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Land Rover Defender Workshop 1993 Rover Manual

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    of 492
    Connecting  the gauge  set 
    NOTE:  1: 
    There  are  two methods of connecting 
    the  charging  and testing  equipment,  depending 
    on  the  operation  to be  carried  out. The  method 
    described  for evacuating 
    or charging  with liquid 
    refrigerant  also  applies to pressure  test  and 
    compressor  oil level check  operations. 
    NOTE: 2: Various  types of charge  and  test 
    equipment  are available  depending  upon the 
    manufacturer  chosen by the  user.  The equipment 
    illustrated  may differ  slightly 
    in layout  to that 
    possessed  by 
    t he user,  however,  it is 
    recommended  that the user  adheres  to the 
    appropriate  manufacturers  instructions  for  the 
    charge  and  test equipment  used in their  8. 
    Put on the  safety  goggles. 
    6. Place  the vehicle  in a ventilated  area away 
    from  open  flames  and heat  sources.  Stop the 
    engine,  open and secure  the bonnet. 
    7. Check  that both  service  valves are fully  open 
    (turned  anti-clockwise). 
    9. Remove  the caps  from the gauge  connections 
    on  the  service  ports. 
    10. Coat the threads  and flares  with refrigerant oil. 
    11. Connect  the low  pressure  charging line (blue) 
    from  valve  No. 
    1 to the  compressor  suction 
    service  port. 
    12.  Connect  the high  pressure  charging line (red) 
    from  valve  No. 
    2 to the  compressor  discharge 
    service  port. 
    13.  Using  the service  wrench,  turn the suction 
    service  valve stem clockwise  counting the 
    number  of turns  necessary  to close  the valve. 
    that all the  valves  on the  charging  and 
    testing  equipment  are closed.  Control  valves 
    on  the  particular  equipment  selected are 
    numbered 1 to 4 as  illustrated.  The sequence 
    may  vary  on other  proprietary  equipment. 
    2.  Mount  a 11,3  kg drum  of refrigerant  upside 
    down  on the  support  at the  rear 
    of the 
    charging  equipment,  and secure  with the 
    14. After  the valve  is fully  closed,  turn the stem 
    out  (anti
    -clockwise)  half the number  of turns 
    counted,  this should  position  the valve  seat in 
    the  mid  {test)  position. 3. Connect  the hose  from the bottom of the 
    charging  cylinder 
    to the refrigerant  drum valve. 
    4. Connect  the hose  between  the bottom of the 
    charging  cylinder and the refrigerant  control 
    valve  (No. 4). 
    5. Connect  the hose  between  the vacuum  pump 
    valve  and the vacuum  control valve (No.3). 
    REISSUED:  FEB 1993 11  
    15. Turn  the stem  on the  discharge  valve 1. Place the vehicle  in a ventilated  area away 
    clockwise  until the pressure  rises on the  from open  flames  and heat  sources. 
    discharge  pressure gauge, 
    If the system  is to 
    be  evacuated,  the discharge  service valve 
    3. Open and secure  the bonnet. 
    seat  must  be in the  mid  (test)  position. 
    4. Remove  the caps  from the compressor 
    connected  and ready  for proceeding  with the 
    5. Check  that both  compressor  service valves 
    required  operation.  are 
    fully  opened  (turned anti
    6. Close all valves  on the  charging  and testing 
    7.  Put on safety  goggles. 
    If the  engine  has been  operated, it must  be 8. Connect  the high  pressure  charging line (red) 
    stopped  prior to disconnecting  the charging  from valve  No. 2 to  the  compressor  discharge 
    and  testing  equipment.  service port. 
    18. Close  both service  ports (turn fully 9. Run the (blue)  hose to an  open  tapped 
    -clockwise)  until fully closed.  container 
    of approximately  one litre capacity. 
    19. Close  all valves on the  charging  and testing  Attach 
    the hose  to the  container so that it will 
    equipment. not blow  out of the  container.  The purpose  of 
    20.  Disconnect  the charging  lines from the service  the 
    container  is 
    to collect any oil carried  by 
    ports.  the refrigerant. 
    21.  Refit  the blanking  caps to the  compressor 
    10. Open  the compressor  discharge service port a 
    valve  stems  and service  ports, and to the  quarter 
    of a turn. 
    charging  lines.  11. 
    Open  valve No. 2 fully. 
    Stop  the engine. 
    16.  The charging  and testing  equipment  is now  service ports. 
    Removing equipment. 
    22. Close the bonnet. 12. Slowly  open the valve  No. 1 one  turn  to allow 
    the  refrigerant  to escape,  if necessary,  adjust 
    the  refrigerant  flow 
    so that the oil captured  in 
    the  container  is not  blown  out of the  container. 
