Canon Imageclass Mf5960dn User Guide
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xxi 3. Order a normal \fusiness line from your telephone company ’s \fusiness repr esentative. The line should \fe a regular voic e gr ade line or an equivalen t one. \bse one line per unit. DDD (Direc t Distance Dial) line -or - IDDD (In ternational Direc t Distance Dial) line if you communicat e ov erseas NOTE Canon recommends an individual line following industry standards, i.e., 2,500 (touch-t one) or 500 (rotar y/pulse dial) telephones. A dedicat ed ex tension off a PBX (Pr ivate Branch eXchange) unit without “Call Waiting” can \fe used with your facsimile unit. Key telephone syst ems are not rec ommended \fecause they send nonstandard signals to individual telephones for ring ing and special codes , which may cause a facsimile err or. C. Power Require\fents The machine should \fe connec ted to a standard 120 volt AC, three -wire gr ounded outlet only. D o not connec t this machine to an outlet or pow er line shared with other appliances that cause “electr ical noise.” Air conditioners, electr ic typewr iters, copiers , and machines of this sort genera te electr ical noise that oft en int erferes with communications equipment and the sending and rec eiving of documents . Connection of the Equip\fent This equipment complies with Par t 68 of the FCC rules and the requiremen ts adopted \fy the AC TA. On the rear panel of this equipment is a la\fel that con tains, among other infor mation, a produc t identifier in the for mat of \bS:AAAEQ##TX XXX. If requested , this num\fer must \fe pro vided to the telephone company . The REN (Ringer Equivalenc e Num\fer) is used to determine the num\fer of devices that may \fe connec ted to a telephone line. Excessiv e RENs on a telephone line may result in the devices not ring ing in response to an incoming call. In most, \fut not all areas, the sum of the RENs should not ex ceed five (5.0). To \fe cer tain of the num\fer of devices that may \fe connec ted to a line, as deter mined \fy the total RENs, con tact the local telephone compan y. The REN for this produc t is part of the product identifier that has the for mat \bS: AAAEQ##TX XXX. The digits repr esented \fy ## are the REN without a decimal point (e.g., 10 is a REN of 1.0). An FCC complian t telephone line ca\fle and modular plug is provided with this equipment . This equipment is designed to \fe connec ted to the telephone netw ork or premise wiring using a compa ti\fle modular jack that is Par t 68 complian t. This equipment may not \fe used on coin servic e pro vided \fy the telephone compan y. Connec tion to part y lines is su\fject ed to stat e tariff s. In Case of Equip\fent Malfunction Should any malfunction occur which cannot \fe cor rected \fy the proc edures descri\fed in this guide or the e-M anual, disconnect the equipment from the telephone line ca\fle and disconnect the pow er cor d. The telephone line ca\fle should not \fe rec onnected or the power switch turned ON until the pro\flem is complet ely resolved . \bsers should con tact Canon Author ized Ser vice Facilities for servicing of equipment , Inf ormation regar ding Authoriz ed Ser vice Facilit y locations can \fe o\ftained \fy calling Canon Cust omer Car e Cen ter (1-800-OK -CANON). Rights of the Telephone Co\fpany If this equipment (imageCLASS MF5960dn/MF5950dw) causes harm to the telephone netw ork, the telephone compan y may temporar ily disconnec t servic e. The telephone compan y also retains the righ t to make changes in facilities and servic es that may affec t the opera tion of this equipment . When such changes are necessar y, the telephone compan y is requir ed to give adequat e prior notice to the user. Ho wever, if advanc e notice is not possi\fle, the telephone company will notify the customer as soon as possi\fle. Also , the customer will \fe advised of his/her righ t to file a complain t with the FCC if he/she \felieves it is necessar y. W\bRNING The Telephone Consumer Protection Ac t of 1991 makes it unlawful for any person to use a comput er or other electr onic device, including FA X machines, to send any message unless such message clearly con tains in a marg in at the top or \fottom of each transmitt ed page or on the first page of the transmission, the dat e and time it is sent and an identifica tion of the \fusiness or other entit y, or other