Fujitsu Series 3 Manual
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Page 1131
3. Operations of USB Function 3.8. STALL response/release of endpoint 0 The STAL bit in the EP0 Control Register (EP0C) controls the STALL response and release of Endpoint 0. STAL bit set timing To perform the STALL response, interpret the command at the setup stage (SETP bit = 1 detection) of control transfer. If the STALL response is required, set the STAL bit. (See Figure 3-18) After setting the STAL bit, clear th e in terrupt cause (DRQO bit). Figure 3-18 STAL bit set timing...
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3. Operations of USB Function STAL bit clear timing Upon the detection of SETP bit = 1, pointing to the setup stage of control transfer, the STAL bit is automatically cleared and the STALL state is released. (See Figure 3-19) Figure 3-19 STAL bit clear timing Token packetData packetHandshake packet Setup stage Token packetData packetHandshake packet Data stage DRQO bit SETP bit Idle period STAL bit Upon th e d etection of SETP bit = 1 (DRQO bit = 1 interru pt), the STAL bit is...
Page 1133
3. Operations of USB Function 3.9. Stall response/release of endpoints 1 to 5 The STAL bit and the internal status bit in the EP1 to 5 Control Registers (EP1C to EP5C) controls the STALL response and release of Endpoints 1 to 5. Stall response processed by software Figure 3-20 and Figure 3-21 shows the procedure to process the STALL response by software. To perform the STALL respon se, configure the STAL bit of relevant Endpoint by software. The internal status bit does not change then....
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3. Operations of USB Function Figure 3-20 To process the STALL response by software (the STAL bit is cleared by software) UDCC.STALCLREN=0 Host or hub Internal status bitSTAL bit 0 Function macro EPn (Endpoint n) Software Set the STAL bit to 1 0 IN/OUT token Function 10 11 Stall handshake Data (for OUT) IN/OUT token Stall handshake Data (for OUT) Clear the STAL bit to 0 01 When a transaction occurs while the STAL bit is 1, the internal status bit is set to 1. When the internal status bit is...
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3. Operations of USB Function Figure 3-21 To process the STALL response by software (the STAL bit is cleared by hardware) UDCC.STALCLREN=1 Host or hub Internal status bitSTAL bit 0 Function macro EPn (Endpoint n) Software Set the STAL bit to 1 0 IN/OUT token Function 10 11 Stall handshake Data (for OUT) IN/OUT token Stall handshake Data (for OUT) 11 When a transaction occurs while the STAL bit is 1, the internal status bit is set to 1. When the internal status bit is 1, the STALL response to...
Page 1136
3. Operations of USB Function Automatic STALL response by hardware Figure 3-22 shows the procedure for the automatic STALL response by hardware. When the STALL response is set by the Set Feature command, the hardware automatically set the internal status bit of the relevant Endpoint, irrespective of the STAL bit setting, and perform the STALL response.Once the internal bit is set, the value is retained until cleared by the Clear Feature command from the host irrespective of the STAL bit...
Page 1137
4. Examples of USB Function Setting Procedures 4. Examples of USB Function Setting Procedures This section provides flowcharts for initialization, bus reset, CPU transfer, packet transfer (IN/OUT) and automatic data size transfer (IN/OUT). Initialization Start USBSet clock USBEN.USBEN=1 UDCC.RST=1 D+Set pull-up disconnection End Set EP0C Set EP1C to EP5C UDCC.RST=0 EP0IS,EP0OS,EP1S to EP5S BFINI=0 UDCC.HCONX=0 D+Set pull-up connection Set UDCC.PWC VBUS detected?NO YES // Buffer clear //...
Page 1138
4. Examples of USB Function Setting Procedures Bus reset USB interrupt End UDCS.BRST=1? EP0IS,EP0OS,EP1S to EP5S BFINI=1 NOUDCS.BRST=0 // Buffer clear YES EP0IS,EP0OS,EP1S to EP5S BFINI=0 FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITED CHAPTER 20-2: USB Function MN706-00002-1v0-E 1102 MB9Axxx/MB9Bxxx Series
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4. Examples of USB Function Setting Procedures Example control for CPU transfer Start USB interrupt Check source Write data to FIFO Read out data to FIFO - USB data request bit (DRQ: bit 10 of the Epx Status Register (EPxS)) = 0Clear USB interrupt flag - Dummy read of the releva nt USB interrupt control registerDummy read End interrupt OUT direction IN direction FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITED CHAPTER 20-2: USB Function MN706-00002-1v0-E 1103 MB9Axxx/MB9Bxxx Series
Page 1140
4. Examples of USB Function Setting Procedures Example control for packet transfer in IN direction [Initial settings] [DMA transfer end interrupt] Set interrupt level (Resume the correlation between the USB interrupt level and the DMAC interrupt level used by packet transfer to that before the interrupt.)Set the next DMA transfer YES NO Start the next DMA transfer? Disable USB interrupts to relevant Endpoint Clear DMA transfer end interrupt Clear USB interrupt flag + Dummy read - USB data...
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