GGP Italy SPA Chainsaw 71501057_0 Operators Manual
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Pïc bremzes ieslïgšanas atlaidiet akseleratora sviru. µïdei ir jÇapstÇjas uzreiz pïc bremzes ieslïgšanas. Ja bremze nedarbojas pareizi, sazinieties ar izplÇt¥tÇju, lai veiktu pÇrbaudi un remontu. Ja dzinïjs darbojas augsto apgriezienu rež¥mÇ, kamïr ir ieslïgta bremze, sajgs pÇrkars¥s. Tas var izrais¥t sajga un bremzes lentes bojÇjumu. Ja bremze tiek ieslïgta darba laikÇ, nekavïjoties atlaidiet akseleratora sviru. • AIZSARGIER±CE PRET SASALŠANU Š¥ ier¥ce ne∫auj karburatoram sasalst strÇdÇjot ziemas laikÇ. Ja darba laikÇ motorzÇÆis apstÇjas vai pïkš¿i samazina Çtrumu, izmantojiet šo ier¥ci sekojošajÇ veidÇ: 1. No¿emiet gaisa filtra vÇku, gaisa filtru un izpldes sistïmas trokš¿a slÇpïtÇju. 2. No¿emiet cilindra vÇka aizmugurïjas sienas vÇci¿u un apgrieziet to. 3. UzstÇdiet vÇkus to pirmatnïjÇs vietÇs. Neizmantojiet šo ier¥ci normÇlas temperatras apstÇk∫os, jo var rasties problïmas iedarbinÇšanas laikÇ pÇrkarsïta karburatora dï∫.!UZMAN±BU! •PRETSASALŠANAS KOMPLEKTS Komplekts ir paredzïts izmantošanai ∫oti zemas temperatras apstÇk∫os, ir pieejamas labajÇ pusï norÇd¥tÇs fakultat¥vas deta∫as. Kad parastais gaisa filtrs sasalst pat ja durti¿as ir va∫Ç, pie izplÇt¥tÇja ir jÇpasta pretsasalšanas komplekta deta∫as. • MOTORA APTURîŠANA 1. Atlaidiet paÇtrinÇtÇja sviru un ∫aujiet motoram dažas mintes darboties tukšgaitas rež¥mÇ. 2.UzstÇdiet slïdzi stÇvokl¥ “O” (izslïgšanas stÇvoklis). LV 1 0 5. Motora izmantošana (1) Cilindra vÇks (2) Gaisa filtra vÇks (3) Izpldes sistïmas trokš¿a slÇpïtÇjs (4) Gaisa filtrs (1) VÇci¿š (1) Gaisa iepldes aizbÇznis (2) Neilona t¥kla gaisa filtrs (3) Cilindra apvalks, kas paredzïts izmantošanai zemas temperatras apstÇk∫os (1) Slïdzis
• Pirms darba sÇkšanas izlasiet noda∫u “Jsu droš¥bai”. SÇkumÇ mïs rekomendïjam patrenï- ties ar neliela diametra stumbriem. Tas jums pal¥dzïs labÇk iepaz¥ties ar motorzÇÆa vad¥bu. • Visu laiku sekojiet dro- š¥bas noteikumiem. MotorzÇÆi var izmantot tikai koksnes zÇÆïšanai. Ir aizliegts zÇÆït cita tipa materiÇlus. ŠajÇ gad¥ju- mÇ vibrÇcija un atsitiens ir citÇdi un droš¥bas noteikumi netiktu ievïro- ti. Neizmantojiet motor- zÇÆi kÇ sviru priekšmetu pacelšanai, pÇrvieto- šanai vai sadauz¥šanai, kÇ ar¥ neblo ïjiet to fiksïtajos balstos. Ir aizliegts motorzÇÆa jau- das no¿emšanai izman- tot ier¥ces, kuras neapsti- prinÇja ražotÇjs. •ZÇÆïšanas laikÇ nav nepieciešams pielietot spïku. Kad motors darbojas maksimÇlo apgrie- zienu rež¥mÇ, zÇÆïjiet pielietojot tikai vieglu spiedienu. •Ja zÇÆïšanas laikÇ ïde iesprst, nemïÆiniet izvilkt to ar spïku, bet izmantojiet ¥li vai sviru. •PIEVîRSIET UZMAN±BU ATSITIENA RISKAM !UZMAN±BU!•Šis motorzÇÆis ir apr¥kots ar bremzi, kura apstÇdina ïdi, ar nosac¥jumu, ka bremze ir labÇ darba stÇvokl¥. PÇrbaudiet brem- zes darbspïju pirms darba uzsÇkšanas, pÇrslïdzot motoru pilnÇs jaudas rež¥mÇ apmïram uz 1-2 sekundïm un pavelkot uz priekšu priekšïjo rokas aizsargier¥ci. Kamïr motors darbojas pilnÇs jaudas rež¥mÇ, ïdei uzreiz ir jÇapstÇjas. Ja ïde apstÇjas ar aizkavi vai vispÇr neapstÇjas, nomainiet bremzes lenti un sajga trumuli. •Pirms katras izmantošanas ir ∫oti svar¥gi pÇrbaud¥t