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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Multilingual 201 Feature Operation nTo playback the greeting, press . nTo ap p rove the greeting , p ress . You are returned to the Personal Greeting Ad ministration Menu. 23 #
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Multilingual 202 Interactions with Other Features Interactions with Other Features This section id entifies the interactions of the Multiling ual feature with switch features and other DEFINITY AUDIX features. Interactions with Switch Features The Multiling ual feature works with the Call Answer (DEFINITY AUDIX) feature. See the Interac tions with Other Features sec tion of the Call Answer c hap ter to und...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Multilingual 203 Interactions with Other Features alternate lang uag e. If the c aller enters , the system p lays the sec ond ary system g reeting or, if rec ord ed , the sec ond ary personal g reeting . The caller’s choic e directs system behavior for the call in the following two ways: nDetermining which g reeting is p layed nDetermining whic h announc ement set to use for any system prompts If the c...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Multilingual 204 Interactions with Other Features nMultiple Personal Greeting s: The Multip le Personal Greeting s feature is not availab le to sub sc rib ers that elec t to g ive c allers a c hoic e of lang uag es (Call Answer Lang uag e Choic e set to “ y” (yes)). Sub sc rib ers c an rec ord p rimary and /or sec ond ary Dual Lang uag e Greeting s rather than Multip le Personal Greeting s. nOutc alling:...
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Multiple Personal Greetings 205 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens When the DEFINITY AUDIX System answers c alls for sub- scrib ers via the Call Answer feature, sub scrib ers c an instruct the system to g reet their c allers with a p ersonal messag e, as an answering mac hine d oes. Subsc ribers c an rec ord up to nine d ifferent personal g reeting s and have the system play a sing le...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Multiple Personal Greetings 206 Applications Applications The Multip le Personal Greeting s (MPG) feature allows users to c reate and store up to nine p ersonal g reeting s and use eac h as need ed. For examp le, John End all is a c ustomer sup p ort tec hnic ian who is p rep aring to g o on vac ation. He c urrently has his p ersonal greeting s set for internal/external and out-of-hours calls, as follows:...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Multiple Personal Greetings 207 Requirements Requirements The MPG feature has no req uirements other than those of the DEFINITY AUDIX system itself. The system is delivered with the MPG feature ac tivated . However, the system ad ministrator c an d eac tivate this feature using the System-Parameters Features sc reen. Feature Operation The MPG feature may be ac tivated or d eac tivated for the entire system at...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Multiple Personal Greetings 208 Feature Operation Figure 24. Personal Greeting Administration Menu Using One Personal Greeting for All Call Types The DEFINITY AUDIX system comes pre-administered to make it easy for new users to have one p ersonal g reeting ac tive for all c alls. Users who d o not p refer to have the system d isting uish b etween c all typ es c an rec ord and ac tivate one p ersonal g reeting ,...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Multiple Personal Greetings 209 Feature Operation Figure 25. Recording and Activating a Greeting for All Call Types To rec ord and ac tivate a g reeting for all c all typ es, d o the following : 1. Log into the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 2. Press to Ac c ess the Personal Greeting Administration Menu. 3. Press to rec ord a g reeting . 4. Id entify the p ersonal g reeting that you are ab out to rec ord by p...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Multiple Personal Greetings 210 Feature Operation Using Different Personal Greetings for Different Call Types The MPG feature is a very p owerful tool that allows sub sc rib ers to instruc t the system to p lay sp ec ific greeting s to d ifferent typ es of c allers. To do this, you must first d efine the d ifferent typ es of c alls you want the system to d isting uish b etween. You must then rec ord the d...