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Land Rover Defender Workshop 1993 Rover Manual

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    of 492
    10. Degrease  and examine  the hub  and brake 14. Fit the new  inner  and outer  bearing cups to 
    disc and if necessary  replace both or  the hub, using a suitable drift or commercial 
    whichever  part 
    is unserviceable.  The disc IS bearing  race driving  tool. 
    attached  to the  hub  with  five bolts.  Mark 
    15. Fit the new  inner  bearing  cone and pack with 
    of the  hub  to the  disc if the  one of the recommended  hub greases. 
    original  parts 
    are to be  re-assembled. 
    11. Examine  the stub  axle and in particular  check 
    that  the inner  seal track 
    is smooth  and free 
    from  blemishes. 
    If necessary  remove the six retaining bolts 
    and remove  the stub  axle complete  with the 
    mudshield  and joint  washer. Fitting  new oil seal-inner 
    Assemble  16. Clean  the hub oil seal  housing  and ensure 
    that  the seal  locating  surface is smooth  and 
    13. Using a new joint washer fit the stub  axle and  the chamfer on the leading  edge is also 
    mud  shield. 
    Coat the threads  of the retaining  smooth and free  from  burrs. 
    bolts  with 
    Loctite 270 and tighten  evenly to  17. Examine the new  seal and ensure  that it is 
    me  correct  torque (see section  06
    -Torque  clean and undamaged  and that the garter 
    values).  spring 
    is properly located. Even a small 
    on the seal  lip could  impair  its 
    18. Although  the new  seal is already  pre-greased 
    the manufacturer,  apply one of the 
    recommended  hub bearing  greases 
    to the 
    outside  diameter 
    of the seal  before  fitting. 
    taking  care not 
    to damage  the lip 
    the seal,  lip side  leading.  squarely on 
    the hub  and  using  the 76 mm  end of seal 
    tool LST550-5  and  drift 550 or 
    18G134.  drive the seal  into position.  flush 
    the end  face of the hub. 
    26. Fit the hub  inner  nut  and  using  wrench 
    606435 tighten  the  adjusting  nut while slowly 
    revolving  the hub  until  all  end-float IS 
    removed. then back-off  the  nut approximately 
    half  a  turn and retighten  the  nut 
    to 13-15 in Ib 
    which will  automatically  allow for  Compression 
    of  the  rubber  on the  new  seal  track spacer 
    giving  the required  hub end
    -float of 0.013 to 
    0.10 mm (0.0005 to 0.004 in). 
    27. If the  rubber  on the  seal  track  spacer  has 
    previously  been  compressed the hub 
    -float  can be checked by mounting  a dial 
    indicator  and bracket  on the  hub 
    so that  the 
    trace  pin  rests  in a  preloaded  condition on the 
    nut.  Rotate  the hub  to settle  the  bearings  and 
    check  the  end
    -float by pushing  and pulling  the 
    hub.  End
    -float must  fall within  the limits  given 
    in  the  previous instruction. 
    28. Fit  a new  lock  washer  and  locknut. 
    Restraining  the inner  adjustment  nut,  tighten 
    the  outer  lock  nut 
    to 70 to 80 ft Ib (95 to 108 
    29. If  original components  have been  refitted 
    rotate  the hub  several  times to settle  the 
    bearings  then  recheck  the  end
    -float, refer to 
    previous  note and instruction 
    outer oil seal 
    20. Fit the  new  outer  bearing cone and pack with 
    one  of the  recommended  hub greases.  Carry 
    out  instructions 
    16 to 18. 
    Place  the  seal,  lip side leading,  squarely  on 
    the  hub  and  using  the 
    72 mm  end  of seal 
    replacer  tool LST550
    -5 and  drift 550 or 
    18G134, drive  the  seal  into position to the 
    depth  determined  by the 
    22. Coat  the lips of both  seals  with one of the 
    recommended  greases. This is important 
    since  a dry  seal  can 
    be destroyed during the 
    first few revolutions of the hub. 
    Fitting  hub to stub axle 
    23. Select a new  seal track  spacer  and check that 
    the outer  diameter is smooth and free from 
    and that there are no burrs  on me 
    chamfered  leading edge. 
    Taking care  not to  damage the  seal lips fit 
    hub  assembly to the  stub  axle. Do not  allow 
    the  weight 
    of the hub to rest  even temporarily 
    on  the  outer  seal 
    otherwise damage  and 
    distortion could  occur. Therefore hold  the hub 
    of the  stub  axle until the seal track 
    spacer  is 
    25. Carefully fit the  seal  track  spacer, seal  lip 
    30. Bend  one  segment  of the  lock  washer  over 
    the  adjusting  nut  and  another,  diametrically 
    opposite,  over the locknut  taking  care not to 
    damage  the outer  seal. 
    have  been fitted  with new components shaft  and  evenly  tighten the  retaining  bolts  of throughout. If original components  are being the correct  torque  (see section  06-Torque 
    . refitted  instruction 27 must be followed  using the 
    adjustment  nut to achieve  the required  end
    Instruction  26  is applicable to  hubs  that 31. 
