Toshiba Strata Dk24, Dk56, Dk96 Instruction Manual
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Page 351
PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEM RECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY 1991 PROGRAM 04 PORT/STATION NUMBER ASSIGNMENT SELECT = Port Number INT = Station Number 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 NOTES: 1. Follow instructions in Table I-G (Section 200-096-301) to enter this data. 2. Shaded portions of the table are for configuration purposes only. 3. If a station number is assigned, and ‘ERROR”displays on the LCD, the station number has already been assigned to another...
Page 352
PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM05 FLEXIBLEACCESSCODENUMBERING pi--p-jSpq7-p-j-~~-~n-~-~-~ T--T SELECT = Access Code l-9 SPECIAL DIAL = New Access Codes from the Table Below See Note 6 Below. I kcess New Code Features Affected (N/A = Not Affected) Acces! Codes 0 Unused 1 Voice First/Tone First (N/A)(l) Station LCD Messages (1 O-1 9) Door Phones (151-l 63) Station Speed Dial Set (10 - 49) IMDU Access (19) 2 Busy Override (N/A)...
Page 353
PROGRAMMlNGPROCEOURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAMlO- SYSTEMASSIGNMENTS,PARTl OF2 ~~-~~~~~-~~-~~~~-~~-T;1 7 SELECT = 7 Key LEDs Light LEDs as described in the table below NOTES: 1. For more information, see the instructions preceding the record sheets. 2. Initialized data lights LEDs 07, 08, 09, 18, 19 and 20. 3. LED 04 DTMF Signal Time applies to manual and speed dial tones sent out of the system via CO or TIE lines. LED 04 does not apply to Call...
Page 354
PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM10-2 SYSTEMASSIGNMENTS,PART2OF2 SELECT = 2 Key L EL& Light LEDs as defined by the table below. ALL LEDs with an “x” should be lit when you finish BUTTON/LED 1 X 1 LED On I LED Off 20 19” 1R - - Station External Amp Conference No External Amplifier Connected Two CO Line Conference No Two CO Line Conference 17 I I 16 2 Executive Override Warning Tone/ON Executive Override Warning Tone/OFF 157 2...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM lO-3(Release 3) TWOCO-LINECONFERENCE/DlSAAMPLlFlERCONNECTlONPORTASSlGNMENTS . ~-pJq-qpq-py-q-j-JpqT-pl 7 SELECT = 3 Key LEDs Light LEDs as defined by the table below. ALL LEDs with an ‘x” should be lit when you finish. 06 05 (R3) 04 (R3) 03 (R3) 02 (R3) 01 PEKU Ports 33,34 - Amp. 4 Connected Ports 33, 34 - Stations Connected PEKU Ports 25,26 - Amp. 3 Connected Ports 25,26 - Stations Connected...
Page 356
PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEM RECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY 1991 PROGRAM 12 SYSTEM ASSIGNMENTS - BASIC TIMING SELECT = i-9 SELECT CODE = Enter required Enter program code, code for the time listed in the 3 - 9, from table below. table below. See Note 3. Brogram Code Function Time Required Code 36 46 5 9 Pause Timing q 1 1.5 sec. (Speed Dial) 0 2 3.0 sec. 0 1 0.5 sec. Flash Timing4 0 2 2.0 sec. W q 0.2 sec.5 0 0 no pause Pause After Flash (Voice Path Delay) 0 1...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM13 OEFINBNGTHEMESSAGECENTER 7-T SELECT = 1 PORT = Port Number Enter the port number of the station to be defined as the Message Center. Port Number /VOTES: 1. For more information, see the instructions preceding the record sheets. 2. Any electronic or digital telephone may receive (and store) up to 3 message waiting indications from any other electronic or digital telephone. A fourth message waiting...
Page 358
I PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEM RECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY 1991 PROGRAM 15 ASSIGNING DP/DTMF, TENANT SERVICE TO INDIVIDUAL CO LINES pq-pJlr;lr;lppJyJ-pq-pl-pJ . SELECT = Program Code 7 / Key LEDs = CO Line Specify CO lines by setting LED keys, as defined by the table below. All L EDs with an “X” should be lit when finished. n-hook CO Lines 01 - 20 ‘rogram LED Status Code Program (LED Keys) ON OFF 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 171 18 19 21 (01)...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM16 ASSIGNING CO LlNEGROUPS(DIAL9 OR 81-88) ~l-~l~~~I-~l~-~~l-~l-~~ 7 SELECT = CO Line Group Key LEDs On/y enter the last digit of Specify which CO lines are assigned to the the CO line group (1 - 8) to group by setting LEDs as defined by the table be defined, or enter 0 for below. All LEDs with an “X” should be lit when finished. Dial 9 group. See Note 2. NOTES: 1. For more information, see the...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM17 TIELlNEPAGE/HANDSFREEANSWERBACK I,-,In~p-j-~~p@&T-j-~-p-j / Select = TIE Line 2 Key/LED 01 to enable Enter the number of the the Page/Handsfree Answerback CO line designated as a Feature on the TIE line defined. TIE line (01 - 36). See Note 4. See Notes 3 and 6. I -~~ 1 me ine) 36 Keym LED Lit X=ON I PEMU 1 I I I PCB 2 I PEMU 2 PCB Slot No. NOTES: 1. For more information, see the...