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Land Rover Defender Workshop 1993 Rover Manual

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    of 492
    2. To remove the inner  bearing  cup and  shims 
    jar  the  casing  on the  work  bench  or use  a 
    suitable  extractor.  Alternatively,  if difficulty  is 
    being  experienced,  warm the casing 
    in an  oven  or in boiling  water. Do 
    not, however,  attempt to apply  local heat since 
    of the  casing  may result.  Whilst the 
    casing  is being  heated,  cool a suitable 
    or round  bar to fit inside  the bearing 
    cup.  Insert  the cooled  bar 
    in the heated 
    casing  to retract  the cup  to enable 
    it to  be 
    withdrawn  together with the shims  which must 
    be retained  for reassembly. 
    Ball  bearing  and cage  assemblies  Rack 
    and piston 
    That  beneath  the visible  white Nylon  ring 
    in the piston  groove,  there is a rubber  seal. 
    1. Examine  the valve  and worm  inner and outer 
    ball  races  and cups  and 
    if either  is worn, 
    pitted  or damaged  in any  way,  both the cups 
    and  the ball  races  must be renewed. 
    1. Examine  the outer  seal and if worn  or 
    damaged  in any  way  it must  be renewed 
    along  with the rubber  ring. 
    2. Taking  care not to damage  the piston  outer 
    diameter  remove the plastic  seal. 
    3.  Likewise,  carefully remove the rubber  ring. 
    4.  Examine  the rack  teeth 
    for wear  and damage. 
    5. Check  that the thrust  pad bearing  surface is 
    free from wear  and scores. 
    6. Check  the piston  outer diameters  for burrs 
    and  damage  and repair  as necessary  using a 
    fine  file and  emery  cloth. 
    7.  Ensure  that the bottom 
    of the groove  and the 
    inside  walls are not damaged 
    or burred. 
    Repair  where necessary  in the  same  way as 
    14 REISSUED: FEB 1993  
    8. Fit 
    a new  rubber  ring to the piston  groove. ASSEMBLE 
    Warm  a new  white  Nylon  seal in hot  water 
    fit to  the  piston. NOTE:  When fitting  replacement  oil seals,  these 
    9. Immediately,  whilst still warm,  carefully  insert must be lubricated,  before fitting,  with the 
    the piston  squarely  into the casing  bore with recommended  steering box fluid. Also ensure 
    the rack  outwards,  as illustrated,  and leave that  absolute  cleanliness  is observed  throughout 
    until cool. the following  assembly  instructions. 
    Fitting  input shaft oil seal 
    1. Fit  a new  seal,  lipped  side first,  into the 
    housing  noting that when  correctly  fitted the 
    seal  backing  will seat  on the  first  shoulder  in 
    the  bore. 
    2. Insert  the extrusion  washer with the flat side 
    downwards  facing the seal.  Secure  the 
    assembly  with the circlip  and 
    to ensure  that it 
    is properly  located, tap  the  circlip into the 
    groove  with a punch. 
    Rack  thrust  pad and  adjuster 
    1. Examine  the rack  pad adjuster  for general 
    condition  particularly  the pad  bearing  surface. 
    2. Renew the seal  and if necessary  the nylon 
    thrust  pad behind  the grub  screw. 
    3.  Check  the thrust  pad for wear  in particular  the 
    flat  side  which  slides on the  reverse  side of 
    the  piston  rack. 
    REISSUED: FEB 1993 15  
    Fitting sector shaft seal 
    1. With the lipped  side leading, fit the oil seal to 
    the  casing  followed by a plain  fibre washer. 
    2. Fit the  steel  backed  dust seal,  flat side 
    downwards  towards the oil seal.  Secure  with 
    the circlip ensuring  that it is properly  located 
    in  the  groove. 
    4 Fit a new  sealing  ring to the  worm  adjuster 
    screw  and turn  the adjuster  clockwise  into 
    housing using special  tool LST 119 until the 
    end  float  in the  input  shaft  is almost 
    eliminated.  Fit the  lock
    -nut  but do not  tighten 
    until  the following  instructions  for setting  the 
    input  shaft preload  are completed. 
    Fitting  valve and worm assembly 
    1. Fit the inner  bearing  cup and the original 
    shims  to the  casing.  Use a suitable  bar 
    57 mm  diameter  to tap  the  cup 
    squarely  into position. 
