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Lucent Technologies Ds1/Cept1/Isdn Pri Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Ds1/Cept1/Isdn Pri Reference Manual
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Applications Page 2-4 Public Network Applications in the United States 2 nDirect inward d ial (DID) service nElec tronic Tand em Network (ETN) servic e Eac h of the ab ove ap p lic ations is availab le over DS1 rob bed bit or DS1 c ommon c hannel BOS trunks. They are also availab le over DS1 ISDN PRI trunks if the loc al or foreig n exc hange is equip p ed with an ISDN PRI-c ap ab le switc h, suc h as the AT&T 5 ESS ® or the Northern Telec om DMS® 100. Interexchange Carrier Applications AT&T, MCI, U.S. Sp rint and other interexc hang e c arriers (IXCs) in the U.S. offer various servic es ac c essib le over d ig ital trunks. This d oc ument d isc usses only the AT&T servic es. AT&T offers many d ig ital servic es, b ut only some of these are ap prop riate for use with private switc hing systems. The following ap p lic ations are availab le using DS1 robb ed b it trunks and DS1 ISDN PRI trunks in the United States throug h AT&T interexc hange switc hes (4ESS ®): nACCUNET® Switc hed 56 servic e (rob b ed bit trunks only) nACCUNET® Switc hed Dig ital servic e (DS1 ISDN PRI trunks only) nMEGACOM® servic e (rob bed b it or DS1 ISDN PRI trunks) nMEGACOM® 800 servic e (rob b ed b it or DS1 ISDN PRI trunks) nSoftware Defined Network (SDN) servic e, inc lud ing Software Defined Data Network (SDDN) servic e (rob b ed b it or DS1 ISDN PRI trunks) Note that none of these servic es use DS1 c ommon c hannel trunks. This is b ec ause the fac ilities req uired to ac c ess these servic es are availab le only with either rob b ed bit sig naling or ISDN PRI sig naling. At p resent, ac c essing these servic es using DS1 ISDN PRI trunks has the following ad vantag es: nThe c all-b y-c all servic e selec tion (CBC) feature is availab le via ISDN PRI ac c ess. The CBC feature allows you to use the same trunk g roup for ACCUNET SDS, MEGACOM servic e, MEGACOM 800 servic e, and SDN servic e c alls on a per-c all b asis. In ad d ition, with the G3V2 systems you c an further tailor the c all-b y-c all c ap abilities b y ad ministering a usag e alloc ation p lan and an inc oming c all hand ling tab le in the trunk g roup administration form. You d o not have to use CBC. If you wish, you c an p ut the servic es on d edic ated trunk g roup s. For examp le, you c an p ut all ACCUNET Switc hed Dig ital Servic es c alls on one of the trunk g roup s and all MEGACOM c alls on a different set of trunk g roup s. Using c all-b y-c all servic e selec tion with the usage alloc ation plan and the inc oming c all hand ling tab le, however, c an signific antly inc rease trunk use effic ienc y.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Applications Page 2-5 Public Network Applications in the United States 2 n56 kbps, 64 kbps, 384 kbps, and 1.536 mbps data calls can be made t h ro u g h t h e 4 ESS u s i n g I SD N PRI t r u n ks w h e re a s d a t a c a ll s a re li m i t e d t o 56 kbps maximum using robbed bit trunks. ISDN thus gives the DEFINITY user the ability to make mod e 0, mod e 1, mod e 2, mod e 3, and wid eb and d a t a c a l ls t h ro u g h t h e 4 ESS in a d d it io n t o v o i c e o r vo ic e -g r a d e d a t a c a l ls . With rob b ed b it trunks only voic e/voic e-g rad e d ata and mod e 1 c alls are p ossib le. Following are the c harac teristic s of these mod es: — Mod e 0 is 64 kbp s d igital d ata with no p rotoc ol p ac kaging of any kind . — Mod e 1 is 56 kbp s d igital d ata that uses the DDS b it format. — Mod e 2 is 64 kbp s d ata p ac kag ed in an inverted HDLC p rotoc ol and limited to user d ata rates b etween 300 b p s and 19.2 kb p s. — Mod e 3, when c irc uit switc hed, is 64 kb p s