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Lucent Technologies Ds1/Cept1/Isdn Pri Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Ds1/Cept1/Isdn Pri Reference Manual
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 G2 ISDN PRI Implementation in Administration Page A-5 A 1. If an extension user orig inates a c all over an ISDN-PRI trunk, the name assig ned the user in p roc ed ure 012 is used for the Disp lay IE. 2. On a c all tand eming throug h the switc h where b oth the c alling and c alled trunks are ISDN-PRI, the d isp lay IE rec eived over one trunk (if there is one) is tand emed over the other trunk. That is, on this typ e of c all a d isp lay IE is never c reated by the switc h. 3. On an interworked tand em c all throug h the switc h (that is, one trunk ISDN-PRI and one trunk not ISDN-PRI), the d isp lay IE is b uilt from the name assoc iated with trunk g roup of the non-ISDN-PRI trunk. 4. If an attend ant orig inates or rec eives a c all over an ISDN-PRI fac ility, the string Woperator is used to b uild the d isp lay IE. Procedure 100 Word 1 Field 6 of this word is used to d efine the trunk typ e of a spec ific trunk g roup . For ISDN trunk g roup s as well as other typ es of trunk group s, the entered type d efines feature op eration for the trunk g roup . For examp le, if a trunk g roup is assig ned the typ e of 19, inc oming c alls over this trunk g roup are routed to the attendant c onsole. On Direc t Inward Dial (DID) trunk-typ e g roup s, the switc h exp ec ts station-numb er d ig its on all inc oming trunks; on tie-trunk-typ e g roup s, the switc h c an hand le either station-numb er d ig its or network numb ers. For an ISDN trunk g roup , a d ynamic trunk typ e (120) c an b e assig ned to the group. This trunk type allows the group to process calls with a different trunk type on a c all-b y-c all (CBC) b asis. For examp le, one inc oming c all over the g roup may expec t station number digits (such as a MEGACOM call), while the next c all over the g roup may exp ec t a network numb er (suc h as a Software Defined Network c all, also c alled a SDN c all). This trunk typ e allows flexib ility in p roc essing c alls as op posed to a static trunk typ e. Both an Automatic Alternate Routing /Automatic Route Selec tion (AAR/ARS) prefix digit (procedure 103) and a DID additional digit (procedure 101) can be ad ministered for ISDN d ynamic trunk g roup s. (This c annot b e d one for any other typ e of trunk g roup .) The d ynamic trunk typ e is rec ommend ed in CBC servic e. The following rules are used to d etermine how to p roc ess an inc oming c all over a trunk g roup whose typ e is ISDN d ynamic : 1. If a network-sp ec ific fac ility (NSF) IE is p resent in the setup messag e and the feature/servic e ind ic ation is service , then: nIf the servic e ind ic ated is SDN, electronic tandem network (ETN) , or private line , p roc ess the c all like a c all with a trunk typ e of 46. nOtherwise, proc ess the c all like a c all with a trunk typ e of 31.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 G2 ISDN PRI Implementation in Administration Page A-6 A 2. If either an NSF IE is p resent in the setup messag e and the feature or servic e ind ic ation is feature , or there is no NSF at all, the following rules are used to d etermine trunk typ e (these rules are based on the interfac e end p oint translated for the ap p lic ab le c hannel in field 10 of p roc ed ure 116): nIf the end p oint sp ec ified is PBX , p roc ess the c all with a trunk typ e of 41. nIf the end p oint sp ec ified is host computer , p roc ess the c all with a trunk typ e of 108. nIf the end p oint sp ec ified is network , p roc ess the c all with a trunk typ e of 31. Procedure 100 Word 2 Field 1 of this word sp ec ifies the trunk g roup numb er and field 2 sp ec ifies a BCCOS numb er for this trunk