vai ïdes brem- ze darbojas pareizi un vai ïde ir labi uzasinÇta, lai samazinÇtu motorzÇÆa atsitiena rašanas risku. Droš¥bas ier¥ãu no¿emšana, nepareiza tehniskÇ apkope vai nepa- reiza sliedes vai ïdes uzstÇd¥šana var paaugstinÇt smagu negad¥jumu risku atsitiena dï∫. • KOKA ZÅ ISîŠANA 1. Nosakiet koka gÇšanas virzienu, ¿emot vïrÇ vïju, koka sl¥pumu, smagÇku zaru izvietoju- mu, darba ïrt¥bu pïc gÇšanas utt. 2. Atbr¥vojiet zonu apkÇrt kokam, pÇrliecinieties, ka jsu kÇjas ir labi atbalst¥tas un pÇrdomÇjiet atiešanas ce∫u. 6. ZÇÆïšanaLV 1 1 6. ZÇÆïšana (1) IezÇÆïjums (2) GÇšanas zÇÆïjums (3) GÇšanas virziens
3. No gÇšanas puses izpildiet iezÇÆïjumu, kura dzi∫ums vienÇds ar vienu trešda∫u stumbra diametra. 4. NozÇÆïjiet koku no otras puses nedaudz augstÇk par iezÇÆïjuma apakšïjo malu. Koka gÇšanas laikÇ br¥diniet par to cilvïkus, kuri strÇdÇ jums bla- kus. Lapotnes nogriešana un zÇÆïšana • Vienmïr nodrošiniet sev cietu darba virsmu. NestÇviet ar kÇjÇm uz koka. • Esiet uzman¥gi, jo stumbrs var sÇkt ripot. Ja js stÇvat uz sl¥pas virsmas, strÇdÇjiet no tÇs puses, kura atrodas augstÇk. • Nepie∫aujiet atsitiena rašanos un sekojiet noda∫as “Jsu droš¥bai” norÇd¥jumiem. Pirms darba uzsÇkšanas pÇrbaudiet uz kuru pusi koks mïdz noliekties. Pabeidziet zÇÆïjumu no pretïjÇs puses, lai motorzÇÆis zÇÆïšanas laikÇ neiesprstu. Pïc nogÇšanas Vispirms iezÇÆïjiet stumbru l¥dz tÇ diametra videi, pïc tam pagrieziet stumbru un pÇrzÇÆïjiet to no pretïjÇs puses. Ja stumbrs ir pacelts virs zemes ApgabalÇ “A” iezÇÆïjiet stumbru no apakšas uz vienu trešda∫u diametra un pabeidziet zÇÆïšanu no augšas. ApgabalÇ “B” iezÇÆïjiet stumbru no augšas uz vienu trešda∫u diametra un pabeidziet zÇÆïšanu no apakšas. !UZMAN±BU! !UZMAN±BU!NogÇzta koka lapotnes nogriešana PÇrbaudiet uz kuru pusi ir izliekts zars. Paveiciet sÇkuma zÇÆïjumu no tÇs puses, uz kuru zars ir izliekts un pabeidziet zÇÆïjumu no pretïjÇs puses. Pievïrsiet uzman¥bu zara kust¥bai zÇÆïšanas laikÇ. Zaru apgriešana ZÇÆïjiet no augšas un pabeidziet zÇÆïjumu no apakšas. • NestrÇdÇjiet stÇvot uz nestabilas virsmas vai uz pieslienamÇm kÇpnïm. • Nestiepieties pÇrÇk tÇlu. • NezÇÆïjiet virs jsu plecu l¥me¿a. • Vienmïr turiet zÇÆi ar abÇm rokÇm. !UZMAN±BU! !UZMAN±BU! LV 1 26. ZÇÆïšana
Pirms motorzÇÆa t¥r¥šanas, pÇrbaudes vai remonta pÇrliecinieties, ka motors ir izslïgts un ir auksts. Atvienojiet sveci, lai nepie∫autu motora nejaušu iedarbinÇšanu. •TEHNISKÅ APKOPE PîC IZMANTOŠANAS 1. Gaisa filtrs Atlaidiet rokturi un no¿emiet gaisa filtra vÇku. Izvelciet filtrïjošo elementu un ar sukas pal¥dz¥bu izt¥riet zÇÆskaidas. Ja filtrs ir aizsprostots ar zÇÆskaidÇm, sadaliet to divÇs da∫Çs un izmazgÇjiet to ar benz¥nu. Gaisa filtra tehniskÇs apkopes laikÇ ar drÇnas pal¥dz¥bu aizsprostojiet gaisa iepldes atveri. 