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Land Rover Defender Workshop 1993 Rover Manual

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    of 492
    1. Drive the vehicle to level  ground  and place  a 1. Drive the vehicle to level  ground  and place  a  container under the gearbox to catch  the old 
    suitable  container  under the gearbox 
    to catch  oil. 
    the  old  oil. 
    2. Remove  the drain  plug and allow  the oil to 
    2. Remove  the gearbox  and extension  case  drain. Fit the plug  using  a new  washer, if 
    drain  plugs  and allow  the oil to drain  necessary, and tighten to the correct  torque. 
    completely.  Wash the extension  case filter in 
    3. Remove  the filler-level  plug and inject  the 
    kerosene  and refit 
    the plugs  using  new  approximate quantity of the recommended  oil 
    washers,  if necessary,  and tighten 
    to the  until it begins to run from  the plug  hole. Fit the 
    correct  torque. 
    level plug and tighten  only to the  correct 
    torque,  do not  overtighten,  wipe away  any 
    surplus  oil. 
    3. Remove  the oil filler-level  plug and inject  the 
    approximate  quantity of new  oil of the  correct 
    make  and grade  until it begins  to run  out of 
    the  filler
    -level  hole.  Fit the plug  and tighten  to 
    the  correct  torque.  Since the plug  has a 
    Wipe  away  any surplus  oil. 
    thread it must  not 
    be overtightened. 
    10 REISSUED:  FEB 1993 
    ST3084M ST1070M  
    1. Drive the vehicle to level  ground  and place  a 1. Drive the vehicle  to level  ground  and place a 
    container  under each swivel  housing  to catch  container under the axle to be drained. 
    the  used  oil. 
    2. Using  a spanner  with a 13 mm square  drive 
    2. Remove  the drain  plug and allow  the oil to remove  the drain  plug and allow  the oil to 
    drain  completely  and clean  and refit the plugs.  drain completely.  Clean and refit the drain 
    recommended  make and grade 
    of oil until  oil 3. Remove  the oil filler-level  plug and inject  new 
    begins  to run  from  the level  hole.  Clean  and  oil of a recommended  make and grade  until 
    fit the level  plugs  and wipe  away  any surplus  begins to run from  the hole.  Clean  and fit the 
    Oil. filler-level  plug and wipe  away  any surplus  oil. 
    3. Remove  the oil filler-level  plug and inject  the  plug. 
    1. Clean all the  grease  nipples on the  front  and 
    rear  propshaft  universal joints, and sliding 
    portion  of the  shaft. 
    2.  Charge  a low  pressure  hand grease  gun with 
    grease  of a recommended  make and grade 
    and  apply  to the  grease  nipple. giving two to 
    three  strokes  of the  gun  only  to each  nipple 
    every  40.000  km (24,000  miles) intervals. 
    RE-ISSUED: FEB 1993 11  
    GENERAL MAINTENANCE  AND ADJUSTMENT 4. Withdraw  the pad  retaining  pins. 
    5. Remove  the anti-rattle  springs  and withdraw 
    This second  part of the  maintenance  section covers  the friction  pads. 
    adjustments  and items  of general  maintenance  as 
    6. Clean the exposed  surfaces of the pistons 
    dictated by the MAINTENANCE  SCHEDULES . with new hydraulic  fluid or brake  cleaning 
    However,  only maintenance  operations that are not  fluid. 
    included  in the  OVERHAUL  SECTlONS of the 
    7. Using  piston  clamp (18G 672), press each 
    manual  appear in this  section.  piston back into its bore,  whilst  ensuring  that 
    the  displaced  fluid does  not overflow  from the 
    NOTE: Defender  90 has  disc  type  brakes fitted to 
    both  front  and rear 
    axles. Defender 110 is fitted 
    with  disc  type brakes  at the front and drum  type 
    at the  rear.  Front  brakes  on both  vehicle 
    types  are 
    fitted with four  piston  calipers  and the 
    rear  brakes  on Defender 
    90 are  fitted  with twin 
    piston  calipers,  The procedure  for renewing 
    friction  pads is the  same  for both  types  although 
    may be a  variation in the  type  of anti-rattle 
    spring  fitted, see Section  70. 
