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Land Rover Defender Workshop 1993 Rover Manual

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    of 492
    3. Lubricate  and fit the two sun  gears  followed 
    by  the  planet gears. 
    4. Align  the planet  gears with the carrier  holes 
    fit the  cross  shaft.  Secure  the  shaft  with 
    new  circlips.  Check the  gears  for freedom  of 
    rotation  and  that  there  are  not tight  spots. 
    Only  nominal  backlash  should  be  present but 
    if excessive,  the  gears  or the  carrier  or both 
    should  be changed  since there  is  no provision 
    for  adjustment. 
    6. To check  the  crown wheel  for  run out,  secure 
    the  pinion  housing  in the  vice 
    in a vertical 
    position.  Fit  the tracks to the  carrier  bearings 
    and  lower  the  assembly into the pinion 
    7. Fit  the  bearing  caps, lining up the  marks  and 
    just  nip  the  bolts. 
    Do not fully  tighten.  Fit  the 
    bearing  adjuster  nuts  and tighten  using 
    service  tool 
    RO 530105 until there  is no  end 
    float  between  the  bearings.  Now,  tighten the 
    bearing  cap bolts  evenly to  the correct  torque. 
    5. Check that the serial  number  etched on the 
    pinion  end  face  is  the  same as  that  marked 
    on  the  crown wheel.  Clean the crown  wheel 
    and  carrier  mating faces  and check  that  there 
    no burrs  or  any  other  damage  that  could 
    cause  excessive  run
    -out of the  crown wheel. If 
    the original  crown  wheel  and  pinion  is  being 
    refitted  ensure  that the marks  made when 
    dismantling  line up. Since  the  crown  wheel is 
    a  fairly  tight  fit on  the  carrier,  the  bolt  holes 
    should  be lined  up first  while  locating  the 
    crown  wheel  squarely  on 
    the carrier. Fit and 
    tighten the  bolts evenly,  a  little at a time,  until 
    the  crown  wheel  has  pulled down  on 
    to the 
    carrier  flange.  Tighten the bolts  temporarily 
    the correct  torque.  
    8. Mount a dial  test  indicator  on the  flange  of the 2. Fit  the  bearing  head track and the original 
    pinion  housing  using  bracket 
    RO 530106  so  shim  using  main tool RO 262757A and 
    that  the stylus  rests  on the  back  of the  crown  adaptor 
    RO 262757-1. Lubricate  and start  the 
    wheel.  Turn  the  crown  wheel  and 
    if the run  track  squarely  in the  housing  and assemble 
    out  exceeds  0,10mm remove the crown  wheel  the 
    tool as shown  below. If the  shim  was 
    from  the carrier  and  check  again that there 
    damaged during  removal 
    fit a new  one of the 
    same  thickness. 
    If the shim was lost before 
    the  size 
    was  measured, fit a replacement 
    shim  at  least  1,27mm 
    thick.  Turn the  nut 
    slowly, using  a 
    box  spanner, until  the  track  is 
    fully  home  against 
    the  housing shoulder. It is 
    out  on a lathe  or similar  equipment  where the  vital to the successful assembly of the 
    parts  can be accurately turned  and measured.  differential 
    and  in  particular the following 
    pinion  height  setting,  that  the track  and shim 
    9. When satisfied that the  run out is within  the 
    specified  limit, 
    remove the  crown  wheel bolts, 
    one stud 
    at a time, coat the theads with  Loctite 
    and  refit  the bolts  tightening  evenly 
    1.  To  fit  the  pinion  tail 
    bearing track,  lubricate 
    and  start  the  track 
    squarely in the  pinion 
    housing.  Assemble 
    the special tool RO 
    262757A  and  adaptor  RO 262757-2  as 
    illustrated below. Slowly turn  the nut clockwise 
    the track is  fully home  against  the 
    housing  shoulder. 
    Pinion height setting 
    1. Fit the  pinion  head  bearing  to  the  pinion  with 
    press  M.S. 47 and  collets  18G 47
    -6 and  18G 
    -6/2.  Note  that  the  smaller register  on 18G 
    -6/2  must  be uppermost  against  the 
    bearing.  Ensure  that  the larger  diameter  of the 
    bearing  is towards  the gear.  Lubricate  the 
    pinion  and press  it slowly  on to the  bearing. 
    to  the  correct  torque. 
    Fitting  pinion  bearing  tracks 
    is indeed pressed fully home.  
