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Land Rover Defender Workshop 1993 Rover Manual

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    of 492
    ELECTRONIC  DISTRIBUTOR  every 40,000  km 
    (24,000  miles) 
    The air conditioning  system operates  in conjunction 
    with the  vehicle  heater to provide  dried cooled 
    WARNING: The  electronic  ignition System  recirculated or fresh air to the  vehicle  interior 
    involves  very 
    high voltages.  Inexperienced  The system  consists of the following  units which 
    personnel  and wearers 
    of medical  pacemaker  should be examined  at the  same  mileage  intervals 
    devices  should not be allowed  near any part 
    of as the  heater system: 
    the  high  tension  circuit. 
    1. Remove  the distributor  cap and  rotor  arm and 
    wipe  inside  with a nap
    -free  cloth. Do not 
    disturb  the clear  plastic  insulating  cover which 
    protects the magnetic  pick-up module. 
    2. Apply three drops of clean  engine  oil to the 
    rotor  spindle 
    A. Engine  mounted  compressor. 
    B.  Condenser  in front 
    of the  radiator. 
    C. A receiver/drier  in front of and  to  the right of 
    the condenser. 
    D. Evaporator/heater  unit in engine  compartment 
    3. Fit the  rotor  arm and distributor  cap and 
    ensure  that the 
    cap is property  located and 
    secured  with the 
    two clips. 
    1. Compressor:  Check the pipe  connections  tor 
    leakage  and the hoses  tor swelling  Check 
    that  the drive  belt is correctly  tensioned 
    2.  Condenser:  Using an air line.  or a water 
    hose,  dean the exterior  of the  condenser 
    matrix.  Check the pipe  Connections  for signs 
    of  leakage. 
    20 REVISED OCT 1993  
    3. Receiver/drier: Check the pipe  connections CHECK  BRAKE  FLUID RESERVOIR 
    for signs of leakage.  Examine  the sight  glass 
    while  the system  is operating  and 
    if bubbles 
    are  present 
    it indicates  that the system  is 
    with air or water  and will require 
    purging.  reservoir. 
    1. Check the fluid  level  in the  fluid  reservoir by 
    observing  the level  in relation to the MIN’ or 
    MAX marks  on the  side of the translucent 
    2. If the level is below  the MAX mark clean  the 
    outside  of the  filler  cap and  top
    -up with  new. 
    clean  fluid from  a sealed  container. 
    Use only 
    fluid  recommended  in 
    SECTION 09. Refit the 
    4. Evaporator:  Examine the pipe  connections  for 
    WARNING: The  air conditioning  system is filled 
    high pressure  with a potentially  toxic material. 
    If  any  repair or servicing  work 
    is necessary 
    following  the above  inspections, 
    it must only be 
    carried out by a qualified  air  conditioning  on the  side of the reservoir. 
    engineer  who  must wear protective  goggles  and 
    follow  the WARNINGS  and CAUTIONS  given 
    SECTION 82. 
    1. Clean and remove  the reservoir  cap and 
    observe  the fluid  level  in relation  to the  marks 
    2. Top-up if necessary  with new,  clean  fluid from 
    a sealed  container  and of a recommended 
    specification  - 
    see SECTION 09. Refit the 
    21 RE-ISSUED: FEB 1993 21 
    remove the  filler cap when the 
    engine  is hot  because  the  cooling system 
    pressurised  and personal scalding  could result. 1. Clean and remove  the reservoir  cap. 
    2. Check that the fluid IS up to the  lower  mark on 
    the  dip 
    stick. Top-up if necessary  and refit 
    cap. 1. When  removing  the  filler cap, first turn it a 
    little way very  gently  and  gauge  any pressure 
    that  may  be behind 
    it. Allow  all  pressure to 
    escape  slowly before  fully releasing  the cap. 
    2. With a cold  engine,  the coolant  level should 
    be  just  to the  top of the  level  indicator  post 
    situated  in the  expansion  tank below  the filler 
    Check  Specific  Gravity 
    The  specific  gravity  of the  electrolyte  should  be 
    checked  using a battery  hydrometer.  The readings 
    should  be as follows: 
    Temperate  climate  below 26.5°C  (80°F) as 
    commissioned  for service,  fully charged  1.270 to 
    1.290 specific  gravity. 
