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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Ds1/Cept1/Isdn Pri Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Ds1/Cept1/Isdn Pri Reference Manual
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-37 G3V2 Administration 6 IXCValues: A valid three d ig it interexc hang e c arrier c od e or b lank. Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n ‘‘Network Sp ec ific Fac ilities IE in U.S.’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. This field ap p lies only to ISDN PRI trunk g roup s. Enter the c od e of the long d istanc e c arrier you want to c arry c alls in this p attern. 288 is the interexc hange (long d istanc e) c arrier c ode for AT&T. NOTE: This field overrid es the d ialed IXC, if any. BCC Value Values: A BCC value from 0 to 4 as follows: BCC Value Desc rip tion 0 Voic e or voic e-g rad e d ata 1 Mod e 1 d ata 2 Mod e 2 d ata 3 Mod e 3 d ata 4 Mod e 0 d ata W Wideb and (G3V2-only) Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n s ‘‘Bearer Capability IE’’ and ‘‘Low Layer Compatib ility IE’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. This is where Generalized Route Selec tion (GRS) is imp lemented . If you want only c ertain typ es of c alls to b e routed to sp ec ific trunk g roup s, enter a y for those typ es of c alls in the d esired p referenc e. Enter n for those typ es of c alls you d o not want routed over that trunk group. For example, if you want only mod e 0 c alls (64 kb p s raw d ata) routed only on the trunk g roup in the sec ond p referenc e, you would enter a y in the sec ond p referenc e und er BCC value 4 and n for every other field in the BCC 4 c olumn. If another typ e of c all tries to g o out over that trunk g roup , it will skip to the next p referenc e.
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-38 G3V2 Administration 6 TSC G3V2-only Values: yes no Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n ‘‘Temp orary Sig naling Connec tions’’ in Chapter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. If this trunk g roup is to b e used for tand eming or estab lishing TSCs, enter yes . CA-TSC Req ue stG3V2-only Values: as-needed at-setup Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n ‘‘Temp orary Sig naling Connec tions’’ in Chapter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. This field ap pears only if the TSC field is yes . It sp ec ifies whether CA-TSCs on that trunk g roup will b e set up with the c all setup or up on req uest after the c all is set up . For p rivate network ISDN PRI trunk g roup s, enter at-setup . For pub lic network ISDN PRI trunk g roup s, enter as-needed .
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-39 G3V2 Administration 6 ITC G3V2-only Values: res unr both Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n s ‘‘Bearer Capability IE’’ and‘‘Low Layer Comp atib ility IE’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. This field ap pears only if one or more of the field s in BCC is y . The ITC of the orig inating end p oint, whic h c an b e an ISDN or DCP d ata mod ule, is c omp ared to the value in this field to d etermine if the c all c an use this p referenc e. Following are the rules for this: — If the ITC of the orig inating end p oint is restric ted and the ITC of the p referenc e is restric ted , the c all is allowed . — If the ITC of the orig inating end p oint is restric ted and the ITC of the p referenc e is unrestric ted , the c all is b loc ked with interc ep t. — If the ITC of the originating endp oint is unrestric ted and the ITC of the p referenc e is restric ted , the c all is b loc ked with interc ep t. — If the ITC of the originating endp oint is unrestric ted and the ITC of the p referenc e is unrestric ted , the c all is allowed . — If the ITC of the p referenc e is both , then the c all is allowed reg ardless of ITC of the end p oint. In this c ase, a d ec ision must b e mad e as to how the ITC in the BC IE and the LLC IE is c od ed . This is d one b y using the value in the BCIE field . If this field is set to ept , the ITC from the end p oint is used . If set to unr , the ITC sent will b e unrestric ted . — The ITC of the end p oint is ad ministered in the d ata mod ules ad ministration form for non-ISDN end p oints. For ISDN d ata mod ules, mod e 2 c alls are always restric ted . Mod es 0, 1, and 3 c an b e set to restric ted or unrestric ted with an op tion setting on the d ata mod ule. Wid eb and data is always unrestric ted. BCIE Values: ep t unr See the previous field for a d esc rip tion of this field .