group . For interworked tand em c alls throug h the switc h where the c alling trunk is not ISDN-PRI trunk and the c alled trunk is, the BCCOS of the non-ISDN-PRI trunk is used to d efine a BC for the outg oing setup messag e over the ISDN-PRI trunk. (See the ‘‘Proc ed ure 000 Word 3’’ sec tion in this ap p end ix for enc od ing s of the BC IE.) This COS also d efines other routing p arameters. These p arameters are d isc ussed in the ‘‘Proc ed ure 309 Word 5’’ and ‘‘Proc ed ure 321 Word 5’’ sec tions of this ap p end ix. Procedure 100 Word 3 Field 2 Used to assig n a trunk g roup as ISDN-PRI that has ISDN-PRI sig naling (typ e 20). This c auses ISDN-PRI messag e-oriented sig naling (MOS) to oc c ur for the trunk g roup . Field 3 Not ap p lic ab le for ISDN-PRI trunk g roup s. ISDN-PRI spec ific ations exp lain the p roc ed ures to b e used when g lare is enc ountered . These sp ec ific ations are imp lemented in the ISDN-PRI feature c od e.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 G2 ISDN PRI Implementation in Administration Page A-7 A Procedure 103 Procedure 107 Word 1 This p roc ed ure is used to assig n terminating test line telep hone numb er d ig its to ISDN-PRI trunk g roup s. When p lac ing a trunk verific ation b y station (TVS) or trunk verific ation b y c ustomer (TVC) test c all, these d ig its are used to b uild the c alled p arty numb er IE in the setup message for the trunk g roup und er test. If d ig its are not translated for a trunk g roup and a TVC/TVS c all is mad e for a c hannel in this trunk g roup , the resulting c alled p arty numb er IE will not c ontain add ress d ig its. The following rules are used in b uild ing this IE. These rules ap p ly to all typ es of c alls mad e out of the switc h and not just test c alls. The rules are c hec ked b y the system in the ord er shown b elow. The first true rule enc ountered results in the IE b eing b uilt as shown for that rule. nFor international c alls (that is, a d ial 011 calls) Opcode: 7 (assuming no codeset mapping) Numb ering p lan id entific ation: telep hony numbering p lan Type of address: international number (address digit octets follow) Field 8 Used to p revent the send ing of various IEs over the trunk g roup spec ified in field 1. If the entry in this field is 0 , there is no restriction on sending IEs over the trunk group. For Generic 2, this field allows or p revents the send ing of the following IEs: nConnec ted numb er nLow-layer c omp atibility nCalling-party number nDisp lay nLog ic al-link id entific ation nTC M nLink-layer p arameters nPacket-layer parameters nLook-Ahead interflow Field 14 This field must b e set to1 for all trunk g roup s whose sig naling typ e is DMI ISDN MOS (typ e 20). This insures that all outg oing address digits are collected before the switch selects an outg oing ISDN-PRI trunk and assuring that a c orrec t c alled p arty numb er IE in the outg oing setup messag e.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 G2 ISDN PRI Implementation in Administration Page A-8 A nFor ARS c a ll s Opcode: 7 (assuming no codeset mapping) Numb ering p lan id entific ation: telep hony numbering p lan Typ e of add ress: national numb er (add ress d ig it oc tets follow) nFor c alls p lac ed over a c hannel whose interfac e end p oint in p roc ed ure 116 sp ec ifies network Opcode: 7 (assuming no codeset mapping) Numb ering p lan id entific ation: telep hony numbering p lan Typ e of add ress: national numb er (add ress d ig it oc tets follow) nFor AAR c alls and c alls p lac ed over a c hannel whose interfac e end point in p roc ed ure 116 sp ec ifies either host or PBX Opcode: 7 (assuming no codeset mapping) Numb ering p lan id entific ation: p rivate numb ering p lan Typ e of add ress: unknown (ad d ress d ig it oc tets follow) Procedure 108 Word 1 This p roc ed ure is used to assign