    The  air conditioning  refrigeration system 
    contains  Refrigerant  12 under  pressure,  and 
    before  any component 
    is disconnected  or 
    removed,  the system  must be discharged 
    of all 
    12 evaporates so rapidly  at normal 
    atmospheric  pressures and temperatures  that  it 
    tends  to freeze  anything  it contacts.  Extreme 
    care  must  be taken  to prevent  any liquid 
    refrigerant  from contacting  the skin  and 
    especially  the eyes.  Should  any liquid  refrigerant 
    get  into  the eyes,  use a few  drops  of sterile 
    13. Measure  the amount  of 
    oil discharged  from 
    mineral  oil to wash  them out and  then  wash  the  the system 
    so that  an equal  amount  of new  oil 
    eyes  with 
    a weak  solution  of boric  acid. Seek  can be returned  to the  system  during the 
    medical  attention  immediately  even though  the  charging operation.  Discard the old 
    initial  irritation  has ceased  after first aid 14. When  the gauge  pressure  is below  50 psi, 
    treatment.  Always wear safety  goggles  when 
    slowly open the valve  No. 
    1 to maintain 
    opening  refrigerant  connections.  refrigerant flow. 
    15. When the pressure  has been  reduced,  and WARNING: Open connections  slowly, keeping the the system  has been  completely  discharged, 
    and face  well clear, so that  no injury  close the valves  Nos. 1 and 2 on  the  charging 
    if there  is liquid  in the  line. If pressure  is  and testing  equipment. 
    noticed  allow it to  bleed  off slowly. 
    16. Close  the compressor  discharge service port 
    (turn  anti
    17. Disconnect  the high  pressure  charging line 
    from  the compressor  service port. 
    12  REISSUED: 
    FEB 1993  
    NOTE: If it is necessary  to disconnect  the 1. Depressurise  the air conditioning  system as 
    compressor  hoses, the compressor  should be previously  described,  then connect  the gauge 
    sealed  by fully  closing  the relevant  service valve set as detailed  under Charging  and Testing 
    (turn  fully clockwise).  It is essential  to ensure Equipment. 
    that  both  service  valves are open  before 2. Adjust  both service  valve seats to the mid 
    operating  the compressor.  Similarly any other (Test)  position. 
    component of the refrigeration  system should be 3. Open  the low  and  high  pressure  valves Nos. 1 
    capped immediately  when disconnected. and 2. 
    4. Start  the vacuum  pump and check  that the 
    vacuum  pump valve is open. 
    5. Slowly  open the vacuum  control valve No. 3. 
    If the vacuum  is applied  to the  system  too 
    quickly,  the residual  oil may  be drawn  out. 
    Open  the refrigeration  drum valve. 
    19. Open  the valve  at the  base of the charging 
    cylinder  and allow  approximately  0,25 kg of 
    refrigerant  to enter  the cylinder. 
    20.  Close  the refrigeration  drum valve  and the 
    valve  at the  base  of the  charging  cylinder. 
    21.  Open  the refrigerant  control valve (valve 
    4) and  flush  out the  high  and low pressure 
    lines  by opening  valves Nos. 1 and  2 
    momentarily  until a white  stream  of refrigerant 
    is  observed. 
    In evacuating the system it is necessary  to 
    lower  the pressure 
    so that  the boiling  point of 
    water  in the  system  is lower  than the 
    surrounding  air temperature. 
    At an  ambient 
    of 23.8°C  (75°F), it is necessary 
    to  lower  the system  pressure  to 
    29.5 in Hg 
    vacuum  to bring  the boiling  point of water  to 
    22.  Close  all valves  on the  charging  and testing  22°C (72°F).  Atmospheric  pressure (and 
    vacuum  gauge  readings) decrease as altitude 
    23. The  air conditioning  system is now  increases by approximately  25 mm  Hg per 
    300  m. The  following  chart provides  a guide  to 
    the  various  gauge readings  at differing 
    altitudes,  for the  same 
    10 mm  Hg absolute 
    and fit the  blanking  caps. 
    Evacuating pressure. 
    Whenever  the system  has been  opened  to the 
    Altitude,  ft m Vacuum Reading in Hg  mm 
    atmosphere  it is  necessary  that the system  be 0 0 29.5  750 
    evacuated  to remove  all air  and  moisture. 
    It is also 1,000 300  28.5  725 
    an  essential  preliminary  operation to charging  the  2,000 
    600 27.4 695 
    with Refrigerant  12. The  evacuate  operation  3,000 
    900  26.4  670 
    also  provides  a check  for leaks  due to faulty 
    4,000 1200  25.4 645 
    connections. 5,000 1500 24.5  622 
    6,000 1800 23.5 596 
    7,000 2100 22.6  574 
    8,000 2400 21.8 554 
    9,000 2700 20.9 530 
    10,000 3000 
    20.1 510 
    REISSUED: FEB 1993 13  
    7. The  low  side  gauge should indicate a  vacuum Sweeping 
    of 660 mm  Hg within  five  minutes. 