    If the original  shims are 
    not  available  fit shims  to the  value 
    of 0,76  mm 
    to  provide  a nominal  thickness. 
    2. Fit the  inner  and outer  bearing  cages to the 
    worm  using  petroleum  jelly only 
    to hold  the 
    in position. Do not  use  grease for this 
    purpose  since 
    it does not dissolve in the 
    box lubricating  fluid and could  block 
    the  fluid  passages  in the  valve  assembly. 
    3.  Cover  the input  shaft splined  area with seal 
    RO 1015 and  carefully  insert the shaft 
    into  the casing  followed  by the  outer  bearing 
    16 REISSUED: FEB 1993  
    5. Fit the  torque  setting  tool RO 1016 to the 
    input  shaft  and secure  with the grub  screw. 
    Coil  a length  of cord  round  the tool  and attach 
    a  spring  balance 
    to the free  end.  Measure  and 
    record  the rolling  resistance 
    of the shaft  as 
    the  spring  balance  is pulled. 
    3. Fit  seal  saver  RO 606604  over the thread  and 
    of the  sector  shaft and carefully  insert 
    the  shaft  into the casing.  Align the centre  gear 
    pitch  on the  rack  with the centre  gear tooth 
    the sector  shaft and at the  same  time rotate 
    the  input  shaft about  a small  arc 
    to allow the 
    sector  roller 
    to engage  the worm. 
    To settle  the bearings,  turn the worm  adjuster 
    again,  clockwise, 
    to increase  the resistance 
    over  that recorded  in the  previous  instruction 
    1.8 to 2,2 kg  (at  a radius  of 31,7  mm which 
    is determined  by the  setting tool). 
    7.  Now,  back-off the  worm  adjuster 
    -clockwise so that  the rolling  resistance 
    recorded  in instruction 
    5 is only  0,9 to 1,3  kg 
    Tighten  the locknut  using special 
    tool LST 
    119. Check  the rolling  resistance  again in 
    case tightening  the lock-nut has  altered  the 
    Fitting rack, piston  and sector shaft 
    1. Screw a suitable bolt into the piston  crown to 
    assist the fitting  and positioning  of the  piston 
    as  was  recommended  for removing  the piston. 
    2. insert  the piston,  rack end first,  into the casing 
    so that  the piston  crown is approximately 63,5 
    mm  from  the outer  end of the bore. 
    REISSUED: FEB 1993 17  
    4. The illustration  below shows  the position  in Fitting sector shaft cover 
    which the sector  shaft and roller  should  be in 
    to the  casing  aperature  when the shaft 
    is  being  inserted. 1. Fit and  lubricate  a new  sealing  ring to the 
    of the  cover  and screw  the cover  fully 
    to the  sector  shaft adjuster  screw. If 
    necessary,  use an Allen  key to hold the screw 
    to prevent  it turning. 
    2. Locate  the cover  on the  casing  noting that it 
    can only  be fitted  one way,  that is, with  the 
    bleed  nipple  towards  the worm  adjuster.  Tap 
    the  cover  into place  and 
    if necessary,  back off 
    the  adjuster  screw a few  turns  to allow  the 
    to seat  properly  on the  casing. Fit the 
    3. Using  the torque  setting  tool RO 1016 for 
    convenience,  rotate the input  shaft through  a 
    small  arc, in both  directions,  to ensure  that the 
    sector  roller is free 
    to move  in the  worm. 
    Tighten  the four  screws  evenly 
    to the correct 
    torque.  cover 
    retaing screws 
    but do not  tighten. 
    Fitting rack adjuster 
    1. Fit a new  sealing  ring to the rack  adjuster. 
    2. Fit the  adjuster  pad with  the flat  side  towards 
    the  rack  and screw 
    in the adjuster  until solid 
    contact  is made  with the rack.  Now back
    the  adjuster  half a turn. 
    3. Insert  the Nylon  locking  pad and fit the grub 
    screw,  leaving 
    it slack at this stage. 
    18 REISSUED:  FEB 1993  
    Fitting cylinder  cover  Setting the sector  shaft and rack  adjuster 
    1. Fit  and  lubricate  a new  seal  to the  cylinder 
    cover  and press  the cover  squarely  into the 
    1. Turn  the input  shaft to set  the  sector  shaft 
    cylinder  just far enough  to clear  the retaining  roller 
    at the  mid  point  of its  travel  between  the 
    ring  groove.  left 
    and  right  hand  locks. 