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-40 G3V2 Administration 6 CPN Prefix Table Form Settings This form allows you to d ec id e whic h extensions will b e used to send c alling p arty and /or c onnec ted p arty numb er for ISDN PRI c alls. The following list d esc rib es the ad ministration setting s for the ISDN PRI-sp ec ific field s in this ad ministration form. For more information on imp lementing this form, see the sec tions ‘‘Calling Party Numb er IE’’ and ‘‘Connec ted Number IE’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. Se rv ic e / Feature Values: accunet, i800, inwats, lds, mega800, megacom, operator, other, outwats-bnd, sdn, sub-operator, wats-max-bnd , and any other servic es defined in the network fac ilities form. The default is blank. For ISDN PRI c all b y c all trunk g roup s only, enter the outg oing network servic e for eac h preferenc e. This information is used to p op ulate the Network Sp ec ific Fac ilities information element in the ISDN PRI messag e. Note that the b earer c ap ab ilities assig ned to the preferenc e must matc h the b earer c ap ab ilities of the servic es. For example, Meg ac om servic e c alls c an b e voic e or voic e-g rad e d ata. If a servic e d oes not matc h the b earer c ap ab ility for that p referenc e, the c all will not c omp lete. Band Values: A numb er from 0 to 255 If the servic e is outwats-bnd , this field ap p ears. The WATS b and for this c all must b e entered here to p op ulate the MSF value for the c all. Ex t L e n Values: Valid entries inc lude a b lank (to c lear the field ) and all values b etween 0 and 5, inc lusive. This field and the next c onstitute a key that d etermines whic h row of the tab le to ap p ly to a c all. Enter the numb er of extension d ig its in the d ial p lan. For examp le, if you are on a five d ig it dial plan, enter 5 . You c an also use this tab le if you have a mixed numb ering p lan. This value must c orresp ond to the extension leng ths allowed b y the d ial p lan if the Ext Code entry is not attd . If the Ext Code entry is attd , the Ext Len must be 0 .
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-41 G3V2 Administration 6 Terminating Extension Group Form Settings The only field on this sc reen ap p lic ab le to ISDN PRI is the ISDN Caller Display field. You must enter either grp-name or mbr-name to sp ec ify whether the TEG g roup name or memb er name is sent to the orig inating user when a memb er of a TEG answers. Ex t C o d e Values: Extension d igits up to 5 d ig its long . attd blank (default) This field allows g roups of extensions to b e ad ministered . If 12 is entered here, for examp le, and 5 was ad ministered in the first f i e ld , t h e n a l l e xt e n s io n s o f t h e f o r m 1 2 XXX w il l m a t c h t h is ro w. If 12 is ad ministered here and 123 is also ad ministered, then all n u m b e r s o f t h e f o r m 1 2 XXX e x c e p t f o r 1 2 3 XX w i ll m a t c h t h is row. For examp le, if you wanted all extensions of the form 12XXX exc ep t for 123XX to b e sent with the CPN p refix 30346 and the 123XX extensions to b e sent with the CPN p refix 30353, then you would ad minister b oth 12 and 123 in this field in two d ifferent rows. CPN Prefix For G3V2, enter any numb er of d igits, up to 15, to form a CPN of any leng th, up to 15 d ig its. In G3V2, the sum of the Ext Len field and the numb er of d ig its in the CPN Prefix field c an b e a numb er equal to or g reater than (b ut not less than) the numb er in the Total CPN Length field . Total CPN Leng thG3V2-only Values: A numb er from 0 to 15 or b lank. Blank is the d efault. Total CPN Leng th is the total numb er of d ig its to b e inc lud ed in the final CPN numb er. If the Total CPN Length is set to 0 , no d ig its will b e sent - reg ard less of the values entered in the Extension Code , Extension Length , and CPN Prefix field s. The Total CPN Length field may be blank if and only if the Extension Code and Extension Length fields are also b lank. If the sum of the Ext Len field and the CPN Prefix field is g reater than the total CPN leng th, the CPN p refix is p rep end ed to the least sig nific ant d ig its of the extensions to form the CPN.
