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Land Rover Defender Workshop 1993 Rover Manual

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    of 492
    1. Water  ingress  seal  10. 
    2. Transfer  housing 11. Recuperating  seal (primary cup) 
    3. Vacuum  seal  12. 
    Seal retainer 
    4.  Guide  ring  13. 
    Springs  (2 off) 
    5. Retaining  ring  14. 
    Swirl  tube 
    6.  O 
    ring seal  15. 
    Master  cylinder  body 
    7.  Primary  plunger assembly  16. 
    Reservoir  seals 
    8.  L seal  17. 
    9. Secondary  plunger  18. 
    Low fluid  level  switch  and cap  
    							BRAKING SYSTEM 
    Assembling master cylinder 21. Fit a new  retaining  ring on the  outer  surface 
    of  the  master  cylinder  ensuring  that  the 
    It is  important  that the following  serrations of the  ring  are facing  the  mounting 
    instructions  are carried  out precisely,  otherwise 
    damage  could be caused 
    to the new  seals  when 22. Fit the  two new  reservoir  seals  in their 
    23.  Fit a new  vacuum  seal 
    to either  the primary 
    used  to lubricate  the parts  during  assembly.  plunger or to the  bottom  of the  transfer 
    housing  bore, open  face  of the  seal  towards 
    the  primary  plunger guide  ring. 
    is  essential.  24. 
    Lubricate  the vacuum  seal  with  brake  fluid, fit 
    the  transfer  housing 
    to the master  cylinder, 
    Also  thoroughly  check that no debris  of any  push the  housing  fully up 
    to the cylinder 
    description  is lodged  in any  of the  fluid  mounting  flange. 
    passageways  and drillings. 
    If debris  is found,  TRANSFER  HOUSING  AFTER FITTING. 
    carefully  remove, clean the cylinder  and re
    25. Lubricate a  new water  ingress  seal  with brake 
    fluid,  slightly  stretch  the seal  and  ease 
    it down 
    16. Fit  the  new swirl  tube to the bottom  of the  the  housing until the  seal is in the  correct 
    cylinder  bore.  position between  the  housing  and flange. 
    17. Lubricate the  secondary  plunger  and  cylinder 26. Roll  the reservoir  into the top of the  master 
    bore.  Offer the plunger  assembly 
    to the  cylinder,  reversing  the procedure  described  in 
    cylinder  until  the  recuperation  seal is resting  instruction 3. 
    centrally  in the  mouth  of the  bore.  Gently  27. Fit the  master  cylinder  to the  servo,  connect 
    introduce  the  plunger  with a  circular  rocking  the  battery, and road  test the vehicle. 
    motion,  as  illustrated.  Ensuring  that the  seal 
    does  not  become  trapped,  ease the  seal  into 
    the  bore  and slowly  push  the  plunger down 
    the  bore  in one continuous  movement. 
    the plungers  into the cylinder  bore.  respective ports. 
    amounts of  new  brake  fluid should  be 
    use old fluid or any  other  form of cleaning 
    and  lubricating 
    material. Cleanliness  throughout 
    18. Fit the  primary  plunger  assembly using  the 
    same  method  as 
    for the secondary  plunger, 
    push  the  plunger down  the bore. 
    19. Fit  the  original  guide ring  to  support  the 
    primary  plunger. 
    20. Coat  a  new  O ring  with  brake  fluid and fit to 
    its respective  groove on the  outer  location 
    of the  master cylinder. 
    NOTE:  The O ring  should  not be rolled  down 
    the outer location  surface of the master  cylinder 
    but  should  be slightly  stretched  and eased  down 
    the  cylinder  and into 
    its groove.  Do not  over 
    stretch  the seal.  
    							BRAKING SYSTEM 
    8. Remove the guide  ring from  the mouth  of the 12. Clean  all  parts with Girling  cleaning  fluid or 
    master  cylinder  which  supports  the primary  unused  brake fluid  and  place the  cleaned 
    plunger  assembly  and place  to one  side,  this  parts on 
    to a clean  sheet of paper.  Inspect the 
    component  is  not part 
    of the  master  cylinder  cylinder  bore  and  plungers  for signs  of 
    service  kit and 
    is to be  refitted  on assembly of  corrosion,  ridges  and  score marks.  Provided 
    the  unit.  the  working  surfaces  are in perfect  condition, 
    9. Pull the primary  plunger  assembly out of  the  new seals  from  a  Girling Service  repair  kit 
    master  cylinder.  may be used. 