    Using  a 
    new joint washer, fit  the  hub  driving  
    32. Fit the  brake  caliper  and secure  with the 
    retaining  bolts and tighten  to the  correct 
    (see section  06-Torque  values).  Secure 
    the  brake  pipes to the  axle  casing. 
    33.  Fit the  road  wheels,  jack-up the vehicle, 
    remove  the axle  stands,  lower the vehicle  to 
    the  ground  and tighten  the road  wheel  nuts 
    evenly  to the  correct  torque.  
    KEY   TO REAR HUB COMPONENTS                  
    1. Rear  axle shaft 11. Inner  bearing  cup 
    2. Joint washer 12. Inner  bearing  cone 
    3. Locknut 13. Inner oil seal 
    4. Lock washer 14. Mudshield 
    5. Adjusting  nut 15. Stub axle 
    6. Seal track  spacer 16. Stub axle joint  washer 
    7. Outer oil seal 17. Brake  disc 
    8. Outer bearing  cone 
    9. Outer bearing  cup 
    10. Hub  
    OVERHAUL FRONT HUB ASSEMBLY 13. Remove  the key  washer. 
    Service  tools: complete with  bearings. 
    18G134/LRT-99-003  Bearing and oil seal  replacer  16. Mark,  for reassembly,  the  relationship 
    18G1349/LRT-54-501  Hub oil seal replacer  between  the 
    hub and brake  disc, 
    if original 
    RO530106/LRT-99-503  Dial gauge  bracket  hub  is 
    to be 
    17. Remove  the five  bolts  and  separate  the hub 
    DISMANTLE from  the brake disc. 
    14. Withdraw  the hub  and brake  disc assembly 
    15.  Remove the  outer bearing. 
    1. Slacken  road wheel  nuts. 
    2. Jack up the  vehicle  and lower  onto  axle  stand. 
    3. Remove the road wheel. 
    4. Slacken  the  lock  nuts  securing  the  jump  hose 
    to  the  retaining bracket. 
    5. Remove  the two bolts  securing  the brake 
    caliper,  see section 
    70 - brake  disc renewal - 
    and  whilst  withdrawing  the  caliper  from  the 
    brake  disc release  the  jump  hose  from  the 
    bracket. Tie  the  caliper  securely 
    to one  side. 
    NOTE: The  road  wheel  retaining  studs  must not 
    be renewed.  Should any studs be unserviceable a 
    new  hub complete  with studs  must be obtained. 
    1. Dust  cap. 
    2. Drive  shaft circlip. 
    3.  Drive  shaft  shim 
    4.  Drive member. 
    NOTE: Since  the  bracket  on later  vehicles is not 
    -ended,  the  caliper  must be removed 5. Drive member  joint washer. 
    completely,  which  involves  disconnecting  the 
    6. Drive member  retaining bolt  (five off). 
    jump hose. 7. Lock nut. 
    8. Lock  washer. 
    6. Lever-off the  dust cap. 9. Hub adjusting  nut. 
    7.  Remove the  circlip from the drive shaft. 
    10. Keyed washer. 
    8. Remove  the drive  shaft shim. 11. Outer  bearing. 
    9. Remove  the five  bolts  and  withdraw  the 12. Hub. 
    driving  member  and joint  washer. 
    13. Inner bearing. 
    10.  Bend  back  the  lock washer  tab.  14.  Grease  seal. 
    11.  Remove the  locknut and tab washer. 
    15. Brake  disc. 
    12.  Remove the  hub  adjusting 
    18. Drift-out the  grease  seal  and inner  bearing 
    from  the hub  and  discard  the  seal. 
    19. Drift-out the  inner  and outer  bearing  tracks. 
    22. With the lip side  leading fit a new  seal to the 
    hub  using  special 
    tool 18G1349 grease  seal 
    replacer  and drift  18G134.  Drive
    -in  the seal 
    so that it is recessed  4,83 to 5,33 mm below 
    the  rear  face 
    of the hub.  Apply  grease  liberally 
    between  the seal  lips  and springs. 
    23.  Assemble  the  brake disc 
    to the hub  lining  up 
    the  marks  made  during  dismantling.  Fit and 
    tighten the five  retaining bolts  to 
    65 to 80 Nm. 
