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Lucent Technologies Ds1/Cept1/Isdn Pri Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Ds1/Cept1/Isdn Pri Reference Manual
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 G2 ISDN PRI Implementation in Administration Page A-15 A nPa ra m e t e r / b in a r y nParameterized field The following field s of the NSF follow the same rules as g iven for System 85 R2V4 NSFs: nNetwork id entific ation p lan nTyp e of network identific ation nNetwork id entific ation Rules for req uesting ACCUNET servic es from d ifferent g eneric s of 4ESS are the same as those for System 85 R2V4. That is, when d ealing with 4E13 or later, set up a d efinition of a b inary servic e with a value of 6 . This definition is used in field 6 of p roc ed ure 309, word 5, that send s an NSF (this is the p arallel to the ab ove examp le for System 85 R2V4 where a value of 357 was used). For g eneric s b efore 4E13, NSF is not sent; instead , the setup messag e need s a mod e 1 c od e. For Generic 2, there is no sp ec ial enc od e that c auses messag e c reation to do this automatic ally. Therefore, the c alling p arty wishing to ac c ess ACCUNET from g eneric s b efore 4E13 must have a BCCOS of mod e 1. BC BC is assig ned with field 6 for Generic 2. This field has imp lic ations as far as c all routing is c onc erned . Some routing rules are d isc ussed in the ‘‘Proc ed ure 010 Wo rd 4 ’’ sec tion of this ap p end ix. Ad d itional routing rules b ased on the b earer c ap ab ility translation assoc iated with a p lan, p attern, or p referenc e are described next. Field 6 (Generic 2) Field 16 of p roc ed ure 014, word 1, d efines the BC for the c alling p artys COS. Field s 4 throug h 13 of p roc ed ure 014, word 1, d efine the b earer c ap ab ility COS of the p referenc e. Field 6 of p roc ed ure 309, word 5, d efines how to handle c alling p arties. If a c alling party with a p artic ular BC is to b e b loc ked from using this p referenc e, the next p referenc e is c hec ked . If all p referenc es bloc k this p artic ular BC, the c all is d enied . In ad d ition, Generic 2 also imp lements the following routing rules: nWhen searc hing the p referenc es, the hig hest p referenc e numb er is used that c an hand le the c all via c irc uit switc hing instead of using a mod em p ool member (where the numb er \E3 1\E1 is the hig hest p ossib le p referenc e). This is d one to c onserve the use of mod em p ool memb ers. (Of c ourse, all other routing rules d isc ussed in this ap p end ix must also b e met for this p referenc e.) If a c irc uit switc hed p referenc e c annot b e found, the highest non-c irc uit switc hed p referenc e is used . Field s 4 throug h 13 of p roc ed ure 014, word 1, d efine c irc uit versus non-c irc uit switc hing for the BCCOS entered in field 6 of p roc ed ure 309, word 5.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 G2 ISDN PRI Implementation in Administration Page A-16 A nA c alling party with c lear c hannel c harac teristic s is b loc ked from using a p referenc e with restric ted c hannel c harac teristic s. .IX Restric ted c hannel All other c alling p arty and preferenc e c lear or restric ted c omb inations are allowed. The c alling p artys c lear or restric ted c harac teristic of the c alling p artys BCCOS is d efined in field 15 of p roc ed ure 014, word 1. The p referenc es c harac teristic is found b y examining field 3 for the BCCOS entered in field 6 of proc ed ure 