the c hoic e of 24th-c hannel or RBS. The c hoic e of sig naling method used is d ep end ent on the ap p lic ation. The DS1/DMI-BOS ap p lic ations may b e translated for either op tion. However, non-NFAS ISDN-PRI app lic ations always req uire that 24th-c hannel sig naling b e selec ted . With NFAS, it is p ossib le that no D-c hannel exists for this DS1 link. 24th-c hannel sig naling multip lexes all signaling information for c hannels 1 throug h 23 into the 24th c hannel. This makes availab le the full 64K-b p s b and wid th (of c hannels 1 throug h 23) for voic e and /or d ig ital d ata transmission. Field 9 Assig ns the line c od ing format that will b e used to forc ib ly ensure that the data meets T1-c arrier ones-d ensity requirement. Field enc od es and their d esc rip tions are: Zero Code Suppression (ZCS) Bipolar 8 Zero Code Suppression (B8ZS). The ZCS line-c od ing format (restric ted ) sc ans eac h byte for the all-zeroes oc tet and , on d etec ting this b it seq uenc e, sub stitutes a one for the zero in b it p osition 2. The ZCS format is the most c ommon and is used wid ely. The ZCS format c an b e used (without any c onsid eration of the c ommunic ations p rotoc ol) to transmit
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-48 G2.2 Administration 6 7-b it c harac ters/d ata at rates up throug h 56K-b p s via mod ems and multip lexers that d o b it-stuffing . If the d ata c ommunic ations p rotoc ol is b ased on the hig h-level d ata link (HDLC) p rotoc ol (that is, mod e 2/3) and d ata is transmitted as inverted -HDLC, then the ZCS op tion c an b e used for d ata rates up throug h 64K-b p s. The d ata modules (b oth DCP and BRI) use the DCP p rotoc ol and BRI p rotoc ol resp ec tively. Both DCP and BRI are based on the null b ased DMI sp ec ific ation, and therefore meet these req uirements. Those DS1/T1 fac ilities that use RBS and are op tioned for ZCS maintain the ones-d ensity req uirement b y c onverting all-zero oc tets in the transmit PCM stream of eac h c hannel to a string of seven zeros and a one. This d oes not sig nific antly affec t voic e and voic eb and d ata sinc e it is in analog (PCM) form. For DS1/T1 fac ilities that use 24th-c hannel signaling and are op tioned for ZCS, the d ata c ommunic ations p rotoc ol/c ommunic ations eq uip ment used must p revent the all-zeroes oc tet from oc c urring ; otherwise, the ZCS method will forc ib ly alter the d ata (c ausing errors) to g uarantee prop er ones-d ensity. The B8ZS line-c od ing format (unrestric ted ) sub stitutes a unique c od e (b ip olar violation c od e) for any eig ht c onsec utive zeros. This b ip olar violation c od e is d etec ted at the rec eiving end and c onverted b ac k to the orig inal string of eig ht zeros. The B8ZS enc od ing method permits d ata transmission at rates up throug h 64K-b p s without c onsid eration of the p rotoc ol c lear c hannel transmission. NOTE: Several d ifferent types of network d igital fac ilities may b e linked tog ether to c omp lete the end-to-end c onnec tion. Typ ic ally, these will b e multiplex-derived fac ilities. Usually, the multip lexers will contain a b ip olar violation monitor and removal c irc uit that c orrec ts all b ip olar violations (alters B8ZS typ e d ata) and also p rod uc es an all ones if a loss of inp ut sig nal oc c urs. This b ip olar violation monitor and removal feature is c urrently an inherent p art of the MX3, M13, MX2, and M1C multip lexers, as well as most vendors multip lexers. Field 10 This op tion enab les (1 ) or disable (0 ) c ollec tion of slip data to sup p ort exc essive slip rate b ased on switc hing between the p rimary, sec ond ary, or internal hig h-ac c urac y c loc ks. The dec ision to switc h from one sourc e to the other is normally b ased on an internal slip c ount c alc ulation (software rec ord ). However, hard ware events (suc h as p rimary link failures) may take p rec ed enc e over any software c ontrols. Slip s are c aused b y d ifferenc es in c loc k freq uenc ies. A slip results in the d eletion or rep etition of a sing le frame. Slip s are not c aused b y noise on the line. Those DS1/T1 sp ans that are used to p rovid e the p rimary and sec ond ary sync hronization referenc e should b e ad ministered for slip enab le (1 ). Sinc e the switc h software d oes this automatic ally, this task is not mand atory b ut is a g ood p roc ed ure to follow. Typic ally, those other DS1/T1 spans that are used for d ata ap plic ations and that are deemed imp ortant should also b e ad ministered for slip