the terminating test-line telep hone d ig its to an ISDN-PRI trunk g roup . These are the ad dress d ig its used to b uild the c alled p arty number IE in the setup messag e when making a d emand test c all via p roc ed ure 648 test 3. If d ig its are not translated , ad d ress d ig its d o not ap p ear in the IE. The c od ing rules for the c alled p arty IE g iven in the ‘‘Proc ed ure 107 Word 1’’ sec tion of this ap p end ix also app ly to this word . Procedure 116 Word 1 This p roc ed ure is used to assign ISDN-PRI B c hannels to trunk g roup s. NOTE: Ensure that the interfac e end p oint field is assig ned c orrec tly for eac h B c hannel. Field 10 d etermines the enc od ing of the c alled p arty IE as disc ussed in the ‘‘Proc ed ure 107 Word 1’’ sec tion of this ap p end ix. If the B c hannel is in an ISDN d ynamic trunk group , this field d etermines how an inc oming c all over the trunk is processed (see the ‘‘Proc ed ure 100 Word 1’’ sec tion earlier in this ap p end ix). Field 11 sp ec ifies the D-c hannel g roup assoc iated with the c hannel. This information is used in c onstruc ting the c hannel-ID

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 G2 ISDN PRI Implementation in Administration Page A-9 A Procedure 210 Word 2 Field 5 of this word is used to assig n an NPA-NXX d esignator to an attend ant c onsole. If an attend ant c onsole is not assig ned this d esig nator, c alls orig inated from this c onsole over an ISDN-PRI trunk d o not have a c alling p arty number IE in the setup messag e. Likewise, c alls terminating to this c onsole over ISDN-PRI trunks d o not have c onnec ted numb er IEs in the c onnec t messag es (see the ‘‘Proc ed ure 354 Word 3’’ sec tion of this ap p end ix). Procedure 260 Word 1 This p roc ed ure is used to assig n DS1 or ISDN c harac teristic s to physic al loc ations. Setting field 14 (ap plic ation typ e) to 5 enab les ISDN func tionality for the sp ecified p hysical location. Procedure 262 Word 1 This p roc ed ure d efines various ISDN board p arameters. Default values are automatic ally assig ned when a board is ad d ed in p roc ed ure 260 with an ap plic ation typ e of ISDN-PRI . Field 5 of this word sp ec ifies an interfac e typ e of network or user. For an ISDN-PRI p oint-to-p oint link to func tion, one end must b e translated as network and the other end as user. This field also d etermines how g lare is handled on this b oard . The following rules apply to glare handling: P Req uests the c hannel as a p referred c hannel (this is done in the c hannel-ID IE of the setup messag e) E Req uests the c hannel exc lusively (this is d one in the c hannel-ID IE of the setup messag e) U Sp ec ifies that the switc hs sid e of the interfac e is the user sid e N Sp ec ifies that the switc hs sid e of the interfac e is the network sid e .IX Network sid e sp ec ific ation X Sp ec ifies that it is not imp ortant whic h is the network sid e or the user sid e 1 Sp ec ifies that the inc oming c all g ets the c hannel and outg oing c all waits to b e neg otiated 2 Sp ec ifies that the outg oing c all g ets the c hannel and the switc h neg otiates the inc oming c all to another c hannel 3 Outg oing c all g ets the c hannel and the switc h g ives a release (REL) c omp lete (COM) on the inc oming c all

