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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Ds1/Cept1/Isdn Pri Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Ds1/Cept1/Isdn Pri Reference Manual
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 About This Document Page xi nGeneral Information This inc lud es DS1 and CEPT1 c onc ep ts having relevanc e to field p ersonnel. For examp le, it is imp ortant for some field p ersonnel to und erstand the meaning of B8ZS line c od ing in ad d ition to knowing that this op tion exists on the DS1 c irc uit p ac k ad ministration form. nDesign Details This inc lud es d etails on how the field -relevant DS1 and CEPT1 items have b een d esig ned into the systems. For examp le, sinc e line c od ing has field imp ac t (it must b e ad ministered c orrec tly g iven the transmission fac ilities), it is imp ortant to know suc h thing s as the fac t that if ZCS is ad ministered , the b it stream on an outgoing ISDN PRI D c hannel is automatic ally inverted . Given these g oals, the d oc ument is org anized as follows: nChap ter 1, ‘‘Introd uc tion’’, introd uc es the sub jec ts c overed in the remaind er of the d oc ument. nChap ter 2, ‘‘Ap p lic ations’’, d esc rib es the various uses for d ig ital trunks in the DEFINITY systems. nChapter 3, ‘‘Equipment and Software Requirements’’, p rovid es ord ering information for the equip ment and software req uired to imp lement d ig ital trunks. It also d esc rib es nec essary c onnec tivity information and hard ware switc h setting s. nChap ter 4, ‘‘Physic al Layer’’, d escrib es how the p hysical layer stand ard s of DS1 and CEPT1 trunks have b een d esig ned into the DEFINITY systems. It also inc lud es g eneral information on these sub jec ts. It c overs these top ic s as they relate to narrowb and (64 kb p s c hannels) switc hing . nChap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’, d esc rib es how the layers 2 and 3 p rotoc ols for b it-oriented and ISDN PRI sig naling have b een d esigned into the DEFINITY systems. It c overs the sub jec ts found in the CCITT, AT&T, and other spec ific ations, that have relevanc e to p ersonnel imp lementing d ig ital trunks on these systems. It inc lud es g eneral information about these subjects and also describes how these subjects have been designed into the DEFINITY systems. It c overs these topic s as they relate to narrowb and (64 kbp s channels) switc hing . nChap ter 6, ‘‘System Ad ministration’’, is a g uid e to the p roc ed ures needed to ad minister various c ap ab ilities and features that use d igital trunks. It c overs these top ic s as they relate to narrowb and (64 kb p s c hannels) switching . nAp p end ix A, ‘‘G2 ISDN PRI Imp lementation in Ad ministration’’, is a summary of how ISDN PRI has been imp lemented in G2 ad ministration p roc ed ures on a p roc ed ure-b y-p roc ed ure b asis. nAp p end ix B, ‘‘Dig ital Trunk Ad ministration Summary for U.S. Ap p lic ations’’, summarizes some key ad ministration setting s for d igital trunks b ased on their ap p lic ations in the U.S.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 About This Document Page xii The following d oc uments should b e used in c onjunc tion with this d oc ument to c omp ose a c omp lete referenc e for d ig ital trunks on the DEFINITY systems: nAT&T DEFINITY Communic ations Systems Wid eb and Tec hnic al Refe ren c e , 555-230-230 nNetwork and Data Connec tivity Referenc e, 555-025-201 nAT&T DEFINITY Communic ations Systems Generic 1 and System 75 and System 75 XE Feature Desc rip tion , 555-200-201 nAT&T DEFINITY Communic ations Systems Generic 1.1 Imp lementation, 555-204-654 nAT&T DEFINITY Communic ations Systems Generic 2 and System 85 Feature Desc rip tions , 555-104-301 nAT&T DEFINITY Communic ations Systems Generic 2.1 Ad ministration Procedures , 555-104-506 nAT&T DEFINITY Communic ations Systems Generic 2.1 Ad ministration of Features and Hard ware , 555-104-507 nAT&T DEFINITY Communic ations Systems Generic 2.2 Ad