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-49 G2.2 Administration 6 enab le. This exc lud es all T1-sp ans c onnec ting c hannel b anks, unless the c hannel b ank is externally timed . Normally, those DS1/T1 sp ans that are used exc lusively for voic e and that are not assig ned as the p rimary or sec ond ary sync hronization sourc e should b e ad ministered for slip d isab le (0 ). The g oal is to keep that reference on-line, which minimizes slips for all those DS1s for which slip s c ant b e tolerated. The d ig ital switc h always maintains a slip c ount rec ord for eac h DS1. Slip c ounts are c alc ulated on a 24-hour c ontinuous interval. As a historic al rec ord , the slip c ounts for eac h DS1 are maintained for the last 24 c onsec utive intervals. The slip c ount is used to d etermine if a DS1-sp an is experienc ing errors and, if so, the severity of the errors (typ e alarm). If the p rimary fac ility uses 24th-c hannel sig naling and if the sec ond ary fac ility uses RBS, then the p rimary will always b e on-line unless a hardware event forc es a switc h to the sec ond ary. A software alg orithm is used to selec t the fac ility (p rimary or sec ond ary) that is on-line for the c ases where: 1. Both p rimary and sec ond ary fac ilities use the same typ e of signaling (either 24th-c hannel or RBS) 2. The p rimary uses rob b ed -b it and the sec ond ary uses 24th-c hannel signaling If as many as 50% of those sp ans that are administered for slip enab le are exp erienc ing slip s (with resp ec t to the p rimary), then a d ec ision is mad e to switc h to the sec ond ary. On switc hing to the sec ond ary, a software b it is set making the p rimary ap pear as thoug h it has exc eeded its maximum slip limit. At this p oint, the primary is not evaluated ag ain for 1 hour. At the end of the 1-hour interval, the slip c ount is analyzed . If the p rimary slip c ount is less than 2, then a switc h b ac k to the p rimary is mad e. Also, if the p rimary has a slip c ount of 44 or less and if the sec ond ary and 50% of those DS1s that are enabled for slip enab le have reac hed their maximum slip c ount of 88, then a switc h b ac k to the p rimary is mad e. Field 11 Offers the op tions external loop not available (0 ) or availab le (1 ). The external loop availab le op tion should b e selec ted only when d emand d iag nostic maintenanc e is d one and then only after the interfac e has b een b usied out. This op tion is used with p roc ed ure 620, test 2, to extend the rang e of the test to inc lud e the network c hannel-terminating eq uipment (NCTE) and the c onnec ting fac ility (any external eq uip ment to the p oint of the DS1 loop around ). The test req uires that either the c oloc ated or the distant NCTE b e p hysic ally op tioned for loop bac k mode. The external loop availab le op tion should b e used only for the duration of a test.
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-50 G2.2 Administration 6 Field 12 Sp ec ifies whether (1 ) or not (0 ) the assoc iated T1-sp an is used as an inc oming sync hronization sourc e to the switc h. The network sync hronization d iag ram should show those transmission fac ilities that are used for sync hronization. Eac h switc h p ermits a maximum of two interfac es (one p rimary and one sec ond ary) to b e translated here. However, there is no req uirement to have both. When a Generic 2 is the master timing server, neither p rimary or sec ond ary is administered. Eac h Generic 2 that is equipped with a DS1 will also c ontain a TN463 sync hronization c loc k sync hronizer (SC). For sing le-mod ule systems, the SC is loc ated in the mod ule c ontrol c arrier along with the TN460 mod ule c loc k. For multimod ule systems, the SC is loc ated in the TMS c arrier. The SC should have p reviously b een assig ned in p roc ed ure 250. Field 13 Assig ns whether a DS1 fac ility (translated in field 12) will b e used as the p rimary or sec ond ary sync hronization sourc e to the switc h. Field enc od es and their descriptions are: NOTE: The p rimary must b e ad ministered b efore the sec ond ary. The sec ond ary must be removed before the primary. Trad itional mod ules may b e c onfigured with the ANN11 and /or ANN35 c irc uit p ac ks. Only the slot translated 1 (p rimary) and /or the slot translated 2 (sec ond ary) must be c onfigured with sync hronization c ab les. These c ab les c onnec t the b ac kp lane of the translated DS1 to the b ac kp lane of the TN463. The c ab les are identified as g roup 334 for interc abinet and g roup 361 for intrac ab inet ap plic ations. When traditional mod ules are translated , field 20 will d isp lay the numb er (c od e 99) whic h shows that the