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Lucent Technologies Ds1/Cept1/Isdn Pri Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Ds1/Cept1/Isdn Pri Reference Manual
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-27 G3V2 Administration 6 Wideband Su p p o r tThis field ap pears only if wid eb and sup port is ad ministered in the system p arameters-c ustomer op tions form. For tec hnic al information on wid eb and switc hing in DEFINITY systems, refer to AT&T DEFINITY Wideb and Tec hnic al Referenc e, issue 1, 555-230-230. NCA-TSC Sig naling Group Values: A valid sig naling group in the rang e 1-8 or b lank. Blank is the default. Re f e r e n c e : Se c t io n ‘‘Temp orary Sig naling Connec tions’’ in Chapter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. This ad ministration is used for an outg oing NCA-TSC that has b een tand emed throug h the system. When an NCA-TSC is tand emed, the c alled p arty numb er d igits from the inc oming NCA-TSC are analyzed and an outg oing trunk group is c hosen. The NCA-TSC will b e sent on the D c hannel of the sig naling g roup ad ministered in this field of the c hosen trunk g roup . If this field is left b lank, the NCA-TSC will b e sent on the D c hannel of a sig naling g roup on the g roup memb er assig nments form. Se n d C PN Values: no (d efault) yes Re f e r e n c e : Se c t io n s ‘‘Calling Party Number IE’’, ‘‘Connec ted Numb er IE’’, and ‘‘Network Spec ific Fac ilities IE in U.S.’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. Assig n a y here if you want the c alling partys station number and/or c onnec ted p artys numb er sent to the far end . Se n d N a m e Values: no (d efault) yes Re f e r e n c e : Se c t io n ‘‘Display IE’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. Assig n a y here if you want the c alling party name and /or c onnec ted p arty name to b e sent to the far end .

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-28 G3V2 Administration 6 The following list d esc rib es the ad ministration setting s for the ISDN PRI-sp ec ific field s in the inc oming c all hand ling tab le p ortion of this ad ministration: The inc oming c all hand ling tab le, whic h ad ministers inc oming c all hand ling and d ig it manip ulation for ISDN PRI trunk g roup s, ap p ears for all servic e types und er the isd n-p ri trunk group . For a CBC servic e typ e, inc oming c all hand ling and d ig it manip ulation are hand led on a p er servic e b asis b y the tab le that ap p ears on p age 2 of the trunk g roup form when the g roup typ e is isdn-pri . For all other servic e typ es, the servic e typ e on the trunk g roup form and all the entries in the Service/Feature field of the table name must matc h. The other c olumns of the tab le work the same, as desc rib ed b elow, whether the servic e/feature is c bc or dedicated. Following is an examp le of this form: The tab le c onsists of up to 12 rows of seven field s p er row. The first three field s of a row, Service/Feature , Called Len, and Called Numb er, c onstitute a key id entifying inc oming c alls of a c ertain typ e. The last four field s are used to treat those typ es of c alls in uniq ue ways. For examp le, in the sc reen shown ab ove, c alls are treated in the following ways: DCS Sig nalingG3V2-only Values: b x.25 (d efault) d -c han If this trunk g roup is used to c arry DCS c alls, its sig naling c hannel uses either BX.25 sig naling (trad itional DCS) or sig naling c arried over the ISDN PRI D c hannel. If this field is not ad ministered c orrec tly, e.g ., it is ad ministered for D c hannel sig naling b ut is ad ministered for BX.25 sig naling in the DCS ad ministration, the c all will c omp lete b ut without transp arenc y of DCS features. Service/ Called Called Del Insert Per Call Night Feature Len Number CPN/BN Serv. accunet 4 5008 4 5199 accunet 4 5009 4 5199 accunet 4 501 4 5199 accunet 4 502 4 5199 mega800 4 5119 4 2243 1000 mega800 4 512 3 224 attd