    3. Fit a suitable  socket to the  torque  pre-load 
    meter  M.S. 103 or a suitable  alternative,  and 
    check  the pre
    -load  figure  by  turning the 
    pinion,  with  the meter,  in a clockwise 
    direction.  Continue  to tighten  the  nut until  the 
    gauge  reads 2 to  4 Nm. 
    4.  Note  that if the  original,  bedded
    -in,  bearings 
    are  being  refitted the pre
    -load  figure  should be 
    1.2  to 1.7  Nm. 
    object  of  the following  instructions is 
    to establish 
    the  correct  height  of the  pinion,  in the  pinion 
    so that  it will mesh correctly  with  the  crown 
    wheel.  This  may entail  raising  or  lowering the  pinion 
    by  adjusting  the value  of the  shims  behind  the pinion 
    head  bearing  track. In order  to  achieve  this, the 
    pinion  bearings  must be temporarily  pre
    -loaded to 
    the  same  figure  as they  will be when  the  differential 
    is  finally  assembled. 
    2. Insert  the  pinion  into  the housing  and fit the 
    tail  bearing  without any pre
    -load  shims.  Fit the 
    spacer  and  drive  flange,  omit  the  oil seal,  and 
    secure  the assembly  with  the washer  and  nut. 
    Restrain  the flange  with service 
    tool 18G 1205 
    or the  reverse  end of RO 530105, and  slowly 
    tighten  the nut 
    a little  at  a  time  and remove 
    the  flange  restrainer. 
    5. Secure  the pinion housing vertically  in the  vice 
    so  that  the  pinion is uppermost.  It will  be 
    noted  that in addition  to the  serial  number 
    etched  on the  pinion  end face  there  may be a 
    figure  with a  minus  (
    -) or  a  plus  (+) sign 
    before  it. This  figure  indicates,  in thousandths 
    of  an  inch,  whether  the  depth  of the  pinion 
    head,  (dimension  A), is under  or oversize  from 
    the  designed  dimension.  A pinion  without 
    these  figures  must be set  in the  pinion 
    housing  at the  nominal  height  dimension.  The 
    nominal  height  dimension is  represented  by 
    the  pinion  height setting  block 18G191
    -4. The 
    IS taken from  the pinion  end face  to 
    the  lowest  point in the  differential  carrier 
    bearing  saddle in the pinion housing.  
    7. Ensure  that the  pinion  head is clean and 
    smooth.  Transfer  the  gauge 
    to the pinion 
    so that  the magnetic  base sits 
    centrally  on  the pinion end face  and the stylus 
    rests  on the 
    lowest point in one of the  carrier 
    bearing  saddles. 
    Make a note of the  dial 
    gauge  reading 
    from the  zeroed  setting and 
    whether  the gauge  needle  moved up 
    or down. 
    Now move the dial  gauge  across to the other 
    saddle  and again  note  the reading  from the 
    zeroed  setting.  Now add the 
    two readings 
    together  and divide  by 
    two to obtain  a mean 
    6.  Remove  the  keep  disc  from the  magnetic 
    base  of the  pinion  height setting  dial  gauge 
    18G  191 and position  the  setting  block 18G 
    -4  and  gauge  on a surface  plate as 
    illustrated.  It will  be noted  that  the  setting 
    block  has  three  setting  heights.  It is  essential 
    that  the  correct  setting is used  for  the 
    differential  concerned.  Rest  the stylus  on the 
    setting  and load  the gauge  to read 
    approximately  0,40 mm and zero  the gauge.  8. 
    If the  dial  indicator  needle  did not reach  the 
    zeroed  setting,  the difference  between this 
    NOTE: The setting  block dimensions  are as setting  and the position  of the  needle  is  the 
    follows: 39,50 mm Rationalised  axle - Latest thickness of shims  that must  be removed from 
    current  axle metric  threaded  bearing cap bolts. behind the pinion  head bearing  track to  lower 
    38,10 mm  Pre-Rationalised 
    axle recognized  by the pinion  to the  nominal  dimension. 
    the A/F threaded  bearing cap bolts. 30,93 mm 9. If the  indicator  needle moved  beyond  the 
    Salisbury  axle only. zeroed  setting,  the  difference  between this 
    setting  and the position  of the  needle  is the 
    thickness  of shims  that  must be  added  to 
    those  behind  the  pinion head  bearing  track to 
    raise  the pinion  to the nominal  dimension. 
    face figure  of +3  the  dial  gauge  reading 
    should  indicate  that the pinion  head depth is 
    indeed  0.003 in (0.0762 mm)  oversize. 