2. E∫∫ošanas atvere No¿emiet sliedi un pÇrbaudiet vai e∫∫ošanas atvere nav aizsprostota. PIEZ±ME !UZMAN±BU!3. Sliede Pïc sliedes no¿emšanas izt¥riet skaidas no tÇs rievas un no e∫∫ošanas atveres. Iee∫∫ojiet atveres priekšïjo zobratu sliedes galÇ. 4. Citas pÇrbaudes PÇrliecinieties, ka nav degvielas nopldes, stiprinÇšanas elementi nav iz∫odz¥jušies, nav bojÇtas svar¥gas deta∫as, it ¥paši rokturu savienotÇjdeta∫as un sliedes stiprinÇšanas deta∫as. Ja js atradÇt darbneder¥gas deta∫as, pÇrliecinieties, ka pirms darba uzsÇkšanas tÇs tiks salabotas. •PLÅNOTÅS TEHNISKÅ APKOPES PUNKTI 1. Cilindra riba Putek∫u uzkrÇšanÇs starp cilindra ribÇm var izrais¥t motora pÇrkarsïjumu. Periodiski pÇrbaudiet un t¥riet cilindra ribas, vispirms no¿emot gaisa filtru un cilindra vÇku. Pïc cilindra vÇka uzstÇd¥šanas pÇrliecinieties, ka vadi un gumijas bl¥ves ir pareizi novietotas. Vienmïr aizveriet gaisa iepldes atveri. PIEZ±ME 7. TehniskÇ apkopeLV 1 3 7. TehniskÇ apkope (1) Gaisa filtrs (1) Degvielas filtrs (1) E∫∫ošanas atvere (2) E∫∫ošanas atvere (3) Zobrats (1) E∫∫ošanas atvere
2. Degvielas filtrs 1. Ar dzelzs stieples Ç a pal¥dz¥bu iz¿emiet filtru no tvertnes kakla. 2. Izjauciet un izt¥riet filtru ar benz¥nu vai nomai- niet to, ja nepieciešams. • Pïc filtra no¿emšanas aizveriet ieskšanas caurules galu ar pincetes pal¥dz¥bu. • UzstÇdot filtru jÇuzmanÇs, lai net¥rumi nenok∫tu ieskšanas caurulï. 3. E∫∫as tvertne Iztukšojiet e∫∫as tvertni un izt¥riet tÇs iekšpusi ar benz¥na pal¥dz¥bu. 4. Svece Not¥riet elektrodus ar metÇla sukas pal¥dz¥bu un nodrošiniet, lai attÇlums starp elektrodiem btu 0,65 mm. PIEZ±ME 5. Zobrats PÇrbaudiet vai tas nav bojÇts vai nodilis. Ja nepieciešams, nomainiet to. NeuzstÇdiet jaunu ïdi uz nodilušu zobratu vai otrÇdi. 6. Priekšïjie un aizmugurïjie vibrÇciju slÇpïtÇji Nomainiet tos, ja saskar¥gas deta∫as ir bojÇtas, vai ja uz gumijas da∫Çm ir pl¥sumi. Nomainiet tos, ja aizmugurïja vibrÇciju slÇpïtÇja metÇla da∫as iekšpuse sa¿ïma triecienu no apstÇšanas bultskrves un ja palielinÇs metÇla da∫as sprauga. LV 1 4 7. TehniskÇ apkope (1) Pretsvars (2) Filtrs (3) Scïjcaurule (4) Aizturis Champion RCJ-7Y
•µïde Droš¥bas un efektivitÇtes nodrošinÇšanai ir ∫oti svar¥gi, lai griešanas elementi btu labi uzasinÇti. AsinÇšana ir jÇveic šÇdos gad¥jumos: • ZÇÆskaidas ir l¥dz¥gas pulverim. • Jums ir jÇpielieto vairÇk spïka zÇÆïšanas laikÇ. • ZÇÆïjums nav taisns. • PalielinÇs vibrÇcija. • PalielinÇs degvielas patïri¿š. Griešanas elementu standarta parametri Vienmïr izmantojiet aiz- sargcimdus. . Pirms asinÇšanas: • PÇrliecinieties, ka motorzÇÆis ir labi nostiprinÇts. • PÇrliecinieties, ka motors ir izslïgts. • Izmantojiet atbilstoša izmïra apa∫v¥li (7/32 collas - 5,6 mm). Novietojiet v¥li uz griešanas elementa un pastumiet to uz priekšu. Turiet v¥li norÇd¥tajÇ stÇvokl¥. Pïc katra griešanas elementa regulïšanas pÇrbaudiet tÇ izvirz¥jumu un nov¥lïjiet to l¥dz vajadz¥gam l¥menim. Noapa∫ojiet priekšïjo malu, lai samazinÇtu atsitiena un savienotÇjcilpu pl¥suma varbt¥bu.!UZMAN±BU! !UZMAN±BU! !UZMAN±BU! PÇrliecinieties, ka visiem griešanas elementiem ir vienÇds garums un le¿ is. 2. Sliede • Lai novïrstu asimetrisku nodilumu, periodiski apgrieziet sliedi. • Sliedes malai vienmïr jÇbt taisnai. PÇrbaudiet nodilumu. Pielieciet lineÇlu pie sliedes un pie griešanas elementa Çrïjas da∫as. Ja izveidojas sprauga, mala ir normÇla. PretïjÇ gad¥jumÇ mala ir nodilusi. Sliede ir jÇsalabo vai jÇnomaina. (1) Atbilstošs mïrinstruments (2) Noapa∫ojiet malu (3) Griešanas elementa standarta izvirz¥jums: 0,3” - 0,75 mm (A) Griešanas ele- menta garums (30°) V¥lïšanas le¿ is (85°) SÇnu plÇksnes le¿ is (60°) AugšïjÇs plÇksnes griešanas le¿ is (1) LineÇls (2) Sprauga (3) Nav spraugas (4) µïde novirzÇs 8. µïdes un sliedes tehniskÇ apkope 8. µïdes un sliedes tehniskÇ apkopeLV 1 5