309, word 5. Procedure 321 Word 5 This word d efines for AAR p atterns and p referenc es what proc edure 309, word 5, d efines for ARS p lans, p atterns, and p referenc es. The fields in these two p roc ed ures are similar. Refer to the ‘‘Proc ed ure 309 Word 5’’ sec tion earlier in this ap pend ix for information on how to ad minister this p roc ed ure (all rules and field d efinitions are identic al). Procedure 354 Word 3 This word is used to assign up to 99 unique NPA-NXX pairs. For example, a loc ation c an have two d istinc t d esig nators: one for voic e extensions (suc h as 303-538) and one for d ata end p oints (suc h as 303-255). Generic 2 sends out 10 ad d ress d ig its for c alling party numb er and c onnec ted numb er. The NPA-NXX p ortion of the numb er is d efined in this word via field s 2 and 3. These 6 d igits are p rep end ed to the last 4 d ig its of the extension numb er to c reate the 10 ad d ress dig its. (If a c onsole is involved , the last 4 d ig its of the assig ned listed d irec tory numb er (LDN) are used .) In addition, a thousands digit can be assigned in field 4. This digit must be assig ned in 3-d ig it switc hes for the c alling p arty numb er and c onnec ted numb er to make sense. If assig ned in a 4 or 5-dig it switc h, it is used for the thousand s d ig it in the ad dress d ig it stream reg ard less of what the thousand s d ig it is for the extension or LDN. nCalling-p arty numb er IE Op c od e: 6C (assuming no c od eset map p ing in Generic 2) Numb ering p lan id entific ation: telep hony numbering p lan (The exc ep tion to this is in Generic 2 on a BRI-to-BRI c all within the switc h where Private Numbering Plan is used) Typ e of ad d ress: national numb er (The exc ep tion to this is in Generic 2 on a BRI-to-BRI c all within the switc h where Unknown is used .) The 10 ad dress-d ig it oc tets follow the ab ove information.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 G2 ISDN PRI Implementation in Administration Page A-17 A nConnec ted number IE Opcode: C (assuming no codeset mapping in Generic 2) Numb ering p lan id entific ation: telep hony numbering p lan Typ e of add ress: national numb er (the 10 ad d ress-dig it oc tets follow the ab ove information) Procedure 420 Type-2 data can be useful in determining which regular tasks are using an ab normally hig h amount of proc essor time. The d ata in field 3 of this p roc ed ure multip lied b y 100 is the numb er of times this task has b een interrup ted b y the 10-ms interrup t. An unusually hig h numb er in field 3 (c omp ared to the other reg ular tasks) shows that the task numb er in field 2 is c urrently a p roc essor-oc c up anc y hog . This c ond ition is normally an error c ond ition and c an p oint to p rob lems with the feature c ontrolled b y the reg ular task. The following are ISDN-related tasks and their task numbers for Generic 2: Task 35 ISDN queue server task Task 47 ISDN level-3 timing task Task 55 ISDN JUMBO I/O task Task 61 ISDN inc oming messag e-verific ation task Task 62 ISDN ap p lic ations servic e element q ueue server Task 70 ISDN ap p lic ations c all-proc essing q ueue server Task 79 ISDN ap p lic ations 100-ms timing task Task 85 ISDN ap p lic ations 2-sec . timing task Task 93 ISDN BRI terminal initialization Task 108 SNC trunk group audit task