    Pinion bearing  pre-load adjustment 
    1. Position  the  pinion housing  horizontally  in the 
    vice.  From  the pinion  housing  remove the 
    drive  flange,  spacer,  tail  bearing and pinion. 
    2. Fit  a new  shim  or shims of the  same 
    thickness  as the  originals  to  the pinion. 
    these  are lost  and the  thickness is unknown fit 
    shims to the  value of at least  4,06  mm. 
    3. Fit  the  pinion, with the shims, to the housing, 
    then  the tail bearing  followed  by the  spacer 
    and  driving  flange.  Omit the oil seal  at this 
    stage  and secure  the  assembly  with the 
    washer  and castellated  nut. 
    10. Before actually  adjusting  the  shim  thickness, 
    the  plus 
    or minus  figure, if any, on the  pinion 
    face  must  be taken  into consideration  when 
    calculating  the  final thickness 
    of shims  that 
    must be  removed  or added.  4. 
    Tighten  the flange  nut to the  specified  torque 
    If the pinion  has a  plus (+) figure  etched on whilst  holding  the flange  with  service tool 18G 
    the  pinion  face, subtract  this figure,  in 
    1205, as before.  The torque  now required to 
    thousandths  of an  inch,  from  the  figure  turn the pinion, if new  bearings  have  been 
    in instruction 8 or 9. If the  pinion  has  fitted, should  be between 2 to 40  Nm  once  the 
    a  minus 
    (-) figure  on the  pinion  face add this  initial inertia  has  been  overcome. If the 
    to that obtained in instructions - or 9. A pinion  original, bedded-in,  bearings  have been 
    without  a plus  or minus  figure  must 
    be refitted, the figure  should  be between 1.2 to 
    adjusted to the  nominal  dimension  and shims 1.7 Nm. To  check  the torque or pre-load,  use 
    to the value  indicated  by the  dial  test  indicator  the Torque  meter M.S. 103 and  a socket  and 
    in  instruction 
    - or 9 should  be added or turn  the pinion  whilst noting  the meter  reading. 
    If necessary,  dismantle  the  pinion assembly 
    11. Remove  the pinion  from the housing  and  and  change the bearing  pre-load shims in 
    withdraw  the  pinion head  bearing 
    track as  order to achieve the correct  torque  figure. As 
    previously described. Adjust the  shim  a guide,  thicker  shims will reduce  the  torque 
    thickness  as  required  by the  above  or pre
    -load and  thinner shims will  increase  the 
    calculations.  Refit the  bearing  track  and  shims  torque.  Reassemble  the  pinion again and 
    and  ensure  that once  again  the track  is  recheck the torque. 
    fully home, 
    12. Having  made  the necessary  adjustments  the 
    pinion  height setting  must  be checked  again to 1 Having established  the correct  thickness  of 
    ensure  that the calculations  and  adjustments  shims  the pinion  drive flange 
    must be 
    removed  to  fit the  oil seal.  Examine  the  seal 
    are  correct.  Refit the  pinion 
    to the housing 
    and  pre
    -load  the  bearings,  as before,  before  fitting to ensure that it is clean  and 
    repeating instructions 
    2 and 3 above.  Now  set  undamaged, 
    since even a  small  scratch on 
    up the  dial  gauge  and  carry out the pinion  the 
    seal  lips could  impair  its ability to prevent 
    height  check  again  exactly as described  in  oil leaking. Also  check that the garter  spring  is 
    6 and 7. If the  pinion  height  properly located. Whilst the distance  piece can 
    is correct,  the mean  reading  obtained  be  inserted  after the seal  has been  fitted,  the 
    will agree  with  the  figure  etched  on the  pinion  tail bearing  will not pass  through  the seal, so 
    Fitting  pinion oil seal 
    it is  important  to check  that the bearing is  in  
    5. After evenly  tightening  the  bearing  cap  bolts 
    to the correct  torque,  check  the backlash 
    to ensure  that it has  not  altered  the 
    setting.  Fit  the locking  finger  and secure  with 
    the  roll  pin. 
    6. Locate  a new  joint  washer  over  the axle 
    casing  studs,  liberally  lubricate  the  bearings 
    and  gears  and refit the  differential  assembly 
    the axle. Fit and  tighten  the retaining  nuts 
    to the  correct  torque. 