LV 1 69. Traucïjumu novïršana 9. Traucïjumu novïršana PROBLEMA CîLONIS NOVîRŠANAS PASÅKUM 1) Traucïjumi iedarbinÇšanas laikÇ UZMAN±BU! PÇrliecinieties, ka aizsargier¥ce pret sasalšanu nav iedarbinÇta. 2) Zema jauda/Traucïjumi paÇtrinÇšanas laikÇ/Nestabila gaita minimÇlo apgriezienu rež¥mÇ 3)E∫∫a nenÇk ÇrÇ–PÇrbaudiet vai benz¥nÇ nav dens, un vai mais¥jums nav zemas kvalitÇtes. –PÇrbaudiet vai motors nav appldinÇts. –PÇrbaudiet sveci. –PÇrbaudiet vai benz¥nÇ nav dens, un vai mais¥jums nav zemas kvalitÇtes. –PÇrbaudiet vai gaisa un degvielas fil- tri nav aizsprostoti. –PÇrbaudiet vai karburators nav nore- gulïts nepareizi. –PÇrbaudiet vai e∫∫a nav zemas kvalitÇtes.. –PÇrbaudiet vai e∫∫as caurule un e∫∫as atveres nav aizsprostotas.–Nomainiet benz¥nu. –Iz¿emiet sveci un nosusiniet to. –Vïlreiz pavelciet starteri, bez noslÇpïšanas. –Nomainiet sveci pret jaunu. –Nomainiet benz¥nu. –Not¥riet. –Noregulïjiet Çtruma tapskrves. –Nomainiet to. –Not¥riet. Ja js uzskatÇt, ka ir jÇveic motorzÇÆa papildus tehniskÇ apkope, ldzam griezties jsu zonÇlajÇ tehniskÇs pal¥dz¥bas centrÇ.
1. For Safe OperationEN 1 Dear Customer, Firstly, we wish to thank you for having chosen our products and hope that the use of this machine will be extremely satisfying for you and fully meet your expectations. This manual has been drawn up to allow your to get to know your machine well and use it in safe and efficient conditions; please do not forget that it is an integral part of the machine and keep it to hand to be consulted at all times and con- sign it with the machine if you should sell or lend it to others. Your new machine has been designed and manufactured to current standards and is safe and reliable if used in full respect of the instructions contained in this manual (forecast use); any other use or fail- ure to comply with the instructions for safe use, maintenance and repair shall be considered as “improper use”, cause the warranty to become null and void and relieve the Manufacturer from all responsibility, with the user becoming responsible for charges for damages or personal or third party injury. If any slight differences are found between the description herein and the machine you own, please bear in mind that due to continual product improvement, the information contained in this manual is subject to modification without prior notice or obligatory updating, although the essential features for the purposes of safety and operation remain unchanged. In the event of doubt, please contact your dealer. Enjoy your work! EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND SAFETY WARNINGS Read operators instruction book before operating this machine. Use the chain saw with two hands. Read, understand and follow all warnings. Wear head, eye and ear protec- tion. Warning! Danger of kickback. WARNING!!! RISK OF DAMAGING HEARING IN NORMAL CONDITIONS OF USE, THIS MACHINE MAY INVOLVE A DAILY LEVEL OF PERSONAL EXPOSURE TO NOISE FOR THE OPERATOR EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 85 dB(A) 1.For Safe Operation ...................................................................... 