    2. Secure  the cover  with the retaining  ring by 2. Using  a 6 mm Allen  key, turn the sector  shaft 
    inserting  one end  of the  ring  into the cylinder  adjusting screw anti
    -clockwise  to obtain 
    so that it is  positioned 12 mm  beyond  backlash between the input  shaft and sector 
    the  ring  extractor  hole 
    in the side  of the  shaft. Now, turn the adjusting  screw clockwise 
    cylinder.  until the backlash  is just  eliminated. 
    3.  Using  the tool  RO 
    1016 and spring  balance, 
    measure  and record  the maximum  rolling 
    resistance  at the  input  shaft. 
    4. Fit a new  locknut  to the  adjuster  screw but do 
    not  tighten.  Continue  to rotate  the input  shaft, 
    with  the spring  balance,  whilst turning  the 
    adjuster  screw until the figure  recorded 
    instruction 3 is increased  by 0,9  to 1,3 kg. 
    Tighten  the locknut  and check  the  above 
    figures  again. 
    5. Turn the rack  adjuster  clockwise to impart 
    Pressure upon the rack  and back-off half  a 
    turn.  Again,  using special  tool RO 
    1016 and 
    the  spring  balance,  rotate the input  shaft 
    whilst  turning  the rack  adjuster  until the figure 
    recorded  in instruction  4 
    is increased by a 
    te  that  the final  rolling 
    resistance  figure, 
    recorded on the spring 3. Now,  compress  the ring  by hand,  whilst 
    feeding  the ring  into the groove  by striking  it 
    with  a hammer  until the ring  finally  springs 
    into  position 
    in the groove.  Ensure 
    that the 
    ring  is fully  seated  by tapping  it round 
    with a 
    6. When  satisfied  that the pre-load  figures  are 
    satisfactory,  lock the rack  adjuster  in position 
    with  the grub  screw. 
    REISSUED: FEB 1993 19 
    further 0,9 to 1,3 kg. No 
    balance, must not exceed 7,25 kg.  
    Torque peak check  NOTE: That 
    the addition  or subtraction of a 0,07 
    The  purpose 
    of this check  is to determine  the point  mm shim  will move  the torque  peak area by 
    at which  the rolling  resistance is the greatest  when  approximately  one quarter of a turn of the  input 
    the  steering  is turned  from lock 
    to lock. This  shaft. 
    resistance,  which must be equally  distributed,  should 
    be  when  the sector  shaft roller 
    is positioned  along Shim washers  are available  from Land  Rover 
    the  centre  portion 
    of the worm  approximately  two Parts 
    and Equipment in the following  sizes: 0,03 
    revolutions  of the  input  shaft from either  the left 
    or mm,  0,07 mm,  0,12 mm and  0,24  mm. 
    right  hand  lock. 
    3. Having  added or subtracted  shims as 
    The  correct  position  of the  resistance  depends upon  necessary, reassemble  the steering  box and 
    the  amount  of shimming  behind the input  shaft  inner  check that the torque  peak position 
    IS now 
    bearing  cup. Provided  that the original  shim pack  correct. 
    has  been  refitted,  the torque  peak position  should be 
    4. Using seal saver RO 606604, fit a new  outer 
    correct  unless major components  have been  dust seal over  the sector  shaft. Fit the  drop 
    renewed.  The procedure  for checking  and adjusting  arm 
    to the sector  shaft and a new  lock 
    the  torque  peak is contained  in the  following  washer. Fit and  tighten  the retaining  nut 
    to the 
    instructions.  correct 
    torque and bend  the lock  tab over  a 
    flat  of the  nut. 
    1. Attach  the torque  setting  tool RO 1016 to the 
    input  shaft  and turn  it fully  anti
    Wind  cord round  the tool  and fasten  a spring 
    to the  free  end as before.  Turn the 
    input  shaft  by pulling  the spring  balance  and 
    note  the position  where the highest  figure is 
    If the  highest  figures are not 
    recorded  along the middle  portion  of the  travel 
    as  explained  above adjustment  is necessary. 