individual sending the message and the telephone num\fer of the sending machine or such \fusiness, other entit y, or individual. ( The telephone num\fer pro vided may not \fe a 900 num\fer or any other num\fer for which charges ex ceed local or long- distance transmission charges .) NOTE In order to program this information into your machine, you should complet e the proc edure for reg istering your name, unit’s telephone num\fer, time, and dat e in the Star ter Guide. Users in Canada Pre-Installation Requirements for Canon Facsimile Equipment \b. Loc ation Supply a suita\fle ta\fle, ca\finet, or desk for the machine. See Chapter 11, “Appendix, ” for specific dimensions and weight . B. Order Infor\fation 1. A single telephone line (touch-t one or rotar y) should \fe used. 2. Or der a CA11A modular jack, which should \fe installed \fy the telephone compan y. If the CA11A jack is not present , installation cannot occur . 3. Order a normal \fusiness line from your telephone company ’s \fusiness repr esentative. The line should \fe a regular voic e gr ade line or an equivalen t one. \bse one line per unit. DDD (Direc t Distance Dial) line -or - IDDD (In ternational Direc t Distance Dial) line if you communicat e ov erseas NOTE Canon recommends an individual line following industry standards, i.e., 2,500 (touch-t one) or 500 (rotar y/pulse dial) telephones. A dedicat ed ex tension off a PBX (Pr ivate Branch eXchange) unit without “Call Waiting” can \fe used with your facsimile unit. Key telephone syst ems are not rec ommended \fecause they send nonstandard signals to individual telephones for ring ing and special codes , which may cause a facsimile err or. C. Power Require\fents The pow er outlet should \fe a three -prong gr ounded receptacle (Single or Duple x). It should \fe independent

xxii from copiers, heaters, air conditioners, or any electric equipment that is thermosta tically con trolled. The ra ted value is 115 volts and 15 amperes . The CA11A modular jack should \fe rela tively close to the pow er outlet to facilitat e installation. Notic e • This produc t meets the applica\fle Industr y Canada technical specifications . • The Ringer Equiv alence Num\fer is an indication of the maximum num\fer of devices allow ed to \fe connec ted to a telephone int erface. The ter mination of an int erface may consist of any com\fina tion of devices su\fject only to the requiremen t that the sum of the RENs of all the devices does not ex ceed five . • The REN of this produc t is 1.0. • B efore installing this equipment , users should ensure that it is permissi\fle to \fe connec ted to the facilities of the local telecommunica tions compan y. The equipment must also \fe installed using an acc epta\fle method of connec tion. In some cases, the compan y’s inside wiring associat ed with a single line individual servic e may \fe ex tended \fy means of a cer tified connec tor assem\fly (telephone ex tension cor d). The customer should \fe aw are that complianc e with the a\fove conditions may not prev ent deter ioration of servic e in some situations . • Repairs to cer tified equipment should \fe made \fy an authorized Canadian maint enance facility designa ted \fy the supplier. An y repairs or alter ations made \fy the user to this equipment , or equipment malfunctions , may giv e the telecommunica tions compan y cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment . • \bsers should ensure for their own prot ection that the electrical gr ound connec tions of the pow er utility , telephone lines, and int ernal metallic wa ter pipe syst em, if present , are connec ted together . This precaution may \fe particularly importan t in rural areas . C\bUTION \bsers should not attempt to make such connections themselves, \fut should con tact the appropr iate electr ic inspection authorit y, or electr ician, as appropr iate. NOTE This equipment complies with the Canadian ICES-003 Class B limits. Utilisation au Canada Conditions à Remplir Préala\flement à L’installation d’un Télécopieur Canon \b. E\fplac e\fent Prévoir une ta\fle, un meu\fle, ou un \fureau suffisamment solide et de taille appropr iée (voir le chapitre 11, Anne xe (Appendix), pour les indications de poids et dimensions). B. I nstallation téléphonique 1. \bne seule ligne téléphonique (tonalit és ou impulsions) doit être utilisée. 