ministration Procedures , 555-105-506 nAT&T DEFINITY Communic ations Systems Generic 2.2 Ad ministration of Features and Hard ware , 555-105-507 nAT&T DEFINITY Communic ations Systems Generic 1 and Generic 3 Feature Desc rip tions , 555-230-201 nAT&T DEFINITY Communic ations Systems Generic 3i\(enGlob al Feature Desc rip tions , 555-230-203 nAT&T DEFINITY Communic ations Systems Generic 3i Imp lementation, 555-230-650 nAT&T DEFINITY Communic ations Systems Generic 3r Imp lementation, 555-230-651 nAT&T DEFINITY Communic ations Systems Generic 3i\(enGlob al Imp lementation , 555-230-652 nDig ital Multip lexed Interface (DMI) Technical Sp ecific ation, selec t c ode 500-029 nAT&T Tec hnic al Pub lic ation TR62411 ACCUNET T1.5 Servic e Desc rip tion and Interface Specification nAT&T Tec hnic al Pub lic ation TR41458 Sp ec ial Ac c ess Connec tions to the AT&T Network for Nodal Service Applications nAT&T Tec hnic al Pub lic ation TR41449 AT&T ISDN Primary Rate Interfac e Sp ec ific ation nAT&T DEFINITY Line Sid e ISDN Primary Rate Interfac e AT&T Tec hnic al Refe ren c e . This sp ec ific ation is useful for wid eband switc hing ap plic ations.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 About This Document Page xiii nPrivate Branc h Exc hange (PBX) Switc hing Eq uipment for Voic eb and Ap p lic ation, EIA/TIA-464-A , February 1989. Published b y Elec tronic s Ind ustry Assoc iation, eng ineering d ep artment, 1722 Eye Street, N.W., Washing ton, D.C. 2006. nAUSTEL (the Australian Stand ard s Institute) TS 014.1/1990, PRI Connec tion Volume I: Interfac e Sp ec ific ation for Layers 1,2, and 3 nETSI (the Europ ean Telec om Stand ards Institute) ETS 300102-1, ISDN User-Network Interfac e Layer 3 Sp ec ific ation for Basic Call Control Ap p lic ations of CCITT Rec ommend ations Q.930/I.450 and Q.931/I.451 nNational ISDN Users Forum NIU.302 ISDN PRI for Circ uit Switc hed Calls nANSI T1.607, ISDN Circ uit-Switc hed Call Proc ed ures nDig ital Ac c ess Sig nalling Stand ard II/Dig ital Private Network Signalling Stand ard (DASSII/DPNSS)

Introduction Page 1-1 1 DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 1 1Introduction A d ig ital trunk on a DEFINITY system is a 64 kp b s c hannel, c alled a DS0 c hannel, that has b een ad ministered as a trunk in system ad ministration. This c hannel is time-multip lexed onto a sing le 1.544 mb p s (d ig ital sig nal level 1, or DS1) or 2.048 mb p s (Europ ean Conferenc e of Postal and Telec ommunic ations Rate 1, or CEPT1) b it stream c arried on a sing le set of four wires c onnec ted to a d ig ital interfac e c irc uit p ac k. Thus, a DS1 or CEPT1 interfac e c irc uit p ac k p rovid es 24 or 32 64 kbp s DS0 c hannels resp ec tively, whic h c an b e ad ministered as trunks. Conventional analog trunks would req uire 24 or 32 sets of wires and several c irc uit p ac ks for the same numb er of trunks. In most ap p lic ations of d ig ital trunks switc hing oc c urs at the DS0 level. For examp le, a c all from a telep hone on the switc h oc c up ies one rec urring 64 kb ps time slot on the TDM b us and is switc hed to a sing le DS0 c hannel on a DS1 or CEPT1 interfac e that has b een administered as a trunk. This is c alled narrowb and switc hing and is the foc us of this d oc ument. Beg inning with G3V2, a c all from an end p oint oc c up ying multip le 64 kb ps timeslots c an b e switc hed to multip le DS0s that have b een ad ministered as trunks and remain in the same seq uenc e as they were when orig inated . In other word s, multip le DS0s c an b e switc hed as a sing le entity. This is c alled wid eb and switc hing . Wid eb and switc hing allows d ata rates in multip les of 64 kbp s to b e switc hed as sing le entities. For tec hnic al information on wid eb and switc hing , refer to AT&T DEFINITY Wid eb and Tec hnic al Referenc e, issue 1, 555-230-230. At p resent, d ig ital trunks in the DEFINITY systems c onsist of the following : nTrunks c onnec ted to d ig ital interfac e c irc uit p ac ks c onforming to the digital signal level 1 (DS1) standard (1.544 mbps) nTrunks c onnec ted to d ig ital interfac e c irc uit p ac ks c onforming to the Conferenc e of European Postal and Telec ommunic ations Rate 1 (CEPT1) stand ard (2.048 mb p s)