    8. Whilst the system is evacuating,  fill the NOTE: This  operation  is in addition to 
    charging  cylinder  by  opening  the  refrigerant evacuating, and is  to  remove  moisture  from 
    drum  valve. 
    systems that have  been  open 
    to atmosphere  for 
    9. Open  the valve  at the  base  of the  charging  a long period, or that are known  to contain 
    cylinder  and fill the  cylinder  with 1,0 kg  of  excessive moisture. 
    refrigerant.  Liquid refrigerant 
    will be  observed 
    rising  in the  sight  glass. 
    1. Fit  a new  liquid  receiver/drier,  as detailed 
    open  the valve  at the  top of the  cylinder  2. 
    Ensure  that  a full  drum  of refrigerant  is fitted 
    (behind  the control  panel) intermittently, 
    to on the  charging  and testing  equipment. 
    relieve  the  head  pressure  and  allow the  3.  Fit the  charging  and testing  equipment  as 
    to continue filling  the cylinder.  previously described for evacuating  and 
    11. When the  refrigerant reaches  the desired  level  evacuate  the  air  conditioning system,  allowing 
    in  the  sight  glass,  close  both the valve at the  0,25 
    to 0,45 kg of refrigerant to enter  the 
    base  of the  cylinder  and  the valve  at the  charging  cylinder. 
    bottom of  the refrigerant  tank.  4. 
    all valves  on the  charging  and  testing 
    12.  Ensure 
    the  top  cylinder  valve  is fully  closed. 
    If equipment. 
    bubbling  is  present  in the  sight  glass,  reopen  5. 
    Disconnect  the  intake hose  from the vacuum 
    equalise  the drum  and cylinder  pressures. 
    If 660 mm  Hg  of vacuum  is not  achieved 
    within  five  minutes,  it signifies  either the 
    system  has  a leak 
    or the vacuum  pump is 
    defective.  Initially  check the vacuum  pump, if 
    the  pump  proves 
    to be functioning  properly 
    then  investigate  for a leak  in the  air 
    conditioning  system. 
    14. Close the vacuum  control valve No. 3. 
    15. Stop the vacuum  pump  and  allow  the  vacuum 
    to hold for fifteen  minutes,  then  check  that 
    there  is  no  pressure  rise (a 
    loss of vacuum) 
    evident  on the  compound  gauge. Any 
    pressure  rise  denotes  a  leak  which  must  be 
    rectified  before proceeding  further.  Refer 
    the  heading titled ’Leak  Detection’ later  in this 
    16.  With  the system  satisfactorily  evacuated,  the 
    system  is ready  for charging with  refrigerant. 
    10. As the  refrigerant  stops filling  the  cylinder,  under the  heading  “Receiver/Drier”. 
    the  cylinder  base valve  momentarily 
    to pump. 
    6. Connect  the  intake  hose to the valve  at the 
    top  of the charging  cylinder. 
    7. Open  the  valve  at the  top  of the  charging 
    8. Put  on safety  goggles. 
    9. Crack  open  the hose  connection  at valve No. 
    3 and  allow  some  refrigerant to purge the 
    hose,  then  close the  connection. 
    10.  Open the  high pressure valve  (No.2). 
    11. Slowly open  valve  No. 3, which is now 
    to the  top valve  of the  charging 
    cylinder,  and allow  gas 
    to flow into the  system 
    until  the  reading  on the  compound  gauge 
    remains  steady,  Between  0,25 and 0,45  kg of 
    refrigerant will  enter  the system. 
    12.  Allow  the dry  refrigerant  introduced  into the 
    to remain  for 10 minutes. 
    REISSUED: FEB 1993  
    13. Crack the suction  valve charging  line at the 6. If the full charge of 1,09 kg of liquid  refrigerant 
    service  port on the  compressor  to allow  an  will not enter  the system,  then close  the high 
    escape  of refrigerant,  at the  same  time  pressure valve (No.2)  and open  the 
    observing  the sight  glass in the charging  pressure  valve No.1), ensuring that the low 
    A slight  drop in the  level  should  be 
    allowed  before closing  the connection  at the 
    7. Start  and run the engine  at 1,000 -1,500 
    compressor.  rev/min and allow  refrigerant  to be  drawn 
    14.  Close  the high  pressure  valve (No.2).  though 
    the low  pressure  valve (No. 1) until  the 
    15. Close  valve No.3. full charge  has been  drawn  into the system. 
    16. Close  the valve  at the  top of the  charging  8. Close  valve No.1. 
    gauge does not exceed  18.14 kgf². 