    NOTE: The  primary  plunger  assembly  cannot be 
    broken  down  any  further and  is  serviced  as  a 
    complete  unit. Discard  the assembly.  Renewing secondary plunger seals 
    secondary  plunger and discard: 
    13. Remove the following  components  from  the 
    NOTE: A small  screwdriver with  the end  rounded 
    and  polished  is  required to remove  the 
    L seal. 
    NOT damage the  secondary plunger. 
    A. Springs 
    B.  Seal  retainer 
    C. Recuperating seal (primary cup) 
    D. Washer 
    E. L seal 
    10. The secondary  plunger  assembly will  remain 
    at  the  bottom  of the  master  cylinder  bore,  the 
    plunger  can  be easily expelled  by tapping  the 
    assembly  on 
    a piece of timber until the 
    plunger  appears  at  the  cylinder mouth, 
    carefully  pull the plunger 
    out of the  master 
    11. If the  swirl  tube was not expelled  at the  same 
    time  as the  secondary  plunger,  repeat  the 
    above  operation 
    to expel it from  the bottom  of 
    the  master cylinder  bore and discard. 14. Coat  the new  seals  in unused  brake fluid and 
    firstly fit  the L seal to the  plunger. 
    15. Fit the  washer  followed  by the  recuperating 
    seal.  Fit  the seal  retainer  and springs,  ensure 
    the  springs are correctly  seated.  
    							BRAKING SYSTEM 
    RENEW BRAKE MASTER  CYLINDER  - Lucas  Fitting new master  cylinder 
    Girling  type 
    25,4 mm AS/AS 
    9. Insert  new reservoir  seals  in the  master 
    cylinder  ports and fit  the reservoir by  reversing 
    the  removal  method. 
    1. Disconnect the battery. 10. Ensure  that  the  water ingress  seal  is in 
    2. Place  a container  under  the master  cylinder  to  position  between master  cylinder  flange  and 
    catch  escaping brake  fluid.  servo  and 
    fit master cylinder  to servo  and 
    3. Clean area  round master  cylinder  ports. 
    secure  with the two  nuts  tightening  evenly to 
    4. Disconnect  the  pipes from  master  cylinder  the correct  torque 11 to 17 Nm. 
    ports.  Cover,  not plug,  the pipe  ends  to 
    prevent entry 
    of dirt. 
    5. Disconnect  electrical leads from reservoir  cap. 
    6. Remove  the two  nuts  securing  master  cylinder 
    to servo  and withdraw  cylinder. 
    7.  Remove  reservoir  cap and  drain  fluid into 
    container  for disposal. 
    WARNING: Do not  use  fluid  drained  or bled  from 
    the  system.  Dispose 
    of fluid as instructed  in 
    SECTION 01 in a container  marked Used brake 
    . 11. Connect  the brake  pipes  to the  master 
    cylinder ports  and tighten 
    to 16 Nm. 
    12. Fill the  reservoir with  the  Correct grade of new 
    fluid,  see 
    SECTION 09, taken from a sealed 
    13.  BIeed the brake system. 
    14. Connect  the battery  and road  test vehicle. 
    The  reservoir  is a  push 
    fit in  the  master 
    cylinder  and secured 
    by seals.  Carefully  ease 
    the  reservoir  from  the master  cylinder  by 
    it from  the seals,  as illustrated  in 
    Master  Cylinder  Overhaul.  Note  that  the 
    seals are different  in size.  
    							BRAKING SYSTEM 
    RENEW G VALVE - where  fitted 
    G valve  on  both right-hand and left-hand  drive 
    vehicles  is  situated on the  right
    -hand  side of the 
    chassis,  within the engine  compartment,  attached 
    to 1. Disconnect the brake  vacuum  hose from the 
    a  bracket,  at the  commencement  of the  front  axle  servo non return  valve. 
