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Lucent Technologies Ds1/Cept1/Isdn Pri Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Ds1/Cept1/Isdn Pri Reference Manual
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-67 Synchronization 4 Conclusions on Synchronization Make no assump tions reg ard ing sync hronization. Reverify items suc h as the availability of a synchronization source, the clock stratum, and compatibility of every T1/E1 sp an. The b est g uarantee is written c onfirmation that the loc al exc hange c arrier, AT&T Communic ations, or other vend or will either sync hronize to a System 75, System 85, Generic 1, Generic 2, or Generic 3 or p rovide an ap prop riate sync hronization referenc e. Develop a d iag ram showing the network sync hronization p lan. Make multip le c op ies of this d iagram and keep a c op y at eac h switc h site. This d iag ram is essential for installing , ad ministering , and tuning up a DS1/CEPT1 network. Suc h a d iagram c an also b e used b y maintenanc e p ersonnel to troub leshoot network p rob lems assoc iated with sync hronization. A p roperly d esig ned sync hronization plan will imp rove the q uality and reliab ility of a d ig ital p rivate network. If d esig ning a sync hronization p lan b ec omes too c omp lex or if many ap p lic ations have a c ruc ial d ep end enc y on the d ig ital facilities, then the AT&T Qualnet Synchronization Design Service should be c onsulted . Use of G2.2 as a System Clock Reference To p rovid e inc reased reliab ility, it is rec ommend ed that (for all c ases) the p rimary and sec ond ary system c loc k referenc es be p lac ed in d ifferent mod ules. Tip s on how b est to use a DS1 as a c loc k referenc e are p rovid ed next. Misc onc ep tion 4 The OIU-2 is not req uired in a D4-c hannel bank sinc e all DEFINITY mod els are D4 c omp atib le. Fac t 4 DEFINITY is (when op erating in D4 mod e) c omp atib le with D4-formatted DS1 or T1 fac ilities. However, a DS1 was not d esig ned to b e func tionally the eq uivalent of a c hannel unit. D4-c hannel b anks use line-p owered osc illators to p rovid e their c loc king . Given the normal drift in an AC line, the transmit frequenc y of a D4-c hannel b ank c an vary sig nific antly. The OIU ad ds a stratum-4 c loc k to the common equipment of a D4, allowing the transmit and rec eive sec tions to b e c ommonly sync hronized to: nThe incoming line (loop timed) nFree-running (stratum 4 ac c urac y) nWith external referenc es that c an b e ap p lied to b oth DS1 sp ans, you c an selec t either DS1 sp an as the referenc e.
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-68 Synchronization 4 ISDN-PRI Trunk Facilities I SD N -PRI t r u n k s m a y t e r m in a t e o n a 4 ESS t o l l o ff i c e , 5 ESS d i g it a l C O , Sy st e m 8 5 R2V4, DEFINITY c ommunic ations systems, or c omp atib le vend or’s switc h. Dep end ing on other c onsid erations, any of these terminating c onnec tions may b e selec ted as either a p rimary or sec ond ary sync hronization referenc e. ISDN-PRI c onfig urations may be estab lished with an ANN35, with a TN464C, or with a TN767 with or without a TN555, d ep end ing up on the D c hannel c onfig uration of the TN767. A b rief d esc rip tion of these board s and their g eneral use for ISDN-PRI is g iven next. The ANN11 is the DS1 b oard used with trad itional modules in Generic 2.2. The ANN35 is the ISDN-PRI b oard used with Generic 2.2 trad itional mod ules. The TN767 is the DS1/ISDN-PRI b oard used with Generic 3V2, and Generic 2.2 universal mod ules. The TN555 is the p ac ket ad junc t used with Generic 2.2 universal mod ules. If the TN767 has a D c hannel on it, it need s a TN555 loc ated in the adjac ent virtual slot. The TN464C is the universal DS1/CEPT1 b oard used in the Generic 3r and Generic 3i–Glob al for all DS1 and CEPT1 ap p lic ations, includ ing ISDN PRI. NOTE: The Generic 3iV2 c ommunic ates with the D c hannel via a TN765 (PI) interfac e c irc uit and does not use the TN555. Line-Only Mode DS1/DMI-BOS (ANN11 or TN767) When using a line-only mod e interfac e for sync hronization p urp oses, the following fac ts should b e known: nSinc e the D4-c hannel b ank (or eq uivalent) at the far end will b e timed to the sig nal rec eived from a DS1, no slips should oc c ur on a line-only mod e DS1 fac ility. Bec ause of this, slip c ounts from line-only mod e DS1s should not b e used to determine the health of a c loc k referenc e (that is, they would tend to make the referenc e ap p ear to b e in b etter c ond ition than it may b e). nLine-only mod e DS1s should not b e used as system c loc k referenc es unless it is known for certain that the incoming DS1 is locked to the public network referenc e freq uenc y. Normally, a DS1 fac ility terminating d irec tly on a far-end D4-c hannel b ank is not loc ked to the AT&T referenc e freq uenc y.