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Introduction Page 1-2 1 The c ap ab ilities and features supp orted b y these trunks vary ac c ord ing to the sig naling sc hemes they emp loy, inc luding the following : nBit-oriented sig naling , inc lud ing : — Robbed bit signaling (DS1-only) — Bit-oriented c ommon c hannel sig naling nISDN PRI sig naling, whic h is messag e-oriented c ommon c hannel signaling Based on these d istinc tions, the following terms will b e used in this d oc ument when desc rib ing these different d ig ital trunks: These trunks have varying c ap abilities d ep end ing on the sig naling used . For examp le, if rob b ed b it sig naling is used on a DS1 interfac e, all 24 c hannels on the interfac e c an b e used as trunks to c arry voic e or d ata. Bec ause the sig naling is rob b ed from eac h c hannel, however, the maximum amount of information that c an b e c arried b y eac h c hannel is only 56 kb p s. If c ommon c hannel sig naling is used , however, only 23 c hannels c an b e used as trunks to c arry voic e or d ata, the 24th c hannel b eing exc lusively used for the sig naling information. Rob b ed -b it trunk A DS0 c hannel on a DS1 interfac e c irc uit p ac k administered for robbed bit signaling and added to a trunk g roup . DS1 Common Channel BOS TrunkA DS0 c hannel on a DS1 interfac e c irc uit p ac k ad ministered for c ommon c hannel or 24th c hannel sig naling and ad ded to a trunk g roup CAS Trunk A DS0 c hannel on a CEPT1 interfac e c irc uit pac k ad ministered for c hannel-assoc iated sig naling and added to a trunk group. DS1 ISDN PRI Trunk A DS0 c hannel on a DS1 interfac e c irc uit p ac k administered for ISDN PRI signaling and added to a trunk g roup . Unless it is nec essary to emp hasize the CEPT1 or DS1 fac ility, these trunks will b e referred to as ISDN PRI trunks. CEPT1 ISDN PRI Trunk A DS0 c hannel on a CEPT1 interfac e c irc uit pac k administered for ISDN PRI signaling and added to a trunk g roup .Unless it is nec essary to emp hasize the CEPT1 or DS1 fac ility, these trunks will b e referred to as ISDN PRI trunks.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Introduction Page 1-3 1 The signaling information in the 24th c hannel of a DS1 or the 16th c hannel in a CEPT1 c an also vary. The simp lest method is to p rovid e only the b asic A and B b it typ e of sig naling , whic h req uires only one or two b its of information (d ep end ing on the trunk typ e), and is thus limited in the amount of information that c an be transferred . This is c alled b it-oriented c ommon c hannel sig naling . In the DS1 stand ard , this typ e of signaling c an b e either DMI b it-oriented sig naling (DMI-BOS) or AT&T p rop rietary b it-oriented sig naling . In the CEPT1 stand ard , this typ e of sig naling is c alled c hannel-assoc iated sig naling (CAS). A more sop histic ated form of c ommon c hannel sig naling allows the sig naling c hannel to c arry larg e, sop histic ated messag es, whic h c an c onvey a lot of information, suc h as the c alling p artys numb er, and muc h more. This typ e of signaling is called message-oriented signaling, or DMI-MOS. The only messag e-oriented sig naling sup p orted on DS1 and CEPT1 trunks is ISDN PRI signaling. ISDN PRI signaling is message-oriented signaling based on the CCITT rec ommend ations Q.921 layer 2 and Q.931 layer 3 p rotoc ols on the sig naling (D) c hannel. The following tab le summarizes the signaling availab le on DS1 and CEPT1 interfac es: Interface Bit Rate Signaling DS1 1.544 mb p s Rob b ed b it Common c hannel DMI-BOS Common c hannel AT&T Prop rietary BOS ISDN PRI CEPT1 2.048 mb p s CAS b it-oriented ISDN PRI