    2. The  valve  is a  push fit in  the  servo  and to 
    remove  it,  carefully prise  the  valve  out  with a 
    Removing  screwdriver blade  between  the  valve and 
    grommet.  Take  care not 
    to exert too much 
    1. Disconnect the  battery.  pressure on the vacuum chamber. 
    2. Disconnect from the G valve  the  pipe  union 3. Remove the rubber  grommet  but be careful 
    from the  master  cylinder.  not to allow it to fall into 
    the vacuum  chamber. 
    3. Disconnect  from  the G valve the pipe  union 4. Check  the valve  for  correct operation; it 
    to the rear  wheel  cylinders.  should  not 
    be possible to pass  air through  into 
    4. Remove  the nut and  bolt  securing the G  the  servo in direction  of arrow.  Do not  use 
    to the  bracket.  compressed 
    5. Release the valve  from the bracket. 
    6. Fit the G valve to the  bracket  locating  the 
    lugs  in the  holes which  are 
    to ensure  that  the 
    valve  is installed  at the  correct  angle.  RENEW 
    NOTE:  The illustration  shows the latest  valve 
    fitted  to the 
    L.S.C. 80 servo  but the  principle of 
    removal  and fitting  is the  same  for earlier  types. 
    Fitting  new valve 
    5. Fit the  rubber  grommet. 
    6. Smear  the ribs of the valve  with  Lucas  Girling 
    to assist  assembly,  and  push valve 
    fully  home. 
    7.  Connect  the vacuum  hose 
    to the valve. 
    8.  Road  test vehicle. 
    7.  Secure  the valve  to the  bracket  with the  single 
    bolt  and  nut. 
    8.  Connect  the two pipes  to the  valve  and 
    tighten  to 16  Nm. 
    9.  Bleed  the brake  hydraulic  system and road 
    test  the vehicle.  
    							BRAKING SYSTEM 
    RENEW BRAKE SERVO - L.S.C. 80 8. Remove  the two plugs  from each  side of the 
    pedal  box. 
    9. Remove  the  split  pin,  washer and  clevis  pin 
    securing  the servo  push  rod 
    to the brake 
    1. Disconnect  the battery.  pedal. 
    2. Disconnect the electrical  leads  from reservoir 10. Remove  the  four  nuts (two each  side) 
    cap.  retaining the  servo 
    to the pedal  box and 
    remove  the servo  and rubber  washer  from 
    NOTE:  See operation  for renewing  the master  vehicle. 
    cylinder  for the  following  instructions  3 to  6. 
    3. Disconnect  the vacuum  hose from servo. 
    4. Clean  the  master  cylinder  round the area  of 
    the  outlet  ports. 
    5. Remove  the brake  pipes  from the master 
    cylinder  and cover,  not  plug,  each pipe as 
    it is 
    to prevent entry  of dirt. 
    6. Remove  the two nuts securing  the master 
    cylinder  to  the  servo  and carefully  remove  the 
    master  cylinder.  Cover  the  ports 
    to prevent 
    loss and  entry  of dirt. 
    7.  From  inside the  vehicle,  release  the 
    two brake 
    pedal return  springs. 
    Fitting servo 
    11. Fit the  servo  and  rubber  washer to  the pedal 
    box  and  secure  with  the four  nuts.  Tighten 
    to the  correct torque. 
    12.  Connect the  brake  pedal to the  servo  with  the 
    clevis  pin and  a new  split  pin. 
    A washer  was 
    fitted on earlier  installations. 
    13. Fit plugs  to each  side of pedal  box. 
    14. Attach the  pedal  return springs. 
    15. Connect  the  vacuum  hose to the  servo  non 
    return  valve.  Ensure  that the hose 
    is in good 
    16. Fit  the  master  cylinder to the  servo  and 
    secure  with  the 
    two nuts. Tighten  to  the 
    correct  torque. 
    17. Fit the  fluid  pipes to the  master  cylinder  and 
    tighten  to 
    16 Nm. 
    18. Top-up  the  reservoir  with new fluid  from  a 
    sealed container  and bleed the  brake system. 
