ATT System 25 Reference Manual
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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS This section provides information on the technical characteristics and capacities of the system. Some items covered here are discussed elsewhere in the manual but are repeated here for ease of reference. Technical specifications are provided for: l l l l l l l lHardware and Software Parameters Unit Loads Cable Distance Limitations Call Progress Tones Indicator Lamp Signals Port Specifications Recommended Central Office Facilities (Trunks) Analog Transmission Characteristics. 5-1

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Hardware and Software Parameters The following is a listing of maximums for hardware and software parameters. ITEMTOTAL Attendant Consoles Direct Trunk or Switched Loop 2 Direct Extension Selector2 Automatic Route Selection (ARS): Patterns 8 Subpatterns Per Pattern2 Routes Per Subpattern3 Facility Restriction Levels4 Cabinets3 Circuit Packs: Common Control and Service Circuit2 Circuit Pack Slots Per Cabinet12 Conference/Bridging Members5 Coverage Individual Covered StationsNo limit Coverage Groups—Standard Group Coverage32 Coverage Groups—DGC Group Coverage32 Receivers per covered station or standard group 8 Dial Codes600 Personal Dial Codes (PDCs)200 Floating Personal Dial Codes (FPDCs)300 Data Dial Codes (DDCs)104 Direct Group Calling (DGC) Groups32 Members per group20 5-2

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Hardware and Software Parameters (Contd) ITEM TOTAL Emergency Transfer Units (ETUs)4 Voice Terminals per ETU5 Modem Pool Circuit Packs per cabinet2 Conversion Resources per circuit pack2 Paging Zones (Auxiliary CP)3 Parked Calls (System)24 Per Voice Terminal1 Attendant Selector Console8 Pickup Groups 16 Members per group16 Trunk Groups16 System Delay Announcements: Direct Group Calling Delay Announcement Directed Night Service Delay Announcement Account Code Digits SMDR or Call Accounting System (Models 100, 200, 300, or 500)32 2 15 Speed Dialing Numbers System Speed Dialing Numbers (#100-#189)90 Personal Speed Dialing Numbers (#20-#39), per station 20 Repertory Dialing digits plus Speed Dialing digits 34,100 November 19955-3

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Hardware and Software Parameters (Contd) ITEMTOTAL System Administration Terminal1 Toll Call Allowed Lists4 Total Entries (all lists) 3 digits 164 Virtual Facilities10 Traffic Data l Simultaneous 2-Party Conversations115 l Call Capacity — CCS/Hour4140 — Busy Hour Call Capacity 2500 Reliability l Mean Time Between Outages (MTBO) 4 Years Power Consumption l Per Cabinet, Maximum500 Watts l Thermal Dissipation1700 BTU/Hour Total Ports - also includes trunk and station ports256 [Software Limits; hardware maximum = 36 CPs System Resources l One Service Circuit CP8 (includes 4 TT Receivers) (8 ports allocated/CP) l Two Touch-Tone Receiver CPS16 (4 TT Receivers/CP) (8 ports allocated/CP) l Pooled Modem24 Max 6 CPs, 4 ports allocated/CP) (two modems per CP) 5-4November 1995

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Hardware and Software Parameters (Contd) ITEMTOTAL Trunks l Trunk Ports104 — Tie Trunks104 l Auxiliary Trunk Ports — Paging Access3 — Dictation Access8 Station Ports240 l Data Ports104 l Voice Ports200 — Single-Line Voice Terminals200 — Multiline Voice Terminals144 Attendant Consoles2 Selector Consoles2 22- or 34-Button Sets (nonattendant)96 Non 22- or 34-Button Sets142 November 19955-5

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Unit Loads A cabinet can supply no more than 80 unit loads of 48 volt power (a unit load is defined as 44 mA). Unit loading is determined by the terminal connected to the port circuits. The following table lists unit loads for various terminals. UNIT LOADS (Note) EQUIPMENTCIRCUIT UNIT LOAD PACK PER PORT 2500 Voice TerminalsZTN780.5 7100 Voice Terminals TN7421.0 MET Sets (10 Btn.)TN7351.0 MET Set (12 Btn.)TN735 2.0 5-Btn. (7302H01D)ZTN791.0 10-Btn. (7303H01D)1.0 34-Btn. (7305H01D)1.0 HFAI (7309H01B)1.0 ATL Cordless Telephone1.0 BIS (7305H03B)ZTN791.50 BIS w/display (7305H04C)ZTN792.00 34-Btn. Deluxe (7305H02D)ZTN792.0 BIS-10 (7313H01A)ZTN791.2 BIS-Z (7314H01A)2.0 BIS-34 (7316H01A)2.0 BIS-34D (7317H01A)2.0 S102A SpeakerphoneZTN791.0 502B Headset AdapterZTN790.8 Asynchronous Data UnitsTN7260.0 Tie TrunksTN760B 2.0 DID TrunksTN7530.5 Emergency Transfer UnitZTN1422 per ETU Pooled ModemTN7580.0* DS1 InterfaceTN7670.0 DXS Selector ConsoleLocally Powered 5-6 * Zero Unit Loads but maximum of two TN758s per cabinet allowed. Note:Equipment not listed above (i.e., TN763, ZTN76, ZTN77) does not affect unit loading. Any voice terminal adjunct combination requiring more than 2 Unit Loads must be locally powered. When a voice terminal is locally powered, it places no unit load on the cabinet. Specifically, a 34-Button Deluxe voice terminal equipped for speakerphone operation requires auxiliary power. In addition, any 22- or 34-Button Deluxe, BIS, or BIS with Display voice terminal equipped for headset operation requires auxiliary power. November 1995