    2. Adjustment  involves the dismantling  of the 
    steering  box and  removal  of the  input  shaft 
    inner  bearing  cup and  shims. 
    If the torque 
    peak  (highest  figure) occured  before the 
    centre  position,  add shims 
    to the pack. 
    Remove  shims 
    if the torque  peak occurs  after 
    the  centre  Position. 
    Fitting  steering box  to vehicle  and testing 
    1. Fit the  steering  box to the  vehicle  and 
    replenish  the system 
    with the  correct  make 
    and  grade  of fluid,  For this  information  refer 
    and  bleeding  the power  steering 
    To test  the effectiveness of the steering  box 
    overhaul  and the system 
    for leaks,  run the 
    engine  and hold  the steering  hard on full  lock 
    in  both  directions  whilst a second  person 
    checks  for fluid  leaks. 
    CAUTION: Do not  hold the steering  on full  lock 
    for  more  than thirty  seconds 
    in any one  minute 
    to  avoid  overheating  the fluid  and possibly 
    damaging  the seals. 
    3. Finally  road test the vehicle. 
    20 REISSUED:  FEB 1993  
    Lightweight  box 
    If there is a lack of power  assistance  for the  steering 
    Bleed the  pressure  of the  hydraulic  pump should be 
    checked  first before  renewing  any components  of the 
    system.  The fault  diagnosis  chart should  also be 
    1. Fill the  steering  fluid reservoir to the mark  on 
    the  side  of the  reservoir  with one of the  used to assist  in tracing  faults 
    in the  power  steering. 
    recommended  fluids. 
    2. Start and run the engine  until it attains  normal 
    operating  temperature. 
    3. Check and correct the reservoir  fluid level. 
    1. The hydraulic  pressure test gauge  is used  for 
    testing  the  power  steering system. This gauge 
    NOTE:  During the carrying  out of items 4, 5 and is calibrated to read  up to 140 kgf/cm²  and the 
    6, ensure  that the steering  reservoir is kept full. normal  pressure  which may be expected in 
    Do not  increase  the engine speed or move  the the power  steering  system is 77 kgflcm². 
    steering  wheel. 2. Under  certain  fault conditions  of the  hydraulic 
    pump  it 
    is possible to obtain  pressures  up to 
    4.  Run  the engine  at idle  speed,  slacken  the 
    105 kgf/cm².  Therefore, it is important to 
    realise that the pressure  upon the gauge is in 
    direct  proportion to the pressure  being exerted 
    upon  the steering  wheel. When testing,  apply 
    to the  steering  wheel very gradually 
    while  carefully  observing  the pressure  gauge. 
    3. Check, and if necessary  replenish, the fluid 
    4.  Examine  the power  steering  units and 
    connections  for leaks. 
    All leaks  must be 
    rectified  before attempting 
    to test the system. 
    5. Check  the steering  pump drive belt for 
    condition  and tension,  rectify as necessary. 
    6. Assemble  the test  equipment  and fit to the 
    vehicle  as illustrated. 
    7. Open  the tap  in the  adaptor. 
    8. Bleed  the system  but exercise  extreme care 
    when  carrying  out this  operation 
    so as not  to 
    overload  the pressure  gauge. 
    9. With the system in good  condition,  the 
    pressures  should be as follows: 
    a.  Steering 
    wheel held  hard  on full  lock  and 
    engine  running  at 1,000  rev/min,  the pressure 
    should  be 
    70 to 77 kgf/cm². 
    b.  With  the engine  idling and the steering 
    wheel  held hard  on full lock,  the pressure 
    should  be 
    28 kgf/cm²  minimum. 
    These  checks  should be carried  out first  on one  lock, 
    then  on the  other. 
    CAUTION:  Under no circumstances  must the 
    steering  wheel be held  on full  lock  for more  than 
    30 seconds  in any  one  minute,  otherwise  there 
    will be a tendency for the oil to  overheat  and 
    possible  damage to the  seals  may result. 
    bleed  screw.  When fluid seepage  past the 
    bleed  screw  is observed,  retighten the screw. 
    5. Ensure  that the fluid  level  is in  alignment  with 
    the  mark  on the  reservoir  dipstick. 
    6. Wipe off all fluid  released  during bleeding. 
    7.  Check  all hose  joints,  pump and steering  box 
    for  fluid  leaks  under  pressure  by holding  the 
    steering  hard on 
    full lock in both  directions. 