12.Explanation of Symbols on the Machine ................................... 43.Installing Guide Bar and Saw Chain .......................................... 54.Fuel and Chain Oil ...................................................................... 65.Operating the Engine .................................................................. 86.Sawing ....................................................................................... 117.Maintenance .............................................................................. 138.Maintenance of Saw Chain and Guide Bar .............................. 159.Troubleshooting Guide ............................................................. 16 Contents 1. For Safe Operation
EN 21. For Safe Operation 1.Never operate a chain saw when you are fatigued, ill, or upset, or under the influence of medication that may make you drowsy, or if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. 2.Use safety footwear, snug fit- ting clothing and eye, hearing and head protection devices. Use the vibration-proof glove. 3.Keep the saw chain sharp and the saw, including the AV system, well maintained. A dull chain will increase cutting time, and press- ing a dull chain through wood will increase the vibrations transmit- ted to your hands. A saw with loose components or with dam- aged or worn AV buffers will also tend to have higher vibration lev- els. 4.All the above mentioned pre- cautions do not guarantee that you will not sustain whitefinger diseaseor carpal tunnel syn- drome. Therefore, continual and regular users should monitor closely the condition of their hands and fin- gers. If any of the above symp- toms appear, seek medical advice immediately. 5.Always use caution when han- dling fuel. Wipe up all spills and then move the chain saw at least 3 m from the fueling point before starting the engine. 6.Eliminate all sources of sparks or flame (i.e. smoking, open flames, or work that can cause sparks) in the areas where fuel is mixed, poured, or stored. 7.Do not smoke while handling fuel or while operating the chain saw. 8.Do not allow other persons to be near the chain saw when start- ing or cutting. Keep bystanders and animals out of the work area. Children, pets and bystanders should be a minimum of 10 m away when you start or operate the chain saw. 9.Never start cutting until you have a clear work area, secure footing, and a planned retreat path from the falling tree. 10.Always hold the chain saw firmly with both hands when the engine is running. Use a firm grip with thumb and fingers encircling the chain saw handles. 11.Keep all parts of your body away from the saw chain when the engine is running. 12.Before you start the engine, make sure the saw chain is not contacting anything. 13.Always carry the chain saw with the engine stopped, the guide bar and saw chain to the rear, and the muffler away from your body. 14.Always carry the chain saw with the engine stopped, the guide bar and saw chain to the rear, and the muffler away from your body. 15.All chain saw service, other than the items listed in the Owner’s Manual, should be per- formed by competent chain saw service personnel. (E.g., if improp- er tools are used to remove the flywheel, or if an improper tool is used to hold the flywheel in order to remove the clutch, structural 1. For Safe Operation