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 G2 ISDN PRI Implementation in Administration Page A-10 A Generic 2 c alls req uest c hannels as p referred exc ep t for ISDN-DCS c alls whic h req uests c hannels as exc lusive. Field 6 of this word c ontrols whether level-2 and level-3 tests may b e p erformed on this b oard via p roc ed ure 648. Field 7 of this word id entifies the terminal end p oint for an ISDN-PRI b oard (this must always b e translated as 0 ). Field s 8, 9, and 10 of this word d efine T203, T200, and N200 resp ec tively. By varying these field s, the level-3 timer values c an b e c hang ed. N200 and T200 affec t the T303, T305, T308, and T313 timers ac c ord ing to the following equation: (timer value) = (N200 + 1) * T200 The d efault value of these four timers is 4 sec ond s [ (3 + 1) * 1] . T321 is d efined as T203 + 10 sec ond s. As T203 d efaults to 30 sec ond s, T321 is d efined as a 40 sec ond timer. If the p hysic al loc ation is p art of an nonfac ility assoc iated sig naling (NFAS) arrang ement, field 13 id entifies this interfac e from other interfac es in the arrang ement. This information is also used in the c od ing of the c hannel-ID IE.4 Sp ec ifies that the inc oming c all g ets the c hannel and the switc h waits for the other end of the interfac e to resp ond (the switc h would exp ec t the other end of the interfac e to rejec t its outg oing c all attemp t) Table A-1. Internal Definition Translations Internal DefinitionChannel Characteristics on Outgoing Call from SwitchChannel Characteristic on Incoming Call to Switch Result XP E 1 XE P 2 NP P 2 UP P 1 NE E 3 UE E 4

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 G2 ISDN PRI Implementation in Administration Page A-11 A Procedure 262 Word 3 This word is used to enab le or d isable the c od eset map p ing and D-c hannel hyp erac tivity detec tion features for Generic 2. These features are d efined on a PRI interfac e b asis. Procedure 275 Word 4 Field 14 of this word is used to enab le ISDN. No ISDN messag ing or feature p roc essing oc c urs unless this field is set to a 1 . Procedure 279 Word 1 This p roc ed ure d efines information that is sent out in the NSF IE of the setup messag e for Generic 2. This IE req uests a servic e or feature from the remote end of the ISDN link for a partic ular call. All known features or servic es req uested b y or of the Generic 2 switc h must b e translated in this p roc ed ure. The c orrec t enc od ings for the feature or servic e are to b e ob tained from the AT&T ISDN Primary Rate Interfac e Sp ec ific ation. Examples of suc h servic es are SDN, MEGACOM 800, MEGACOM, INWATS, WATS, and ACCUNET switc hed d ig ital servic e. The enc od ing of the NSF IE is d isc ussed further in the Proc edure 309 Word 5 sec tion of this ap p end ix. Procedure 280 Word 1 This p roc ed ure c an alter op c od e values of IEs and affec t the c od eset assoc iated with an IE. In System 85 R2V4 user-to-user information is assoc iated with c od eset 7 while in Generic 2 it is assoc iated with c od eset 6. The following IEs have c hang ed opc od e values b etween System 85 R2V4 and Generic 2: Table A-2. System 85 R2V4 to Generic 2 IE Opcode Translations IE Opcode Value Information Element (IE) Name R2V4 G2 Link layer p arameters 1 64 Packet layer p arameters 2 62 Log ic al link id entific ation 4 26

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 G2 ISDN PRI Implementation in Administration Page A-12 A The following two user-to-user IEs kep t the same op c ode values in their move from c od eset 7 to c od eset 6: Generic 2 switc hes map outg oing user-to-user information to c od eset 7 if c ommunic ating with a System 85 R2V4. Also, inc oming c od eset 7 information from a System 85 R2V4 is map p ed to c od eset 6 for interp retation b y a Generic 2 switch. In g eneral, the following map p ings are rec ommend ed for Generic 2 switc hes when they are in a network that c ontains at least one System 85 R2V4 switc h: 1. X represents any c odeset map numb er Tab le A-3. User-to-User IE Op c od es Information Element (IE) Name Opcode Value Traveling class mark 8 Disp lay 40 Table A-4. Codeset Map Number to Incoming and Outgoing Translations Procedure 280 Mapped From: Codeset Map NumberMapped To: Incoming/ OutgoingCodeset/ Opcode Va l u eCodeset/ Opcode Va l u e X 1I 7/1 6/64 XI7/26/62 XI7/46/26 XI7/86/8 X I 7/40 6/40 X O 6/64 7/1 X O 6/62 7/2 X O 6/26 7/4 XO6/87/8 X O 6/40 7/40