    CHECK COOLING  SYSTEM COOLANT As expected  during  normal  sewice,  three-quarter 
    charged  1.230 to  1.250 specific gravity. 
    Refer  to the  COOLING  SYSTEM section for details  If the  specific  gravity  should  read  between  1.190  to 
    of  anti-freeze  and to SECTION  09 for  anti
    -freeze  1.210, half-charged,  the battery  must be bench 
    protection quantities.  charged  and the electrical  equipment  in the  car 
    With  a cold  engine,  the  expansion  tank should  be  should be checked. 
    approximately  half full.  Tropical  climate above 26.5°C  (80°F) as 
    commissioned  for service, 
    fully charged  1.210 to 
    WARNING:  Do not  remove  the filler cap  when the  1.230 specific  gravity. 
    engine  is hot  because  the cooling  system is As expected  during  normal sewice,  three
    pressurised  and personal scalding  could result.  charge  1.170 to 1.190  specific gravity. 
    If  the  specific  gravity  should  read  between  1.130  to 
    1.  To  remove  the  filler  cap, first  turn  it 1.150,  half
    -charged,  the battery  must be bench 
    charged  and  the  electrical  equipment  on the  car 
    should  be checked. 
    a quarter  of a turn  and  allow  all 
    pressure  to  escape,  before  turning  further in 
    me  same  direction  to lift  it off.  When  replacing 
    the  filler  cap it is  important  that it is tightened 
    down  fully, not just  to the  first  stop.  Failure  to 
    tighten  the filler  cap properly  may  result  in 
    water  loss, with  possible  damage to the 
    engine through overheating. 
    22 REVISED: OCT 1993  
    Check and Top-Up  Electrolyte  Level RENEW BRAKE SERVO FILTER 
    1. Wipe all dirt  and  moisture  from the battery 1. Remove  the nuts  securing  the master  cylinder 
    top.  to the  servo. 
    2. Remove  the filler  cover, If necessary  add 2. Release the clip  retaining  the brake  pipe to 
    sufficient  distilled water 
    to raise the level to 
    the top of separators.  the 
    clutch  pipe. 3. Separate  the master  cylinder  from the servo. 
    4 Disconnect  the vacuum  hose from the servo. 
    at the  rear of the pedal box. 
    pedal  box. 
    withdraw  the clevis  pin and  washer 
    the filler  plugs  or manifold  lid. 
    3. Avoid the use of a naked  light when 5. Disconnect  the Lucars  from the stop  lamp 
    4. In hot  climates it will be necessary  to top  up 6. Remove  the blanking  grommets  from the 
    5. In very  cold weather it is essential  that the 7. Remove  the split  pin from the clevis  and 
    the cells. 
    the  battery  at more  frequent  intervals. 
    vehicle  is used  immediately  after topping  up, 
    to ensure that the distilled  water is thoroughly 
    with the  electrolyte.  Neglect of this 
    precaution  may result  in the  distilled  water 
    freezing  and causing  damage 
    to the battery. 
    Battery  terminals 
    6. Remove  battery terminals,  clean, grease  and 
    7. Replace  terminal screw: do not  overtighten. 
    Do not use  the screw for pulling  down the 
    8. Do  NOT  disconnect  the battery  cables while 
    the  engine 
    IS running or damage  to alternator 
    semiconductor  devices may occur.  It 
    is also 
    inadvisable  to break 
    or make  any connection 
    in  the  alternator  charging and control  circuits 
    while  the engine 
    is running. 
    9. It is essential to observe  the polarity of 
    connections to the battery,  alternator  and 
    regulator,  as any  incorrect  connections  made 
    when  reconnecting  cables may cause 
    irreparable  damage 
    to the semiconductor 
    CAUTION: If a new battery is  fitted  to the  vehicle, 
    it  should 
    bo the same type as  fitted  to the 
    vehicle  when new. Alternative  batteries may vary 
    in  sire  and terminal  positions  and this could 
    be a 
    possible  fire hazard if the terminals or leads 
    come  into contact  with the battery  clamp 
    assembly.  When fitting  a new  battery  ensure that 
    the  terminals  and leads  are clear 
    of the  battery 
    clamp  assembly. 
    8. Remove  the four  nuts  securing  the servo  to 
    the  pedal  box and  remove  the servo 
    RE-ISSUED: FEB 1993 23  
    9. Pull back  the dust  cover. 
    10. Release  the end-cap. 
    11. Cut  the filters  to remove  them from the shaft. 
    Do  not  attempt to check  belt tension 
    or  make  adjustments  with the engine  running. 
    injury could  result. 