dig ital d ata pac kag ed in LAPD p rotoc ol. — Wid eb and d ata is d ig ital d ata with no p rotoc ol p ac kag ing at rates that are multip les of 64 kb p s. For tec hnic al information on wid eb and switc hing in DEFINITY systems, refer to AT&T DEFINITY Wideband Technical Reference , issue 1, 555-230-230. nWith ISDN PRI trunks, you c an route c alls to spec ific trunk g roup s b ased on the voic e or d ata c harac teristic s of the c alls. nThe ab ility to p ass information to the end user is availab le with ISDN PRI. For examp le, the name of the c alling party c an b e sent to be d isp layed b y the far-end . nThe feature c alled CPN/BN (formerly c alled SID/ANI) is available with all ISDN PRI-b ased servic es. Calling Party Numb er (CPN) allows the c alled p arty to d isp lay the station numb er of the c alling p arty. Billing Numb er (BN) allows the c alled p arty to d isp lay the c alling p artys billing numb er. Two options, whic h must b e sp ec ified in the servic e ord er, are availab le f ro m t h e 4 ESS a s f o l lo w s: — CPN/BN c an b e d elivered to the DEFINITY systems on a p er-trunk group basis. — CPN/BN can be delivered on a per-call basis, depending on whether the DEFINITY system req uests it. G2.2 systems d o not have the c ap ab ility to req uest CPN/BN on a p er c all b asis. nCall setup times are faster with ISDN PRI. nCall hold ing times (the time a trunk is oc c up ied ) is shorter with ISDN PRI. nG3V2 systems have a built in way to hand le the ad d ition of new servic e offering s. If the AT&T network offers a new servic e, the name and numeric al value for this servic e c an b e ad d ed to the network fac ilities ad ministration form and all other related sc reens are automatic ally up dated to ac c ommod ate the new feature. This c ap ab ility allows G3V2 users to avert software up g rad es when ad ding most new servic es.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Applications Page 2-6 Public Network Applications in the United States 2 nTones are p rovid ed loc ally on ISDN PRI c alls. For examp le, if the far-end is b usy, the c alling switc h p rovid es b usy tone to the c aller. Call-by-Call Service Selection Application The c all-b y-c all servic e selec tion (CBC) feature of ISDN PRI offered b y the AT&T network and sup p orted by DEFINITY systems allows more effic ient use of trunks than is p ossib le with robb ed b it trunks, whic h d o not sup p ort c all-b y-c all servic e selec tion. The p rimary reason for the ad d ed effic ienc y with c all-b y-c all servic e selec tion is the fac t that with rob b ed b it trunks, network servic es, inc lud ing MEGACOM, MEGACOM 800, ACCUNET Switc hed 56, and Software Defined Network (SDN) servic es, must b e p ut on d ed ic ated trunk g roup s (MEGACOM, MEGACOM 800, and SDN servic es c an b e p ut on the same trunk g roup with SASS, Shared Ac c ess for Switc hed Servic es). CBC, however, allows a trunk to c arry a c all of any servic e. Thus, without CBC, a servic e with low usag e still inc urs the same fac ility c osts (p ort hard ware and ac c ess c harg es) as a servic e with hig h usag e. Also, the trunks used for the low-usag e servic e have muc h unused c ap ac ity that c ould b e used for c alls of another servic e typ e. DEFINITY systems use ISDN PRI trunks with CBC to g ain this effic ienc y. You mig ht also want to p ut your on-network and off-network d ata c apab ilities on CBC trunk g roup s. For examp le, if you have an SDN network, you c an use the Software Defined Data Network (SDDN) servic e, whic h is a sub set of SDN, for all your on-network d ata and use ACCUNET Switc hed Dig ital Servic es for your off-network d ata ap p lic ations, and c omb ine the two on CBC trunk g roup s. In ad dition, G3V2 systems have three ad d ed c ap ab ilities that further enhanc e CBC. These c ap ab ilities are as follows: