Blackberry Porsche Design P 9983 Smartphone 10 3 1 User Guide
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ChangethenotificationsettingsforLevel1alerts You can create custom notifications for important messages. Level 1 notifications override the notification settings set for all profiles. Note:To change the notification settings for Level 1 alerts, in the BlackBerry Priority Hub settings, you need to first add a rule. In the BlackBerry Hub, tap > . Tap Priority Hub > . Enter the rule details and select the EnableLevel1Alert check box. 1.On the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap Settings > Notifications. 3.At the bottom of the screen, tap Level1Settings. 4.Do any of the following: tTurn on the Sound, LED, or InstantPreviews switch. tChange the Ringtone or Vibrate settings. ViewandrespondtoInstantPreviews You can use the Instant Previews feature to view previews of incoming email messages, BBM messages, text messages (SMS and MMS), and more from any application on your BlackBerry device. When a preview appears at the top of the screen, do one of the following: tTo view the message in the BlackBerry Hub, tap the preview. tTo dismiss the preview, tap . tTo ignore the preview, wait a few seconds until it disappears. tTo reply to a BBM message or text message without leaving the app that youhre currently in, tap . TurnoffInstantPreviews For some notification profiles, by default, the Instant Previews feature is turned on. 1.On the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap Settings > Notifications. 3.Tap a notification profile. 4.Turn off the InstantPreviews switch. ResponddirectlytoInstantPreviews You can use the Instant Previews feature to reply to your BBM messages and text messages (SMS and MMS) without leaving the app that youhre currently in. While youhre responding to a preview, incoming messages outside of the current conversation arenht displayed as Instant Previews notifications. 1.To respond to Instant Previews, tap . Phone and voiceUser Guide51

2.Press any key on the keyboard. 3.Type your message. 4.Press . AboutLockScreenNotifications You can use the Lock Screen Notifications feature to view the first few lines of your most recent email messages, BBM messages, text messages, and more on your BlackBerry device without having to unlock it. TurnoffLockScreenNotifications By default, Lock Screen notifications are turned on. 1.On the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap Settings > SecurityandPrivacy > LockScreen. 3.Turn off the LockScreenNotifications switch. ViewLockScreenNotifications 1.To unlock your BlackBerry device, swipe up from the bottom of the screen to the middle of the screen. 2.To view the Lock Screen Notifications, tap the notification icon. Tip:To collapse the Lock Screen Notifications view so that only the notification icons are visible, swipe left or tap an icon. Setyourscreentoturnonfornewnotifications You can set your BlackBerry device to turn on when you receive notifications. 1.On the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap Settings > SecurityandPrivacy >LockScreen. 3.Turn on the TurnonScreenforNewNotifications switch. SetLockScreenNotificationstoonlydisplaythesenderinfo You can set your BlackBerry device to only display the sender information in Lock Screen Notifications and to hide the subject and message content. 1.On the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap Settings > SecurityandPrivacy > LockScreen. 3.Turn on the ShowSenderOnly switch. Phone and voiceUser Guide52

Troubleshooting:Notificationsandringtones If the notifications and ringtones on your BlackBerry device arenht functioning in the way that you expect them to, consult the following troubleshooting topics. MydevicedoesnhtringorvibratewhenIreceiveacallormessage Try the following actions: tOn the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen. Verify that the DoNotDisturb profile isnht the active profile. tIf you created a custom notification for a contact, verify that the Sound and the Vibration settings are turned on for the contact. tIf you created app-specific notifications, in the app settings in the active profile, verify that the Sound and the Vibrate settings are turned on. MydevicedoesnhtdisplayInstantPreviews If BlackBerry Balance is set up on your BlackBerry device, messages sent to accounts that are associated with your work space arenht displayed as Instant Previews. MydevicedoesnhtdisplayLockScreenNotifications If BlackBerry Balance is set up on your BlackBerry device, messages sent to accounts that are associated with your work space arenht displayed as Lock Screen Notifications when your work space is locked. Voicemail Depending on your service provider, there are two different types of voicemail available on your BlackBerry device: standard voicemail and a visual voicemail service. With standard voicemail, you can set up your voicemail access number and password, so you can quickly call in to your voicemail service from the Calls screen in the Phone app. If you subscribe to a visual voicemail service, you can view a list of your voicemail messages, play your voicemail messages, and change various voicemail settings from your BlackBerry device, without having to call in to your voicemail service. Depending on the features your service provider supports, your voicemail messages can be automatically downloaded to your device and you can pause, fast-forward, or rewind the voicemail message as you listen to it. You can also forward a voicemail message, send a reply to the person who left you a voicemail message, or delete a voicemail message from within the Phone app or the BlackBerry Hub. Your service provider might automatically delete messages after a certain period of time. If you donht want a message to get automatically deleted, you can save it to your device. Phone and voiceUser Guide53

Depending on your country or region, a visual voicemail service might not be available. You need to subscribe to a visual voicemail service to access the features. Contact your service provider to subscribe. Setupyourvoicemail Depending on your wireless service provider, this feature might not be supported. 1.In the Phone app, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap > Voicemail. 3.Type your voicemail access number and password. After you have set up your voicemail, you can call your voicemail service from the Calls screen in the Phone app. Tip:If you donht know your voicemail access number or password, contact your wireless service provider. Usingavisualvoicemailservice Listentoavisualvoicemailmessage 1.In the BlackBerry Hub or Phone app, tap a voicemail message. 2.Tap . Forwardavisualvoicemailmessage 1.In the BlackBerry Hub or Phone app, touch and hold a voicemail message. 2.Tap . Saveavisualvoicemailmessage Your service providerhs voicemail system might automatically delete messages after a certain period of time. If you donht want a message to get automatically deleted, you can save it to your device. 1.In the BlackBerry Hub, or the Phone app, touch and hold a voicemail message. 2.Tap Save. Changeyourvisualvoicemailgreeting Your voicemail greeting is the outgoing message that a caller hears before leaving a voicemail message. Depending on your wireless service provider, this feature might not be supported. 1.In the Phone app, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap . 3.Tap > ChangeVoicemailGreeting. 4.In the Greeting drop-down list, do one of the following: Phone and voiceUser Guide54