    Each  drive belt should  be tight  enough 
    to dnve 
    without  undue strain on the  bearing.  Using moderate 
    finger  pressure  at the  point  indicated 
    in the 
    illustration,  belts should  deflect 
    0.5 mm per 25 mm. 
    Deflection  beyond this limit  may cause 
    a loud 
    whining  or knocking  noise and intermittent  drive. 
    1. Loosen the jockey  wheel securing  bolt and 
    12. Clean  the filter  seating  and fit the  new  filters  adjust the wheel  position  until the correct 
    noting  that they  must  be cut to fit over  the  tension is obtained. 
    shaft  2. Tighten  the securing  bolt and  recheck  the 
    Fit  the  end
    -cap  and dust  cover  and refit the  deflection. 
    servo  and master  cylinder  to the  vehicle 
    reversing  the removal  procedure.  Use a new 
    split  pin to secure  the clevis. 
    14  Test the brakes 
    1. After renewing  the throttle  cable. remove  any 
    slack  in the  cable  by adjustment  of the  cable 
    adjuster  at me  engine  end. 
    2.  Depress  the throttle  pedal, by hand,  to the  full 
    extent  of the  throttle  linkage,  and adjust  the 
    pedal  stop screw  to take  up all clearance 
    between  the screw  and scuttle  panel.  Make 
    sure  that no strain  is placed  upon the throttle 
    24 REVISED: OCT 1993 
    Before adjustment  of the  steering  pump belt is carried 
    out, the alternator  drive belt must  be loosened to 
    facilitate  accurate  adjustment. 
    1. Loosen the Jockey  wheel securing  bolt and 
    adjust  the wheel  position  until the correct 
    1. Loosen  the steering  pump pivot nut and 
    tension  is obtained.  Tighten the securing  bolt  adjustment bolt. 
    2. Ensure the pump IS free  to rotate on the 
    DO NOT lever  pump,  loosen  fixings 
    further  if necessary. 
    3. Carefully  lever against  the pump  bracket to 
    tension  the belt.  Where  access  is restricted,  a 
    with one  end cranked  5° to 10° may be 
    fed  down  between  the water  pump and 
    distributor.  Place the lever  against  the steering 
    pump  bracket,  carefully  levering from the 
    water  pump/front  cover 
    recheck  the deflection 
    An additional  pulley, bolted to the  front  of the 
    steering  pump pulley  is used  as a guide  for the 
    alternator  drive belt. Before  adjustment 
    of the 
    steering  pump 
    belt is carried  out, the alternator  belt 
    be loosened  to facilitate  accurate  adjustment. 
    Before  adjusting  the alternator  drive belt ensure  the 
    steering  pump belt is correctly  adjusted. 
    CAUTION: Do not lever against  the steering 
    pump casing. Damage to the casing  may result 
    in oil leaks. 
    4. Check  the belt tension  at the  mid-point of the 
    longest  span, the belt should  deflect 0.5 mm 
    per 25 mm of belt run between  pulley centres 
    Tighten  the steering  pump adjustment  bolt and 
    pivot  nut. 
    5. Recheck  the belt tension. 
    6. Carry out alternator  belt tensioning 
    1. Alternator  drive belt 
    2. Steering  pump drive belt 
    3. Steering  pump and guide  pulley 
    4 Alternator  drive belt tensioner 
    REVISED:  OCT 1993 25 
    Before adjusting  the alternator  drive belt, ensure  that 
    the  steering  pump drive belt is correctly  tensioned. 
    A positive drive tensioner  is fitted  to provide  greater 
    accuracy  when setting  the alternator  belt. The 
    tensioner  eliminates  the need  to lever  the alternator 
    when  adjusting  the belt  tension.  The 
    maintenance  reminder is designed 
    activate  at 52,500 and 105,000 miles respectively 
    and  will illuminate  a red  Service  Engine warning 
    light  in the  instrument  panel. 