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 G2 ISDN PRI Implementation in Administration Page A-13 A Procedure 309 Word 5 This word d eals with the sending of a p artic ular NSF IE in the setup messag e and with rules of route selection. Field 4, ISDN Trunk Type This field c an only c ontain a value when the trunk group assoc iated with the p lan, p attern, or p referenc e has a typ e of ISDN d ynamic . Here, it must have a value entered or the outg oing c all over this p referenc e will fail. The selec tion of a trunk typ e is not c ruc ial sinc e the ARS feature d etermines c od e flow more so than d oes the trunk typ e. However, an ap p rop riate trunk typ e should b e selec ted for the c alls assoc iated with this p lan, pattern, or p referenc e. Field 5, Network Service Value The value entered in this field along with the value entered in field 12 of procedure 309, word 1 (the IXC/ISDN network identifier) determine the NSF IE for c alls routed over this p lan, p attern, or p referenc e. An NSF IE is not sent if a value is not entered . If field 5 has no value b ut an IXC/ISDN network id entifier is sp ec ified , the network id entific ation is sp ec ified with the transit network selec tion IE instead of the network-spec ific fac ilities IE. The following sub sec tions examine the layout of this IE. OUTWATS Band NSF These values sp ec ify that the p lan, p attern, or p referenc e is req uesting servic e for OUTWATS bands 0-255 respectively. Op cod e: 2 The following three items are sent only if field 12 of p roc ed ure 309, word 1, is nonzero p roc ed ure 309, word 1, is nonzero. Network id entific ation p lan: c arrier id entific ation c od e Typ e of network identific ation: national network id entific ation Network id entific ation: (three oc tets show the value entered in field 12 of p roc ed ure 309, word 1) Fac ility c od ing value: 1 Feature/servic e: servic e Parameter/b inary: b inary MEGACOM NSF Op cod e: 2 The following three items are sent only if field 12 of p roc ed ure 309, word 1, is nonzero.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 G2 ISDN PRI Implementation in Administration Page A-14 A Network id entific ation p lan: c arrier id entific ation c od e Typ e of network identific ation: national network id entific ation Network id entific ation: (three oc tets show the value entered in field 12 of p roc ed ure 309, word 1) Fac ility c od ing value: 3 Feature/servic e: servic e Parameter/b inary: b inary WAT S N S F Op cod e: 2 The following three items are sent only if field 12 of p roc ed ure 309, word 1, is nonzero. Network id entific ation p lan: c arrier id entific ation c od e Typ e of network identific ation: national network id entific ation Network id entific ation: (three oc tets show the value entered in field 12 of p roc ed ure 309, word 1) Fac ility c od ing value: 5 Feature/servic e: servic e Parameter/b inary: b inary ACCUNET NSF This value req uests ACCUNET switc hed d ig ital servic e from a 4E13 or later g eneric . Op cod e: 2 The following three items are sent only if field 12 of p roc ed ure 309, word 1, is nonzero. Network id entific ation p lan: c arrier id entific ation c od e Typ e of network identific ation: national network id entific ation Network id entific ation: (three oc tets show the value entered in field 12 of p roc ed ure 309, word 1) Fac ility c od ing value: 6 Feature/servic e: servic e Parameter/b inary: b inary In Generic 2, servic es and features are ad ministered in p roc ed ure 279. The number entered in field 5 is not a fixed number as in System 85 R2V4; instead it is the ISDN network servic e value numb er assig ned to the feature or servic e in p roc ed ure 279. The list b elow d efines how the following field s of the NSF are c od ed: nFacility coding value nFeature/servic e