nUsag e alloc ation p lan (ad ministered in the trunk g roup form) nInc oming c all hand ling tab le (ad ministered in the trunk g roup form) nPer-servic e trunk measurements within a trunk g roup Usage Allocation Plan in G3V2 Systems CBC with the usag e alloc ation p lan imp lemented g ives the user the ab ility to d ynamic ally rec onfig ure the availab le b and wid th used for network servic es in a manner that is transp arent to the network. Without the usag e alloc ation p lan, c alls of eac h servic e type are treated eq ually, making it p ossib le or one typ e of servic e to d ominate a trunk g roup if many more c alls of that servic e typ e are mad e. This may not b e d esirab le, however. For examp le, if you have a telemarketing ap p lic ation making use of MEGACOM 800 servic e to take c ustomer ord ers, you d o not want your outgoing MEGACOM servic e used b y your emp loyees for long d istanc e c alls to b loc k inc oming MEGACOM 800 calls during hours in which customers can call. You also, however, may want to save money by using CBC in order to avoid the need to p urc hase another DS1 b oard and p ay extra ac c ess c harg es to p ut your MEGACOM 800 servic e on d ed ic ated trunks. The usag e alloc ation p lan solves this p rob lem b y allowing you to set minimum and maximum usag e of a CBC trunk g roup on a servic e-sp ec ific b asis.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Applications Page 2-7 Public Network Applications in the United States 2 The following list summarizes the c ap ab ilities of the usag e alloc ation p lan: nYou c an d efine up to three different usag e alloc ation p lans p er CBC trunk group. nEac h p lan allows you to c ontrol how muc h of a CBC trunk g roup you have d edic ated to a p artic ular servic e. This is analog ous to p utting servic es on d edic ated trunks and having them overflow to a c ommon p ool of CBC trunks. Without the usage alloc ation plan, a CBC trunk g roup is simp ly a p ool of CBC trunks to b e shared by any servic e on a first c ome first served b asis. nTransitions from one p lan to another c an b e sc hed uled to b e mad e up to six times a d ay, seven d ays a week. You c an also fix a sing le sc hed ule. nBec ause you have total c ontrol of your available b and wid th, you do not inc ur the re-arrang ement c osts The AT&T network c harg es for rec onfig uring your servic e/trunk g roup usag e. nNote that c alls not c ontaining a valid Network Sp ec ific Servic es (NSF) c annot make use of the usag e alloc ation p lan. Direc t inward d ial (DID) c alls, for example, do not have NSFs. Incoming Call Handling Table in G3V2 Systems In ad d ition to the usag e alloc ation p lan, G3V2 systems have another enhanc ement d esig ned to take ad vantag e of CBC c alled the inc oming c all hand ling table. Like the usag e alloc ation p lan, the inc oming c all hand ling tab le is ad ministered in the trunk g roup ad ministration form. The inc oming c all hand ling tab le allows you to treat ind ivid ual c alls in sp ec ial ways. For examp le, all inc oming MEGACOM 800 c alls to a c ertain extension after b usiness hours c an b e routed to a p artic ular destination b y ad d ing and /or deleting the delivered d ig its and /or spec ifying nig ht destination treatment. The inc oming c all hand ling tab le is well suited for use with the Dialed Numb er Id entific ation Servic e (DNIS) feature p rovid ed b y MEGACOM 800 servic e. With the DNIS feature, the network d elivers station dig its to the G3V2 systems allowing exac t id entific ation of the numb er c alled . Another feature of the inc oming c all hand ling tab le is CPN/BN req uest op tion. Depend ing on how this option is ad ministered you c an req uest either the c alling p arty number or the c alling p artys b illing numb er (formerly c a ll e d A N I ) t o b e d e l iv e re d f ro m t h e 4 ESS. Note that the inc oming c all hand ling tab le is not limited to CBC trunk g roups b ec ause ind ivid ual c alls all of the same servic e typ e c an rec eive spec ial treatment b ased only on the rec eived d ig its. Also note that the dig it mod ific ation p erformed b y the inc oming c all hand ling tab le oc c urs b efore any AAR or ARS d ig it analysis or mod ific ation.