1. For Safe OperationEN 3 damage to the flywheel could occur which could subsequently cause the flywheel to disinte- grate.) 16.Always shut off the engine before setting it down. 17.Use extreme caution when cutting small size brush and saplings because slender material may catch the saw chain and be whipped toward you or pull you off balance. 18.When cutting a limb that is under tension, be alert for spring- back so that you will not be struck when the tension in the wood fibers is released. 19.Never cut in high wind, bad weather, when visibility is poor or in very high or low temperatures. Always check the tree for dead branches which could fall during the felling operation. 20.Keep the handles dry, clean and free of oil or fuel mixture. 21.Operate the chain saw only in well ventilated areas. Never start or run the engine inside a closed room or building. Exhaust fumes contain dangerous carbon monoxide. 22.Do not operate the chain saw in a tree unless specially trained to do so. 23.Guard against kickback. Kickback is the upward motion of the guide bar which occurs when the saw chain at the nose of the guide bar contacts an object. Kickback can lead to dangerous loss of control of the chain saw. 24.When transporting your chain saw, make sure the appropriate guide bar scabbard is in place. KICKBACK SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR CHAIN SAW USERS Kickback may occur when the nose or tip of the guide bar touches an object, or when the wood closes in and pinches the saw chain in the cut. Tip contact in some cases may cause a lightning fast reverse reaction, kick- ing the guide bar up and back towards the operator. Pinching the saw chain along the top of the guide bar may push the guide bar rapidly back towards the operator. Either of these reactions may cause you to lose control of the saw, which could result in serious per- sonal injury. • Do not rely exclusively on the safety devices built into your saw. As a chain saw user you should take several steps to keep cutting jobs free from accident or injury. 1. With a basic understanding of kickback you can reduce or eliminate the element of surprise. Sudden surprise contributes to accidents. 2. Keep a good grip on the saw with both hands, the right hand on the rear handle, and the left hand on the front handle, when the engine is running. Use a firm grip with thumbs and fingers encircling the chain saw handles. A firm grip will help you reduce kickback and maintain control of the saw. 3. Make certain that the area in which you are cutting is free from obstructions. Do not let the nose of the guide bar contact a log, branch, or any other obstruction which could be hit while you are operating the saw. 4. Cut at high engine speeds. 5. Do not overreach or cut above shoulder height. 6. Follow the manufacturer’s sharpening and maintenance instructions for the saw chain. 7. Only use replacement bars and chains specified by the manufac- turer or the equivalent. !WARNING!