    19. Connect the  electrical  leads  to the  reservoir 
    20. Connect  the  battery  and road  test the vehicle.  
    							BRAKING SYSTEM 
    FADE Incorrect linings Badly lined shoes  Distorted 
    shoes. Overloaded vehicle  Excessive 
    braking  Old hydraulic  fluid 
    Air  in system. Badly 
    lined shoes. Shoes distorted  or incorrectly set.  Faulty drums. 
    Weak  master cylinder mounting. 
    A Disc Brakes 
    Replace the shoes, decrease vehicle  load or 
    renew  hydraulic  fluid as necessary 
    for air in the system  using a Hose 
    Clamp  and  bleed if necessary  Check the 
    master cylinder  mounting, lined  shoes and 
    drums and  replace as necessary.  Renew the 
    hydraulic  fluid 
    if applicable. 
    Check  the disc  run out does  not exceed 
    							CHASSIS AND BODY 
    CHASSIS  ALIGNMENT AND SQUARENESS  3. Hold  a plumb  line against  each of the 
    measuring  points in turn  and mark  the 
    Frame alignment directly  beneath  the plumb-bob 
    4  Move  the vehicle  and measure  diagonally 
    With  the vehicle  assembled 
    a check for chassis  between the marks  made on the  floor, if the 
    squareness  can be made  as follows: 
    chassis is square  the diagonals  between the 
    related  measuring  points should  agree within 
    1 Place the vehicle  on a level floor. 9,50 mm 
    2.  Mark  measuring  points at approximately  the 
    5. Chassis frame dimensional  checks can be 
    locations  shown in Fig. 
    1 ensuring  that the  made, with the vehicle  upper structure 
    marks  are exactly  opposite 
    on each side of removed,  referring to the  applicable  illustration 
    the  chassis  frame. 
    and associated  key. 
    REVISED: OCT 1993  
    							CHASSIS AND BODY 
    DEFENDER 110 
    2 REVISED: OCT 1993  
    							CHASSIS AND BODY 
    DEFENDER 110 
    A - Front Datum 
    B - Chassis  Datum 
    C - Front axle centre  line 
    - Rear  axle centre  line 
    1.  4148 
    - 4143  mm 
    22. 594,2 - 593,4 mm 
    2.  4009,5 
    - 4005  mm 
    23. 594,2 - 593,4 mm 
    3.  978,7 
    - 981,2  mm 
    24. 283 - 282,2 mm 
    4.  22 
    - 20 mm 
    25. 283 - 282,2 mm 
    5.  252 
    - 250  mm  26. 1970 - 1968  mm 
    6.  239 
    - 236,5  mm 
    27 642,9 - 639,5 mm 
    7  3023,3 
    - 3022,3  mm  28. 590,5 mm 
    8.  3030,7 
    - 3028,7  mm 
    29. 295,25 mm 
    9.  155 
    - 153mm 
    30. 299,5 - 295,5  mm 
    10.  871,2 
    - 869,2  mm  31. 103 - 100 mm 
    11.  2794  mm 
    - wheelbase 
    32. 1177,5 - - 1175,5  mm 
    12.  488 
    - 433 mm 
    33. 1692,5 - 1689,5 mm 
    13.  488 
    - 433 mm 
    34. 2610 - 2606 mm 
    14.  82 
    - 79,5 mm 
    35. 2040,5 - 2037,5 mm 
    15.  750,9  mm 
    36. 1912,5 
    - 1909,5 mm 
    16.  750.9  mm 
    37. 1359 
    - 1357 mm 
    17.  439,5 
    - 436,5  mm 
    38. 1573 - 1571 mm 
    18.  439,5 
    - 436,5  mm 
    39. 270 - 268 mm 
    19.  299,5 
    - 295,5  mm 
    40. 665,5 - 633,5 mm 
    20.  500 
    - 495 mm 
    41. 440-438mm 
    21.  500 
    - 495 mm 
    42. 32,25 - 31,25 mm 
    REVISED: OCT 1993  
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