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Toshiba Strata Dk24, Dk56, Dk96 Instruction Manual

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Page 321

1. On each record sheet, mark an X in the 
space provided to indicate that a choice is 
selected. Unless otherwise specified, this 
indicates the key LED is lit. When appro- 
priate, indicate digits to be entered using 
the station dialpad. 
2. Initialized data and considerations are 
documented when applicable. 
4.10 Program 44B-Toll Restriction/Traveling 
Class Override Codes (Release 3) 
4.11 Each of the four toll restriction classes estab- 
lished in Program 46 can be assigned a code with...

Page 322

SECTION 200-096-302 
eight-digit string are a non-interchange- l A ten-digit string is not recognized. 
able office code (the middle digit mustbe 2 
l The first three digits in a seven-digit string 
w 9); or, with 
Release 3, the first three digits 
dialed immediately after a 0 in an eight- are an office code. (There is no distinction 
between local call dialing and long dis- 
digit string is an interchangeable office tance dialing within...

Page 323

access the long distance special common car- 
rier (SPCC). 
l The total number of digits belonging to the 
authorization code of the SPCC. 
Items 3 and 5: Enter the first five digits of the 
SPCC telephone number in the spaces labeled 
SPCCl Telephone Number (item 3) or SPCCZ 
Telephone Number (item 5) on the record sheet. 
The initialized state assigns “00000” to items 3 and 
Items 4 and 6: Enter each SPCC’s authori- 
zation code digit length. The number of digits 
allowed (including the...

Page 324

SECTION 200-096-302 
4.72 For each class, choose whether the record 
table is used to record allowed office codes in 
memory (ALLOWED) or denied office codes not in 
memory (DENIED). Enter the office codes that 
define the set. 
4.80 Program 46-l 0 -,4O-Toll Restriction Class 
Parameters (Classes 1 -, 4) 
This program defines parameters of each 
Toll Restriction class, including dialing plan restric- 
tions and exceptions to previous...

Page 325

This is used to prevent a user from dialing a 
second call when dial tone is returned from a 
CO after the outside party disconnects. 
l 2: Disable Digit Restriction-Enter 0 in the 
Digit Restrict Code column, next to the port 
number to disable digit restriction for the sta- 
tion. This allows toll restricted users to dial any 
number of digits (i.e., to an external voice mail 
device, computer, etc.). 
4.103 Station Restrict Code: The second fea- 
ture assigns Toll Restriction to individual station...

Page 326

SECTION 200-096-302 
User dials telephone number (see note). 
System analyzes telephone number, and 
checks it against most Program 50 options. 
* LCR Parameters (50-l) 
* LCR Special Codes (50-31 - 35) 
* LCR Long Distance Information Plan 
Number (50-4) 
. LCR Local Call Plan Number (50-5) 
* LCR Dial Zero Time Out (50-6) 
If the telephone number is restricted by system 
Toll Restriction, the caller will receive busy tone 
and LCR...

Page 327

For LCR to function properly, CO line groups 
must be created in 
Program 16; CO line re- 
strictions set in 
Programs 40 and 41; and the 
area dialing plan assigned in 
Program 45- 1. 
6.02 LCR General Parameters: 
Enables fea- 
tures including a warning tone for last choice route 
number, a comfort dial tone during LCR process- 
ing, and the Long Distance Information dialing 
6.03 LCR Home Area Code:...

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SECTION 200-096-302 
assigned to groups 81 
- 88. Refer to the com- 
Always provide emergency service ac- pleted record sheet in Program 16 for this 
cess for numbers such as 911. information. . 
6.24 Basic System Record programs related to 
LCR include: 
4) Under the column labeled “CO Line Type/Corn- 
ments,” enter the service type, the common 
carrier name, or the line type for each line 
group, e.g., local...

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SECTION 200-096-302 
l OFF: LCR routes LDI calls using area codes 
specified in route plans 1 -8, as it would for any 
other call. 
LED Key 04 
l ON: Station users hear a simulated dial tone 
immediately after dialing the access LCR code 
(typically 9), until the first digit of the phone 
number is dialed. The dial tone is simulated to 
assure the user of the system’s proper opera- 
tion, but it is not a functional dial tone. 
l OFF: Station...

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SECTION 200-096-302 
rate LCR route plans. They are Programs 51 w 54. 
The purpose of the plan scheme is to provide the 
system with directions for routing all possible calls, 
made by all possible users at all possible times of 
day. Eight separate plans provide the customer 
flexibility enough to route different area codes and 
exception officecodes over different CO linegroups. 
7.32 Initialized data assigns all calls to plan eight. 
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