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Applications Page 2-8 Public Network Applications in the United States 2 Per Service Trunk Measurements A variety of measurements c an b e taken on c all-b y-c all trunk g roup s on a p er-servic e and p er-memb er b asis. For example, you c an measure the p erformanc e of a c all-b y-c all trunk g roup and c omp are that to your d esired p erformanc e. You c an then use the results of the c omparison to alter the usag e alloc ation p lan p arameters to ac hieve the d esired p erformanc e. ACCUNET Switched Digital Services and Switched 56 Service ACCUNET Switc hed Dig ital Servic es and ACCUNET Switc hed 56 servic e are measured d ig ital d ata c ommunic ations servic es that use the 4ESS to switc h c alls b etween endp oints sub sc rib ing to the servic e. The DEFINITY systems c onnec t d i re c t ly t o t h e 4 ESS vi a d i g it a l t r u n ks w i t h o u t b e i n g s w it c h e d t h ro u g h t h e L EC o ff i c e . Th is t y p e o f a c c e ss t o t h e 4 ESS is c a ll e d s p e c i a l a c c e s s. Th e d iff e re n c e b etween Switc hed 56 servic e and Switc hed Dig ital servic es is in the types of trunks req uired . ACCUNET Switc hed 56 servic e req uires rob b ed b it trunks while ACCUNET Switc hed Dig ital Servic es req uires DS1 ISDN PRI trunks. The p rimary ap plic ation of these servic es on the DEFINITY systems is to allow c ommunic ations between various d ata end p oints on the DEFINITY systems and d ata end p oints ac c essib le throug h the AT&T switc hed d ig ital network. The switched digital network is an end-to-end digital network accessed by dialing numb ers of the form 700-737-XXXX (to end p oints on ISDN ac c ess) or 7 0 0 - 5 6 X-XXXX ( t o e n d p o i n t s o n ro b b e d b i t a c c e s s ) o ve r t ru n k s c o n n e c t e d t o t h e 4ESS. With Switc hed 56 (S56) servic e, only 56 kb p s or voic e c alls are p ossib le b ec ause rob b ed b it trunks are used . Bec ause Switc hed Digital Servic es (SDS) uses ISDN PRI trunks, however, 64 kb p s c alls and multip les of 64 kb p s c alls are possible, meaning voice, mode 0, mode 1, mode 2, mode 3, and wideband calls are possible. At present, the only wideband rates supported by the 4ESS ® are 384 (6X64) kb p s, c alled the H0 rate, and 1536 (24X64) kb ps, the H11 rate. When you ord er SDS or S56, the AT&T servic e p rovid ers assig n a 700 number to the end p oints. Thus, you would typ ic ally d ial 700 plus the 7-d ig it numb er to ac c ess the end p oints in the U.S. The c all is then routed over d ig ital fac ilities in the AT&T network. End p oints c onnec ting to this network with ISDN trunks rec eive 64 kb p s or multip les of 64 kb p s fac ilities while end p oints c onnec ted with rob b ed b it trunks rec eive 56 kb p s fac ilities. Following are some ad d itional p oints to c onsider when using SDS and S56 with the DEFINITY systems: nThe c ost of SDS and S56 has b een d ec lining rec ently. It is p resently p ric ed very c lose to that of analog p rivate line servic es. nSDS and S56 are measured servic es whose p rimary app lic ations are for b atc h d ata or file transfers that req uire only a c ertain amount of usag e eac h month. If the usag e is very hig h eac h month, then a p rivate line d ata servic e mig ht b e more ec onomic al. If the usage is for file transfer d uring one time p eriod p er d ay, on the other hand , SDS or S56 mig ht b e more ec onomic al b ec ause the c ustomer is c harg ed only for the usag e. Private