2. Il faut commander un jack modulaire CA11A qui sera installé par la compag nie téléphonique . Sans ce jack, la mise en place serait impossi\fle. 3. Si vous vous a\fonnez à une nouvelle ligne , demandez une ligne d’ affaires normale de qualité téléphonique couran te ou équivalen te. Pr enez un a\fonnement d’une ligne par appareil . Ligne automa tique int erur\faine ou Ligne automa tique int ernationale (si vous communiquez avec les pay s étrangers) NOTE Canon vous conseille d’utiliser une ligne individuelle conforme aux normes industrielles , à sav oir: ligne téléphonique 2,500 (pour appareil à clavier) ou 500 (pour appareil à cadran/impulsions). Il est également possi\fle de rac corder ce téléc opieur à un syst ème téléphonique à poussoirs car la plupart de ces syst èmes émetten t des signaux d’appel non normalisés ou des codes spéciaux qui risquen t de pertur\fer le fonc tionnement du téléc opieur. C. Condition d’ali\fentation Raccordez le téléc opieur à une prise de cour ant plus ter re à trois \franches , du type simple ou dou\fle, et qui ne sert pas à aliment er un copieur , un appareil de chauffage, un climatiseur ou tout autre appareil électr ique à thermosta t. L’alimentation doit être de 115 volts et 15 ampères . Pour faciliter l’ installation, le jack CA11A doit être assez proche de la prise de cour ant. Re\farques • Le présen t mat ériel est conf orme aux spécifications techniques applica\fles d’I ndustrie Canada. • Avant d’ installer cet appareil , l’utilisa teur doit s’ assurer qu’ il est permis de le connec ter à l’ équipement de la compag nie de téléc ommunication locale et doit installer cet appareil en utilisant une méthode de conne xion autor isée. Il se peut qu’ il faille étendr e la circuit erie int érieure de la ligne individuelle d’ a\fonné, qui a été installée par la compag nie, au moy en d’un jeu de connec teurs homologués (rallonge téléphonique). • L ’attention de l’utilisat eur est attirée sur le fait que le respect des conditions mentionnées ci-dessus ne constitue pas une garantie con tre les dégr adations de qualité du servic e dans certaines circ onstances. • L’indice d’ équivalence de la sonnerie (IES) sert à indiquer le nom\fre maximal de ter minaux qui peuven t être rac cordés à une int erface téléphonique . La ter minaison d’une inter face peut consist er en une com\finaison quelconque de dispositifs , à la seule condition que la somme d’ indices d’équiv alence de la sonnerie de tous les dispositifs n’ excède pas 5. • L e nom\fre d’ équivalents sonnerie (REN) de ce produit est 1,0. • Les répar ations sur un appareil cer tifié doiven t être faites par une société d’ entretien canadienne autor isée par le Gouv ernement canadien et désignée par le fournisseur . Toute répar ation ou modification que pourrait faire I’utilisa teur de cet appareil , ou tout mauvais fonc tionnement, donne à la compag nie de télécommunica tion le droit de dé\francher I’ appareil. • Pour sa propr e prot ection, I’utilisa teur doit s’ assurer que les prises de ter re de I’ appareil d’ alimentation, les lignes téléphoniques et les tuyaux métalliques int ernes, s’ il y en a, sont \fien connec tés entr e eux. Cett e précaution est particulièremen t importan te dans les zones rurales C\bUTION Au lieu d’essayer de faire ces \franchements eux-mêmes, les utilisateurs sont invit és à faire appel à un servic e d’ inspection faisant autor ité en matièr e d’ électricité ou à un électr icien, selon le cas. NOTE Respecte les limites de la classe B de la NMB-003 du Canada.

xxiii This machine complies with 21 CFR Chapter 1 Su\fchapter J as a Class 1 laser produc t under the \b.S. Depar tment of Health and Human Ser vices (DHHS) Radia tion Per formance Standar d accor ding to the Radia tion Con trol for Health and Saf ety Act of 1968. This means that the machine does not produc e hazardous radia tion. Since radia tion emitted inside the machine is complet ely confined within prot ective housings and ex ternal co vers, the laser \feam cannot escape from the machine during any phase of user opera tion. CDRH Regulations The Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) of the \b.S. Food and Drug Administr ation implement ed regula tions for laser produc ts on August 2, 1976. These regula tions apply to laser produc ts manufactur ed from August 1, 1976. Compliance is mandat ory for produc ts market ed in the \bnited Stat es. C\bUTION \bse of controls, adjustments, or performance of procedures other than those specified in this manual may result in hazardous radia tion exposur e. The la\fel is attached to the laser scanner machine inside the machine and is not in a user acc ess area. Laser Safety