    CAUTION:  Do not  maintain  this pressure for 
    more  than 30 seconds  in any  one  minute,  to 
    avoid  causing  the oil to overheat  and possible 
    damage  to the  seals,  The steering  should 
    smooth lock-to-lock in both  directions,  that is, no 
    or light  spots  when changing  direction 
    when  the vehicle  is stationary. 10. Release  the steering  wheel and allow  the 
    to idle.  The pressure  should be below 
    7 kgflcm². 
    8. Carry out a short  road test. If necessary, 
    repeat  the complete  foregoing  procedure. 
    REISSUED: FEB 1993 21  
    11. If the pressures  recorded during the foregoing ADJUST  POWER STEERING BOX - Adwest 
    test are outside  the specified  range, or Lightweight  box 
    pressure imbalance IS recorded,  a fault  exists 
    in  the  system. 
    To determine if the fault  is in NOTE:  The condition of adjustment  which must 
    the steering  box or the pump,  close the be checked is one of minimum  backlash without 
    adaptor tap for a period  not exceeding  five overtightness  when the wheels  are in the 
    seconds. straight-ahead position. 
    12. If the gauge  fails to register  the specified 
    pressures,  the pump 
    is inefficient  and the 1. Jack  up the  front of the  vehicle  until the 
    pump  relief valve  should  be examined  and  wheels 
    are clear  of the  ground. 
    renewed  as necessary. 
    13. Repeat  the foregoing  test after  renewing  the WARNING:  Wheels  must be chocked in all 
    relief  valve  and bleeding  the system. 
    If the circumstances. 
    pump  still fails to achieve  the specified 
    pressures,  the pump  should  be overhauled  or 
    2. Gently rock the steering  wheel about the 
    a  new  unit fitted.  straight
    position to obtain the feel of 
    14. If pump  delivery  is satisfactory  and low  the backlash  present. This backlash  must not 
    pressure  or marked  imbalance  exists, the fault  be more  than 
    9,5 mm. 
    must be in the  steering  box valve  and worm 3. Continue  the rocking  action whilst an assistant 
    assembly.  slowly tightens  the steering  box adjuster 
    screw  after slackening  the locknut  until the rim 
    movement is reduced to 9,5 mm  maximum. 
    4. Tighten  the locknut,  then turn the steering 
    wheel from  lock to lock and check  that no 
    excessive  tightness exists at any  point. 
    5. Lower  the vehicle to ground  level and remove 
    the  wheel  chocks. 
    6. Road test the vehicle. 
    A. Steering  box 
    B.  Steering  pump 
    C.  Existing  hose 
    from steering  box 
    22 REISSUED: FEB 1993  
    When  fitting a new  or overhauled  steering box 
    observe  the following  procedure. 
    1. Remove dust caps  from ports. 
    2. Immediately  fit pipes  finger  tight. 
    3. Tighten  the 16 mm union  nut to 20 Nm. 
    4. Tighten  the 14 mm union  nut to 15 Nm. 
    with  steering  box fitted  to vehicle 
    Special  tools 
    Drop arm  puller  MS 252A  / LRT
    Seal  replacer  LST 125A  / LRT
    1. Working from beneath  the vehicle  set the 
    steering  in approximately  the straight  ahead 
    6. Remove  the dust  seal, if fitted,  and clean  the 
    position.  area around  the sector  shaft seal. 
    2. Release  the ball  pin from  the drag  link, and 7. Remove  the circlip. 
    one  end 
    of Panard  rod. 
    8. To remove the seal  pack,  drill two 3,0 mm 
    3. Release  the lock  tab from  the drop  arm  holes diametrically  opposite into the metal  dirt 
    retaining  nut and  remove 
    the nut 
    seal. Insert  a 4 mm  self tapping  screw in each 
    hole  then,  with pliars  pull the seal  from  the 
    9. Remove  the extrusion  washer and inner  seal. 
    4. Before  removing  the drop  arm,  mark  its 
    relationship  to the  sector  shaft to assist 
    5.  Using  pulley MS 
    252A or a suitable 
    alternative,  withdraw the drop  arm. 
    10. With  a suitable  probe, remove  the 
    -extrusion  washer and inner  seal. 
    REISSUED: FEB 1993 23  
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