Digital Trunk Administration Summary for U.S. Applications Page B-1 B DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 B BDigital Trunk Administration Summary for U.S. Applications The tab les in this ap p end ix serve as a q uic k referenc e to some of the trunk g roup ad ministration setting s for DS1-b ased trunks in the U.S. g iven the ap p lic ations for the trunks. nThe tables are organized by the bearer capability class (BCC) of the information they transp ort, as follows: — Dig ital trunks c an c arry voic e or voic e-g rad e d ata. — Dig ital trunks c an c arry 64 kb p s d ata p er c hannel. Dig ital multip lexed interfac e (DMI) mod es 0, 2, and 3 all use 64 kb p s c hannels. — Dig ital trunks c an c arry 56 kb p s d ata p er c hannel, also c alled DMI mode 1. nEac h tab le is d ivid ed into several c ateg ories, as follows: — Trunk app lic ation id entifies the type of eq uip ment to whic h the DEFINITY system is c onnec ted via the trunk, suc h as a loc al exc hange switc h, a toll switc h, another PBX, or to some other sp ec ialized eq uip ment. — Se rv ic e is the purpose for which the trunk is used. — Connec tivity is the sp ec ific eq uip ment to whic h the far end of the trunk is c onnec ted . — Ad ministration op tions are the key items that must b e ad ministered for the trunks on the DEFINITY systems. These are the rec ommend ed ad ministration setting s and often the only c orrec t ones. — Interfac e c irc uit is the circ uit pack on the DEFINITY system to which the trunk c onnec ts.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment Page B-2 B B Table B-1. Digital Trunk Administration Summary for U.S. Applications — Voice BCC Tr u n k ApplicationService ConnectivityAdministration Options Interface Circuit G2 G1/G3 DS1 Board G2 Traditional ModuleG1/G3 and G2 Universal Module Trunk Ty p eTrunk Signaling Ty p eGroup Ty p eTrunk Ty p eComm/ Service Type Signaling FramingLine Coding Loc al Exc hange Company Tr un k sDirec t outward dial (DOD) Attendant-completing inward d ialConnec ted to a loc al exc hange c arrier’s c entral offic e switc h via T1/E1 lineRe g ul a r CO Ty p e 1 9E&M auto/wink Ty p e 1 9CO Ground startVoice Robbed BitD4 or ESFZCS ANN11 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) Direc t outward dial (DOD) Attendant-completing inward d ialConnec ted to a foreig n exc hange c entral offic e via T1/E1 lineFo re ig n exc hange trunk Ty p e 2 4E&M auto/wink Ty p e 2 4FX Ground startVoice Robbed BitD4 or ESFZCS ANN11 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) Inc oming and outgoing WATSConnec ted to loc al exc hange c arrier’s c entral offic e switc h via T1/E1 lineWA TS trunks Ty p e s 26, 27E&M auto/wink Ty p e 2 4WATS Ground startVoice Robbed BitD4 or ESFZCS ANN11 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) Direc t inward d ial (DID) Connec ted to loc al exc hange c arrier’s c entral offic e switc h via T1/E1 lineDID trunk Ty p e 3 1Wink/wink -delay Ty p e 1 1DID Wink startNA Robbed BitD4 or ESFXCS ANN11 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) CO, FX, DID, In WATS, Out WATS via ISDN PRIConnec ted to 5ESS ® or Merid ian ® SLI c entral offic e switc h via T1 line with ISDN PRIType 41 ISDN PRI Ty p e 2 0ISDN PRIISDN PRITie 24th Ch. D4 or ESFZCS or B8ZS, depending on restric tion of fac ilitiesANN35 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) 1 TN767 plus TN555 (G2) Continued on next page