1-1 Ch\fpter 1 Before Using the Machine This chapter descri\fes the features of the machine and its useful functions. P\frts \fnd Their Functions 1-2 Front Side 1-2 Back Side 1-3 Inter ior 1-3 \fperation Panel 1-\b FAX operation panel 1-5 LCD (Standby M ode) 1-6 Copy Mode 1-6 Fax Mode 1-6 Scan Mode 1-6 USB Direct P rint Mode 1-6 N\fvig\fting the Menu 1-7 Entering the Menu Screen 1-7 Scrolling the M enu 1-7 Selecting a M enu Item 1-7 Configuring M enus Using the Navigation Keys 1-7 Returning t o the Default Screen 1-8 \bntering Text 1-9 Changing the Entry Mode 1-9 Entering Text, Symbols, and Numbers 1-9 Moving the C ursor (Entering a Space) 1-9 Deleting tex t, symbols, or numbers 1-9 Setting the Sleep Timer 1-11 Setting the Curr ent D\fte \fnd Time 1-12

1-2 Before \bsing the Machine This section descri\fes the parts of the machine and their functions. Front Side Parts and Their Functions (1) Feeder \bsed to continuously scan documents automatically. (2) Docu\fent guides Adjust these guides to fit the document. (3) Docu\fent feeder tray Place your documents on. (4) Docu\fent feeder tray extension Pull out to load large size documents. (5) Docu\fent delivery tray \bsed to store documents returned \fy the feeder. (6) Docu\fent stopper Pull out the document stopper to prevent the paper from falling off the document deliver y tra y. (7) Operation panel \bsed to perform various tasks. “Operation Panel” (→ P. 1-4) (8) Multi-purpose tra y You can load paper using the multi-purpose tray. Load postcards or env elopes here . (9) \buxiliary Tray (Multi-purpose Tray) Pull it out and load the paper stack. (10) Paper Guides (Multi-purpose Tray) Adjust these guides to fit the document. (11) Paper stopper Prevents paper from falling from the output tray. (12) Output tray Printed paper such as copies, prints and faxes come out from the output tra y. (13) Open Button Push to open the front cover. (14) Front Cover Open this cover to replace the toner cartridge or clear paper jams. (15) Power Switch Turns the power ON or OFF. (16) Paper drawer Load paper here. (17) Paper Feeder Unit PF-44 (\Rdrawer 2) It is an optional paper drawer. (18) USB \fe\fory por t \bsed to save scanned documents in a \bSB memory, and to print files sav ed in \bSB memory . (1) (9) (8) (7) (12) (11) (10) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)(13) (14) (18) (17) (16) (15)

1-3 Before \bsing the Machine Back Side (8) (7) (6) (5)(1) (2) (3) (4) (1) USB port Connect the \bSB ca\fle. (2) L\bN port Connect the LAN ca\fle. (3) External telephone line jack\R Connect the external telephone. (4) Telephone line jack\R Connect the telephone ca\fle. (5) Power socket Connect the power cord. (6) Lower rear cover Open this guide to clear paper jams. (7) Sub-output tray Printed paper is output to the su\f-output tray with the print ed side facing up. Pr inted paper is stacked in rev erse page order. The su\f- output tra y is suita\fle for use when prin ting transparencies , la\fels, or env elopes that curl easily, \fecause the print ed paper remains flat when output. (8) Back cover Open this guide to clear paper jams. Interior (1) Scanning area \bsed to scan documents from the feeder. (2) Platen glass Place your documents on. (3) Toner guides \bsed to insert the toner cartridge so that the protrusion on the side of the toner cartr idge fits int o these guides. (4) Duplex unit \bsed for 2-sided printing and copying. (5) Paper size switch lever \bsed for 2-sided printing. (2) (3) (4) (1) (4) (5)

1-4 Before \bsing the Machine Operation Panel (1) [Menu] keyPress to specify or reg ister var ious settings. [2-Sided] k ey You can set 2-sided prin ting. [Select Paper] indicator Selected paper sourc e turns on. [Selec t Paper/Settings] key Press to specify the paper size and type to load in the paper dra wer or multi-purpose tra y. (2)Mode switch keysPress to switch the mode to cop y, fax, scan or \bSB direc t prin t. (3)[Reset] keyResets the settings. (Resets the cop y/scan/fax/\bSB direc t prin t mode.) (4) [Status Monitor/Cancel] keyPress to check the status of jo\fs or cancel jo\fs. You can also check the status of the networ k and machine. [ ] Key Press to scroll