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Introduction Page 1-4 1 The following tab le summarizes the DS1/CEPT1 supp ort on the different interfac e c irc uit p acks for the various DEFINITY systems: Imp lementing d ig ital trunks req uires first und erstanding the req uired ap p lic ations and then imp lementing the p artic ular typ es of dig ital trunks to suit the ap plic ations. From this p oint, imp lementing d ig ital trunks req uires the following step s: nOrd ering servic es or fac ilities, if ap p lic ab le, from the loc al or long d istanc e company nOrd ering and installing eq uipment, suc h as DS1 and CEPT1 interfac e c irc uit p ac ks and c hannel servic e units, and setting op tion switc hes on the eq uip ment nOrd ering sp ec ial software, suc h as ISDN PRI software if req uired . nAd ministering the system — this usually c onstitutes the b ulk of the imp lementation p roc ess The remaind er of this d oc ument exp ands on the ab ove subjec ts, p rovid ing b oth the b ac kg round information and the d etailed d esig n and imp lementation information.Interface System Interface Board DS1 G3iV2 TN722, TN767, TN464 (C or later). The TN722 only supports bit-oriented signaling. G2.2 ANN11 in a trad itional mod ule. Bit oriented sig naling only. No ISDN PRI. ANN35 in a trad itional mod ule. ISDN PRI sig naling only. TN722, TN767/TN555 in a universal mod ule. The TN722 only supp orts b it-oriented sig naling . G3rV2 TN722, TN767. Bit oriented sig naling only (c an b e used for NFAS B c hannels however). TN464 C or later. Bit oriented and ISDN PRI sig naling. This is the only c irc uit p ac k that c an b e used for an ISDN PRI D c hannel. CEPT1 G3iV2 G3rV2TN464 C or later. The TN464D or later is req uired for ap p lic ations in Belg ium, the Netherland s and Mexic o.

Applications Page 2-1 Narrowband vs. Wideband Switching 2 DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 2 2Applications This c hap ter d isc usses some of the ap p lic ations for d ig ital trunks on DEFINITY systems. Applications for digital trunks can be divided into applications requiring servic es from the p ub lic network of the d ifferent c ountries and p rivate network ap plic ations not requiring p ub lic network servic es. Within these two c ateg ories, some ap p lic ations req uire only trunks with b it-oriented sig naling while others req uire ISDN PRI sig naling . Narrowband vs. Wideband Switching G3V2 systems are the first AT&T p rivate switc hes to offer wid eband switc hing . Until G3V2 all ap p lic ations for trunks, d igital and analog , were for switc hing an inc oming 64 kb p s c hannel to an outg oing 64 kb p s c hannel. A c all from a voic e terminal, for examp le, is c arried on a sing le 64 kb p s timeslot on the switc hs TDM b us. An 8-bit sample is transmitted 8000 times p er sec ond , yield ing the 64 kb p s rate. This typ e of eq uip ment makes c alls g enerating 64 kb p s c hannels when d ig itized . This is c alled narrowb and switc hing and is the foc us of this d oc ument. Ap p lic ations suc h as vid eo transmission req uire more b and wid th than 64 kb p s, however. Thus, new eq uip ment c an g enerate c alls at g reater than 64 kb p s. To b e c omp atib le with the 64 kb ps timeslots used in the switc h, however, these c alls must b e mad e b y send ing them on multip le 64 kb ps c hannels that ad here to the DS1 or CEPT1 framing formats (24 or 32 8-b it timeslots). Thus, a c all from one of these d evic es must b e at a rate that is a multip le of 64 kb p s. For examp le, a c all of 128 kb ps c an b e mad e b y a d evic e that g enerates a DS1 or CEPT1 data stream b y p lac ing that c all on two c ontig uous (c onsec utive) c hannels. These two c hannels are then p lac ed onto the TDM b us in the switc h in the same order and within the same frame and switc hed to two outg oing c hannels in the same ord er and in the same frame. It is as if the 64 kb p s c hannels were the c ars of a train entering a switc hyard . The train, whic h rep resents the c all, enters the switc hyard , is switc hed to another trac k, and leaves the switc hyard with its c ars following one