tTo play your phone number as your voicemail greeting, tap PhoneNumber. tTo play your name as your voicemail greeting, tap Name. tTo record a custom voicemail greeting, tap PersonalMessage. Changeyourvisualvoicemailpassword Depending on your wireless service provider, this feature might not be supported. 1.In the Phone app, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap > . 3.Tap ChangePassword. Preventvisualvoicemailmessagesfromdownloadingwhileyouareroaming Depending on your wireless service provider, this feature might not be supported. 1.In the Phone app, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap > . 3.Clear the InternationalRoaming check box. Deactivatevisualvoicemailonyourdevice If you deactivate your visual voicemail service on your BlackBerry device, you must contact your wireless service provider to reactivate it. Depending on your wireless service provider, this feature might not be supported. 1.In the Phone app, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap . 3.Tap > Deactivate. Phone and voiceUser Guide55

BlackBerryHubandemail BlackBerryHubandemail The BlackBerry Hub gathers all of the messages, notifications, and events that you receive from your different accounts into one convenient location. In the BlackBerry Hub, you can receive and respond to email, text messages, or BBM chats all in the same place. Additionally, you can see and respond to direct messages and notifications from your social networking accounts, glance at your upcoming events, and more. StayingconnectedwiththeBlackBerryHub Email You can add practically any existing email account to your device

Keyboardshortcuts:BlackBerryHub Inthelistofmessages ActionShortcutCompose a messagePress CSearch the BlackBerry HubPress SGo to the next unread message in the listPress UMove to the top of your list of messages and notificationsPress TMove to the bottom of your list of messages and notificationsPress B Inamessage ActionShortcutReply to a messagePress RReply all to a messagePress LForward a messagePress FFlag a messagePress WFile a messagePress I Settingupandmanagingaccounts You can add email accounts, social networking accounts (such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn), or even an Evernote account to your device. Setupemailorothertypesofaccountsonyourdevice 1.On the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap Settings > Accounts. 3.If you already added an account to your device, tap to add another account. Addanemailaccount 1.On the AddAccount screen, tap Email,CalendarandContacts. 2.Enter the email address. BlackBerry Hub and emailUser Guide58

3.Tap Next. 4.Enter the password for the account. 5.Tap Next. 6.Change any additional settings (for example, the types of content to sync with your device). 7.Tap Done. AddasocialnetworkingorEvernoteaccount You can add a Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Evernote account to your device. When you add an Evernote account to your device, your Evernote notebooks are available in BlackBerry Remember. 1.On the AddAccount screen, tap Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Evernote. 2.Enter your account information. tIf necessary, change any sync settings. tIf youhre adding a Facebook account, to change when youhre reminded about friendsh birthdays, in the BirthdayReminders drop-down list, tap a reminder option. 3.Tap Done. If necessary, tap Authorize. Settingupworkaccounts AddaworkaccountsupportedbyanEMMsolutionfromBlackBerry If your organization uses an EMM solution from BlackBerry, you can add your work account to your device and take advantage of features like BlackBerry Balance. If your organization hasnht upgraded to BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 and is using BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5 or earlier, you can still add your work account and have it use Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync. For more information, contact your administrator. Make sure you know the following from your administrator: tYour username tYour enterprise activation password tServer name 1.On the AddAccount screen, tap > WorkAccount. 2.Enter the username, activation password, and server address for your account. 3.Tap Done. After you add a work account, follow the prompts to set a work space password to use with BlackBerry Balance and to enter your work network password. AddanemailaccountsupportedbyMicrosoftExchangeActiveSync Make sure you know the following from your administrator or your email service provider: tYour username and work network password tServer address BlackBerry Hub and emailUser Guide59

When you add an email account thaths supported by Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, the messages, calendar events, contacts, tasks, and notes associated with the account are synced with your BlackBerry device. 1.On the AddAccount screen, tap > MicrosoftExchangeActiveSync. 2.Enter the username, email address, password, and server address for the account. tTo turn off push email, turn off the Push switch. To set how frequently your device checks for new messages, in the SyncInterval drop-down list, tap an option. tTo use your organizationhs VPN, turn on the UseVPN switch. tTo change how far back in time your device syncs messages, in the SyncTimeframe drop-down list, tap an option. 3.Tap Next. Tip:When you flag an email message in your Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync account, it is also flagged in the Remember app. AddanIBMNotesTraveleremailaccount Make sure you know the following from your administrator or email service provider: tYour username and work network password tServer address When you add an IBM Notes Traveler email account, the messages, calendar events, contacts, tasks, and notes associated with the account are synced with your BlackBerry device. 1.On the AddAccount screen, tap > IBMNotesTraveler. 2.Enter the username, email address, password, and server address for the account. tTo turn off push email, turn off the Push switch. To set how frequently your device checks for new messages, in the SyncInterval drop-down list, tap an option. tTo use your organizationhs VPN, turn on the UseVPN switch. tTo change how far back in time your device syncs messages, in the SyncTimeframe drop-down list, tap an option. 3.Tap Next. AddanIMAPorPOPemailaccount Make sure you know the following information from your administrator or email service provider: tMessaging server type (POP or IMAP) tIncoming and outgoing messaging server address tIncoming and outgoing messaging server port numbers tIncoming and outgoing messaging server SSL settings BlackBerry Hub and emailUser Guide60