Toshiba Strata Dk24, Dk56, Dk96 Instruction Manual
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM41 STATION OUTGOING CALL RESTRICTION (PORTS72-95,AND99) . SELECT = Port Numbers Key LEDs = CO Lines Light LEDs for the port(s) to be restricted. NOTE: 99 is used to restrict DISA access to CO lines for outgoing calls through the system. 2-91
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PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEM RECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY 1991 PROGRAM 42-O CO LINE TO PBX/CENTREX CONNECTION SELECi = 0 Spe‘cify CO lines by setting key LEDs as defined by the table below. NOTES: 1. For more information, see the irtstructions preceding the record sheets. 2. Initialized data reads all LEDs OFF for all CO lines. I 3. This progam must be utilized to allow CENTREWPBX (after flash) features to operate. 4. If CO line is programmed for behind CENTREWPBX...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM42-1-8 PBX/CENTREXACCESSCODES SELECT = I-8 /- TCCESS CODE = PBX Access Code Group Enter a P-digit access Enter the PBX Group code for the group, number 1 - 8 that needs as defined by the table an access code assigned. below. See Note 3. PBXZENTREX Access Code Number 2 I NOTES: 1. For more information, see the instructions preceding the record sheets. 2. Initialized data assigns no access codes to PBX...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECOROS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM43 ,- . STATION/COLlNECREOlTCAROCALLALLOWEO(RELEASE3) -. .; (PORTSOO-35) . ,, ~-~~r;;1l~-~nn~-~-l~-~-r;1 7 SELECT = Station Port Numbers Key LEDs = CO Lines Assigned to allow dial O+ calls with selected stations Key Port Numbers7 DO-35 Co LED 00~01(02/03~04~05~06/07~08~09/10~11~12/13~14/15~16~17~18~19~20)21~22~23~24~25~26~27~28~29/30~31~32/33~34/3! 1 36 16 II I III I III I III I III I III I/I/ I III...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM43 STATION/CO LINECREDITCAROCALLALLOWED (PORTS 36 -71) . ppy--ijT;11~-~InnT;;I-~~-T;?-~~ / SELECT = Station Port Numbers Key LEDs = CO Lines Assigned to allow dial O+ calls with selected stations Key Co LED Port Numbers 36-71 jO/51152153154155156/57~58159160161~62/63164165166167168~69170~7 NOTE: Ports 72 - 95 and 99 on next page. The same notes apply. 2-95
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PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEM RECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY 1991 PROGRAM 43 STATION/CO LINE CREDIT CARD CALL ALLOWED (PORTS 72 - 95) SELECT = Station Port Nhnbsrs Key LEDs = CO Lines Assigned to allow dial O+ calls with selected stations. co Key Port Numbers 72-95 LED 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 9519 36 16 35 15 34 14 - 33 13 32 12 Ill I I , x 31 11 8 30 10 f 3Q na I I . . . . . 5 10 10 I- 1 --+ / / I I - ILL 09 09...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 PROGRAM44A(RELEASE3) EMERGENCYBYPASSOFFORCED/VERIFIEDACCOUNTCODES SELECT = 51,52, or 53 - to set emergency number 1,2 or 3 Emergency Number Emergency Number 2: Em Emergency Number 3: Em SELECT = II- NOTES: - DATA = 3 or 4 digit emergency telephone number To enter blanks, Press: LED/Key q Example 911 = initialized Data 9911 (Note 2) L- DATA = 3 or 4-digit telephone number 1. The emergency telephone...
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONWSYSTEMRECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY1991 Programs 44B through 48 can be found in the Toll Restriction System Record section. Programs 50 through 56 can be found in the Least Cost Routing System Record section. 2-98
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PROGRAMMINGPROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEMRECOROS SECTION 200-096-302 PROGRAM60 SMDROUTPUT/ACCOUNTCODEDlGlTLENGTH FEBRUARY1991 NOTES: 1. For more information, see the instructions preceding the record sheets. 2. For Selection 3, initialized data assigns SMDR output to be enabled for incoming calls that are answered. 3. For selection 4, initialized data assigns a g-digit length to all Forced/Voluntary Account Codes. 4. If PBX code is dialed, numbers dialed after the code will be checked. 5. If...
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PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES-INSTRUCTIONS/SYSTEM RECORDS SECTION 200-096-302 FEBRUARY 1991 PROGRAM 69 (RELEASE 3) VERIFIED ACCOUNT CODES (000 m 049) SELECT = Verified Account Code Number (VACN) 1 I- Verified Account Code (1 - 15 digits) VERIFIED ACCOUNT CODE (1 - VACN 15 DIGITS) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 l! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 006 008 016 I I I I III Ill I I 023 024 VERIFIED ACCOUNT CODE (1 - 15 VACN DIGITS) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 It 025 026 027 028 1 032 036...