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Applications Page 2-9 Public Network Applications in the United States 2 line servic e, on the other hand , is b illed on a flat rate. This typ e of ap plic ation is well suited for use with c all-b y-c all servic e selec tion in c onjunc tion with the usag e alloc ation p lan in G3V2 systems. For examp le, you c an resc hed ule your usage alloc ation plan to g ive hig her p riority to your batc h d ata transfers after b usiness hours. nYou c an network AUDIX systems using 64 kb p s mod e 3 c ommunic ations over ISDN PRI trunks. nOther imp ortant app lic ations are for hig h sp eed fac simile, vid eo, and inq uiry/resp onse. These typ es of ap plic ations need the hig h b and wid th b ut d o not c ontinuously use the same c ommunic ations link, and thus d o not req uire d ed ic ated lines. Vid eo telec onferenc ing via SDS or S56 is becoming a popular application. nCAD/CAM or g rap hic s terminals switc hed throug h the DEFINITY systems is another app lic ation for this servic e. nThe RS-449 p hysic al interfac e c an also b e used with SDS and S56, b ut ap plic ations for this re rare. AT&T also offers ACCUNET Switc hed Dig ital International (SDI) servic e, whic h is the international version of SDS. SDI offers 56 kb ps or 64 kb p s ISDN PRI servic e on a per-c all b asis b etween the U.S. and other c ountries. Note that if the 64 kb p s version is used, the data must be c oded as unrestricted in the information transfer c ap ab ility (ITC) c od ep oint of the Bearer Cap ab ility IE. SDS and SDI c alls use the same Network Sp ec ific Fac ilities values (accunet in the network fac ilities ad ministration form). MEGACOM Service MEGACOM servic e is a WATS-like long d istanc e servic e that uses sp ec ial a c c e ss t o t h e 4 ESS vi a e it h e r ro b b e d b i t t r u n ks o r D S1 I SD N PRI t r u n ks . A n a l o g trunks c an also b e used , b ut these c alls are c onverted to d ig ital b y a D4 c hannel b ank b efore reac hing the 4ESS. This servic e is used when users on a PBX have a hig h volume of outgoing long d istanc e c alls. Bec ause the b illing is d ifferent for WATS servic e and MEGACOM servic e, if the volume ap p roac hes 800 to 1000 hours of c alls p er month, MEGACOM servic e mig ht b e more ec onomic al than WATS servic e. An international version of MEGACOM, called International MEGACOM servic e is also available. This servic es allows d irec t d istanc e d ialing to other c ountries. If ISDN PRI trunks are used , b oth MEGACOM and International Meg ac om share the same NSF value. An imp ortant ap p lic ation of MEGACOM servic e over ISDN PRI trunks is that the 4ESS has the ab ility to keep trac k of the c alling p arty numb ers for b illing p urp oses b ec ause eac h c all has a c alling p arty numb er information element in its SETU P m e s sa g e id e n t i f yi n g t h e c a ll e r . Wit h o u t I SD N PRI t ru n k s, t h e 4 ESS c a n b il l only on a trunk g roup basis, forc ing the PBX to keep trac k of c all d etails.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Applications Page 2-10 Public Network Applications in the United States 2 MEGACOM 800 Service MEGACOM 800 servic e is similar to Ad vanc ed 800 servic e (800 WATS). Meg ac om 800 c ustomers have the same op tions availab le with Ad vanc ed 800 servic e, suc h as c ustomer c ontrollab le rerouting of inc oming c alls. The b ig g est d ifferenc e b etween the two servic es is that MEGACOM 800 uses trunks direc tly c onnec ted to the 4ESS throug h sp ec ial ac c ess. These c an b e robb ed b it trunks or DS1 ISDN PRI trunks. The p rimary reason to use MEGACOM 800 with ISDN PRI trunks is for d elivering the c alling partys billing number (BN, formerly called ANI) to telemarketing ap plic ations. A c all d etail feature, ord erable