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-69 Synchronization 4 Line+Trunk Mode DS1/DMI-BOS (ANN35 or TN767 with TN555) Reg ard ing the use of a line+ trunk mod e DS1/DMI-BOS for sync hronization, the following p oint should be noted . Sinc e it would b e exp ec ted that a line+ trunk mod e DS1 would terminate at a c lass-5 or hig her CO or at another switc h, the line+ trunk interfac e should b e suitab le for use as a primary or sec ond ary c loc k referenc e (or to be the timing master for another switc h). The slip c ount p rovid ed b y the interfac e should also b e used in the p roc ess of c hoosing a healthy c loc k referenc e. However, when the interfac e terminates on a D4-c hannel b ank (or equivalent) that is not loc ked to the AT&T referenc e freq uenc y for its timing , then the interfac e should not b e used for sync hronization. Use of G3V2 as a System Clock Reference Tip s on how best to use DS1/CEPT1 as a c loc k referenc e are p rovid ed next. Trunk-Mode ISDN-PRI I SD N -PRI t r u n k s m a y t e r m in a t e o n a 4 ESS t o l l o ff i c e , 5 ESS d i g it a l C O , Sy st e m 8 5 R2V4, Generic 1, Generic 2.2, Generic 3V2, or c omp atible vend or’s switc h. Dep end ing on other c onsid erations, any of these terminating c onnec tions may b e selec ted as a sync hronization referenc e, either p rimary or sec ond ary. Trunk-Mode Interface (ISDN-PRI + Robbed Bit) Sinc e it is exp ec ted that a trunk mod e DS1 would terminate at a c lass-5 or hig her CO or at another switc h, the trunk interfac e should b e suitable for use as a p rimary or sec ond ary c loc k referenc e (or to b e the timing master for another switch). The slip c ount p rovid ed b y the interfac e should also b e used in the p roc ess of c hoosing a healthy c loc k referenc e. However, when the interfac e terminates on a D4-c hannel b ank (or equivalent) that is not loc ked to the AT&T referenc e freq uenc y for its timing , then the interfac e should not b e used for sync hronization. Line-Only Mode DS1/DMI-BOS When using a line-only mod e interfac e for sync hronization p urp oses, the following fac ts should b e known: nSinc e the far-end D4-c hannel b ank (or equivalent) is timed to the sig nal rec eived from a DS1/DMI, no slips should oc c ur on a line-only mod e DS1/DMI fac ility. Bec ause of this, slip c ounts from line-only mod e DS1/DMI should not b e used in the p roc ess of d etermining the health of a c loc k referenc e (that is, they would tend to make the referenc e ap p ear to b e in b etter c ond ition than it may b e).
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-70 Synchronization 4 nLine-only mod e DS1/DMI should not b e used as system c loc k referenc es unless it is known for c ertain that the inc oming DS1/DMI sig nal is loc ked to the AT&T referenc e freq uenc y. Normally, a DS1/DMI fac ility terminating d irec tly on the far-end D4-c hannel b ank is not loc ked to the AT&T referenc e freq uenc y. G2.2 Synchronization Implementation To imp lement sync hronization on a G2.2, you must d o the following : nWire the TN463 c orrec tly d ep end ing on whether the system is sing le module or multi module and depending on whether the DS1 board to be used as a sourc e is on a trad itional or universal mod ule as follows: — The g roup 334 c ab le is wired from the sync hronization sourc e DS1 b oard to the TN463 in a multimod ule system when the DS1 board is in a trad itional mod ule. — The g roup 361 c ab le is wired from the sync hronization sourc e DS1 b oard to the TN463 in a sing le mod ule system when the DS1 b oard is in a trad itional module. — The g roup 503 c ab le is wired from the universal bus interfac e to the TN463 in a multimod ule system when the DS1 board is in a universal mod ule. — If the sourc e is on a universal mod ule in a sing le mod ule system, a sync hronization c ab le is not required . nAd minister the b oard as a timing sourc e in p roc ed ure 260, word 1, field s 12 and 13, as follows: — Enter a 1 in field 12 if this b oard is to b e used as a timing sourc e (meaning it is d eriving timing from the far end sourc e c onnec ted to the b oard , suc h as a CO or toll switc h). — Enter a 1 in field 13 if this b oard is the p rimary sourc e or 2 if it is the sec ond ary sourc e. NOTE: Remote modules c annot serve as timing sourc es.