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-42 G2.2 Administration 6 Hunt Group Form Settings The only field on this sc reen ap p lic ab le to ISDN PRI is the ISDN Caller Display field. You must enter either grp-name or mbr-name to sp ec ify whether the hunt g roup name or member name is sent to the far end when a memb er of a hunt group answers. G2.2 Administration The following sec tions desc rib e the p roc ed ures that must be ad ministered for various DS1 trunk c ap abilities in G2.2 systems. The sec tions oc c ur in a sug g ested ord er of ad ministration. NOTE: Dep end ing on whether the switc h p rovid es p rivate network ISDN servic e or p ub lic network ISDN servic es, and whether the switc h func tions as an end p oint or as a tand em nod e, will d etermine whether other features should b e ad ministered b efore ISDN-PRI. Primarily, these other features inc lud e tand em tie trunk ac c ess, trunk-to-trunk c alling , and misc ellaneous trunk restric tions. When ap p lic ab le, these features are ad ministered with p roc ed ures 275, word 1, 110, 111, 102, and 010, word 3. Administration Summary nProc ed ure 275 Word 4: ISDN Servic e — Enable/Disab le nProc ed ure 276 Word 1: Other Feature Groups nProc ed ure 250 Word 1: SC/DS1 — Carrier Desig nation nProc ed ure 260 Word 1: DS1/DMI/ISDN-PRI Physic al Interfac e nProc ed ure 262 Word 1: Ad d itional DMI-MOS/ISDN-PRI Fac ility Op tions nProc ed ure 262 Word 2: ISDN-PRI D-Channel Bac kup nProc ed ure 262 Word 3: ISDN-PRI Codeset Map Assig nments nProc ed ure 280 Word 1: ISDN-PRI Rec eive/Transmit Cod eset Map ping nProc ed ure 354 Word 3: NPA-NXX Dig its Assig nment nProc ed ure 000 Word 3: Line-Sid e BCCOS Desig nator nProc ed ure 000 Word 4: NPA-NXX Ind ex Designator nProc ed ure 210 Word 2: LDN, NPA, and NNX Attend ant Partition Assig nments nProc ed ure 014 Word 1: BCCOS Routing Op tions nProc ed ure 014 Word 2: BCCOS Data Op tions nProc ed ure 010 Word 4: Line Sid e (B-Channel) ISDN Routing Op tions
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-43 G2.2 Administration 6 nProc ed ure 100 Word 1: Trunk Group Typ e Sig naling and Dial Ac c ess (ID) Code nProc ed ure 100 Word 2: Trunk Group Data Translations nProc ed ure 100 Word 3: ISDN Trunk Group Sig naling Op tions nProc ed ure 101 Word 1: ISDN Trunk Group , CDR, and Dig ital Loss Plan nProc ed ure 101 Word 3: Prefix Dig its nProc ed ure 103 Word 1: Network Trunk Group Translations nProc ed ure 116 Word 1: DS1/DMI/ISDN-PRI Trunk Assignments nProc ed ure 012 Word 1: Name Database nProc ed ure 012 Word 2: Name Database nProc ed ure 012 Word 3: Name Database nProc ed ure 107 Word 1: ISDN Trunk Verific ation b y Terminal, Attend ant, and ATMS nProc ed ure 108 Word 1: ISDN Trunk Group TTL Numb er (Dig its) nProc ed ure 279 Word 1: Network Fac ilities Coding nProc ed ure 322 Word 1: WCR Outg oing ISDN Feature Parameters nProc ed ure 318 Word 1: ISDN Send ing Index and Dig it Send ing Ind ex nProc ed ure 318 Word 2: Assig ns a BCCOS to a Preferenc e Procedure 275 Word 4: ISDN Service — Enable/Disable Sc reen-b ased p roc ed ure 275 is used to translate the system COS assig nments as well as several other misc ellaneous servic es and features. Field 14 For Generic 2, field 14 must always be translated . Field enc od es and their descriptions are: – (Dash) req uired when ISDN is not p rovid ed . Current p olic y is to always ship ISDN-PRI software with the switc h. However, the ad ministration software still p rovid es the op tion to assig n this software as unprovid ed . 0 Must be translated when ISDN is provided but disabled. 1 Must b e translated to enab le ISDN servic e.