    24.  Grease  as 
    in instruction  21 and fit the  outer 
    25.  Clean the  stub axle and drive  shaft and 
    fit the 
    hub assembly 
    to the  axle. 
    26.  Fit the  key  washer. 
    27. Fit the  hub  adjusting  nut and  tighten  by hand 
    whilst  rotating  the  hub until  all end
    -play  is 
    taken  up. 
    28.  Mount  a dial gauge  using bracket  RO530106 
    and  rest  the  stylus 
    in a  loaded  condition  on 
    the  adjusting nut. 
    20.  Clean  and  degrease  the hub  and drift-in the 
    inner  and outer  bearing tracks. 
    bearing  to  the  hub. 
    21. Pack  the hub  inner  bearing with a grease 
    recommended  in the  lubrication  chart and 
    fit to 
    the hub.  Use a minimum of 8,5  grams  of 
    29. Slacken off the  adjusting  nut until  an end-play OVERHAUL  STUB AXLE,  AXLE SHAFT, 
    30.  Fit a new  keyed  lock  tab  washer. ASSEMBLY 
    31. Fit and  tighten  the  hub  adjusting  nut  and 
    of 0,1270 to 0,1016 mm is obtained. CONSTANT  VELOCITY  JOINT AND SWIVEL 
    re-check  the end-play before  bending  the  lock Special tool: 18G284AAH/LRT-37-004 bush 
    tab  over.  extractor 
    32.  Fit a new  joint  washer 
    to the  driving  member 
    fit the  member to the  hub  and secure  with 
    the  five  bolts  tightening evenly to 60 to 70 
    33.  Fit the  original  drive  shaft  shim  and  secure 1. Remove  the hub complete  as described  in the 
    to overhaul  the hub  assembly 
    34.  To  check  the  drive  shaft  end
    -play mount  a dial  instructions 1 to 14. 
    guage  using a  bracket  RO530106 and rest  the  2. 
    Drain the  swivel pin housing  and refit plug. 
    stylus in a  loaded condition  on  the  end 
    of the 3. 
    Remove  the  six bolts  retaining  the  stub axle to 
    the swivel  housing. 
    35.  Fit a  suitable  bolt  to  the  threaded end of the 4. Remove  the mud shield. 
    5. Remove the  stub  axle and joint  washer. 
    Remove  stub axle,  axle shaft  and constant 
    velocity  joint 
    drive shaft and using a  pair of pliers  move  the 
    drive  shaft  back  and  forth  noting  the dial 
    guage  reading.  The end
    -play  should  be 
    6. Pull-out the axle  shaft  and  constant  velocity 
    joint  from  the  axle casing. 
    36. If the end-play  requires  adjustment, remove 
    the  circlip,  measure  the shim  thickness  and 
    an appropriate  selective shim to give  the 
    required end
    37. Remove  the  bolt from the  drive  shaft, fit the 
    circlip  and dust  cap. 
    38.  Fit  the  brake caliper  and tighten  the two  bolts 
    to the correct  torque. 
    Locate the jump hose in the  bracket  and 
    tighten  the locknuts  or see  caution  below. 
    CAUTION: If the  jump  nose  was disconnected  as 
    is necessary on later  vehicles the brake  hydraulic 
    system  must 
    be bled. 
    40. Fit the  road wheel,  remove the  axle  stand  and 
    finally  tighten  the road wheel  nuts. 
    41. Operate  the  footbrake  several  times to locate 
    the  brake  pads  before  taking  the vehicle on 
    the  road. 
    with  the  circlip. 
    drive  shaft. 
    between 0,127 to 0,254 mm.  
    Remove  constant  velocity joint from  axle shaft 12. Swivel  the cage  into  line with  the axis of the 
    joint  and turn  it until 
    two opposite  windows 
    coincide with  two  lands of the joint  housing. 
    7. Hold  the  axle  shaft  firmly in a soft jawed  vice 
    8. Using a soft mallet  drive  the  constant velocity 13. Withdraw  the cage. 
    joint  from  the shaft. 
    9. Remove  the circlip  and collar  from  the  axle 
    14. Turn the  inner  track at right  angles to the 
    with two of  the  lands  opposite  the  cage 
    openings  and  withdraw  the inner  race. 
    15. Degrease  and examine  all components  for 
    general  wear and condition. 
    16. Examine  the inner  and  outer  track,  cage  balls 
    and  bearing  surfaces  of the  constant  velocity 
    joint  for  damage  and excessive  wear. 
    17. To assemble  the constant  velocity  joint, 
    reverse  the  dismantling  instructions  and 
    lubricate  with a recommended 
    EP oil. 