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-71 Synchronization 4 G3V2 Synchronization Implementation The following list summarizes some of the imp lementation issues involved with sync hronization: nIn a network of DEFINITY systems c onnec ted by DS1/CEPT1 fac ilities, one master timing sourc e exists. This timing sourc e, if on a G3V2 system, is one of the following : — A DS1/CEPT1 c irc uit p ac k c onnec ted to a T1/E1 fac ility (suc h as a 4ESS). If this is the c ase, this is the most d esirab le sourc e for master sync hronization. — If a T1/E1 fac ility is not availab le, the next b est master sourc e is a stratum 3 c loc k c onnec ted to a p ort network. — If neither of the ab ove two op tions is availab le, the master timing sourc e d efaults to the tone/c loc k b oard on one of the systems in the network. Sync hronization is imp lemented in the sync hronization p lan form, as follows: — All slave systems in the network must have at least a p rimary sourc e ad ministered from whic h it d erives timing . This is d one b y assig ning the loc ation of a DS1/CEPT1 c irc uit pac k to the p rimary referenc e in the form. This means that the system d erives timing from the system or fac ility c onnec ted to that c irc uit p ac k. If the c onnec tion fails, then that system will d erive timing from the free-running c loc k on the c irc uit p ac k, whic h is a stratum 4 or 4E clock. — If a system is to b e a master to the rest of the network, you must ad minister either a stratum 3 c loc k on that system or let a tone/c loc k b oard serve as the master sourc e. nTo ad minister a stratum 3 c loc k you must enter the stratum and the loc ation of the TN780 in the form. nTo ad minister a tone/c loc k as the master sourc e, you c an leave the form b lank. This will c ause the tone/c loc k in the p ort network that was last used as a timing sourc e to become the timing source. If no other port network has been used as a timing sourc e, the tone/c loc k in the PPN is the d efault. You c an also ad minister the tone/c loc k of any p ort network to b e the timing sourc e b y d oing the following: 1. disable sync 2.set sync [location of tone/clock] 3. enable sync 4.stat sync (to d isp lay the loc ation of the new sync hronization source)
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-72 Synchronization 4 Following are rec ommend ations for c hoosing a sync hronization sourc e in G3V2 systems: nIf you have a c hoic e, use a TN767 or TN464C b efore using a TN722 as a timing source. nIf at all possible, the p rimary and sec ond ary sourc es should be loc ated in the PPN. nYou c annot loc ate a timing sourc e in a remote p ort network in G3rV2.
Layers 2 and 3 Page 5-1 Bit Oriented Signaling Layers 2 and 3 5 DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 5 5Layers 2 and 3 This c hap ter d isc usses how various asp ec ts of layer 2 and layer 3 p rotoc ols have b een d esig ned into the DEFINITY systems. It d isc usses these sub jec ts as they relate to narrowb and (64 kb p s) switc hing . For tec hnic al information on wid eb and switc hing in DEFINITY systems, refer to AT&T DEFINITY Wid eband Tec hnic al Referenc e, issue 1, 555-230-230. In the c ases where a relationship exists, this c hap ter d isc usses how layer 2 and layer 3 sub jec ts relate to system ad ministration. For a c omp lete g uid e to ad ministering narrowb and DS1 and CEPT1 c ap ab ilities, however, you should refer to Chapter 6, ‘‘System Administration’’ . Chap ter 4, ‘‘Physic al Layer’’ , shows that at the p hysic al layer, DS1 and CEPT1 trunks use two b asic typ es of sig naling to c ontrol c alls — b it oriented sig naling and ISDN PRI sig naling (a typ e of messag e oriented sig naling ). The p hysic al layer d oes not c over how these sig naling sc hemes ac tually c ontrol c alls. Call c ontrol req uires hig her p rotoc ol layers. The International Stand ards Org anization (ISO) has d efined a mod el c alled the Op en Systems Interc onnec t (OSI), whic h d efines layers of p rotoc ols that c ommunic ate with eac h other. The lowest layer is the p hysic al layer and the hig hest layer is the ap plic ation layer. Basic c all c ontrol, whic h d efines how c alls are set up and torn d own, c onforms roug hly to three layers of p rotoc ol, the physic al layer (layer 1), the link layer (layer 2), and the network layer (layer 3). Bit Oriented Signaling Layers 2 and 3 The d isc ussion of b it-oriented sig naling in Chap ter 4, ‘‘Physic al Layer’’ described how the signaling b its are multip lexed into either a c ommon sig naling c hannel or rob b ed from the trunk c hannel. It d oes not d isc uss, however, the p rotoc ol that c ontrols c alls, whic h c an b e thoug ht of in the Op en Systems Interc onnec t (OSI)