    9. Check  the air conditioning  system is operating 
    17.  Reconnect  the charging  and testing  satisfactorily by carrying 
    out a pressure  test, 
    as  described  later in the  Section 
    as described  for evacuating  and 
    evacuate  the air conditioning  system. 
    18.  Maintain  the vacuum  for twenty  minutes.  The 
    CAUTION: Do not overcharge  the air conditioning 
    air  conditioning  system is now  ready  for system  as this will cause  excessive  head 
    charging with refrigerant. pressure. 
    Charging  Leak test 
    Do not  charge  liquid refrigerant  into 
    the  compressor.  Liquid cannot 
    be compressed; 
    if liquid  refrigerant  enters the compressor sensitive  and widely  used. 
    inlet valve,  severe  damage  is possible;  in 
    addition,  the oil charge  may 
    be absorbed  into the 1. Place  the vehicle  in a well  ventilated  area but 
    refrigerant,  causing damage when the free from  draughts,  as leakage  from the 
    compressor  is operated. system  could be dissipated  without detection. 
    2.  Follow  the instructions  issued by the 
    1. Fit the  charging  and testing  equipment  as  manufacturer  of the  particular  leak detector 
    previously  described for evacuating.  being 
    used. Certain  detectors  have visual  and 
    2.  Evacuate  the air conditioning  system allowing  audible indicators. 
    1,09 kg of refrigerant  to enter  the charging 3. Commence  searching for leaks  by passing  the 
    cylinder.  detector probe around  all joints  and 
    3. Put on safety  goggles.  components, 
    particularly on the  underside,  as 
    4.  Close  the low  pressure  valve 
    (No.1). the refrigerant  gas is heavier  than air. 
    5. Open  the refrigerant  control valve (No. 4) and  4. Insert  the probe  into an air outlet  of the 
    release  liquid refrigerant  into the system  evaporator. Switch the air conditioning  blower 
    through  the compressor  discharge valve port  on and 
    off at intervals of ten  seconds. Any 
    (High  pressure).  The pressure  in the  system  leaking refrigerant  will be gathered  in by the 
    will eventually  balance.  blower and detected. 
    following  instructions  refer 
    to an electronic  type 
    refrigerant  leak detector  which is the  safest,  most 
    REISSUED: FEB 1993 15  
    Remove  Adjust 
    1. Site vehicle  in a ventilated  area. 1. Slacken  idler pulley  securing  bolt. 
    2.  Disconnect  the battery  negative lead. 
    3.  Discharge  the  air  conditioning system, see 
    Discharging  system 
    WARNING: Wear eye and  hand  protection  when 
    disconnecting  components containing 
    refrigerant.  Plug all exposed  connections 
    4.  Disconnect  suction and discharge  unions  from 
    5. Disconnect  electrical lead to compressor 
    6. Slacken idler pulley  and release  drive belt. 
    7. Remove  the  two  compressor  mounting  bolts 
    lift compressor  clear.  2. Adjust  positron  of idler  pulley  until  correct 
    is obtained.  The belt must  be  tight 
    with  4 to 
    6 mm total  deflection  when checked 
    by  hand  midway  between  pulleys on the 
    longest  run. 
    3. Tighten  securing  bolt  and  recheck tension. 
    1. Open and  secure the bonnet. 
    2.  Release  the  six self  tapping  screws  securing 
    the  front  nose  and grille  assembly,  lift clear. 
    3.  Disconnect the  electrical leads 
    to the fans. 
    4.  Remove  the  blanking caps 
    from the fan 
    Refit 5.  Remove  the  8 mm securing  nuts,  star and 
    spring  washers 
    from the fan  blade  centres, 
    pull blade  from its respective fan  motor shaft. 
    6.  Release the 
    two fan motor  retaining  bolts and 
    remove  the  motor  whilst feeding  the  fan motor 
    through  the appropriate  aperture. 
    If a 
    new  compressor  is being  fitted,  drain  oil 
    from  new compressor.  Drain  and  measure  oil 
    from  old compressor.  Add 
    30 ml of new  oil to 
    this amount  and refill  new compressor. 
    9. Locate  compressor  in position,  fit and  tighten 
    mounting bolts. 
    Fit compressor  drive  belt, see Adjustment, 
    Compressor  drive belt 
    11.  Connect  electrical  lead  to  compressor clutch 
    at  the  connector. 
    12.  Evacuate  air  conditioning  system. See 
    Evacuate  system. 
    13.  Charge  air conditioning  system.  See 
    Charging  system. 
    7. Reverse procedures 1 to 6 ensuring  the  fan 
    supply  wiring is routed  and  securely  clipped 
    so  that  the wiring  does 
    not foul the  fan  blades 
    REISSUED: FEB 1993 17  
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