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-29 G3V2 Administration 6 nInc oming ACCUNET Switc hed Dig ital Servic es c alls to extensions 5008, 5009, and 5010-5029 will all b e routed to extension 5199. This extension mig ht, for examp le, b e the extension of a hunt g roup c ontaining d ata mod ules as endp oints. nAll MEGACOM 800 servic e c alls to extension 5119 will b e routed to extension 2243, or extension 1000 d uring nig ht servic e hours. nAll MEGACOM 800 servic e c alls to extensions 5120-5129 will b e routed to 2240-2249 resp ec tively, or to the attend ant d uring nig ht servic e hours. Extensions 5120-5129 mig ht, for examp le, b e the d elivered DNIS numbers. Note that the Night Serv field , if other than b lank, overrid es the Night Service field on pag e 1 of the trunk g roup form, b ut c an b e overrid d en b y the Night field on p ag e 5 of the form (g roup memb er assig nments form). The following list further d esc rib es the setting s for this ad ministration form. For further information on imp lementing this form, see the sec tion ‘‘Call b y Call Se rv ic e Se l e c t io n in G 3 V2 Sy s t e m s ’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. Se rv ic e / Feature Values: access, accunet, cbc, dmi-mos, i800, inwats, lds, mega800, megacom, multiquest, operator, other, outwats-bnd, public network, sddn, sdn, sub-operator, other, tandem, tie, wats-max-bnd and any other servic es d efined in the network fac ilities. The d efault is b lank. If the servic e typ e of the trunk g roup is not cbc , every entry in this c olumn must b e the same as the servic e typ e on p ag e 1 of the trunk g roup form. If the servic e typ e on p ag e 1 of the trunk g roup form is cbc , the following servic e typ es are not valid in the inc oming c all hand ling table: access, dmi-mos, public-ntwrk, sddn, tandem, tie . Use the value other for treatment of all c alls using servic es not sp ec ified in the tab le. Called Len Values: A numb er b etween 1 and 16 or b lank. The d efault is blank. Enter the numb er of inc oming d ig its exp ec ted . In the samp le sc reen, the 4ESS is d elivering three and four-d ig it station numb ers. This field sp ec ifies the number of d ig its c ontained in the Called Party Number Information Element (IE). The numb er of dig its c ontained in the Called Party Numb er IE must exac tly matc h the numb er of d igits spec ified in this field .

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-30 G3V2 Administration 6 Called Numb erValues: A numb er from 1 to 16 d ig its in length. Default is blank. This field allows you to spec ify the leading d ig its on inc oming c alls that you want to matc h. The d ig its sp ec ified in this field must exac tly matc h the lead ing d ig its c ontained in the Called Party Numb er IE of an inc oming c all for this row of the Inc oming Call Hand ling Treatment tab le to b e c hosen for the c all. If this field has b een ad ministered , the c orresp onding Called Len field must also b e ad ministered . Ag ain, a b lank matc hes any leading digits. Del Values: A numb er b etween 1 and 16. all blank (default) Enter the numb er of lead ing d ig its you want d eleted from the c alled p arty numb er. This field c omb ined with the next field allows you to sp ec ially treat c alls that matc h. You c an elec t to route all c alls of a p artic ular typ e to a sing le d estination b y ad ministering the Del field to d elete inc oming d ig its and then ad ministering the Insert field to insert the d esired extension. Insert Values: A string of up to 16 c harac ters (0-9, *, or #) or b lank. Blank is the d efault. Enter the d ig its to b e inserted in this field . The inserted dig its are prepended to the digits remaining after digit deletion, if any. The c all is routed b ased on the new numb er.