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Cable Distance Limitations This subsection provides allowable cabling distances for the following devices: l Single-Line Voice Terminals (Figure 5-1) l Multiline Voice Terminals (Figure 5-2) l Data Terminals (RS-232) Connected to Asynchronous Data Units (ADUs) (Figure 5-3). Single-Line Voice Terminals SUPPORTING24-GAUGE WIRE CIRCUIT (0.5106 mm) PACK FEET METERS ZTN78 2,000 610 TN742 (2500 Series) 17,500 7,320 TN742 (Model 7101A) 15,0004,500 IN BUILDING SINGLE-LINE2000 FEETZTN78 VOICETIP RING LINE TERMINAL CP EXTENDED STATIONOROUT-OF-BUILDINGOR> 2000 FEET *TN742 OFF-PREMISESANALOG LINE + SINGLE-LINE CP VOICE TERMINAL * UP TO 24,000 FEET FOR OUT-OF-BUILDING. TIP/RING LOOP RESISTANCE FROM SYSTEM CABINETS (INCLUDING VOICE TERMINAL) MUST NOT EXCEED 1300 OHMS. + FIVE SINGLE-LINE VOICE TERMINALS CAN BE BRIDGED WHEN USING THE TN-742, HOWEVER, ONLY TWO MAY BE OFF-HOOK AT ONE TIME. Figure 5-1. Single-Line Voice Terminal Allowable Cable Distances 5-7

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Multiline Voice Terminals SUPPORTING24-GAUGE WIRE CIRCUIT(0.5106 mm) PACK FEETMETERS ZTN79 (7300H Series— in-building2,000 610 and ATL Cordless(Note) Telephone or out-of-building, no off-premises) TN7351,000 305 (in-building MET Sets only) Note:Requires local power (PEC 62510) beyond 1,000 feet or whenever IROBS are used. IN-BUILDING 7300H SERIES VOICE TERMINALS 2000 FEETZTN79 AND ATL CORDEDATL LINE CP AND CORDLESS TELEPHONES 2000 FEET OUT-OF-BUILDING7300H SERIES341341ZTN79 VOICE TERMINALS IROBIROBATL LINE CP LEGEND: IROB -IN RANGE OUT-OF-BUILDING (2 IROB PROTECTION DEVICES REQUIRED; SEE NOTE ABOVE) IN-BUILDING2991C05, 2991D05, 2993C04, AND1000 FEETTN735 7320MMET LINE VOICE TERMINALS CP * * MODEL 2993C04 (MET EQUIPPED WITH BIS) REQUIRES A 2012D POWER UNIT (15 - 18V AC) Figure 5-2.Multiline Voice Terminal Allowable Cable Distances 5-8

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Data Terminals (RS-232) Connected To Asynchronous Data Units DATA RATE 24-GAUGE WIRE (0.5106 mm) FEETMETERS 300 bps40,000 12,200 1,200 bps20,000 6,096 2,000 bps12,000 3,657 4,800 bps7,000 2,133 9600 bps5,0001,524 19,200 bps2,000 610 DISTANCE (SEE TABLE) RS-232CZTN130 DEVICEADUADU CALL (ASYNCHRONOUS)PROCESSOR CP OR DISTANCE (SEE TABLE) RS-232CTN726 DEVICEADUDATA(ASYNCHRONOUS)LINE CP Figure 5-3.Asynchronous Data Unit Allowable Cable Distances (In-Building Only) 5-9

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Call Progress Tones The following call progress tones are generated by the system: TONE Busy Call Waiting Notify Confirmation Dequeuing Dial Queuing Recall Dial Reorder Ringback, Normal Ringback, Special (Call Waiting) FREQUENCYPATTERN (In Milliseconds) 480 Hz + 620 Hz 500 on, 500 off; repeated 440 Hz 200 on; not repeated 350 Hz + 440 Hz100 on, 100 off, 100 on, 100 off, 100 on followed by silence 350 Hz + 440 Hz100 on, 100 off, 100 on, 100 off, 100 on followed by silence 350 Hz + 440 HzContinuous 440 HzFive 50 ms tones, 50 ms apart, not repeated 350 Hz + 440 Hz100 on, 100 off, 100 on, 100 off, 100 on, 100 off, followed by continuous tone 480 Hz + 620 Hz250 on, 250 off; repeated 440 Hz + 480 Hz1200 on, 4000 off; repeated 440 Hz + 480 Hz; 4401000 on (440 Hz + 480 HzHz), 200 on (440 Hz), 2800 off; repeated 5-10