    The  control  unit 
    IS located  behind the instrument 
    1. Loosen  the alternator  pivot bolt and the bolt  The control  unit colour  is brown,  mounted on a securing  the alternator  to the  tensioner.  brown plug, EMISSION  MAINTENANCE 
    2. Loosen the two tensioner  nuts and the bolt  REMINDER  is embossed  in white  on the  side of the 
    securing  the tensloner  to the  water  pump  unit. A tamperproof  label is attached  to the  top of the 
    bracket.  unit. 
    3. Rotate the tensionerlead  screw either 
    -clockwise  to slacken or clockwise  to The emission  maintenance  reminder must be reset 
    tighten  the drive  belt until  the correct  tension  after the required  maintenance  has been  carried  out 
    is  obtained.  and a new  tamperproof  label fitted 
    by a Land  Rover 
    of North  America  dealer. This Emission  maintenance 
    reminder  is part  of the  Emission  Control System, 
    refer  to section 
    The  unit can be reset  as follows: 
    1. Remove  the fixings  and lower  the lower  dash 
    2. Identify  the control  unit and  remove it from  the 
    plug. 3. Remove  the tamperproof  label to reveal  the 
    access  hole for resetting. 
    NOTE:  Where possible  the belt tension should be 
    checked  using a recognised  tensioning gauge. 
    correct tension  using a Clavis gauge is 152 
    to 158 Hz. 
    Tighten the alternator  pivot bolt. the two  bolts 
    securing  the tensioner  and the two  tensioner 
    nuts  Recheck  the belt  tension. 
    5. If a  new  drive  belt has been  fitted.  run the 
    engine  at fast  idle  for 3 to  5 minutes,  stop 
    engine  and recheck  belt tension. 
    26 REVISED: OCT 1993  
    4. Using a small thin metallic  probe, place the 
    probe  into the access  hole and momentarily 
    electrically  short between  the reset  pins within 
    the  unit. 
    5. Refit  the control  unit to the plug,  switch  on the 
    ignition,  the 
    ’SERVICE  ENGINE’ warning light 
    in  the  instrument  panel 
    will initially light up as 
    part  of the  unit’s  inbuilt  check feature, 
    if the 
    unit  has been 
    reset correctly  the warning  light 
    will go out after  a few  seconds.  Should the 
    warning  light remain  illuminated,  repeat the 
    resetting  procedure. 
    6. Fit a new  tamperproof  label. 
    7. Endorse the Passport to service. 
    REISSUED: FEB 1993 27  
    The V8 engine has cast  aluminium  cylinder heads and cylinder  block. The two banks of steel cylinder  liners 
    which  are pressed  down 
    to stops in the block,  are set at 90° to one  another.  The three  ringed  aluminium 
    pistons  transmit  the  power  through the connecting  rods 
    to a cast iron five bearing  crankshaft,  which drives the 
    centrally  located camshaft  via an inverted  tooth chain. 
    The  electronic  ignition distributor  and lubrication  oil pump  are driven  by a skew  gear 
    off the front of the 
    camshaft.  The overhead  inlet and exhaust  valves are operated  by rocker  shafts,  pushrods  and self adjusting 
    hydraulic  tappets. 
    Multipoint  fuel injection  ensures that engine  performance,  economy and exhaust  emissions  are automatically 
    for the  demands of highway  and off road operation. 
    1. Cylinder block  19. 
    Crankshaft  sprocket key 
    2.  Pistons  and gudgeon  pins (8)  20. 
    4.  Core  plugs  22. 
    Crankshaft  rear oil seal 
    5.  Camshaft  23. 
    6.  Dipstick  24. 
    Adaptor  plate 
    7.  Camshaft  key  25. 
    Rear  main  bearing  cap, shell  and side  seals 
    8.  Timing  chain  26. 
    Connecting  rod caps 
    9.  Camshaft  sprocket  27. 
    Main  bearing  caps and shell  bearings 
    Connecting  rods (8)  21. 
    Centre  main bearing  shells (2) 
    10.  Distance  piece  28. 
    Oil pump  cover 
    11.  Distributor/oil 
    pump drive gear  29. 
    Oil pressure  refief valve 
    12.  Distributor  30. 
    Oil cooler/filter  adaptor 
    13.  Oil 
    pump  gears  31. 
    Oil filter 
    14. . .  Front  Cover 32.  Oil pump  suction  pipe/strainer 
    15.  Front  cover  oil seal  33. Sump 
    16.  Water  pump 
    17.  Crankshaft  damper/pulley 
    18.  Crankshaft  sprocket  
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