switc h c ould not read information from the DS1 c irc uit p ac k. Universal mod ules may be c onfig ured with the TN767 c irc uit p ac k. The interc ab inet c able (g roup 503) is req uired to c onnec t to the TN463 SC, whic h will always b e loc ated in the TMS c ab inet. For universal mod ules, whenever this field is translated , field 20 displays a numb er whic h c orrespond s to: 1. Whether the c irc uit p ac k is used as a sync hronization sourc e 2. If it is a sync hronization sourc e, then whic h type 3. Whic h c able c onnec tor (c ab le 0 or c ab le 1) c ontains the c irc uit pac k sync hronization lead s 0 Assig ns that the fac ility is not used as a sync hronization sourc e 1 Assig ns that the fac ility is the p rimary sync hronization sourc e 2 Assig ns that the fac ility is the sec ondary sync hronization sourc e
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-51 G2.2 Administration 6 NOTE: A loop-timing p rob lem c an b e c reated if sync hronization sourc es are not ad ministered c orrec tly. The loop -timing p roblem exists as the result of an error where b oth switc h end p oints (for the same T1-sp an) are ad ministered as the p rimary. This c auses the c loc k frequenc y to vary wid ely and c an bring down the switch. Loop-timing problems can be avoided by following a c orrec tly eng ineered network sync hronization d iag ram. NOTE: Dep end ing on the ap p lic ation typ e (enc od e) translated , there may b e ad d itional ad ministration, slot, and p ort g roup ing restric tions. Field 14 Field encodes and their descriptions are: 0 Assig ns that the DS1/DMI-BOS c hannels c an b e used for b oth trunks and lines (mixed ); the latter is freq uently c alled off-p remises stations (OPS). .IX Off-p remises--station (OPS)--c hannel assig nments
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-52 G2.2 Administration 6 1 Assig ns that the interfac e is used to p rovid e DMI-BOS trunks. The DMI-BOS trunk g roup s are d efined using p roc edure 100, word 1 (enc od e 108 and /or 109). DMI-BOS ap p lic ations use the switc hs DS1 to p rovid e a hig h-sp eed multip lexed d ata interfac e for c onnec ting to c omp atib le c omp uters. The c omp uters may b e loc ated on the same c ustomer p remises as the switc h or many miles away. The DS1/T1-c arrier fac ilities are used b etween the switc h and remote computers. The DMI-BOS ap p lic ation p rovid es 23 d ata c hannels p lus 1 sig naling c hannel. Eac h d ata c hannel c an b e c onsid ered a 64K-b p s c lear-c hannel. However, p ermissib le d ata rates d ep end on the trunk g roup translations selec ted in p roc ed ure 100, word 2. 24th-c hannel sig naling is the only required servic e/fac ility op tion. All others (framing format and line c od ing format) are DMI ap p lic ation ind ep endent. However, the d istant c omp uter and all intermed iate T1 transmission eq uip ment must b e c omp atib le; refer to the c aution reg ard ing B8ZS line format and d ata c ommunic ation protoc ols. The ACCUNET switc hed d ig ital servic e c an b e p rovid ed b y setting up a trunk g roup with enc od e 109. However, a DS1 must be op tioned for RBS (p roc ed ure 260 field 8). The only other ad ministration req uirement is that the trunk g roups translation (field 3 of p roc ed ure 100, word 2) be enab led for 56K-b p s enc od e one. The trunk g roup used to p rovide ACCUNET switc hed d ig ital servic e may c ontain as few as 1 or as many as 24 memb ers. Therefore, the same DS1 may also b e used to p rovid e CO, FX, WATS, DID, and Remote Access trunks. 2 Assig ns that the DS1 p rovid es 24 lines. These are g enerally c alled off-p remises stations (OPS). When a DS1 fac ility is used exc lusively for lines, it must b e ad ministered for RBS. Also, the fac ility c annot b e used as a sync hronization referenc e. When a DS1 is ad ministered for lines (OPS), it p rovid es 24 c hannels that terminate in a remote D4-c hannel b ank, CDM, or their eq uivalent. Analog eq uip ment loc ation assignments are ad ministered by p roc ed ure 000, word 1, with field 8 translated to a 2 . The DS1/OPS c hannels are translated to eq uip ment loc ations (ind ivid ual extensions) with p roc edure 000, word 1, with field 8 translated to a 9 , rather than with p roc ed ure 116 that was used for trunks. 5 Assig ns that the DS1 is used to p rovid e DMI-MOS or ISDN-PRI trunk fac ilities. When enc od e 5 is ad ministered, p roc ed ure 262 is automatic ally translated with stand ard d efault op tions. These d efault op tions should b e rec hec ked later for c onsistenc y with the d istant end (refer to p roc edure 262, word 1).