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Applications Page 2-2 Mixed Mode Signaling in G3V2 2 b ehind the other in the same ord er as they c ame in. This is wid eb and switc hing . This same analogy applied to narrowband switching would have multiple eng ines, eac h rep resenting a c all on a sing le c hannel, entering the switc hyard from different trac ks and leaving the switc hyard on d ifferent trac ks. One mig ht ask why d oes a single c all have to b e c arried on sep arate c hannels — why not just p ut 100 kbp s, for examp le, on one b it stream and switc h it end -to-end ? The reason is that the TDM b us on the switc h c an work only with 64 kb p s timeslots. With wid eb and switc hing , it is up to the originating and terminating end p oints to g enerate the d ata in this format and to rec eive and d ec ip her it in this format. For d etailed tec hnic al information on DEFINITY wid eb and switc hing , see AT& T DEFINITY Wid eb and Tec hnic al Referenc e , issue 1, 555-230-230. Mixed Mode Signaling in G3V2 Ind ep endent of the ISDN PRI ap p lic ation, G3V2 systems c an sp lit the c hannels on a DS1 interfac e b etween trunks using ISDN PRI signaling and trunks using rob b ed b it sig naling . This allows you to d irec t some trunks on an interfac e to one d estination and the rest to different d estinations. If all trunks on an interfac e are ISDN PRI trunks, they must all terminate at the same destination. For more information on how to imp lement this c ap ability, see the sec tion ‘‘G3V2 Signaling Imp lementation’’ in Chapter 4, ‘‘Physical Layer’’. Global Public Network Applications The telec ommunic ations systems of other c ountries d iffer from that of the U.S. and from eac h other in the ap p lic ations availab le using d ig ital trunks. Most c ountries, for examp le, d o not have sep arate c arriers for long d istanc e and loc al servic e. Some c ountries offer more servic es than others. At p resent, G3V2 systems have the c ap ab ility to work with the pub lic networks in the following c ountries, thoug h G3V2 has not b een c ertified in these c ountries:

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Applications Page 2-3 Public Network Applications in the United States 2 Arg entina Australia Belg ium CIS (Russia) Czec hoslovakia Fra nc e Germany Greece Italy Jap an Mexico Netherland s Saud i Arab ia Sing ap ore Sp a i n United Kingdom United States For information on the c urrent state of the servic es ac c essib le via G3V2 in c ountries other than the United States, c onsult your AT&T sales c hannel. Public Network Applications in the United States In the U.S., the p ub lic network c onsists of two typ es of servic e p rovid ers, the loc al exc hang e c arriers (LECs) and the Interexc hange Carriers (IXCs). The LECs p rovid e servic e to loc ations within a loc al ac c ess and transp ort area (LATA), whic h is virtually equivalent to all loc ations within an area c od e (variations to this rule are b eginning to ap p ear). Comp anies suc h as the Reg ional Bell Op erating Comp anies (RBOCs) p rovid e loc al exc hang e servic e. The switc hing systems in LEC c entral offic es p rovid ing these servic es inc lud e the AT&T 5ESS ® and the Northern Telecom DMS® 100, among others. The IXCs p rovid e servic e b etween LATAs, whic h is c ommonly c alled long d istanc e servic e. Comp anies p rovid ing interexc hang e servic es inc lude AT&T, MCI, and U.S. Sp rint, among others. Switc hing systems suc h as the AT&T 4ESS TM and the Northern Telecom DMS® 250 p rovid e these servic es. Local Exchange Applications The servic es g enerally availab le from loc al exc hang e c ompanies in the U.S. are as follows: nDirec t outward d ial/attend ant c omp leting inward d ial This is often c alled c entral offic e (CO) servic e. If c onnec ted to an exc hange other than the loc al exc hang e, it is c alled a foreig n exc hang e (FX) service. nInc oming and outg oing wid e area telec ommunic ation servic e (In-WATS and Out-WATS)