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Layers 2 and 3 Page 5-2 Bit Oriented Signaling Layers 2 and 3 5 mod el as layers 2 and 3 p rotoc ols. ISDN PRI sig naling , for examp le, b y d efinition uses the layers 2 and 3 c onc ep ts to d efine its c all c ontrol sig naling . Althoug h muc h less c omp lic ated , b it-oriented sig naling has its analog ous c all c ontrol struc ture (althoug h the c onc ep t of the link layer (layer 2) is hard to fit into b it oriented sig naling sinc e the OSI mod el was d evelop ed for messag e-oriented sig naling ). For examp le, in ISDN PRI sig naling, the layer 3 p rotoc ol send s a SETUP messag e to seize a trunk and send d igits, thus initiating a c all. Similarly, b it-oriented sig naling relies on a p rotoc ol that seizes a trunk and send s d ig its to initiate a c all. To illustrate this p oint, the following list shows the seq uenc e of events used b y b it-oriented sig naling to initiate a c all on a wink-start tie trunk using dual tone multifrequency (DTMF) digit sending: 1. Both end s of the trunk are initially on hook, meaning the A and B b its b eing transmitted from both ends are 0. 2. The near end PBX g oes off hook. This results in the near end send ing 1s on the A b it and 1s on the B b it to the far end . 3. The far end returns a wink, whic h means send ing 1s on the A bit for a sp ec ific p eriod of time then switc hing b ac k to 0s on the A bit. The B b it is ig nored . 4. If the near end rec eives the c orrec t wink, it means the far end is read y to rec eive d ig its. The near end then outp ulses the dig its in the form of DTMF tones over the trunk c hannel. 5. After rec eiving the dig its, the far end answers by g oing off hook and returning 1s on the A b it. The B b it is ig nored . This seq uenc e d esc rib es only one asp ec t of a c all, the outg oing c all initiation, on one sp ec ific typ e of trunk, a wink start tie trunk with DTMF send ing . In g eneral, a call using bit oriented signaling requires the following sequences to be described by a protocol: nOutg oing call initiation seq uence nIncoming call initiation sequence nDisc onnec t seq uenc e To c over all b it-oriented p rotoc ols, these sequenc es must b e d esc rib ed for c alls on the following types of trunks: nTie trunks with various c omb inations of start-d ial seq uenc es (wink start, delay dial etc.) and DTMF or dial pulsing. nCO trunks with either loop start or g round start sig naling and DTMF or d ial p ulsing . nDID trunks, with either wink start or immed iate start sig naling and DTMF or dial pulsing. In all of these c ases, the c all c ontrol signaling p rotoc ol emulates the historic al analog c ase. For examp le, a wink on a d ig ital trunk is a stream of 1s on the A b it for a p eriod of time eq ual to the time a c ertain voltag e level is maintained d efined
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Layers 2 and 3 Page 5-3 Bit Oriented Signaling Layers 2 and 3 5 b y the wink on a 4-wire E&M analog trunk. When dig ital trunks first ap p eared , the d ec ision was mad e to d efine the sig naling suc h that it emulated all the existing analog c ases. Though d esc rib ing the d etailed p rotoc ols are beyond the sc op e of this document, you can order the following documents that describe these p rotoc ols: nPrivate Branc h Exc hange (PBX) Switc hing Eq uipment for Voic eb and Ap p lic ation, EIA/TIA-464-A , February 1989. Published b y Elec tronic s Ind ustry Assoc iation, Eng ineering Dep artment, 1722 Eye Street, N.W., Washing ton, D.C. 20006. nAT&T Tec hnic al Pub lic ation TR41458 Sp ec ial Ac c ess Connec tions to the AT&T Network for Nodal Service Applications . On all DEFINITY systems, the call control p rotocols for b it-oriented sig naling (as well as for ISDN PRI sig naling) are imp lemented p rimarily in a c omb ination of trunk g roup ad ministration and firmware on the DS1/CEPT1 interfac e b oard. The firmware on the b oard is c ap ab le of p erforming all the various typ es of winks, d elay d ials, DTMF, d ial p ulsing , etc . All it requires is a c ommand from the software telling it what kind of trunk it is. Thus, the b asic instruc tions for b it-oriented c all c ontrol sig naling c ome from trunk g roup ad ministration. G2.2 