    Examine  the friction  pads for wear, 
    if the  friction 
    material  is less  than  3 mm  thick 
    or oil contaminated, 
    they  must  be renewed  as described 
    in the  following 
    instructions.  Observe precautions 
    in SECTlON 01 
    concerning  asbestos: 
    CAUTION:  Friction pads must 
    be changed in axle 
    1. Loosen  wheel nuts, jack-up the  vehicle,  lower 
    onto  axle stands.  and remove  the 
    2. Clean the exterior of me calipers. 3. Remove  the split  pins, or spring  clips, from 9. Insert the new friction pads. 
    the pad  retaining  pins. 
    8. Smear the faces  of the  pistons  with disc brake 
    lubricant,  taking care not to allow  any to reach 
    the  pad  lining  material. 
    10.  Place  the anti
    -rattle  springs  in position. 
    11.  Insert  the pad  retaining  pins and secure  with 
    new  split pins. 
    12.  Apply  the foot  brake  pedal several  times to 
    locate  the pads. 
    13.  Check  the fluid  reservoir  and top up if 
    14  Fit the  road  wheels  and secure  with the nuts 
    Jack  up the  vehicle  to remove  the axle  stands 
    and  lower  me vehicle  to me  ground  Finally. 
    tighten  the road  wheel  securing  nuts evenly. 
    to  the  correct  torque. 
    12 REVISED: OCT 1993  
    In the  service  schedule  it IS recommended  that the  Pipes attached  to the  breathers  on the  axles 
    brake  fluid is renewed  at 
    18,000 miles (30.000 km) terminate  inside the engine  compartment. This allows 
    intervals  or every  eighteen  months. If the following  the axles  to breath  whilst the vehicle IS traversing 
    procedure  is adopted  air should  not enter  the  mud and water. 
    No maintenance  is required  except 
    system.  to ensure  that the pipes 
    do not become  blocked, 
    kinked,  or split,  or damaged  in any  other  way 
    prevent  proper breathing. 
    1 Proceed  in the  same  way and order as for 
    bleeding  the system,  see 
    SECTION  70 . If a 
    clear  plastic  bleed tube is not  available, 
    interpose  a short  length of glass  tube into the 
    bleed  hose being  used 
    so that the passage  of 
    the  fluid  can be seen. 
    2. Attach  one end of the bleed  hose to the bleed 
    nipple  of the  wheel  cylinder  nearest 
    to the 
    master  cylinder  and immerse  the 
    free end into 
    a  glass  vessel  containing  a small  quantity 
    brake  fluid so that the end of the  tube is 
    below  the fluid  level. 
    3. Unscrew  the bleed  nipple  screw about 
    -a-turn,  enough to allow  fluid to be 
    pumped  out. 
    Air could be drawn  into the 
    if the  screw is withdrawn too far.  Ball 
    joints  are lubricated  for their  normal  life during 
    manufacture  and require  no further  lubrication.  This 
    applies  only 
    if the rubber  gaiter has not become 
    dislodged  or damaged.  The joints  should  be checked 
    at  the  specified  mileage intervals  but more  frequently 
    if the vehicle  is used under arduous  conditions. 
    1. Check for wear in the joints  by moving  the 
    ball  joint 
    up and  down  vigorously. If free 
    movement is apparent  renew the complete 
    joint  assembly. 
    4 Pump-out most,  but not  all,  of the  fluid  from 
    the  reservoir  by continuously  depressing and 
    releasing  the foot  pedal.  Do not,  however, 
    allow  the reservoir  to empty  completely. 
    5.  Top-up  the reservoir  with new,  unused  fluid. of 
    the  correct  specification,  from a sealed 
    container.  See SECTION  09 . 
    6.  Ensure  that the reservoir  is kept  topped
    and  continue  bleeding  until the old and 
    discoloured  fluid is dispelled  and the new  fluid 
    is  seen  passing  through the clear  bleed  hose 
    or  glass  tube. Continue  to bleed  for two  full 
    strokes  of the  pedal  and then  close  the bleed 
    nipple  whilst the pedal  is depressed. 