    7. Check  that the drain  plug  is  tight and  remove 
    the  axle  oil  filler  level  plug.  Inject 
    approximately  1,70 litres  of a recommended 
    oil until it begins to run from the  level 
    Fit and  tighten  the plug  and wipe  away 
    any  surplus  oil.  
    Pinion bearing  pre-load: 
    New  bearings 
    .................................................................. 2.0 - 4.0 Nm 
    Bedded-in bearings ......................................................... 1.2 - 1.7  Nm 
    Crown  wheel run-out ....................................................... 0,10 mm 
    Crown  wheel and pinion  backlash .................................. 0,10 - 0,17 mm 
    Pinion housing  to axle  case ............................................ 36 - 46 
    Crown  wheel to differential  case ..................................... 55 - 61 
    Bearing  cap to pinion  housing ......................................... 80 - 100 
    Drive  flange to propeller  shaft ......................................... 41 - 52 
    Bevel pinion  nut .............................................................. 95 - 163  
    REMOVE AND OVERHAUL  STEERING COLUMN 8. Remove the four  screws  securing  the 
    instrument  panel  and pull panel  away from 
    Remove  the collapsible shaft facia  to enable  the  speedometer  cable to be 
    1. Remove  the bonnet. 9. Also disconnect two block  connectors,  one 
    2. Set the  road  wheels  and  steering  wheel  in the  multi-plug connector  and one  white  wire  and 
    straight  ahead  position.  withdraw 
    the panel  complete  with instruments 
    3.  Mark  the relationship 
    of the steering  column 
    inner  shaft to the  top  universal  joint. 
    NOTE:  The Collapsible  shaft can be 
    disconnected  from the steering  column  only, if 
    required, by removing  the bolts  from  the  top 
    universal  joint and slackening  the  top bolt of the 
    lower  universal  joint. 
    4. Remove the two  bolts  from the top  universal 
    joint  and the lower  bolt of the  bottom universal 
    joint.  Slacken  the  top  bolt 
    of the lower 
    universal  joint and withdraw  the shaft 
    Remove  the steering  column switches 
    10. Remove  five screws  and two self-tapping 
    screws  to  remove the  top half 
    of the  nacelle. 
    11. Ease  the  bottom half of the  nacelle from the 
    four  switch  grommets  and remove  the  lower 
    Remove the  steering wheel 
    5. Remove  the  single  screw retaining  steering 
    wheel  finisher  and remove the finisher. 
    6. Remove  the steering wheel retaining  nut and 
    if  necessary,  use 
    a suitable  puller  to  remove 
    the  wheel. 
    12. Disconnect  the  four multi-plugs,  one  for  each 
    switch making note 
    of their  positions. 
    13. Remove  one  clamp  screw  on top of the switch 
    cluster  and withdraw  the switches. 
    Remove  the instrument  panel 
    7. Disconnect  the battery. 
    REISSUED: FEB 1993 1  
    the vacuum  hose  from me servo. 
    18. Remove the six bolts  retaining  the pedal  box 
    to  the  bulk  head. 
    19. Disconnect  the wires  from  the stop  lamp  
    23. Remove the two  bolts  securing  the two halves 29. Drive  the needle  bearing  from the  outer 
    of  the  top  clamp  and  the 
    two bolts  that secure 
    the  top  half 
    of the  clamp to the bulkhead  and 
    remove the  clamp  and  rubber  packing. 
    24.  Remove  the  two  bolts  securing  the column 
    main  support  bracket 
    to the  bulkhead. 
    25.  Remove  the  steering  column  and main 
    support  bracket  from 
    the vehicle.  column. 
    30. Fit 
    a new  bearing to the lower  end of the 
    inner  shaft. 
    31.  Fit the  retaining  collar, ensuring  that 
    it butts 
    against  the  bearing  and that  the  roll pin  holes 
    line  up.  Secure  with the roll pin. 
    32.  Fit a new  roller  bearing 
    to the top end  of the 
    outer  column 
    to a  depth  of 10 mm. 
    33.  Fit the  inner  shaft and bearing  assembly  to 
    the  outer  column  and secure with  the  circlip. 
    Overhaul the steering  column 
    26. Remove the  circlip  from the lower  end of the 
    steering  column. 
    27.  Drift out the  inner  shaft  complete with bearing 
    from  the  top  end of the  column. 
    28. Remove  the roll  pin from  the bearing retaining 
    collar  and drive  the  collar and bearing  from 
    the  inner  shaft 
    REISSUED: FEB 1993  3  
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