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GE S5 Service Manual

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    							Service Menu
                                              Document no. M1031519-01
    1.3.2 Communication
    Interface status indicates the status of the data link 
    between the CPU and MEM sections. If the MemCard 
    option is installed, the status should always be on 
    ACTIVE. If the status blinks between ACTIVE and CLOSED, 
    a communications error has occurred.
    Message types indicates the type of data packets that 
    have been sent (Tx) and received (Rx) since last monitor 
    start. Data types are listed on the lines below Message 
    types text.
    Data types:
    Record Kindicates the communication between 
    the Monitor and Record Keeper.
    File Operationindicates the operations of Patient data.
    Serviceindicates the MEM section operations.
    Modesindicates the User Mode operations.
    Module statusindicates the number of sent/received data packets that relate to the MEM section status.
    Packets totalindicates the total amount of data packets that have been sent/received since the last monitor 
    Bytes totalindicates the total amount of data bytes that have been sent/received since the last monitor start.
    The last four lines indicate transmission errors:
    Timeoutsindicates the number of timeouts that have occurred in MEM section data transmission since the 
    last monitor start.
    Chksum errindicates the number of checksum errors in data packets from MEM section since the last monitor 
    Length errindicates the number of data packets with erroneous length from the MEM section since the last 
    monitor start.
    Duplicatedindicates the number of duplicate data packets from the MEM section since the last monitor start. 
    							Datex-Ohmeda S/5 Compact Anesthesia and Compact Critical Care Monitors
    Document no. M1031519-01                                                                           
    1.4 Power supply
    The menu shows the voltages and the temperature 
    measured by the power management board (PMB 
    Voltages) and the main CPU board in the Display 
    unit(DU Voltages). The measurement starts about 
    100 ms after a start-up. The values in the column 
    under Mean are the mean values of the last one 
    second, the Min column shows the minimum mean 
    value, and the Max column the maximum mean 
    value of the voltages and temperature measured 
    during the current power ON.
    The following voltages are measured by the PMB in 
    the Frame Unit:
    Raw DC
    +15V               14.65….15.35
    –15V                -14.65...-15.35 V
    +15VD            14.65...16.00 V
    +5V                    4.85...5.25 V
    Temp (°C) value corresponds with the Frame Unit 
    internal temperature measured by the PMB.
    The numbers on this page are only directive and not absolute values.
    The following voltages are measured by the Central Processing Board in the Display Unit:
    +12V                    11.50…12.50V
    +3.3V                   3.00…3.60V
    VBUS                  10.00…17.00V
    Temp (°C) value corresponds with the Display Unit internal temperature measured by the Central Processing 
    MPS input current is the current fed to the Module Power Supply. The current should be 
    							Service Menu
                                              Document no. M1031519-01
    1.4.1 Battery
    1.5 PCMCIA Board
    Select Battery: Selection of battery type.
    Capacity: Selection of battery capacity. 
    Previous Menu: Return to the previous menu.
    Service Data
    Type shows the type of the battery used. 
    Capacity refers to battery capacity in Ah.
    Left [%]: Evaluated capacity left in battery.
    Temperature [°C] measured inside the battery.
    Current [A] shows the charging state and charging 
    Voltage [V] (Full, Timed, Fast) shows the measured 
    battery voltage.
    Monitor Temperature shows the Frame Unit inside 
    temperature measured by the PMB.
    Chip type is the type of the PCMCIA controller chip 
    Number of slots is the number of PCMCIA card 
    slots in use (0, 1 or 2).
    Slot A/B State and Drv Active indicate if the 
    PCMCIA card slot is active.
    Driver Ptr, Detect Int and PcCard Int: PCMCIA 
    card driver software related data. 
    PcCard info: General PCMCIA card related 
    							Datex-Ohmeda S/5 Compact Anesthesia and Compact Critical Care Monitors
    Document no. M1031519-01                                                                           
    2 Display
    Geometry views the geometry of the display.
    Colors views the color of the screen.
    Readability views the readability of the screen. 
    							Service Menu
                                              Document no. M1031519-01
    3 Keyboard
    The service menu for testing the command board 
    Upper Led is for testing the upper alarm LED (red) on the 
    command board. When the text is highlighted, the upper 
    alarm LED can be turned on and off by pressing the 
    Lower Led is for testing the lower alarm LED (yellow) on 
    the command board. When the text is highlighted, the 
    lower alarm LED can be turned on and off by pressing the 
    Dummy Press is for testing the ComWheel. When the text 
    is highlighted, pressing the ComWheel creates a sound 
    from the loudspeaker and the corresponding number on 
    the service data field increases.
    Service Data
    Message count counts the number of messages that are sent out to the main CPU board.
    Leds upper and lower indicate the states of the alarm LEDs on the command board.
    Direct action keys texts are indications to the command board membrane keys. When a key on the command board 
    is pressed, the corresponding text in the menu changes its colour.
    Control wheel, Press counts the ComWheel pressings.
    Control wheel, Clockwise and Counter clockwise indicate the ComWheel turnings.
    Since shows the date and the time of the last run time reset. 