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-31 G3V2 Administration 6 Page 3 — Trunk Group Form — Usage Allocation Plan Page 3 of the trunk g roup form is the usag e alloc ation p lan for c all b y c all trunk g roup s. Following is an example of this showing the ISDN PRI-sp ec ific field s when the G3V2 is c onnec ted to a 4ESS vi a I SD N PRI : Pe r C a ll CPN/BN Values: b n-only bn-pref none c p n-only cpn-pref blank (default) This field should not be filled in unless you have p rovisioned the req uest op tion from the 4ESS. This op tion says that CPN/BN will b e d elivered only if the G3V2 req uests it. For MEGACOM 800 servic e and inc oming WATS c alls, only BN is availab le. If you want BN, enter bn-pref . For ACCUNET Switc hed Dig ital Servic es and SDN c alls inc oming from an end point with ISDN PRI ac c ess, b oth CPN and BN are availab le. If you want CPN only, enter cpn-only . If you want CPN b ut will ac c ep t BN, enter cpn-pref . If you want BN only, enter bn-only . If you want BN b ut will ac c ep t CPN, enter bn-pref . For ACCUNET Switc hed Dig ital Servic es and SDN c alls inc oming from an end point with other than ISDN PRI ac c ess, only BN is availab le. If you want BN, enter bn-pref . If you enter none or leave this field b lank, the G3V2 will not req uest the CPN/BN. If you req uest CPN or BN system waits up to 4 sec ond s for the far end to resp ond to the req uest b efore it c ontinues to p roc ess the c all. Nig ht Serv Values: a valid extension numb er attd blank (default) You c an enter an extension to whic h you want c alls routed after hours. This field allows you to sp ec ify d ifferent night servic e d estinations for d ifferent rows (typ es of c alls) in the tab le. You c an also enter attd for the attend ant. A non-blank entry overrid es the nig ht d estination field ad ministered for the g roup on the first p ag e of the form. This servic e/feature nig ht servic e can be overridden by the Night Service field in the group memb er assig nments p age of the trunk g roup form.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-32 G3V2 Administration 6 For more d etails on interp reting the usag e alloc ation p lan, see the sec tion ‘‘Call b y C a l l Se r vi c e Se le c t io n i n G 3 V2 Sys t e m s’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. This sample sc reen shows two d ifferent usag e alloc ation plans for c alls on a c all-b y-c all trunk g roup using three network servic es. Plan 1 g ives p riority to MEGACOM and MEGACOM 800 servic es. Plan 2 g ives p riority to ACCUNET Switched Dig ital Servic es. This example assumes two ISDN PRI interfaces compose this trunk group, with 46 trunk g roup memb ers (23 per interfac e and one D c hannel p er interfac e). The following list d esc rib es the ad ministration setting s for the ISDN PRI-sp ec ific field s in this administration form: Se rv ic e / Feature Values: accunet, i800, inwats, lds, mega800, megacom, operator, other, outwats-bnd, sdn, sub-operator, wats-max-bnd , and any other servic es defined in the network fac ilities form. The default is blank. Enter eac h servic e you want to use with the usag e alloc ation p lan, one per row, for eac h p lan. Use the value other for usag e alloc ation of all c alls using servic es not sp ec ified in the tab le. In the samp le sc reen, only two p lans are ad ministered . Min# Chan Values: For G3rV2, a numb er b etween 0 and 255 For G3iV2, a numb er b etween 0 and 99 blank (default) For eac h servic e entry, enter the minimum number of c hannels alloc ated for that servic e. The sum of all the minimums in a g iven p lan c annot ad d up to more than the total numb er of c hannels (memb ers) in the trunk group . In this example, 46 is the maximum. CBC Trunk Group Usage Allocation Usage Allocation Plan 1 Usage Allocation Plan 2 Usage Allocation Plan 3 Min# Max# Min# Max# Min# Max# Service/Feature Chan Chan Service/Feature Chan Chan Service/Feature Chan Chan accunet 4 8 accunet 24 42 megacom 12 30 megacom 2 8 mega800 12 30 mega800 2 8