    18. Check  that  the  end-float of the  assembled 
    joint does  not exceed  0,64 mm. 
    Dismantle  the constant  velocity joint 
    10. Mark the  relative  positions of the constant 
    velocity  joint inner  and outer  race  and the 
    cage  for correct  reassembly. 
    11. Tilt  and  swivel  the  cage  and  inner  race to 
    remove the balls.  
    30. Remove  the top swivel  pin  retaining bolts 
    complete  with  the brake  jump  hose  bracket. 
    31. Withdraw the top swivel pin and  shims. 
    retrieving the  lower taper bearing. 
    If the  swivel pin housing is to be renewed, 
    remove  the  drain and  level  plugs and 
    -stop  bolt and  nut. 
    Fit constant  velocity joint to axle 
    19. Fit  the  collar  and a new  circlip. 
    20.  Engage  the constant  velocity  joint  on  the axle 32. Remove  the  swivel  pin housing  whilst 
    shaft  splines  and  using a soft  mallet,  drive  the 
    joint  home. 
    Remove  swivel pin bearing  housing 
    34. Remove  the seven  bolts securing  the swivel 
    pin  bearing  housing 
    to the  axle  case  and 
    remove  the housing  and  joint washer. 
    35. Remove  and discard  the swivel  pin  oil  seal 
    and joint  washer. 
    Overhaul  swivel pin bearing  housing 
    36. Prise-out  the  oil  seal from  the  back of the 
    37.  Drift
    -out the  lower  swivel pin bearing  track. 
    To remove  the bronze  brush and oil seal  use 38.  Press-out  the  upper swivel  pin  in Railko  bush 
    special tool 18G284AAH 
    and a slide  hammer. 
    Ensure  that  the  fingers of the  tool  locate 39. If worn, pitted or damaged,  renew  the 
    the bush,  not the oil seal.  Drive-out the 
    40. Press-in the  lower  swivel  pin bearing  track. 
    then extract  the oil seal. 
    41. Press
    -in the  Railko  bush housing  ensuring 
    that  the  machined  flat  is towards  the back 
    the  housing,  ie when  the housing  is fitted to 
    the  axle,  the  flat  faces inboard. 
    42.  With  the cavity  side trailing  press the  axle 
    shaft  oil seal  into the housing  and grease. 
    43.  Fit  the thrust  disc into  the  bottom 
    of the Railko 
    bush  housing  and check  that 
    it is still in 
    position  when  the  swivel pin is fitted. 
    Renew  stub axle intermediate  oil seal  and bush 
    Fit swivel  pin bearing  housing  to axle 
    casing bolts  with  Loctite 270. 
    45. Coat  both  sides of a joint  washer  and place  in 
    position  on the  swivel  pin bearing  housing 
    axle  mating  face. 
    46. Hang me swivel  pin  bearing  housing oil seal, 
    retainer  and joint  washer  over  the back 
    of the 
    47.  Fit  and secure  the swivel  pin bearing  housing 
    to the  axle  with the seven  bolts  tightening 
    to 65 to 80 Nm. 
    Lubricate  the seal  and lip with  EP 90  oil  and  44. 
    Coat  the 
    swivel pin bearing housing to axle 
    with  the  cavity side leading  press
    -in a new 
    intermediate  oil seal  using 
    a suitable  tube. 
    23.  Using  a suitable  block,  press  or drive
    -in the 
    bush  up 
    to the shoulder. 
    Remove  swivel pin housing 
    24.  Remove  the brake  disc  shield  secured  by  one  housing. 
    nut  and  bolt  at  the  bottom  front  and  one 
    single bolt, behind  the shield, in the  swivel 
    25.  Disconnect  the track
    -rod  end  ball joint  from 
    the  housing. 
    26.  Disconnect the  drag
    -link ball  joint. 
    27. Remove  the seven bolts securing  the  swivel 
    pin  housing 
    oil se
    al and 
    retaining plate  and 
    joint  washer  and release  the  assembly from 
    the  swivel  pin housing.  Note  that  whilst  the 
    joint  washer  can be removed  at  this stage, the 
    oil seal and retaining  plate  must remain  until 
    the  swivel pin bearing housing  is removed. 
    28.  Remove  the two  bolts,  complete  with the 
    brake  disc shield  bracket,  securing  the  lower 
    swivel  pin 
    to the  housing. 
    29.  Withdraw  the  lower swivel  pin and  joint 
    Fit swivel  pin housing 
    48.  Grease  and fit the lower  swivel  pin bearing  to 
    the  bearing  housing. 
    49.  Place  the  swivel  pin  housing  in position over 
    the  swivel 
    in bearing  housing.  
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