    7  Repeat  the above  procedure  at the  remaining 
    wheel  cylinders  in turn. 
    8.  Top
    -up the  reservoir  and road  test the vehicle. 
    RE-ISSUED:  FEB 1993 ‘7  
    Recognised  front wheel  alignment  tracking 1. Raise up vehicle  and lower  onto axle stands. 
    equipment  should be used 
    to perform  this check. 
    SECTION  04 for wheel  alignment  data. Before 
    checking  the alignment  make the following  checks:. 
    2. Each shoe is independently  set by means of a 
    hexagon  adjuster.  Check that the wheel  turns 
    freely  and turn  one adjuster  until the shoe 
    locked  against  the drum.  Slacken  off the 
    adjuster  sufficiently 
    for the wheel  to turn  freely 
    two serrations on the  snail 
    3. Repeat  the  above  procedure for the second 
    brake  shoe and the opposite  wheel. 
    4. Remove  the axle  stands  and road  test the 
    vehicle  brakes. 
    a. The vehicle  is on  level  ground. 
    b. The vehicle is not loaded. c. The  tire pressures  are correct.  cam. 
    d. The wheels  run true  and are not damaged  or 
    e. The  track  rod is not  damaged or bent  and the 
    ball  joints  are not worn. 
    Also check  that the 
    joints  are assembled 
    in the same  angular 
    plain  and are central 
    in their  housings.  See 
    SECTION 57. 
    1. Set the road  wheels  to  the  straight  ahead 
    position and move the vehicle forward a short 
    distance  at least 
    two revolutions  of  the 
    2. Set  up the  tracking  equipment  to  the 
    manufacturers  instructions. 
    3. Position the trammel  probes on the  inner  face 
    of the wheel,  not the  rims, if the latter  are 
    4. Check  the alignment  as instructed by the 
    equipment  manufacturers  and repeat  the 
    check  on 
    the opposite  wheel. If adjustment is 
    required  follow the instructions in steering 
    SECTION 57. 
    14 REVISED: OCT 1993  
    							ADJUST TRANSMISSION  BRAKE  (Handbrake) 6. Fit the  clevis  pin, washer  and  a NEW split pin. 
    7. Slacken  the  adjuster 1 or 2 notches  until 
    1. Set the vehicle  on  level  ground  and chock the  handbrake shoes just  clear the drum. 
    8. Apply  the handbrake  gradually. The  drum 
    2. Release the  handbrake  fully.  should 
    still  rotate on  the  first ratchet and start 
    3. Remove  the clevis  pin connecting  the to come on at the  second  ratchet. 
    handbrake  lever 
    to the  relay  at  the  gearbox 
    end. CAUTION:  DO NOT  over  adjust  the handbrake, 
    the  drum  must be free  to rotate  when the 
    handbrake  is released,  otherwise  serious damage 
    will  result. 
    1. The flywheel  housing can  be  completely 
    to exclude  mud and water  under 
    severe  wading  conditions,  by means  of a  plug 
    fitted  in the  bottom  of the  housing. 
    2. The  plug  should only be fitted  when  the 
    vehicle  is expected 
    to do  wading or very 
    muddy  work. 
    3. When the  plug  is in  use it must  be  removed 
    periodically  and  any oil  allowed 
    to drain off 
    before  the plug  is replaced. 
    4. When the  plug is not  in use,  it must  be stored 
    as  shown. 
    4. Turn  the adjuster  on  the back plate clockwise 
    until  the shoes  are  fully  expanded against  the 
    5. Adjust  the outer  sheath  of the  handbrake 
    cable  by  means 
    of the two locknuts at the 
    gearbox  end  until  the  holes  in the  clevis  on 
    the  inner  cable line up 
    with the hole in the 
    relay  lever 
    REISSUED: FEB 1993 15 
    Removing WARNING: Ensure that the fuel  handling 
    precautions  given 
    in Section 01 - Introduction 
    1. Release the three  clips and remove  the inlet  regarding  fuel handling  are strictly  adhered  to 
    tube.  when carrying 
    out the following  instructions. 