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-53 G2.2 Administration 6 Field 15 Some fac ilities req uire that the c ontents of the D-c hannel b e inverted to g uarantee that the minimum ones density b e maintained (that is, ZCS line c od ing is used ). This field shows whether the D-c hannel is inverted or not. Field enc odes and their descriptions are: Field 16 Field encodes and their descriptions are: Terminating fib er c able d irec tly on the DS1/MFAT c arrier or universal mod ule p ort c arrier is not c urrently sup p orted . Therefore, this op tion is not ap plic ab le.– (Dash) not ap p lic ab le or ZCS line c od ing is translated in field 9. The d ash is app rop riate for all ap p lic ations of the ANN11 c irc uit p ac k. RBS d oes not use the 24th-c hannel to transmit sig naling information. 24th-c hannel sig naling via the BOS interfac e uses A and B b its for sig naling and the c hannel struc ture is suc h that the ones-d ensity is never violated . 0 Assig ns that the sig naling information, c ontents of the D-c hannel, is inverted . Either 0 or 1 must be ad ministered for ISDN-PRI. Rec all that B8ZS is rec ommend ed for ISDN-PRI ap p lic ations. However, not all transmission fac ilities will p ermit B8ZS on an end -to-end basis. Ad ministration must b e c oord inated with the network fac ilities/d istant end to ensure comp atibility. This field must b e a dash – when ZCS line c od ing is selec ted with ISDN and for automatic inversion of the D-c hannel. 1 Assig ns that the sig naling information, c ontents of the D-c hannel, is not inverted . Op tion 1 (no inversion) is strong ly rec ommend ed for use when B8ZS is ad ministered in field 9. Wh e n c o n n e c t e d t o a 4 ESS, y o u m u s t in f o r m t h e 4 ESS o n t h e o rd e r f o r m whether b its are or are not inverted . – (Dash) DS1/DMI-BOS ap p lic ations should b e administered with a dash (–). 0 Ind ic ates that DMI-MOS/ISDN-PRI ap p lic ations use metallic c ab le fac ilities. 1 Ind ic ates that DMI-MOS/ISDN-PRI ap p lic ations use nonmetallic c ab le fac ilities.
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-54 G2.2 Administration 6 Field 17 This field is add ed to b ring G2.2 into c omp lianc e with EIA sp ec ific ation PIN-1429. This EIA sp ec ific ation relates to bit-oriented -sig naling (BOS); messag e-oriented -sig naling (MOS) is d efined b y a CCITT sp ec ific ation. Field encodes and their descriptions are: Field 18 Loop leng th refers to the total c ab le d istanc e b etween the switc h and the NCTE, CDM, BCM32000, DSX-1 c ross-c onnec t, and T1 offic e rep eater. Trad itional mod ules may c ontain the ANN11 and /or ANN35 c irc uit p ac ks. Both c irc uit p ac ks c ontain DIP switc hes for setting the c ompensation value. Therefore, software ad ministration is not ap p lic ab le and the – should b e ad ministered for trad itional mod ules. Universal modules may c ontain the TN767 c irc uit p ac k. Line c omp ensation value b e ad ministered in software. Tab le 6-2 id entifies the ap p ropriate ad ministration enc ode for d istanc e intervals of 133 feet up to a maximum d istanc e of 655 feet. Comp ensation values assume 22-g auge ABAM or 24-g aug e PDS c ab les. Two switc hes (c oloc ated ) c an b e up to 1310 feet ap art with maximum c omp ensation – (Dash) not ap p lic ab le The d ash is ap prop riate for all ap p lic ations of the ANN35 and TN767 c irc uit p ac ks (b oth DMI-MOS and ISDN-PRI). 0 Ap p ropriate for all ap p lic ations of DS1/DMI-BOS exc ep t when c onnec ting to a switc h that uses the Canad ian style of sig naling . 1 Used when c onnec ting to a DS1/DMI-BOS that uses the Canad ian style sig naling as sp ec ified in PN-1429. Table 6-2. TN767 Compensation Values Distance to Midpoint or Endpoint (FT) Compensation 22 AWG ABAM & 24 AWG PDS 26 AWG PDS Value 0 to 133 0 to 90 0 133 to 266 90 to 180 1 266 to 399 180 to 270 2 399 to 532 270 to 360 3 532 to 665 360 to 450 4