Implementation The G2.2 imp lements b it-oriented signaling c all c ontrol in p roc ed ure 100, word 1, field 6 and in p roc ed ure 100, word 3, field 2. Word 1, field 6 d efines the trunk typ e, whic h for the most p art are d ifferent flavors of the CO, Tie and DID stand ard typ es. For examp le, if you ad minister trunk typ e 41 on a trunk g roup , the DS1 b oard will sig nal ac c ord ing to the EIA tie trunk standard for that c hannel. Sinc e d efault sig naling typ e for a typ e 41 trunk is sig naling typ e 26, whic h is wink start, the b oard will use the standard d efinition of a wink to know when to b eg in outp ulsing d ig its. Word 3, field 2 allows you to c hang e the sig naling typ e from its d efault if you want. For examp le, if you want c alls on a trunk to be treated b y the feature software in the system as CO c alls b ut the trunk is ac tually a 4-wire E&M typ e of interfac e, you c an ad minister the trunk typ e as CO b ut c hang e the d efault sig naling to type 29, whic h is an E&M wink start sig naling . Not all sig naling typ es are valid with all trunk typ es, however. The G2.2 ad ministration manual lists the c omp atib le sig naling -to-trunk typ es in p roc ed ure 100, word 3. NOTE: The trunk typ e administered in word 1 imp lements more than just the b it-oriented sig naling c all c ontrol p rotoc ol. System features are also b ased up on this trunk type ad ministration. For examp le, to g ain ac c ess to ETN features, you must ad minister a tie trunk typ e.
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Layers 2 and 3 Page 5-4 ISDN PRI Layer 2 5 G3V2 Implementation Imp lementing the bit-oriented c all c ontrol p rotoc ol in the G3V2 systems is analog ous to that of G2.2. The p rotoc ol is imp lemented in the trunk g roup form. The g roup typ e is analog ous to the trunk typ e of G2.2. Thus, you c an enter types suc h as tie, CO, and DID. Like the G2.2, you c an ad minister many variations of the typ es listed in the EIA stand ard . For examp le, g roup typ e tand em is a variation of a tie trunk that allows ac c ess to sp ec ial system networking features. The trunk typ e in G3V2 systems is analog ous to the signaling typ e in G2.2. If you enter wink/wink , for examp le, the b oard is told to sig nal like a 4-wire E&M wink start trunk on c hannels b elonging to that trunk g roup . Unlike the G2.2, however, some of the b it-oriented p rotoc ols imp lemented c onform to a p artic ular c ountrys stand ard rather than the EIA stand ard . For examp le, if the c ountry p rotoc ol on the DS1/CEPT1 b oard is 4 (Italy), CO sig naling will c onform to Italian standard s. Whereas in the U.S., only the A and B b its are d efined for trunk sig naling , in other c ountries, the A, B, C, and D b its might all b e used . ISDN PRI Layer 2 Layer 2 in ISDN PRI uses the link ac c ess c ontrol proc edure for the D c hannel (LAPD), whic h is the link layer p rotoc ol used to transp ort the D c hannel end-to-end. The primary func tions of LAPD are as follows: nISDN PRI layer 3 messag e p ac kets are sent in LAPD layer 2 frames. nError c orrec tion and retransmission is p rovid ed b y LAPD. nLAPD p rovid es a method to multip lex sig naling on many log ic al c hannels on the single D channel. The DEFINITY systems imp lement layer 2 ac c ord ing to the CCITT Q.921 rec ommend ation. The layer 2 imp lementation is mostly transparent to anyb od y imp lementing or sup p orting ISDN PRI in the DEFINITY systems. Sig nific ant d ifferenc es exist in how the LAPD p rotoc ol is terminated among the systems, however. In G2.2 trad itional mod ules, the DS1 interfac e (the ANN35) terminates the LAPD p rotoc ol. This is why this b oard c an only b e used for ISDN PRI sig naling . In G2.2 universal mod ules, the mod ule p roc essor terminates the LAPD p rotoc ol. In G3iV2 the ISDN PRI LAPD protoc ol is terminated b y the p roc essor interfac e b oard . In G3rV2, however, the ISDN PRI LAPD p rotoc ol is terminated b y the p ac ket interfac e b oard , whic h also terminates all LAPD links in the system, inc lud ing internal system links to the p orts. In all c ases, an internal p rotoc ol is used to c ommunic ate b etween the b oard terminating the LAPD and the p roc essor, whic h terminates the level 3 p rotoc ol. Differenc es also exist b etween G2.2 and G3V2 in the p rotoc ol d etermining whic h end of an interfac e is user and whic h one is network (or slave and master in a p eer p rotoc ol) and also in the way layer 2 timers are ad ministered .