throug h the loc al sales offic e, is availab le with MEGACOM 800. With this feature, a c all summary c an b e ob tained on p ap er or a more d etailed version c an b e ob tained on mag netic tap e. Dialed Numb er Id entific ation System (DNIS) is availab le at no extra c ost with MEGACOM 800. This feature allows you to d ifferentiate one 800 c all from another on the same trunk g roup b y p rovid ing zero to seven d ig its, to the DEFINITY systems for eac h 800 c all. This is esp ec ially useful in telemarketing ap p lic ations. For examp le, all inc oming c alls to one typ e of numb er c an b e answered with one messag e and c alls to other numb ers c an b e answered with a d ifferent messag e. To use this feature, the DEFINITY systems should inc orp orate sp ec ial eq uip ment and /or software, suc h as d isp lay p hones, ACD, c all manag ement system, or c all d etail recording . DNIS is esp ec ially well suited for use with the inc oming c all hand ling tab le, ad ministered in the trunk g roup form. The inc oming c all hand ling tab le c an sc reen eac h c all b ased on the d ig its rec eived and d o any of the following : nAd d and /or d elete d ig its to route the c all to a sp ec ific destination, suc h as a hunt g roup or an AAR p attern. nRequest CPN/BN be delivered for selected calls. nProvid e sp ec ial nig ht treatment for selec ted c alls. An international version of MEGACOM 800 servic e, c alled International 800 service, is also availab le. Unlike the other services, the NSF values for MEGACOM 800 and International 800 are d ifferent. Thus, if you use b oth International 800 and MEGACOM 800 over ISDN PRI trunk g roup s, you must p ut them on c all-b y-c all trunk g roup s or on sep arate trunk g roup s. Software Defined Network and Software Defined Data Network Software Defined Network (SDN) servic e allows end p oints on the DEFINITY systems to c ommunic ate with end p oints on other PBXs as if the PBXs were c onnec ted in a p rivate network arrang ement suc h as Elec tronic Tand em

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Applications Page 2-11 Private Network Applications 2 Network. SDN c an b e ac c essed b y rob b ed b it trunks or DS1 ISDN PRI trunks d i re c t ly c o n n e c t e d t o t h e 4 ESS t h ro u g h sp e c ia l a c c e ss . SD N c a n a ls o b e ac c essed b y b eing switc hed throug h the LEC offic e to the 4ESS. This typ e of ac c ess, thoug h, is not p rac tic al for a PBX b ec ause eac h extension on the PBX is c harg ed for the ac c ess. Following are some relevant SDN issues: nSDN sup ports either a 7-d ig it or a 10-d ig it p rivate network dial p lan. nSDN d oes not tand em traveling c lass marks (TCMs) on c alls over rob b ed b it trunks b ut does tandem them on ISDN PRI trunks. nSDDN with ISDN provid es 56 kbp s, 64 kb ps, 384 kb p s, and 1.536 mb p s digital service end-to-end. You must tell the 4ESS in the order form which extensions are to rec eive the all-d ig ital servic e. The c alled p arty numb er is used by the network to route the call. nWhen temp orary sig naling c onnec tions (TSCs) are tariffed , G3V2 systems will b e ab le to form a DCS network b y p utting the DCS sig naling c hannel on an ISDN PRI D c hannel and using SDN for the network trunks. This will enab le those not having a DEFINITY p rivate network (a network b ased on AAR software in G2.2 and G3V2 or Main/Satellite software in G2.2) the ab ility to have a DCS network. nThe Lookahead Interflow feature, whic h also normally req uires AAR software, c an b e imp lemented using DS1 ISDN PRI trunks with SDN servic e. For d ata ap p lic ations, Software Defined Data Network is available. This servic e emp loys the same features as SDN, b ut uses all-d ig ital fac ilities and also p rovid es an auto restoration feature that automatic ally restores a c onnec tion that has b een b