    2. Remove the nut and end  plate. 
    3. Withdraw  element and discard. WARNING: The  spilling  of fuel is unavoidable 
    during  this operation.  Ensure that all necessary 
    Refitting  precautions are taken  to prevent  fire and 
    Removing  Remove 
    and refit 
    4. Insert  the new  element  and reassemble  the 
    unit  in reverse  order 
    to removal. 
    1. Depressurise  the fuel  system. 
    2. The  fuel filter  is located  on the  right-hand 
    chassis  side member  forward of the  fuel  tank 
    filler  neck.  Access 
    to the filter  is gained 
    through  the right
    -hand  rear wheel  arch. 
    3. Clamp  the inlet  and outlet  hoses to prevent  of 
    fuel  spillage  when disconnecting  the hoses. 
    4. Loosen  the two fuel unions  and remove  the 
    from the  filter  canister. 
    5. Release  the single  nut and  bolt securing  the 
    filter  and clamp  and remove  the filter. 
    The dump valve  provides  an automatic  drain for the 
    air  cleaner  and 
    is fitted in the  base  of the  air cleaner 
    support  bracket. 
    1. Squeeze  open the dump  valve and check  that 
    the  rubber 
    is flexible  and in good  condition. 
    2. If necessary  remove the dump  valve to clean 
    the  interior. 
    3. Fit a new  valve if the original is in a poor 
    6. Fit a new  filter  observing  the direction  of flow 
    arrow  on the  canister. 
    7. Tighten  the single  nut and  bolt. 
    8.  Fit the  inlet  and outlet  hoses.  Tighten  the 
    unions  to a torque  of (27
    9. Refit  the fuel  pump  relay.  Reconnect  the 
    battery  and recode  the radio. 
    10. Start  the engine  and inspect  for fuel  leaks 
    around  the hose  connections. 
    16 REISSUED: FEB 1993  
    Charcoal canister Defender 110 3. Disconnect  pipe. 
    4. Loosen  bolt and  remove  charcoal  canister 
    1. Disconnect  battery negative  lead. 
    2. Disconnect  both purge  lines. 
    3.  Release  canister from its mounting  bracket. 
    5. Reverse the removal  procedure. 
    1. Pry the  filter  holder  upwards  to release it from 
    the  rocker  cover. 
    2. Discard  the sponge  filter. 
    4. Reverse  the removal  procedure,  ensuring that 
    the  canister 
    is securely  located in its mounting 
    bracket  and both  purge  lines are fitted 
    correctly  to the  canister. 
    WARNING: The use of compressed  air to clean  a 
    charcoal  canister  or 
    to clear  a blockage in the 
    evaporative  system  is highly  dangerous.  An 
    gas present in a  fully  saturated 
    canister  may 
    be ignited by the  heat  generated 
    when  compressed  air passes 
    through the 
    Charcoal canister  Defender 
    Remove  Fit 
    new  filter 
    3. Insert a new filter  into the plastic  body 
    4. Push the filter  holder  onto the rocker cover 
    until it clips firmly  into place 
    1. Disconnect  battery negative  lead. 
    2.  Pry out  purge  valve. 
    REVISED:  OCT 1993 17 
    							CLEAN PLENUM  CHAMBER  VENTILATION 7. Any remaining  consolidated  matter can be 
    PASSAGEWAY dislodged  using a piece of soft bent wire or a 
    pipe  cleaner.  Finally the passageway  must 
    The  cleaning 
    of the plenum  chamber  ventilation  again be blown  out to remove  any remaining 
    passageway  can be carried  out without  removing  the  debris. 
    plenum  chamber  from  the ram  housing. 
    8. Remove  the small T piece  between  the 
    crankcase  ventilation  hoses and check  that 
    CAUTION: Care must be taken  to prevent  debris  is free  from  blockages,  clean as necessary 
    from  the passageway  passing beyond the throttle 
    9. Refit  the ‘T’ piece  and hoses,  tighten  the hose 
    valve  disc.  clamps securely. 