up or to increase the value . [ ] Key Press to scroll down or to decrease the value . [ ] Key Press to retur n to the previous screen or mov e the cursor to the left . Press to decrease the volume while the fax ring tone sounds. [ ] Key Press to proc eed to the nex t screen or mov e the cursor to the righ t. Press to increase the volume while the fax ring tone sounds. [ OK] key Press to confir m an action or setting. [B ack] key Press to retur n to the previous screen. [ View Settings] key You can check the settings. (5) [Wi-Fi] indicator (MF5950dw Only) Turns on when the machine is connec ted to Wireless LAN. Nu\feric ke ys ([0]-[9]) Enter charac ters and num\fers. [*] k ey Press to switch the charac ter entr y mode, and press to switch \fetw een pulse and tone dialing to send a fax. [#] ke y Press to ent er sym\fols. [Rep ort] key Press to manually prin t repor ts and lists. You can also specify whether to prin t a repor t automatically . [Energy Saver] key Press to manually set or cancel the Sleep mode. The Energy Sa ver indicat or lights gr een while in the sleep mode. [ID ] key Press to display the Depar tment ID login window . [Clear] key Deletes charac ters and num\fers. (6) [Scan > PC1] key/[Scan > PC2] keyWhen reg istering destinations etc ., you can send the documents \fy scanning with one- t ouch. [Secure Print] key \bsed for secure prin t. [Paper Save Copy] key Reduce multiple documents to cop y ont o one sheet. [S top] key Press to cancel jo\fs. [S tart] key Press to start cop ying, scanning, sending a fax or \bSB direc t prin t. (7)[Error] indicatorBlinks when an err or occurs . [Processing/Data] indicator Blinks during transmission and turns on when the machine has waiting jo\fs. (7) (4) (1) (2) (5) (6)(3)

1-5 Before \bsing the Machine F\bX operation panel (1)[One-touch Speed Dial] keysPress to select destinations reg istered in one-t ouch keys . (2)[\bddress Book] keySearches recipien ts reg istered under one-t ouch keys or coded dial codes . (3)[Coded Dial] keySpecifies recipien ts reg istered. (4)[Recall] keyRedial the last num\fer called. (Only ena\fled when the mode screens for fax, e-mail or file server opera tions are display ed.) (5)[Hook] keyPress when you wan t to dial without lifting up the handset of the ex ternal telephone . (6)[Pause] keyPress to insert a pause in the fax num\fer. (1)(5)(6)(4) (2) (1)(3)

1-6 Before \bsing the Machine LCD (Standby Mode) This section descri\fes the following screens. • Copy Mode • Fax Mode • Scan Mode • \bSB Direc t Pr int Mode NOTE To change standby display • You can change the \Istandby display that appears whe\In the power switch is turned \fN. e-Manual → Basic \fperation → Customizing Display Settings → Setting the Default Screen • When the machine i\Is idle for 2 minutes , the display returns to standby display. e-Manual → Basic \fperation → Customizing Timer Settings → S etting the Auto Reset Timer Copy Mode Press [] to switch to the copy mode screen. Copy: Press Start 100% LTR Density: 0 Original Type: Text ... 2-Sided: Off 1 + - 1 When the copy mode screen is displayed, you can make your selection \fy using [] or []. The curr ently select ed menu item is highlight ed. Pr ess [OK ] to proc eed to the nex t screen. 11 + - Copy: Press Start 100% LTR Density: 0 Original Type: Text ... 2-Sided: Off Fax Mode Press [] to switch to the fax mode screen. Specify destination. 01/01/2011 12:52AM RX Mode: Auto Resolution: 200 x 1 ... When the fax mode screen is displayed, you can make your selection \fy using [] or []. The curr ently select ed menu item is highlight ed. Pr ess [OK ] to proc eed to the nex t screen. Specify destination. 01/01/2011 12:52AM RX Mode: Auto Resolution: 200 x 1 ... Scan Mode Press [] to switch to the scan mode screen. When the scan mode screen is display ed, you can make your selection \fy using [] or []. The curr ently select ed menu item is highlight ed. Pr ess [OK ] to proc eed to the nex t screen. Select the scan type. Computer Remote Scanner Memory Media USB Direct Print Mode When using the \bSB direct print function, press [] to switch to the mode screen. W hen the \bSB direc t prin t mode screen is display ed, you can make your selection \fy using [] or []. The curr ently select ed menu item is highlight ed. Pr ess [OK ] to proc eed to the nex t screen. Select printing method. Select File(s) to pri Index print Sort Files; File Nam ...