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-33 G3V2 Administration 6 Notice that plan 2, which probably would be scheduled for after hours to do bulk d ata transfers with ACCUNET SDS servic e, g ives muc h hig her p riority to the ACCUNET c alls than d id p lan 1. Page 4 Trunk Group Screen—Usage Allocation Plan Assignment Schedule Following is an examp le of this sc reen showing the ISDN PRI-sp ec ific field s when t h e G 3 V2 is c o n n e c t e d t o t h e 4 ESS v ia I SD N PRI : In the example ab ove, a sc hed uled p lan is b eing used . Plan 1, as ad ministered on the p revious p ag e of the trunk g roup form, is in effec t from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Mond ay throug h Frid ay. Plan 2 is in effec t at all other times. Max# Chan Values: For G3rV2, a numb er from 1 to 255. For G3iV2, a numb er from 1 to 99. Enter the maximum numb er of c hannels alloc ated for that servic e. The sum of the maximums for a g iven plan c an ad d up to more than the numb er of c hannels (memb ers) in the trunk g roup b ut the maximum value for any entry is limited to the maximum number of trunk g roup memb ers. Also, for any row in the tab le (servic e) the maximum minus the minimum must b e less than or eq ual to the total numb er of memb ers in the group minus the sum of the minimums. In this examp le, for the MEGACOM and MEGACOM 800 rows in Plan 1, 30 minus 12 eq uals 46 minus 28 (the sum of all the minimums). CBC Trunk Group Usage Allocation Plan Assignment Schedule Usage Method: Fixed? n Allocation Plan Number: 1 Scheduled? y Usage Allocation Plan Activation Schedule: Act Plan Act Plan Act Plan Act Plan Act Plan Act Plan Time # Time # Time # Time # Time # Time # Sun 00:00 2 : : : : : Mon 07:00 1 19:00 2 : : : : Tue 07:00 1 19:00 2 : : : : Wed 07:00 1 19:00 2 : : : : Thu 07:00 1 19:00 2 : : : : Fri 07:00 1 19:00 2 : : : : Sat 00:00 2 : : : : :

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-34 G3V2 Administration 6 The following list d esc rib es the ad ministration setting s for the ISDN PRI-sp ec ific field s in this administration form: Fix ed , Sc hed uled Values: yes no (d efault) En t e r y in the Fixed field and n in the Scheduled field if you want a sing le p lan to be in effec t at all times. If you want d ifferent plans to b e in effec t d epend ing on the time-of-d ay and/or d ay-of-week, enter n in the Fixed field and y in the sc hed uled field . Alloc ation Plan Numb er Values: A numb er from 1 to 3 blank (default) If a fixed p lan is b eing used , enter the p lan numb er you want in effec t. This entry is ig nored if sc hed uled p lans are used . Ac t Time, Plan #1. Choose a day of the week where you wish to start sc hed uling p lans. 2. Choose a p lan you want to start on that d ay. 3. In that row, enter the time of d ay (00:00 - 23:59) you want the plan to start on that d ay. 4. Enter the p lan numb er you want in effec t starting at that time. 5. Dec id e when you want that p lan to stop and another to start. 6. If you want it to stop on the same d ay, g o to the next Act Time in that row and enter the time you want that p lan to stop and another to start. You c an have up to six starts and stop s on a sing le d ay. 7. Skip to the next day of the week and d o the same thing . You must have at least one entry for eac h d ay of the week. 8. If you want a p lan to c ontinue throug h another d ay, simp ly enter 00:00 and the same p lan numb er on the d ay you want the plan to c ontinue. In the examp le ab ove, the p lan starting at 7 P.M. on Frid ay (p lan 2) is c arried throug h Saturd ay and Sund ay b y entering 00:00 and 2. 9. Continue this routine until you have all times of the week filled with the d esired p lans.