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment Page B-3 B Spec ial Acc ess Tr un k sMEGACOM service MEGACOM 800 service w/ DNIS MultiQuest servic e w/ DNIS Software-Defined Network servic eConnec ted to 4ESS ® via ACCUNET T1.5 ac c ess — non-switched sp ec ial ac c ess provided b y AT&T or LEC.Tie trunk Ty p e 4 14-wire E&M Wink/wink Ty p e 2 1Tie Wink/ winkVoice Robbed BitD4 or ESFZCS ANN11 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) MEGACOM 800, no DNIS MultiQuest servic e, no DNISConnec ted to 4ESS® via ACCUNET T1.5 ac c ess — non-switched sp ec ial ac c ess provided b y AT&T or LEC.Re g ul a r CO Types 19 or 16Auto/imm ediate or auto/wink Type 28 or 29Tie Wink/ winkVoice Robbed BitD4 or ESFZCS ANN11 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) MEGACOM service via ISDN PRI MEGACOM 800 service via ISDN PRI MultiQuest servic e via ISDN PRI Software-Defined Network servic e via ISDN PRIConnec ted to 4ESS® via ISDN PRI acc ess — non-switched sp ec ial ac c ess provided b y AT&T or LEC.Tie trunk Ty p e 4 1ISDN PRI Ty p e 2 0ISDN PRIISDN PRITie . For internation al MEGACO M and internation al MEGACO M 800 servic es, you must use the c all-by-c all servic e typ e.24th Ch. D4 or ESFZCS or B8ZS, depending on restric tion of fac ilities.ANN35 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) 2 TN767 plus TN555 (G2) Table B-1. Digital Trunk Administration Summary for U.S. Applications — Voice BCC — Continued Tr u n k ApplicationService ConnectivityAdministration Options Interface Circuit G2 G1/G3 DS1 Board G2 Traditional ModuleG1/G3 and G2 Universal Module Trunk Ty p eTrunk Signaling Ty p eGroup Ty p eTrunk Ty p eComm/ Service Type Signaling FramingLine Coding Continued on next page

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment Page B-4 B 1. The TN464C must be used for the trunk transp orting the ISDN PRI D-c hannel on G3r. The B-c hannels c an still utilize the TN767 if NFAS is used . 2. The TN464C must be used for the trunk transp orting the ISDN PRI D-c hannel on G3r. The B-c hannels c an still utilize the TN767 if NFAS is used . For simp lic ity, however, it is recommend ed that the TN464C be used for all ISDN PRI trunks in G3r. Tie Trunks ETN ac c ess Acc ess the trunk c onnec ting an ETN main PBX to an ETN tand em PBX via p rivate leased T1/E1 lines from the LEC and/or IXC.Ti e Ty p e 4 6 at tandem Ty p e 3 6 at main4-wire E& M Wink/wink -d elay Ty p e 2 4Tie Wink/ winkVoice Robbed Bit or 24th Ch.D4 or ESFZCS ANN11 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) Main/satellite Main/satellite with DCSTrunk from satellite to main PBX via leased T1/E1 lines from LEC and /or IXC.Sp ec ial tie Ty p e 7 84-wire E& M Delay/ delay Ty p e 1 7Tie Wink/ winkVoice Robbed Bit or 24th Ch.D4 or ESFZCS ANN11 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) ETN ETN with DCSIntermachine tie trunk c onnec ting two ETN tandem PBXs via leased T1/E1 lines from LEC and/or IXC.Ti e t r u n k Ty p e 4 14-wire E& M Wink/wink Ty p e 1 7Tand e mWi n k / winkVoice Robbed Bit or 24th Ch.D4 or ESFZCS ANN11 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) ETN ETN with DCS Over ISDN PRI B-c hannel or D-c hannelIntermachine tie trunk c onnec ting two ETN tandem PBXs (AT&T or other vendors/) via leased T1/E1 lines from LEC and/or IXC with ISDN PRI.Ti e t r u n k Ty p e 4 1ISDN PRI Ty p e 2 0ISDN PRIISDN PRITand em 24th Ch. D4 or ESFZCS ANN35 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) 2 TN767 plus TN555 (G2) Tand em tie trunk private networkConnec ted to another PBX via p rivate T1/E1 lines leased from LEC and/or IXC.Tie, d ial rep eating Ty p e 3 64-wire E& M Immediat e start Ty p e 0 4Ti e I m m e d / immedVoice Robbed