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-55 G2.2 Administration 6 on b oth systems. If 26-gaug e PDS c ab les are used , d istanc es are red uc ed as assig ned . The T1 offic e rep eaters or T1 line rep eaters c an be used when the on-p remises d istanc e limitation is exc eed ed . A T1 offic e rep eater is req uired at eac h end of the c onnec tion to p rovid e an interc onnec tion rang e of up to 3000 feet. Eac h rep eater only p rovid es reg eneration for the rec eive d irec tion. The T1 line rep eaters c an b e used to ac c ommod ate d istanc es up to 6000 feet between switc hes. The T1 line rep eaters c an b e used in tand em to ac c ommod ate g reater d istanc es. Field 19 Field encodes and their descriptions are: Field 20 This d isp lay-only field serves to show whic h c ab les c ontain whic h sync hronization c ab les. Procedure 262 Word 1: Additional DMI-MOS/ISDN-PRI Facility Options Proc ed ure 262 is used to ad minister the ANN35 and TN767 c irc uit p ac ks. Fields 1-4 Assig ns the c irc uit p ac k to an eq uip ment loc ation. These inc lud e the mod ule numb er, c ab inet number, p ort c arrier numb er, and slot numb er. Entries for these four field s are the default values from translating a 5 in field 14 of p roc ed ure 260. These entries should always be c orrec t.– (Dash) req uired op tion for all trad itional mod ules. It is also req uired for all ISDN-PRI links p rovid ed with universal mod ules. 0 Preferred for DS1 servic e p rovid ed with universal mod ules (shows that a DS1 p rovid es stand ard DMI-BOS). 1 Assig ns that the DS1 p rovid es the AT&T prop rietary method of sig naling on the 24th c hannel. This op tion is req uired when c onnec tion to System 75 that uses TN722 circuit packs. When c onnec ting to a TN722B or ANN11 c irc uit p ac k, the rec ommend ed op tion is (0 ).
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-56 G2.2 Administration 6 Field 5 BRI Only for ISDN-PRI and DMI-MOS ap p lic ations, the d ash (–) is app rop riate. Field 6 Assig ns this interfac e as the user (0 ) or the network (1 ) sid e. When c onnec ted to a 4 ESS, t h e c u st o m e r p re m i se s s w i t c h is a l w a y s t h e u se r si d e . Wh e n n o t c o n n e c t e d t o a 4 ESS ( t h a t is , w h e n c o n n e c t e d t o a n o t h e r s w it c h ) , o n e s w it c h i s the user side and the other the network sid e. For MOS fac ilities (suc h as DMI-MOS and ISDN-PRI), eac h link must b e seg mented into user and network sid es. At a Generic 2, eac h MOS-b ased fac ility c onnec ted to the p ub lic network is ad ministered as the user sid e, while other c o n n e c t i o n s ( s u c h a s t h a t t o a 4 ESS) a re a d m i n i st e re d a s t h e n e t w o rk s id e . Fo r p rivate network DMI-MOS and ISDN-PRI c onnec tions, ad d itional c are must b e exercised in defining user and network sides. Specifically at each facility, only one end must b e ad ministered as the user sid e (0 ) while the alternate must be d efined as the network sid e (1 ). If the private network node is a tandem switch, then that nod e may func tion as b oth user sid e and network sid e d ep end ing on the p artic ular fac ility. Whenever a Generic 2 c onnec ts to a host c omp uter via MOS, the c omp uter should always b e assig ned as the network sid e. NOTE: When a G3V2 DS1/CEPT1 interfac e ad ministered with a user-network p rotoc ol is c onnec ted to a G2.2 interfac e, the G3V2 interfac e must b e administered as network and the G2.2 interfac e as user. This is because the user-network administration on the G2.2 is only imp lemented for layer 2. The layer 3 user/network relationship in G2.2 is user b y d efault, whic h means the layer 3 user/network identific ation must be network in the G3V2, whic h in turn means the layer 2 user/network is also network, whic h in turn means the layer 2 user/network on the G2.2 must b e user. If a G3V2 ad ministered for the ECMA p eer p rotoc ol is c onnec ted to a G2.2, you must make sure that if the G2.2 is ad ministered as user at layer 2 then the G3V2 is ad ministered as p eer-master and c onversely, as p eer slave if the G2.2 is network. The following tab le shows the rec ommend ed ways to ad minister the user-network and p eer p rotoc ols when a G2.2 is c onnec ted to a G3V2: G2.2 Administered as Layer 2 Layer 3 Administered as Layer 2 Layer 3 user user user network network network user user user p eer-master/sid e A (G3V2 only)master side A network network network p eer-slave/sid e B (G3V2 only)slave sid e B