roken. The G3V2 systems imp lements this auto-restoration c ap ab ility in the administered connec tion form. If you administer a connec tion to SDDN over an ISDN PRI trunk with a servic e typ e of sdd n, you c an selec t the auto-restoration capability. An international version of SDN, c alled Global SDN is also availab le. Glob al SDN allows c ustomers to c reate virtual p rivate networks sp anning many c ountries, c urrently inc lud ing Australia, the U.K., Jap an, Franc e, and Canad a. It d oes this b y interworking SDN with the virtual p rivate networks offered in these other c ountries. Another international SDN servic e is SDN International (SDN-I). SDN-I is not a g lob al network like Glob al SDN, b ut is SDN with the ab ility to c all over 177 other c ountries via the SDN. Private Network Applications Any p rivate network ap p lic ations utilizing tie trunks c an b e imp lemented with d ig ital trunks. These inc lud e ap p lic ations suc h as Elec tronic Tand em Networks (ETN) and ETN with Distrib uted Communic ation System (DCS). Fac ilities sup p orting CEPT1 CAS trunks or CEPT1 ISDN PRI trunks are limited in most areas of the U.S. If CEPT1 fac ilities are not available, the only way to form a p rivate network with CEPT1-b ased trunks is b y d irec tly c onnec ting the systems or by using p rivate mic rowave systems that sup port the CEPT1 stand ard . Tie trunks requiring only 56 kbps can be implemented with robbed bit signaling or

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Applications Page 2-12 Private Network Applications 2 ISDN PRI signaling while those requiring 64 kbps must be implemented with CAS trunks, DS1 c ommon c hannel trunks, or ISDN PRI trunks. DCS sig naling links c an b e implemented with CAS trunks, with ISDN PRI trunks, and over ISDN PRI D c hannels. If a DCS sig naling link is imp lemented over an ISDN PRI D c hannel, p ublic network ISDN PRI trunks c an b e used to c arry that sig naling information to the far end system. For example, if several systems are networked together using SDN (AT&Ts virtual private network servic e) over DS1 ISDN PRI sp ec ial ac c ess trunks, DCS sig naling links c an be installed over the D c hannels for those trunks, thus p roviding DCS func tionality without the need to install p rivate lines, as in an ETN. Other ad vantages of using the D c hannel to c arry the DCS sig naling are as follows: nThis method saves p roc essor interfac e links on G3i systems. These links are p rec ious resourc es sinc e there are only a maximum of eig ht per system. nThe signaling c hannel on an ISDN DCS link c an hop from one link to any other link whereas the sig naling c hannel on a G3i X.25 DCS link c an hop only to a c hannel on one of the four links on the same PI b oard . nThe p rob lems enc ountered when trying to keep the DCS trunks numb ered the same at eac h end g o away. This is b ec ause DCS over the D c hannel keep s trac k of its assoc iated trunks with the c all referenc e value information element in an ISDN PRI messag e. nA trunk that would otherwise have to b e used for the DCS sig naling link c an now b e used as a voic e or d ata trunk. NOTE: The G3V2 systems sup p ort d ialing with trunk ac c ess c od es to ISDN PRI trunk g roup s, but G2.2 d oes not.

Equipment and Software Requirements Page 3-1 3 DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 3 3Equipment and Software Requirements This c hap ter p rovid es ordering information for eq uip ment and software req uired in typic al configurations using DS1 and CEPT1 fac ilities. It also provides c onnec tivity information and hard ware switc h setting s. The following tab les summarize the req uired equip ment and software. Note that when a suffix ap p ears, that is the earliest suffix and /or vintag e req uired . For examp le, TN464C means all TN464s with suffix C or later will work.