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-35 G3V2 Administration 6 Wideband Support Options Page (G3V2-only) This page appears if wideband support field is set to yes. This page is either p age 3 or 5 d ep end ing on whether the usag e alloc ation p lan is administered . For tec hnic al information on wid eb and switc hing in DEFINITY systems, refer to AT& T DEFINITY Wid eb and Tec hnic al Referenc e , issue 1, 555-230-230. Following are the setting s for this p ag e of the form: H0 The H0 field refers to the ISDN information transfer rate for 384 kbp s d ata, whic h is c omp osed of 6 B-c hannels. When a trunk g roup is ad ministered to supp ort H0, the trunk/hunt alg orithm to satisfy a c all req uiring 384 kb p s of b andwid th uses a fixed alloc ation sc heme. H11 The H11 field refers to the ISDN information transfer rate for 1536 kb p s d ata, whic h is c omp osed of 24 B-c hannels. When a trunk g roup is ad ministered to sup p ort H11, the trunk/hunt algorithm to satisfy a call requiring 1536 kbps of bandwidth uses a fixed alloc ation sc heme. H12 The H12 field refers to the ISDN information transfer rate for 1920 kb p s d ata, whic h is c omp rised of 30 B-c hannels. When a trunk g roup is ad ministered to sup p ort H12, the trunk/hunt algorithm to satisfy a call requiring 1920 kbps of bandwidth uses a fixed alloc ation sc heme. N X DS0 Setting this field to yes ind ic ates the user wants the N x DS0 multirate servic e. If this is the c ase, the Contiguous field will ap p ear to d etermine whether a floating or a flexible trunk alloc ation sc heme is to b e used. Contiguous This field only appears if N x DS0 is yes . It sp ec ifies whether to hunt c ontig uous N x DS0 c hannels. The trunk/hunt alg orithm to satisfy an N x DS0 c all is thus one of the following : — In the floating sc heme (Contiguous is set to yes ), an N x DS0 c all will be p lac ed on a c ontig uous g roup of B-c hannels large enoug h to satisfy the req uested band wid th without any c onstraint b eing put on the starting c hannel (i.e., no fixed starting p oint trunk). — In the flexib le sc heme (Contiguous is set to no ), an N x DS0 c all will be p lac ed on any set of B-c hannels on the same fac ility as long as the req uested b and wid th is satisfied . There are ab solutely no c onstraints suc h as c ontig uity of B-c hannels or fixed starting p oints.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-36 G3V2 Administration 6 Pages 5 - on — Trunk Group Form — Group Member Assignment Assig ning memb ers to trunk g roup s is the same for ISDN PRI trunks as for any other with the exc ep tion that in G3V2 systems, the sig naling group must b e entered for eac h memb er unless all memb ers of a DS1/CEPT1 b oard are in the same signaling group. For each member in the trunk group, enter the signaling g roup for that memb er in the Sig Grp field . This information c an b e found b y d isp laying the DS1 b oard ad ministration for the p ort. Network Facilities Form The p urp ose of the network fac ilities form is to d efine new servic es that are not alread y rec og nized by the system. AT&T c ustomer sup p ort p ersonnel are responsib le for ad ministering this form when nec essary. Customer log ins d o not have the p ermissions need ed to p erform this ad ministration. Disp laying the network fac ilities form will d isp lay all servic es c urrently rec og nized b y the system. Routing Patterns Form This sc reen is used to b uild the routing p atterns for c alls using AAR or ARS. The p atterns are selec ted using the HNPA, FNPA, RHNPA, and RNX tab les. This form also imp lements b earer c ap ability routing , c alled the Generalized Route Selec tion feature. Calls from d ata end p oints are routed to d ig ital trunk g roup s based on several parameters, including the bearer capability class and the information transfer c ap ab ility of the c all. The ISDN PRI field s in this form are the IXC , BCC Value , ITC , and Service/Feature . DS1/CEPT1-sp ec ific field s only inc lud e the BCC. The BCC value field s c an b e used to route c alls based on their d ata c harac teristic s, either as administered (non-ISDN end p oints) or from the ISDN b earer c ap ability and low-layer c omp atib ility IEs. The sub net trunking feature is also p resent in this sc reen in the No. Del Digits and Inserted Digits fields. The following list d esc rib es the DS1/CEPT1 and ISDN PRI-sp ec ific setting s for this ad ministration form.