    							Datex-Ohmeda S/5 Compact Anesthesia and Compact Critical Care Monitors
    Document no. M1031519-01                                                                           
    3.1 Keyboard Log
    3.2 Keyboard Type
    Keyboard Scroll Log
    All the keyboard presses and the commands given 
    by the ComWheel are recorded in the Keyboard 
    Log. The keyboard log is saved in the permanent 
    memory of the monitor. The length of the log is 
    1150 events. The log is FIFO type.
    Scroll Stat enables to scroll the keyboard events.
    Store Mask A selection for the anaesthesia keyboard’s 
    language. The selected language determines the 
    outcome of the lower keypad.
    Store Type is for selecting the keyboard;
    COM = Command Board
    ARK = Anaesthesia Keyboard
    AIC = Information Center Keyboard
    NOTE: The settings should be checked if the controller
    board is replaced. If settings are changed, the new
    settings will not be valid until the next start-up. 
    							Service Menu
                                              Document no. M1031519-01
    4 Parameters
    NOTE: Parameter values in Service Data fields are only for reference in this section.
    4.1 Gas Unit
    Service menu for airway gas modules’ communication 
    and airway gas and spirometry measurements. 
    							Datex-Ohmeda S/5 Compact Anesthesia and Compact Critical Care Monitors
    Document no. M1031519-01                                                                           
    4.1.1 General
    Service Data
    Module configuration shows which measurement 
    options are available, i.e. are detected by the module.
    Timeouts is a cumulative number that indicates how 
    many times the module has not responded to the 
    monitors inquiry. 
    Bad checksums is a cumulative number that indicates 
    how many times communication from the module to 
    monitor has broken down.
    Bad c-s by mod is a cumulative number that indicates 
    how many communication errors the module has 
    The monitor starts counting these items at power up and 
    resets to zero at power off. The values may also be reset 
    when a module is attached to the monitor frame and be 
    set to 32769 or continuous counting may be started when 
    the module is removed from the monitor frame. 
    The nonzero values do not indicate a failure, but the continuous counting (more than 5 per second) or value 32769 
    indicates either a serial communication failure or a module not in place. Also failures in other modules may cause these
    numbers to rise or be set to 32769. 
    							Service Menu
                                              Document no. M1031519-01
    4.1.2 Gases
    Noise Measactivates the noise measurement.
    Sample gain adj adjusts the sampling pump gain, i.e. 
    for adjusting the sample flow 
    Fall time Meas *activates the fall time measurement. 
    Pump ctrlA manual control for the sampling 
    Zero valve ctrlA manual control for the zero valve.
    Occl valve ctrl*A manual control for the occlusion 
    Record Dataprints out the shown service data and 
    board information (id. serial number 
    and software id.) onto the recorder 
    Service Data
    O2, CO2, N2O, AA
     % field shows real-time concentrations.
     noise-% is standard deviation of concentration.
    2, CO2, N2O, AA channels A-E 
    mV field: signal is scaled to mV.
    Gain: User gain. It is scaled as (User gain)/(Factory gain).
    ID*Shows the identified agent.
    ID unrel.*The shown value tells how unreliable the identification is. With pure agent the value is typically < 
    Sample Flowis calculated from differential pressure and adjusted by the module. Zero value as measured 
    during initialization when the pump is off. Gain: sample flow measurement can be calibrated by 
    adjusting the gain. 
    Ambient*Ambient pressure is measured continuously in E-miniC. In M-miniC it is measured at least once an 
    hour (during the first running hour during each zeroing process). In M-Gas it is measured once an 
    hour . 
    Amb-Work:  ambient pressure - sampling system internal pressure.
    Fall time*CO
    2 and O2 in ms. For N2O and AA same as CO2.
    2-O2 Delay*In ms. No delay between CO2, N2O, and agents.
    PumpCan be toggled ON/OFF. PWM output 0-100% is shown. Pump voltage is also shown.
    LampThe state, PWM control, and current of the lamp are shown.
    Fan*The state of the fan is shown.
    Zero and Occl valve  Can be toggled between the measurement state (MEAS) and zeroing/occlusion states 
    TempTemperatures measured by the module from TPX, CPU, and OM.
    Time after power on In minutes after power on. 
    							Datex-Ohmeda S/5 Compact Anesthesia and Compact Critical Care Monitors
    Document no. M1031519-01                                                                           
    4.1.3 Spirometry
    Insp and exp flow gains can be adjusted, if calibration is 
    needed. A calibration pump or spirometry tester is used 
    and readings are observed from the display. If a deviation 
    exists, gains are adjusted accordingly. Gain scaling is 
    1.000, when the factory settings are in effect (1.050 in 
    modules that contain the Gas Exchange measurement).
    When the Adjust key is pressed, a separate box for 
    adjusting the value appears. During adjustment 
    calibration, values are sent to the module. When the 
    ComWheel is pressed, the values are permanently stored 
    in EEPROM of the module and the box disappears.
    Zero PVX: Start zeroing the pressure sensors. Effects Aw 
    Pres Zero and Flow Zero value.
    Exp Flow Gain / Insp Flow Gain: Adjust the Flow sensor 
    Valves: Switch between MEASUREMENT and ZEROING
    VCO2 / VO2 Gain: Adjust the VCO
    2 and VO2 gain.
    Y deadspace: Adjust the Y-deadspace.
    N2 injection: Select between on (1) and off (0).
    Record Data: Record Data prints out the shown service data and board information (id. serial number and software id.) 
    onto the recorder module. 
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