Bit or 24th Ch.D4 or ESFZCS ANN11 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) Re m ot e Access TrunksPrivid es remote acc ess to PBX via LEC c entral office.Connec td to LEC c entral offic e switc h via T1/E1 line.Re mo t e access Ty p e 5 0E& M Immed/ immed Ty p e 0 4CO, FX, or WA TSAuto/ autoVoice Robbed BitD4 or ESFZCS ANN11 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) Table B-1. Digital Trunk Administration Summary for U.S. Applications — Voice BCC — Continued Trunk ApplicationService ConnectivityAdministration Options Interface Circuit G2 G1/G3 DS1 Board G2 Traditional ModuleG1/G3 and G2 Universal Module Tr u n k Ty p eTr u n k Signaling Ty p eGroup Ty p eTrunk Ty p eComm/ Service Type Signaling FramingLine Coding Continued on next page

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment Page B-5 B Table B-2. Digital Trunk Administration Summary for U.S. Applications — 64 kbps Channel — Modes 0, 2, 3 BCCs Trunk ApplicationService ConnectivityAdministration Options Interface Circuit G2 G1/G3 DS1 Board G2 Traditional ModuleG1/G3 and G2 Universal Module Tr u n k Ty p eTrunk Signaling Ty p eGroup Ty p eTr u n k Ty p eComm/ Service Type Signaling Framing Line Coding Release Link TrunksCentralized Attendant Se r v i c eConnec ts to a b rac h PBX to a main PBX in a Centralized Attend ant Servic e network57 at branch, 66 at mainRelease link trunk Typ es 13 at b ranc h, 14 at mainRLT Immed / autoVo i c e Ro b b e d Bit or 24th Ch.D4 or ESFZCS ANN11 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) Loc al Exc hange Comp any TrunksDirect outward d ial, attend ant c omp leting inward dial, d irec t inward d ial, inc oming and outg oing WATSConnec ted to a 5ESS ® c entral office switc h via T1 line with IDSN PRI.Ti e Ty p e 4 1ISDN PRI Ty p e 2 0ISDN PRIISDN PRITie 24th Ch. D4 or ESFZCS or B8Zs, depending on restric tions of fac ilities.ANN35 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) 1 TN767 p lus TN555 (G2) Sp e c i a l Access TrunksACCUNET Switc hed Dig ital Servic es via ISDN PRI Software-Defined Data Network (SDDN) service via ISDN PRIConnec ted to 4ESS ® via ISDN PRI ac c ess — non-switc hed sp ec ial ac c ess p rovid ed b y AT&T or LECTi e t r u n k Ty p e 4 1ISDN PRI Ty p e 2 0ISDN PRIISDN PRITie 24th Ch. D4 or ESFZCS or B8ZX, depending on restric tions of fac ilities, International ACCUNET service only allows unrestric ted dataANN35 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) 1 TN767 p lus TN555 (G2) Continued on next page

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment Page B-6 B 1. The TN464C must b e used for the trunk transp orting the ISDN PRI D-c hannel on G3r. The B-c hannels can still utilize the TN767 if NFAS is used. For simp lic ity, however, it is rec ommended that the TN464C b e used for all ISDN PRI trunks in G3r. Tie Trunks Tandem tie trunk p rivate networkConnec ted to another PBX with a DS1/CEPT1 interfac e via leased T1/E1 lines from LEC and /or IXCTie, dial repeating Typ e 36 AVD4-wire E&M Immediat e start Ty p e 0 4Tie Tie AVD 24th Ch. D4 or ESFZCS or B8ZS, depending on restric tion of fac ilitiesANN11 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) ETN ETN with DCSIntermac hine tie trunk c onnec ting ETN tandem systems via leased T1/E1 lines from LEC and /or IXC.Tie Ty p e 4 1 AVD4-wire E&M Wink/wink -delay Ty p e 2 6Ta nd e mWink/ winkAVD 24th Ch. D4 or ESFZCS or B8ZS, depending on restric tion of fac ilitiesANN11 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) ETN