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-44 G2.2 Administration 6 Procedure 276 Word 1: Other Feature Groups Use this p roc ed ure to turn on op tional networking features suc h as AAR, DCS, SNC, Look-Ahead Interflow, and Integ rated Telemarketing Gateway (ITG) or to see whic h of these features are turned on. Procedure 250 Word 1: SC/DS1 — Carrier Designation This p roc ed ure is used to assign the eq uip ment c arriers to a mod ule and c ab inet. Ad d itionally, it is used to assig n the typ e of c arrier, the c arrier p ort elec tric al numb er, and whether the c arrier is eq uip p ed with a TN463 sync hronization c loc k (SC). DS1 c irc uit p ac ks may only b e installed within DS1 p ort c arriers. Eac h Generic 2 that is eq uip p ed with one or more DS1s will also c ontain either a TN463 SC or a TN2131C. For sing le-module systems, the SC is loc ated in the mod ule c ontrol c arrier along with the TN460 mod ule c loc k. For multimodule systems, the SC is loc ated in the TMS c arrier. Fields 1-3 Identifies a module numb er, c abinet numb er, and p hysic al c arrier p osition. The ap prop riate enc od es are determined b ased on whether the mod ule is trad itional or universal and the physic al eq uip ment loc ation, refer to Ta b l e 6 - 1 . Field 4 Translates a partic ular typ e of c arrier (suc h as DS1/MFAT, mod ule c ontrol, or TMS) to the eq uip ment loc ation id entified b y field s 1-3. For DS1/DMI/ISDN-PRI ap p lic ations, field enc od es and their d esc rip tions are: 2 Universal Mod ule Control 0 3 Universal Mod ule Control 1 4 TMS 0 Control 5 TM S 0 G ro w t h 6 Trad itional Mod ule Control 0 7 Trad itional Mod ule Control 1 8 TMS 1 Control 9 TM S 1 G ro w t h 10 Universal p ort 11 DS1 p ort c arrier
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-45 G2.2 Administration 6 Dep end ing on whether the p urp ose for translating this proc ed ure is to assig n the SC or to assig n a DS1 p ort c arrier will d etermine whic h enc ode to selec t. Fields 5-10 DS1/DMI/ISDN-PRI d oes not p lac e any ad d itional req uirements on translating these field s. Field 11 Field encodes and their descriptions are: NOTE: The network sync hronization d iag ram should b e availab le, and is req uired , to d etermine how to p rop erly sync hronized the switc h. Fields 12-15 Not ap p lic ab le for DS1/DMI/ISDN-PRI ap p lic ations. Therefore, a d ash (–) is ap prop riate. Procedure 260 Word 1: DS1/DMI/ISDN-PRI Physical Interface Proc ed ure 260 is req uired to ad minister eac h DS1. For trad itional mod ules, the ANN11 c irc uit p ac k p rovid es DS1/DMI-BOS servic es while the ANN35 p rovid es DMI-MOS/ISDN-PRI servic es. For universal mod ules, the TN767 c irc uit p ac k p rovid es DS1/DMI servic es while the TN767/TN555 p air p rovides ISDN-PRI services. Fields 1-4 Assig ns the c irc uit p ac k to an eq uip ment loc ation. Ta b l e 6 - 1 depicts the p ermitted rang es for these enc od es.0 Translated for external sync hronization, when the c arrier (whic h is id entified b y field s 1-10) is not eq uip p ed with an SC. 1 When the c arrier (mod ule c ontrol or TMS) is eq uipp ed with an SC
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-46 G2.2 Administration 6 Notes: 1. The c irc uit p ac k app lic ation typ e (Field 14) will to a larg e d eg ree d etermine whic h slots may be used . 2. When a DS1/MFAT c arrier is c onfig ured with two DS1s, p hysic al slots 3, 8, 16, and 21 are availab le for other ap p lic ations. If only one DS1 is c onfig ured , then six ad d itional slots are availab le for other ap p lic ations. 3. When the slot is used for ISDN-PRI trunk app lic ations the ad jac ent rig ht slot must b e c onfig ured with the TN555 c irc uit p ac k, exc ep t in nonfac ility assoc iated sig naling (NFAS) arrang ements that have no D-c hannel on this DS1 link. 4. When used for a mixture of lines and trunks (two slots are req uired ) the ad jac ent rig ht slot must remain vac ant. 5. When used for OPS line ap p lic ations, there is no req uirement to leave a vac ant slot to the rig ht. Ac tually, all 19 slots (1 throug h 19 c onsec utively) may b e used to p rovid e OPS. However, it is still rec ommend ed that the slot to the rig ht remain vac ant to ac c ommod ate future c hang es. Field 6 Used for assig ning the framing format. The c hoic es are D4 and ESF. The c hoic e of framing format is totally d ep end ent on the eq uip ment c onnec ted to the interfac e (suc h as D4-c hannel b ank, CDM, BCM32000, host c omp uter, and other switc hes). Normally the format is not d epend ent on fac ilities used , b ut there could be some older digital radio equipment that only supports D4. The ESF format c onsists of a b etter framing alg orithm and therefore p rovid es more reliab le error d etec tion than D4. Table 6-1. Equipment Parameters and Permitted Translation Encodes Equipment ParameterTraditional ModuleUniversal Module Module Number 0-30 0-30 Cab inet Numb er 0-7 0 DS1 Carrier ID 0-3 c -e Slot Numb ers (Note 1) ISDN-PRI Trunks 5 and 18 (Note 2) 1-19 (Note 3) Line+ Trunk Mode 5 and 18 (Note 2) 1-19 (Note 4) OPS Line-Only Mode 0,5,13, and 18 1-19 (Note 5)