    WARNING: Safety glasses  must be worn when CLEAN  POSITIVE  CRANKCASE  VENTILATION 
    performing this operation.  Ensure that debris is 
    not blown  into the atmosphere  which could be 
    harmful  to other  personnel  within the vicinity. 1. Release  the hose  clamp  and pull the hose off 
    the canister. 
    1. Disconnect  the battery  negative  terminal. 2. Unscrew  the canister  and remove if from  the 
    2. Release  the hose  clamp  and remove  the hose  rocker 
    from  the plenum  chamber  inlet neck. 
    3. Remove  the large O ring  from  the threaded 
    3. Remove  the crankcase  ventilation hose 
    from  end of the canister. 
    the  side 
    of the  plenum  chamber. 4. Visually inspect the condition of the wire 
    4. Insert  a piece  of lint  free  cloth  down  the  screen within the canister, if in poor  condition 
    throttle  valve bore to prevent  debris passing  fit 
    a new  assembly, 
    if in an  acceptable 
    beyond  the throttle  valve. 
    5. Place a cloth  over the tube  protruding  from 
    the  side 
    of the plenum  from which  the 
    ventilation  hose was removed  to prevent 
    debris  from the passageway  being blown  into 
    the  atmosphere. 
    condition clean the screen  as follows: 
    5. Immerse  the canister in a small  amount of 
    solvent  and allow time tor the  solvent 10 
    dissolve  and loosen any engine  fume debris 
    within the canister. 
    6. Remove  canister from solvent  bath and allow 
    to  dry  out  in still  air. 
    WARNING: Do  not  use  a compressed  air line  to 
    remove  any remaining  solvent or particles  of 
    debris  within the canister  as this  could  cause  fire 
    or  personal  injury. 
    Refitting  the breather/filter 
    6. Use  a compressed  air line with a slim  bent 
    to enable  the passageway  to be 
    cleaned out from within the  throttle  valve bore. 
    8. Screw  the canister  into the rocker cover hand 
    9. Refit  hose  and tighten  hose clamp  securely 
    a new  rubber 
    0 ring. 
    tight  only. 
    18 RE-ISSUED:  FEB 1993 
    OF ALL WASHERS 9. Ensure  that replacement H.T. leads  are 
    AND TOP-UP  RESERVOIR refitted  in their  spacing  cleats in accordance 
    with  the correct  layout illustrated. 
    to observe  this instruction  may result 
    in  cross-firing  between two closely  fitted leads 
    which  are consecutive  in the  firing  order. 
    Fitting H.T. leads 
    1. Check  the operation of windscreen,  tailgate 
    and  headlamp  washers. 
    2. Adjust jets if necessary  by inserting  a needle 
    or very  fine sharp  implement  into the jet orifice 
    and  maneuvering 
    to alter  the jet direction. 
    3. Unclip  the reservoir  cap. 
    4. Top up reservoir  to within 25mm (1 in) below 
    the  bottom 
    of the filler  neck. 
    Use  a screen  washer  soIvent/anti-freeze  in the 
    reservoir,  this 
    will assist in removing  mud, 
    flies  and road  film and  protect  against 
    Spark  plugs 
    1. Take great  care when  fitting  spark plugs not 
    to  cross
    -thread  the plug,  otherwise  costly 
    to the  cylinder  head will result. 
    2.  Check  or replace  the spark  plugs as 
    3. It  is  important  that only  the correct type of 
    spark  plugs are used for replacements. 
    4. Incorrect  grades of plugs may lead to piston 
    overheating  and engine  failure. 
    To remove  spark plugs  proceed  as follows: 
    5. Disconnect  the battery  negative  lead and 
    remove  the leads 
    from the spark  plugs. 
    6.  Remove  the plugs 
    and washers. 
    7. Set the  electrode  gap to the  recommended 
    8. When  pushing  the leads  onto the plugs, 
    ensure  that the shrouds  are firmly  seated 
    the plugs. 
    RE-ISSUED: FEB 1993 19  
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