ETN with DCS Over ISDN PRI B-c hannel or D-channelIntermac hine tie trunk c onnec ting two ETN ta nd e m PBXs (A T& T o r other vend ors/) via leased T1/E1 lines from LEC and/or IXC with ISDN PRI.Tie Ty p e 4 1ISDN PRI Ty p e 2 0ISDN PRIISDN PRITandem 24th Ch. D4 or ESFZCS or B8ZS, depending on restric tion of fac ilitiesANN35 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) 1 TN767 plus TN555 (G2) ETN acc ess Ac c ess tie trunk c onnec ting an ETN main PBX to an ETN tand em PBX with a DS1/DePT1 interfac e via leased T1/E1 lines from LEC and /or IXC.Tie Ty p e 4 6 AVD4-wire E&M Wink/wink -delay Ty p e 2 6Tie Wink/ winkAVD 24th Ch. D4 or ESFZCS or B8ZS, depending on restric tion of fac ilitiesANN11 TN767 (G2)TN76 7 TN464C (G3 only) Main/satellite p rivate network Main/satellite with DCSTrunk from main to satellite PBX via leased T1/E1 lines from LEC.Spec ial tie Ty p e 7 8 AVD4-wire E&M Delay/ delay Ty p e 1 7Tie Delay/ delayAVD 24th Ch. D4 or ESFZCS or B8ZS, depending on restric tion of fac ilitiesANN11 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) Table B-2. Digital Trunk Administration Summary for U.S. Applications — 64 kbps Channel — Modes 0, 2, 3 BCCs — Continued Trunk ApplicationService ConnectivityAdministration Options Interface Circuit G2 G1/G3 DS1 Board G2 Traditional ModuleG1/G3 and G2 Universal Module Tr u n k Ty p eTrunk Signaling Ty p eGroup Ty p eTr u n k Ty p eComm/ Service Type Signaling Framing Line Coding Continued on next page

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment Page B-7 B Table B-3. Digital Trunk Administration Summary for U.S. Applications — 56 kbps Channel — Mode 1 BCC Tr u n k ApplicationService ConnectivityAdministration Options Interface Circuit G2 G1/G3 DS1 Board G2 Traditional ModuleG1/G3 and G2 Universal Module Trunk Ty p eTr u n k Signaling Ty p eGroup Ty p eTrunk Ty p eComm/ Service Ty p e S i g n a l i n g F r a m i n gLine Coding Loc al Exc hange Company Tr un k sDirec t outward dial, attend ant c omp leting inward d ial, d irec t inward d ial, inc oming and outgoing WATSConnec ted to 5ESS ® via T1 line with ISDN PRITie Ty p e 4 1ISDN PRI Ty p e 2 0ISDN PRIISDN PRITie 24th Ch. D4 or ESFZCS or B8Zs, depending on restric tions of fac ilities.ANN35 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) 1 TN767 plus TN555 (G2) Direc t outward dial, attend ant c omp leting inward d ial, d irec t inward d ial, inc oming and outgoing WATSConnec ted to 5ESS ® via T1 lineTie Ty p e 4 1ISDN PRI Ty p e 2 6Tie Wink/ winkRo b b e d bit/AVDRo b b e d BitD4 or ESFZCS or B8Zs, depending on restric tions of fac ilities.ANN11 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) Spec ial Acc ess Tr un k sACCUNET Switc hed 56 servic e Software-Defined Data Network servic eConnec ted to 4ESS® via ACCUNET T1.5 ac c ess — non-switched sp ecial ac c ess provid ed b y AT&T or LECTyp e 41 4-wire E& M Wink/wink Typ e21Tie Wink/ winkData Robb ed BitD4 or ESFZCS or B8Zs, depending on restric tions of fac ilities.ANN11 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) ACCUNET Switc hed Digital servic e via ISDN PRI Software-Defined Data Network servic e via ISDN PRIConnec ted to 4ESS® via ISDN PRI acc ess — non-switched sp ec ial ac c ess provid ed b y AT&T or LECTie trunk Ty p e 4 1ISDN PRI Ty p e 2 0ISDN PRIISDN PRITie 24th Ch. D4 or ESFZCS or B8Zs, depending on restric tions of fac ilities.ANN35 TN767 TN464C (G3 only) 1 TN767 plus TN555 (G2) Continued on next page